lib/gitlab_git/repository.rb in gitlab_git-10.0.0 vs lib/gitlab_git/repository.rb in gitlab_git-10.0.1
- old
+ new
@@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
require "rubygems/package"
module Gitlab
module Git
class Repository
+ extend Forwardable
include Gitlab::Git::Popen
class NoRepository < StandardError; end
@@ -22,10 +23,13 @@
attr_reader :name
# Rugged repo object
attr_reader :rugged
+ # Define a delegator for the rugged attributes
+ def_delegator :rugged, :attributes
# 'path' must be the path to a _bare_ git repository, e.g.
# /path/to/my-repo.git
def initialize(path)
@path = path
@name = path.split("/").last
@@ -944,9 +948,15 @@
# Create the info directory if needed
Dir.mkdir(info_dir_path) unless
# Write the contents of the .gitattributes file to info/attributes
File.write(info_attributes_path, gitattributes_content)
+ end
+ # Checks if the blob should be diffable according to its attributes
+ def diffable?(blob)
+ blob_attributes = attributes(blob.path).to_h
+ blob_attributes.fetch('diff', blob.text?)
# Get the content of a blob for a given commit. If the blob is a commit