grammars/source.renpy.json in github-linguist-5.3.3 vs grammars/source.renpy.json in github-linguist-6.0.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,783 +1,740 @@ { - "scopeName": "source.renpy", "name": "Ren'Py", - "fileTypes": [ - "rpy", - "rpym" - ], - "firstLineMatch": "^#!/.*\\brenpy\\b", + "scopeName": "source.renpy", "patterns": [ { "begin": "(^[ \\t]+)?(?=#)", - "beginCaptures": { - "1": { - "name": "punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.python" - } - }, "end": "(?!\\G)", "patterns": [ { + "name": "comment.line.number-sign.python", "begin": "#", + "end": "\\n", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.python" } - }, - "end": "\\n", - "name": "comment.line.number-sign.python" + } } - ] + ], + "beginCaptures": { + "1": { + "name": "punctuation.whitespace.comment.leading.python" + } + } }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:(0x\\h*)L)", - "name": "constant.numeric.integer.long.hexadecimal.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.integer.long.hexadecimal.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:(0x[[:xdigit:]]*)L)" }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:(0x\\h*))", - "name": "constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:(0x[[:xdigit:]]*))" }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:(0[0-7]+)L)", - "name": "constant.numeric.integer.long.octal.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.integer.long.octal.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:(0[0-7]+)L)" }, { - "match": "\\b(0[0-7]+)", - "name": "constant.numeric.integer.octal.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.integer.octal.python", + "match": "\\b(0[0-7]+)" }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:(((\\d+(\\.(?=[^a-zA-Z_])\\d*)?|(?<=[^0-9a-zA-Z_])\\.\\d+)(e[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?))J)", - "name": "constant.numeric.complex.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.complex.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:(((\\d+(\\.(?=[^a-zA-Z_])\\d*)?|(?\u003c=[^0-9a-zA-Z_])\\.\\d+)(e[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?))J)" }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:(\\d+\\.\\d*(e[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?))(?=[^a-zA-Z_])", - "name": "constant.numeric.float.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.float.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:(\\d+\\.\\d*(e[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?))(?=[^a-zA-Z_])" }, { - "match": "(?<=[^0-9a-zA-Z_])(?i:(\\.\\d+(e[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?))", - "name": "constant.numeric.float.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.float.python", + "match": "(?\u003c=[^0-9a-zA-Z_])(?i:(\\.\\d+(e[\\-\\+]?\\d+)?))" }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:(\\d+e[\\-\\+]?\\d+))", - "name": "constant.numeric.float.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.float.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:(\\d+e[\\-\\+]?\\d+))" }, { - "match": "\\b(?i:([1-9]+[0-9]*|0)L)", - "name": "constant.numeric.integer.long.decimal.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.integer.long.decimal.python", + "match": "\\b(?i:([1-9]+[0-9]*|0)L)" }, { - "match": "\\b([1-9]+[0-9]*|0)", - "name": "constant.numeric.integer.decimal.python" + "name": "constant.numeric.integer.decimal.python", + "match": "\\b([1-9]+[0-9]*|0)" }, { + "match": "\\b(global)\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "" } - }, - "match": "\\b(global)\\b" + } }, { + "match": "\\b(nonlocal)\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.modifier.nonlocal.python" } - }, - "match": "\\b(nonlocal)\\b" + } }, { + "match": "\\b(?:(import)|(from))\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.import.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.control.import.from.python" } - }, - "match": "\\b(?:(import)|(from))\\b" + } }, { - "comment": "keywords that delimit flow conditionals", "name": "keyword.control.conditional.python", "match": "\\b(if|elif|else)\\b" }, { - "comment": "keywords that delimit an exception", "name": "keyword.control.exception.python", "match": "\\b(except|finally|try|raise)\\b" }, { - "comment": "keywords that delimit loops", "name": "keyword.control.repeat.python", "match": "\\b(for|while)\\b" }, { - "comment": "keywords that alter flow from within a block", "name": "keyword.control.statement.python", "match": "\\b(function|nvl|block|choice|parallel|contains|on|voice|imagemap|hotspot|text|frame|textbutton|grid|add|key|use|bar|with|is|button|window|hbox|vbox|mousearea|imagebutton)\\b" }, { - "comment": "renpy screen statement keywords", "name": "support.type.screen.renpy", "match": "\\b(kind|color|action|area|hovered|unhovered|clicked|modal|text_style|has|who|what|tag|value|theme)\\b" }, { - "comment": "renpy transform