lib/gollum-lib/markup.rb in gitlab-gollum-lib-1.1.0 vs lib/gollum-lib/markup.rb in gitlab-gollum-lib-4.2.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,23 +1,38 @@
# ~*~ encoding: utf-8 ~*~
require 'digest/sha1'
require 'cgi'
+require 'rouge'
require 'base64'
require File.expand_path '../helpers', __FILE__
-require File.expand_path '../remote_code', __FILE__
+# Use pygments if it's installed
+ require 'pygments'
+ Pygments.start
+rescue Exception
module Gollum
class Markup
include Helpers
@formats = {}
class << self
- attr_reader :formats
+ # Only use the formats that are specified in config.rb
+ def formats
+ if defined? Gollum::Page::FORMAT_NAMES
+ { |_, value| Gollum::Page::FORMAT_NAMES.values.include? value[:name] }
+ else
+ @formats
+ end
+ end
# Register a file extension and associated markup type
# ext - The file extension
# name - The name of the markup type
# options - Hash of options:
@@ -25,391 +40,130 @@
# Defaults to exact match of ext.
# If given a block, that block will be registered with GitHub::Markup to
# render any matching pages
def register(ext, name, options = {}, &block)
- regexp = options[:regexp] ||
- @formats[ext] = { :name => name, :regexp => regexp }
- GitHub::Markup.add_markup(regexp, &block) if block_given?
+ @formats[ext] = { :name => name,
+ :regexp => options.fetch(:regexp,,
+ :reverse_links => options.fetch(:reverse_links, false) }
attr_accessor :toc
- attr_reader :metadata
+ attr_accessor :metadata
+ attr_reader :encoding
+ attr_reader :sanitize
+ attr_reader :format
+ attr_reader :wiki
+ attr_reader :page
+ attr_reader :parent_page
+ attr_reader :sub_page
+ attr_reader :name
+ attr_reader :include_levels
+ attr_reader :to_xml_opts
+ attr_reader :dir
# Initialize a new Markup object.
# page - The Gollum::Page.
# Returns a new Gollum::Markup object, ready for rendering.
def initialize(page)
- @wiki =
- @name = page.filename
- @data = page.text_data
- @version = if page.version
- @format = page.format
- @sub_page = page.sub_page
- @parent_page = page.parent_page
- @dir = ::File.dirname(page.path)
- @tagmap = {}
- @codemap = {}
- @wsdmap = {}
- @premap = {}
- @toc = nil
- @metadata = nil
- @to_xml = { :save_with => Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XHTML ^ 1, :indent => 0, :encoding => 'UTF-8' }
- end
- # Render the content with Gollum wiki syntax on top of the file's own
- # markup language.
- #
- # no_follow - Boolean that determines if rel="nofollow" is added to all
- # <a> tags.
- # encoding - Encoding Constant or String.
- #
- # Returns the formatted String content.
- def render(no_follow = false, encoding = nil)
- sanitize = no_follow ?
- @wiki.history_sanitizer :
- @wiki.sanitizer
- data = @data.dup
- data = extract_metadata(data)
- data = extract_remote_code(data)
- data = extract_code(data)
- data = extract_wsd(data)
- data = extract_tags(data)
- begin
- data = GitHub::Markup.render(@name, data)
- if data.nil?
- raise "There was an error converting #{@name} to HTML."
- end
- rescue Object => e
- data = %{<p class="gollum-error">#{e.message}</p>}
+ if page
+ @wiki =
+ @name = page.filename
+ @data = page.text_data
+ @version = if page.version
+ @format = page.format
+ @sub_page = page.sub_page
+ @parent_page = page.parent_page
+ @page = page
+ @dir = ::File.dirname(page.path)
- data = process_tags(data)
- data = process_code(data, encoding)
- doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(data)
- doc = sanitize.clean_node!(doc) if sanitize
- doc,toc = process_headers(doc)
- @toc = @sub_page ? ( @parent_page ? @parent_page.toc_data : "[[_TOC_]]" ) : toc
- yield doc if block_given?
- # nokogiri's save options are ored together. FORMAT has a value of 1 so ^ 1 removes it.
- # formatting will create extra spaces in pre tags.
- #
- # DEFAULT_HTML encodes unicode so XHTML is used for proper unicode support in href.
