lib/gitlab_git/repository.rb in gitlab_git-7.0.0.rc7 vs lib/gitlab_git/repository.rb in gitlab_git-7.0.0.rc8
- old
+ new
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
attr_reader :name
# Rugged repo object
attr_reader :rugged
+ # 'path' must be the path to a _bare_ git repository, e.g.
+ # /path/to/my-repo.git
def initialize(path)
@path = path
@name = path.split("/").last
@root_ref = discover_default_branch
@@ -129,10 +131,11 @@
ref ||= root_ref
commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(self, ref)
return nil unless commit
extension = nil
+ git_archive_format = nil
pipe_cmd = nil
case format
when "tar.bz2", "tbz", "tbz2", "tb2", "bz2"
extension = ".tar.bz2"
@@ -140,28 +143,42 @@
when "tar"
extension = ".tar"
pipe_cmd = %W(cat)
when "zip"
extension = ".zip"
+ git_archive_format = "zip"
pipe_cmd = %W(cat)
# everything else should fall back to tar.gz
extension = ".tar.gz"
+ git_archive_format = nil
pipe_cmd = %W(gzip -n)
# Build file path
file_name ="\.git", "") + "-" + + extension
file_path = File.join(storage_path,, file_name)
- # Create dir for archive file
- parent_path = File.join(storage_path,
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(parent_path) unless
+ # Put files into a directory before archiving
+ prefix = File.basename( + "/"
# Create file if not exists
- create_archive(ref, pipe_cmd, file_path) unless File.exist?(file_path)
+ unless File.exists?(file_path)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(file_path)
+ # Create the archive in temp file, to avoid leaving a corrupt archive
+ # to be downloaded by the next user if we get interrupted while
+ # creating the archive. Note that we do not care about cleaning up
+ # the temp file in that scenario, because GitLab cleans up the
+ # directory holding the archive files periodically.
+ temp_file_path = file_path + ".#{}-#{}"
+ archive_to_file(ref, prefix, temp_file_path, git_archive_format, pipe_cmd)
+ # move temp file to persisted location
+ FileUtils.move(temp_file_path, file_path)
+ end
# Return repo size in megabytes
def size
@@ -814,82 +831,38 @@
paths.any? do |p|
- # Create an archive with the repository's files
- def create_archive(ref_name, pipe_cmd, file_path)
- # Put files into a prefix directory in the archive
- prefix = File.basename(name)
- extension =
+ def archive_to_file(treeish = 'master', prefix = nil, filename = 'archive.tar.gz', format = nil, compress_cmd = %W(gzip))
+ git_archive_cmd = %W(git --git-dir=#{path} archive)
+ git_archive_cmd << "--prefix=#{prefix}" if prefix
+ git_archive_cmd << "--format=#{format}" if format
+ git_archive_cmd += %W(-- #{treeish})
- if extension == '.zip'
- create_zip_archive(ref_name, file_path, prefix)
- else
- # Open the file with the final result
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(
- archive_file =, 'wb')
- # Create a pipe to communicate with the compressor process
+ open(filename, 'w') do |file|
+ # Create a pipe to act as the '|' in 'git archive ... | gzip'
pipe_rd, pipe_wr = IO.pipe
- compress_pid = spawn(*pipe_cmd, in: pipe_rd, out: archive_file)
- # pipe_rd and archive_file belong to the compressor process now; close
- # them straightaway in our process.
+ # Get the compression process ready to accept data from the read end
+ # of the pipe
+ compress_pid = spawn(*compress_cmd, :in => pipe_rd, :out => file)
+ # The read end belongs to the compression process now; we should
+ # close our file descriptor for it.
- archive_file.close
- # Change the external encoding of pipe_wr to prevent Ruby from trying
- # to convert binary to UTF-8.
- pipe_wr =, 'w:ASCII-8BIT')
- do |tar|
- tar.mkdir(prefix, 33261)
- populated_index(ref_name).each do |entry|
- add_archive_entry(tar, prefix, entry)
- end
- end
- # We are done with pipe_wr, close it straightaway.
+ # Start 'git archive' and tell it to write into the write end of the
+ # pipe.
+ git_archive_pid = spawn(*git_archive_cmd, :out => pipe_wr)
+ # The write end belongs to 'git archive' now; close it.
+ # When 'git archive' and the compression process are finished, we are
+ # done.
+ Process.waitpid(git_archive_pid)
+ raise "#{git_archive_cmd.join(' ')} failed" unless $?.success?
- end
- end
- # Create a zip file with the contents of the repo
- def create_zip_archive(ref_name, archive_path, prefix)
-, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile|
- populated_index(ref_name).each do |entry|
- add_archive_entry(zipfile, prefix, entry)
- end
- end
- end
- # Add a file or directory from the index to the given tar or zip file
- def add_archive_entry(archive, prefix, entry)
- prefixed_path = File.join(prefix, entry[:path])
- if submodule?(entry)
- # Create an empty directory for submodules
- mask = case archive
- when Zip::File then 0755
- else '100755'.to_i(8)
- end
- archive.mkdir(prefixed_path, mask)
- else
- blob = rugged.lookup(entry[:oid])
- content = blob.content
- # Write the blob contents to the archive
- if archive.is_a?(Zip::File)
- archive.get_output_stream(prefixed_path) do |os|
- os.write(content)
- end
- else
- archive.add_file_simple(prefixed_path,
- entry[:mode], blob.size) do |tf|
- tf.write(content)
- end
- end
+ raise "#{compress_cmd.join(' ')} failed" unless $?.success?
# Returns true if the index entry has the special file mode that denotes
# a submodule.