spec/github/repos/keys_spec.rb in github_api-0.8.1 vs spec/github/repos/keys_spec.rb in github_api-0.8.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,220 +1,9 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Github::Repos::Keys do
- let(:github) { Github.new }
- let(:user) { 'peter-murach' }
- let(:repo) { 'github' }
- after { github.user, github.repo, github.oauth_token = nil, nil, nil }
+ it_should_behave_like 'api interface'
- it { described_class::VALID_KEY_PARAM_NAMES.should_not be_nil }
- describe "#list" do
- it { github.repos.keys.should respond_to :all }
- context "resource found" do
- before do
- stub_get("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys").
- to_return(:body => fixture("repos/keys.json"),
- :status => 200, :headers => {})
- end
- it "should fail to get resource without username" do
- expect { github.repos.keys.list }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should get the resources" do
- github.repos.keys.list user, repo
- a_get("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys").should have_been_made
- end
- it "should return array of resources" do
- keys = github.repos.keys.list user, repo
- keys.should be_an Array
- keys.should have(1).items
- end
- it "should get key information" do
- keys = github.repos.keys.list user, repo
- keys.first.title.should == 'octocat@octomac'
- end
- end
- context "resource not found" do
- before do
- stub_get("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys").
- to_return(:body => '', :status => 404)
- end
- it "should fail to retrieve resource" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.list user, repo
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end # list
- describe "#get" do
- let(:key_id) { 1 }
- it { github.repos.keys.should respond_to :find }
- context "resource found" do
- before do
- stub_get("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").
- to_return(:body => fixture("repos/key.json"), :status => 200)
- end
- it "should fail to get resource without key" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.get user, repo, nil
- }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should get the resource" do
- github.repos.keys.get user, repo, key_id
- a_get("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").should have_been_made
- end
- it "should get key information" do
- key = github.repos.keys.get user, repo, key_id
- key.id.should == key_id
- end
- end
- context "resource not found" do
- before do
- stub_get("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").
- to_return(:body => '', :status => 404)
- end
- it "should fail to retrieve resource" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.get user, repo, key_id
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end # get
- describe "#create" do
- let(:inputs) { {:title => "octocat@octomac", :key => "ssh-rsa AAA..." } }
- context "resource created" do
- before do
- stub_post("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys").with(inputs).
- to_return(:body => fixture("repos/key.json"), :status => 201)
- end
- it "should fail to create resource if 'title' input is missing" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.create user, repo, :key => 'ssh-rsa AAA...'
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::RequiredParams)
- end
- it "should fail to create resource if 'key' input is missing" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.create user, repo, :title => 'octocat@octomac'
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::RequiredParams)
- end
- it "should create the resource" do
- github.repos.keys.create user, repo, inputs
- a_post("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys").with(inputs).should have_been_made
- end
- it "should get the key information back" do
- key = github.repos.keys.create user, repo, inputs
- key.title.should == 'octocat@octomac'
- end
- end
- context "failed to create resource" do
- before do
- stub_post("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys").
- to_return(:body => fixture("repos/key.json"), :status => 404)
- end
- it "should fail to retrieve resource" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.create user, repo, inputs
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end # create
- describe "#edit" do
- let(:key_id) { 1 }
- let(:inputs) { {:title => "octocat@octomac", :key => "ssh-rsa AAA..." } }
- context "resource edited successfully" do
- before do
- stub_patch("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").
- to_return(:body => fixture("repos/key.json"), :status => 200)
- end
- it "should edit the resource" do
- github.repos.keys.edit user, repo, key_id, inputs
- a_patch("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").should have_been_made
- end
- it "should get the key information back" do
- key = github.repos.keys.edit user, repo, key_id, inputs
- key.id.should == key_id
- key.title.should == 'octocat@octomac'
- end
- end
- context "failed to edit resource" do
- before do
- stub_patch("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").
- to_return(:body => fixture("repos/key.json"), :status => 404)
- end
- it "should fail to retrieve resource" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.edit user, repo, key_id, inputs
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end # edit
- describe "#delete" do
- let(:key_id) { 1 }
- context "resource found successfully" do
- before do
- stub_delete("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").
- to_return(:body => "", :status => 204,
- :headers => { :content_type => "application/json; charset=utf-8"} )
- end
- it "should fail to delete without 'user/repo' parameters" do
- expect { github.repos.keys.delete }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should fail to delete resource without key id" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.delete user, repo, nil
- }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- end
- it "should delete the resource" do
- github.repos.keys.delete user, repo, key_id
- a_delete("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").should have_been_made
- end
- end
- context "failed to find resource" do
- before do
- stub_delete("/repos/#{user}/#{repo}/keys/#{key_id}").
- to_return(:body => "", :status => 404)
- end
- it "should fail to find resource" do
- expect {
- github.repos.keys.delete user, repo, key_id
- }.to raise_error(Github::Error::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end # delete
+ it { described_class::VALID_KEY_OPTIONS.should_not be_nil }
end # Github::Repos::Keys