- data = doc.to_xml( @to_xml )
- data = process_toc_tags(data)
- data = process_wsd(data)
- data.gsub!(/<p><\/p>/) do
- ''
- end
- data
+ @metadata = nil
+ @to_xml_opts = { :save_with => Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::DEFAULT_XHTML ^ 1, :indent => 0, :encoding => 'UTF-8' }
- # Inserts header anchors and creates TOC
- #
- # doc - Nokogiri parsed document
- #
- # Returns doc Document and toc String
- def process_headers(doc)
- toc = nil
- doc.css('h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6').each do |h|
- # must escape "
- h_name = h.content.gsub(' ','-').gsub('"','%22')
- level =[hH]/,'').to_i
- # Add anchors
- h.add_child(%Q{<a class="anchor" id="#{h_name}" href="##{h_name}"></a>})
- # Build TOC
- toc ||= Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse('<div class="toc"><div class="toc-title">Table of Contents</div></div>')
- tail ||= toc.child
- tail_level ||= 0
- while tail_level < level
- node ='ul', doc)
- tail = tail.add_child(node)
- tail_level += 1
- end
- while tail_level > level
- tail = tail.parent
- tail_level -= 1
- end
- node ='li', doc)
- # % -> %25 so anchors work on Firefox. See issue #475
- node.add_child(%Q{<a href="##{h_name}">#{h.content}</a>})
- tail.add_child(node)
- end
- toc = toc.to_xml(@to_xml) if toc != nil
- [doc, toc]
+ def reverse_links?
+ self.class.formats[@format][:reverse_links]
- #########################################################################
+ # Render data using default chain in the target format.
- # Tags
+ # data - the data to render
+ # format - format to use as a symbol
+ # name - name using the extension of the format
- #########################################################################
+ # Returns the processed data
+ def render_default(data, format=:markdown, name='')
+ # set instance vars so we're able to render data without a wiki or page.
+ @format = format
+ @name = name
- # Extract all tags into the tagmap and replace with placeholders.
- #
- # data - The raw String data.
- #
- # Returns the placeholder'd String data.
- def extract_tags(data)
- if @format == :asciidoc
- return data
- end
- data.gsub!(/(.?)\[\[(.+?)\]\]([^\[]?)/m) do
- if $1 == "'" && $3 != "'"
- "[[#{$2}]]#{$3}"
- elsif $2.include?('][')
- if $2[0..4] == 'file:'
- pre = $1
- post = $3
- parts = $2.split('][')
- parts[0][0..4] = ""
- link = "#{parts[1]}|#{parts[0].sub(/\.org/,'')}"
- id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(link)
- @tagmap[id] = link
- "#{pre}#{id}#{post}"
- else
- $&
- end
- else
- id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest($2)
- @tagmap[id] = $2
- "#{$1}#{id}#{$3}"
- end
- end
- data
- end
+ chain = [:Metadata, :PlainText, :Emoji, :TOC, :RemoteCode, :Code, :Sanitize, :WSD, :Tags, :Render]
- # Process all tags from the tagmap and replace the placeholders with the
- # final markup.
- #
- # data - The String data (with placeholders).
- #
- # Returns the marked up String data.
- def process_tags(data)
- @tagmap.each do |id, tag|
- # If it's preformatted, just put the tag back
- if is_preformatted?(data, id)
- data.gsub!(id) do
- "[[#{tag}]]"
- end
- else
- data.gsub!(id) do
- process_tag(tag).gsub('%2F', '/')
- end
- end
+ filter_chain = do |r|
+ Gollum::Filter.const_get(r).new(self)
- data
- end
- # Find `id` within `data` and determine if it's within
- # preformatted tags.
- #
- # data - The String data (with placeholders).
- # id - The String SHA1 hash.
- PREFORMATTED_TAGS = %w(code tt)
- def is_preformatted?(data, id)
- doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(data)
- node ="[text()*='#{id}']").first
- node && (PREFORMATTED_TAGS.include?( ||
- node.ancestors.any? { |a| PREFORMATTED_TAGS.include?( })
+ process_chain data, filter_chain
- # Process a single tag into its final HTML form.
+ # Process the filter chain
- # tag - The String tag contents (the stuff inside the double
- # brackets).
+ # data - the data to send through the chain
+ # filter_chain - the chain to process
- # Returns the String HTML version of the tag.
- def process_tag(tag)
- if tag =~ /^_TOC_$/
- %{[[#{tag}]]}
- elsif tag =~ /^_$/
- %{<div class="clearfloats"></div>}
- elsif html = process_image_tag(tag)
- html
- elsif html = process_file_link_tag(tag)
- html
- else
- process_page_link_tag(tag)
+ # Returns the formatted data
+ def process_chain(data, filter_chain)
+ # First we extract the data through the chain...
+ filter_chain.each do |filter|
+ data = filter.extract(data)
- end
- # Attempt to process the tag as an image tag.
- #
- # tag - The String tag contents (the stuff inside the double brackets).
- #
- # Returns the String HTML if the tag is a valid image tag or nil
- # if it is not.
- def process_image_tag(tag)
- parts = tag.split('|')
- return if
- name = parts[0].strip
- path = if file = find_file(name)
- ::File.join @wiki.base_path, file.path
- elsif name =~ /^https?:\/\/.+(jpg|png|gif|svg|bmp)$/i
- name
+ # Then we process the data through the chain *backwards*
+ filter_chain.reverse.each do |filter|
+ data = filter.process(data)
- if path
- opts = parse_image_tag_options(tag)
- containered = false
- classes = [] # applied to whatever the outermost container is
- attrs = [] # applied to the image
- align = opts['align']
- if opts['float']
- containered = true
- align ||= 'left'
- if %w{left right}.include?(align)
- classes << "float-#{align}"
- end
- elsif %w{top texttop middle absmiddle bottom absbottom baseline}.include?(align)
- attrs << %{align="#{align}"}
- elsif align
- if %w{left center right}.include?(align)
- containered = true
- classes << "align-#{align}"
- end
- end
- if width = opts['width']
- if width =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?(em|px)$/
- attrs << %{width="#{width}"}
- end
- end
- if height = opts['height']
- if height =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?(em|px)$/
- attrs << %{height="#{height}"}
- end
- end
- if alt = opts['alt']
- attrs << %{alt="#{alt}"}
- end
- attr_string = attrs.size > 0 ? attrs.join(' ') + ' ' : ''
- if opts['frame'] || containered
- classes << 'frame' if opts['frame']
- %{<span class="#{classes.join(' ')}">} +
- %{<span>} +
- %{<img src="#{path}" #{attr_string}/>} +
- (alt ? %{<span>#{alt}</span>} : '') +
- %{</span>} +
- %{</span>}
- else
- %{<img src="#{path}" #{attr_string}/>}
- end
+ # Finally, a little bit of cleanup, just because
+ data.gsub!(/<p><\/p>/) do
+ ''
- end
- # Parse any options present on the image tag and extract them into a
- # Hash of option names and values.
- #
- # tag - The String tag contents (the stuff inside the double brackets).
- #
- # Returns the options Hash:
- # key - The String option name.
- # val - The String option value or true if it is a binary option.
- def parse_image_tag_options(tag)
- tag.split('|')[1..-1].inject({}) do |memo, attr|
- parts = attr.split('=').map { |x| x.strip }
- memo[parts[0]] = (parts.size == 1 ? true : parts[1])
- memo
- end
+ data
- # Attempt to process the tag as a file link tag.
+ # Render the content with Gollum wiki syntax on top of the file's own
+ # markup language.
- # tag - The String tag contents (the stuff inside the double
- # brackets).
+ # no_follow - Boolean that determines if rel="nofollow" is added to all
+ # <a> tags.
+ # encoding - Encoding Constant or String.
- # Returns the String HTML if the tag is a valid file link tag or nil
- # if it is not.
- def process_file_link_tag(tag)
- parts = tag.split('|')
- return if
+ # Returns the formatted String content.
+ def render(no_follow = false, encoding = nil, include_levels = 10)
+ @sanitize = no_follow ?
+ @wiki.history_sanitizer :
+ @wiki.sanitizer
- name = parts[0].strip
- path = parts[1] && parts[1].strip
- path = if path && file = find_file(path)
- ::File.join @wiki.base_path, file.path
- elsif path =~ %r{^https?://}
- path
- else
- nil
- end
+ @encoding = encoding
+ @include_levels = include_levels
- if name && path && file
- %{<a href="#{::File.join @wiki.base_path, file.path}">#{name}</a>}
- elsif name && path
- %{<a href="#{path}">#{name}</a>}
- else
- nil
+ data = @data.dup
+ filter_chain = do |r|
+ Gollum::Filter.const_get(r).new(self)
- end
- # Attempt to process the tag as a page link tag.
- #
- # tag - The String tag contents (the stuff inside the double
- # brackets).
- #
- # Returns the String HTML if the tag is a valid page link tag or nil
- # if it is not.
- def process_page_link_tag(tag)
- parts = tag.split('|')
- parts.reverse! if @format == :mediawiki
- name, page_name = *
- cname = @wiki.page_class.cname(page_name || name)
- if name =~ %r{^https?://} && page_name.nil?
- %{<a href="#{name}">#{name}</a>}
- else
- presence = "absent"
- link_name = cname
- page, extra = find_page_from_name(cname)
- if page
- link_name = @wiki.page_class.cname(
- presence = "present"
- end
- link = ::File.join(@wiki.base_path, page ? page.escaped_url_path : CGI.escape(link_name))
- # //page is invalid
- # strip all duplicate forward slashes using helpers.rb trim_leading_slash
- # //page => /page
- link = trim_leading_slash link
- %{<a class="internal #{presence}" href="#{link}#{extra}">#{name}</a>}
+ # Since the last 'extract' action in our chain *should* be the markup
+ # to HTML converter, we now have HTML which we can parse and yield, for
+ # anyone who wants it
+ if block_given?
+ yield Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(data)
- end
- # Process the special table of contents tag [[_TOC_]]
- #
- # data - The String data (with placeholders).
- #
- # Returns the marked up String data.
- def process_toc_tags(data)
- data.gsub!("[[_TOC_]]") do
- @toc.nil? ? '' : @toc
- end
- data
+ process_chain data, filter_chain
# Find the given file in the repo.
# name - The String absolute or relative path of the file.
@@ -420,240 +174,9 @@
@wiki.file(name[1..-1], version)
path = @dir == '.' ? name : ::File.join(@dir, name)
@wiki.file(path, version)
- end
- # Find a page from a given cname. If the page has an anchor (#) and has
- # no match, strip the anchor and try again.
- #
- # cname - The String canonical page name including path.
- #
- # Returns a Gollum::Page instance if a page is found, or an Array of
- # [Gollum::Page, String extra] if a page without the extra anchor data
- # is found.
- def find_page_from_name(cname)
- slash = cname.rindex('/')
- unless slash.nil?
- name = cname[slash+1..-1]
- path = cname[0..slash]
- page = @wiki.paged(name, path)
- else
- page = @wiki.paged(cname, '/') ||
- end
- if page
- return page
- end
- if pos = cname.index('#')
- [[0...pos]), cname[pos..-1]]
- end
- end
- #########################################################################
- #
- # Remote code - fetch code from url and replace the contents to a
- # code-block that gets run the next parse.
- # Acceptable formats:
- # ```language:local-file.ext```
- # ```language:/abs/other-file.ext```
- # ```language:```
- #
- #########################################################################
- def extract_remote_code data
- data.gsub /^[ \t]*``` ?([^:\n\r]+):((http)?[^`\n\r]+)```/ do
- language = $1
- uri = $2
- protocol = $3
- # Detect local file
- if protocol.nil?
- if file = self.find_file(uri, @wiki.ref)
- contents = file.raw_data
- else
- # How do we communicate a render error?
- next "File not found: #{CGI::escapeHTML(uri)}"
- end
- else
- contents =
- end
- "```#{language}\n#{contents}\n```\n"
- end
- end
- #########################################################################
- #
- # Code
- #
- #########################################################################
- # Extract all code blocks into the codemap and replace with placeholders.
- #
- # data - The raw String data.
- #
- # Returns the placeholder'd String data.
- def extract_code(data)
- data.gsub!(/^([ \t]*)(~~~+) ?([^\r\n]+)?\r?\n(.+?)\r?\n\1(~~~+)[ \t\r]*$/m) do
- m_indent = $1
- m_start = $2 # ~~~
- m_lang = $3
- m_code = $4
- m_end = $5 # ~~~
- # start and finish tilde fence must be the same length
- return '' if m_start.length != m_end.length
- lang = m_lang ? m_lang.strip : nil
- id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{lang}.#{m_code}")
- cached = check_cache(:code, id)
- # extract lang from { .ruby } or { #stuff .ruby .indent }
- # see
- if lang
- lang = lang.match(/\.([^}\s]+)/)
- lang = lang[1] unless lang.nil?
- end
- @codemap[id] = cached ?
- { :output => cached } :
- { :lang => lang, :code => m_code, :indent => m_indent }
- "#{m_indent}#{id}" # print the SHA1 ID with the proper indentation
- end
- data.gsub!(/^([ \t]*)``` ?([^\r\n]+)?\r?\n(.+?)\r?\n\1```[ \t]*\r?$/m) do
- lang = $2 ? $2.strip : nil
- id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{lang}.#{$3}")
- cached = check_cache(:code, id)
- @codemap[id] = cached ?
- { :output => cached } :
- { :lang => lang, :code => $3, :indent => $1 }
- "#{$1}#{id}" # print the SHA1 ID with the proper indentation
- end
- data
- end
- # Remove the leading space from a code block. Leading space
- # is only removed if every single line in the block has leading
- # whitespace.
- #
- # code - The code block to remove spaces from
- # regex - A regex to match whitespace
- def remove_leading_space(code, regex)
- if code.lines.all? { |line| line =~ /\A\r?\n\Z/ || line =~ regex }
- code.gsub!(regex) do
- ''
- end
- end
- end
- # Process all code from the codemap and replace the placeholders with the
- # final HTML.
- #
- # data - The String data (with placeholders).
- # encoding - Encoding Constant or String.
- #
- # Returns the marked up String data.
- def process_code(data, encoding = nil)
- return data if data.nil? || ||
- blocks = []
- @codemap.each do |id, spec|
- next if spec[:output] # cached
- code = spec[:code]
- remove_leading_space(code, /^#{spec[:indent]}/m)
- remove_leading_space(code, /^( |\t)/m)
- blocks << [spec[:lang], code]
- end
- highlighted = []
- blocks.each do |lang, code|
- encoding ||= 'utf-8'
- hl_code = code
- highlighted << hl_code
- end
- @codemap.each do |id, spec|
- body = spec[:output] || begin
- if (body = highlighted.shift.to_s).size > 0
- update_cache(:code, id, body)
- body
- else
- "<pre><code>#{CGI.escapeHTML(spec[:code])}</code></pre>"
- end
- end
- data.gsub!(id) do
- body
- end
- end
- data
- end
- #########################################################################
- #
- # Sequence Diagrams
- #
- #########################################################################
- # Extract all sequence diagram blocks into the wsdmap and replace with
- # placeholders.
- #
- # data - The raw String data.
- #
- # Returns the placeholder'd String data.
- def extract_wsd(data)
- data.gsub(/^\{\{\{\{\{\{ ?(.+?)\r?\n(.+?)\r?\n\}\}\}\}\}\}\r?$/m) do
- id = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest($2)
- @wsdmap[id] = { :style => $1, :code => $2 }
- id
- end
- end
- # Process all diagrams from the wsdmap and replace the placeholders with
- # the final HTML.
- #
- # data - The String data (with placeholders).
- #
- # Returns the marked up String data.
- def process_wsd(data)
- @wsdmap.each do |id, spec|
- style = spec[:style]
- code = spec[:code]
- data.gsub!(id) do
-, style).to_tag
- end
- end
- data
- end
- #########################################################################
- #
- # Metadata
- #
- #########################################################################
- # Extract metadata for data and build metadata table. Metadata
- # is content found between markers, and must
- # be a valid YAML mapping.
- #
- # Because ri and ruby 1.8.7 are awesome, the markers can't
- # be included in this documentation without triggering
- # `Unhandled special: Special: type=17`
- # Please read the source code for the exact markers
- #
- # Returns the String of formatted data with metadata removed.
- def extract_metadata(data)
- @metadata = {}
- data
# Hook for getting the formatted value of extracted tag data.
# type - Symbol value identifying what type of data is being extracted.