keywords", "name": "support.type.transform.renpy", "match": "\\b(repeat|fadein|fadeout|position|Position|easein|easeout|time|ui)\\b" }, { - "comment": "other renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.other.renpy", "match": "\\b(MultiPersistent|Character|DynamicCharacter|music|sound|movie|pause|Transform|clear)\\b" }, { - "comment": "python one-line renpy keyword", "name": "invalid.deprecated.operator.renpy", "match": "\\$" }, { - "comment": "python control statements", "name": "keyword.control.statement.python", "match": "\\b(return|pass|break|continue|yield)\\b" }, { - "comment": "python statements renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.objects.renpy", "match": "\\b(renpy|store|persistent|config|build)\\b" }, { - "comment": "python statements renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.python.renpy", "match": "\\b(python)\\b" }, { - "comment": "init statements renpy keywords", "name": "keyword.control.statement.init.renpy", "match": "\\b(init)\\b" }, { - "comment": "transition class renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.transition.renpy", "match": "\\b(Solid|AlphaDissolve|ComposeTransition|CropMove|Dissolve|Fade|ImageDissolve|MoveTransition|MultipleTransition|Pause|Pixellate|move_transitions)\\b" }, { + "match": "\\s+(with)\\s+\\b(fade|dissolve|pixellate|move|moveinright|moveinleft|moveintop|moveinbottom|moveoutright|moveoutleft|moveouttop|moveoutbottom|ease|easeinright|easeinleft|easeintop|easeinbottom|easeoutright|easeoutleft|easeouttop|easeoutbottom|zoomin|zoomout|zoominout|vpunch|hpunch|blinds|squares|wipeleft|wiperight|wipeup|wipedown|slideleft|slideright|slideup|slidedown|slideawayleft|slideawayright|slideawayup|slideawaydown|irisin|irisout)\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.statement.with.renpy" }, "2": { "name": "support.type.transition.renpy" } - 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"comment": "Movie renpy keywords", "name": "", "match": "\\b(Movie|movie_cutscene)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Audio/Movie statements renpy keywords", "name": "keyword.control.statement.python", "match": "\\b(play|queue|stop)\\b" }, { + "match": "(\\s*\\.\\s*)(music|sound)\\s*\\.\\s*(play|seen_audio|get_duration|get_pause|get_playing|get_pos|is_playing|queue|register_channel|set_pan|set_pause|set_queue_empty_callback|set_volume|stop|loop|noloop)\\b", "captures": { "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "" } - }, - "comment": "Audio functions renpy keywords", - "match": "(\\s*\\.\\s*)(music|sound)\\s*\\.\\s*(play|seen_audio|get_duration|get_pause|get_playing|get_pos|is_playing|queue|register_channel|set_pan|set_pause|set_queue_empty_callback|set_volume|stop|loop|noloop)\\b" + } }, { + "match": "(\\s*\\.\\s*)(play|seen_audio)\\b", "captures": { "2": { "name": "" } - }, - "comment": "Audio functions renpy keywords", - "match": "(\\s*\\.\\s*)(play|seen_audio)\\b" + } }, { - "comment": "show statements renpy keywords", "name": "", "match": "\\b(as|at|behind|onlayer|zorder|expression)\\b" }, { + "match": "(\\s*\\.\\s*)(can_show|copy_images|get_available_image_attributes|get_available_image_tags|get_image_bounds|get_placement|get_showing_tags|has_image|image_exists|seen_image|showing|start_predict|stop_predict)\\b", "captures": { "2": { "name": "" } - }, - "comment": "image functions renpy keywords", - "match": "(\\s*\\.\\s*)(can_show|copy_images|get_available_image_attributes|get_available_image_tags|get_image_bounds|get_placement|get_showing_tags|has_image|image_exists|seen_image|showing|start_predict|stop_predict)\\b" + } }, { - "comment": "action renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.action.renpy", "match": "\\b(Hide|Jump|NullAction|Return|Show|ShowTransient)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Data Action renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.action.renpy", "match": "\\b(SetDict|SetField|SetScreenVariable|SetVariable|ToggleDict|ToggleField|ToggleScreenVariable|ToggleVariable)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Menu Action renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.action.renpy", "match": "\\b(MainMenu|Quit|ShowMenu|Start)\\b" }, { - "comment": "File Action renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.action.renpy", "match": "\\b(FileAction|FileDelete|FileLoad|FilePage|FilePageNext|FilePagePrevious|FileSave|FileTakeScreenShot|QuickLoad|QuickSave)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Audio Action renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.action.renpy", "match": "\\b(Play|Queue|SetMixer|Stop)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Other Action renpy keywords", "name": "support.type.other.renpy", "match": "\\b(Preference|Function|Help|HideInterface|If|InvertSelected|MouseMove|Notify|OpenURL|RollForward|Rollback|ScreenShot|SelectedIf|Skip|With)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Translation key \"new\"", "name": "", "match": "(?:\\s+)\\b(new)\\b" }, { - "comment": "Translation key \"old\"", "name": "keyword.operator.logical.translation.renpy", "match": "(?:\\s+)\\b(old)\\b" }, { + "match": "^\\b(translate)\\b\\s\\b([a-zA-z0-9_]+)\\b\\s\\b(strings)\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.logical.translation.renpy" }, "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "support.type.translation.renpy" } - }, - "comment": "python statements renpy keywords", - "match": "^\\b(translate)\\b\\s\\b([a-zA-z0-9_]+)\\b\\s\\b(strings)\\b" + } }, { - "comment": "keyword operators that evaluate to True or False", - "match": "\\b(and|in|is|not|or)\\b", - "name": "keyword.operator.logical.python" + "name": "keyword.operator.logical.python", + "match": "\\b(and|in|is|not|or)\\b" }, { + "match": "\\b(assert|del|exec|print)\\b", "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.other.python" } - }, - "comment": "keywords that haven't fit into other groups (yet).", - "match": "\\b(assert|del|exec|print)\\b" + } }, { - "match": "<>", - "name": "invalid.deprecated.operator.python" + "name": "invalid.deprecated.operator.python", + "match": "\u003c\u003e" }, { - "match": "<\\=|>\\=|\\=\\=|<|>|\\!\\=", - "name": "keyword.operator.comparison.python" + "name": "keyword.operator.comparison.python", + "match": "\u003c\\=|\u003e\\=|\\=\\=|\u003c|\u003e|\\!\\=" }, { - "match": "\\+\\=|-\\=|\\*\\=|/\\=|//\\=|%\\=|&\\=|\\|\\=|\\^\\=|>>\\=|<<\\=|\\*\\*\\=", - "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.augmented.python" + "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.augmented.python", + "match": "\\+\\=|-\\=|\\*\\=|/\\=|//\\=|%\\=|\u0026\\=|\\|\\=|\\^\\=|\u003e\u003e\\=|\u003c\u003c\\=|\\*\\*\\=" }, { - "match": "\\+|\\-|\\*|\\*\\*|/|//|%|<<|>>|&|\\||\\^|~", - "name": "keyword.operator.arithmetic.python" + "name": "keyword.operator.arithmetic.python", + "match": "\\+|\\-|\\*|\\*\\*|/|//|%|\u003c\u003c|\u003e\u003e|\u0026|\\||\\^|~" }, { - "match": "\\=", - "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" + "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python", + "match": "\\=" }, { - "begin": "^\\s*(class)\\s+(?=[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\s*\\:)", - "beginCaptures": { - "1": { - "name": "storage.type.class.python" - } - }, + "name": "meta.class.old-style.python", "contentName": "", + "begin": "^\\s*(class)\\s+(?=[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\s*\\:)", "end": "\\s*(:)", - "endCaptures": { - "1": { - "name": "punctuation.section.class.begin.python" - } - }, - "name": "meta.class.old-style.python", "patterns": [ { "include": "#entity_name_class" } - ] - }, - { - "begin": "^\\s*(class)\\s+(?=[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\\s*\\()", + ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.class.python" } }, - "end": "(\\))\\s*(?:(\\:)|(.*$\\n?))", "endCaptures": { "1": { - "name": "punctuation.definition.inheritance.end.python" - }, - "2": { "name": "punctuation.section.class.begin.python" - }, - "3": { - "name": "invalid.illegal.missing-section-begin.python" } - 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"name": "" + "name": "", + "match": "\\b(and|as|assert|break|class|continue|def|del|elif|else|except|exec|finally|for|global|if|import|in|is|lambda|nonlocal|not|or|print|raise|try|while|with|yield)\\b" }, "keyword_arguments": { "begin": "\\b([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\\s*(=)(?!=)", + "end": "\\s*(?:(,)|(?=$\\n?|[\\)\\:]))", + "patterns": [ + { + "include": "$self" + } + ], "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" } }, - "end": "\\s*(?:(,)|(?=$\\n?|[\\)\\:]))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } - }, - "patterns": [ - { - "include": "$self" - } - ] + } }, "language_variables": { - "match": "\\b(self|cls)\\b", - "name": "variable.language.python" + "name": "variable.language.python", + "match": "\\b(self|cls)\\b" }, "line_continuation": { + "match": "(\\\\)(.*)$\\n?", "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.continuation.line.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.unexpected-text.python" } - 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"comment": "magic variables which a class/module may have.", - "match": "\\b__(all|bases|class|debug|dict|doc|file|members|metaclass|methods|name|slots|weakref)__\\b", - "name": "support.variable.magic.python" + "name": "support.variable.magic.python", + "match": "\\b__(all|bases|class|debug|dict|doc|file|members|metaclass|methods|name|slots|weakref)__\\b" }, "regular_expressions": { - "comment": "Changed disabled to 1 to turn off syntax highlighting in “r” strings.", - "disabled": 0, "patterns": [ { "include": "source.regexp.python" } ] }, "string_quoted_double": { "patterns": [ { - "begin": "([uU]r)(\"\"\")", - "beginCaptures": { - "1": { - "name": "storage.type.string.python" - }, - "2": { - "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" - } - }, - "comment": "single quoted unicode-raw string", - "end": "((?<=\"\"\")(\")\"\"|\"\"\")", - "endCaptures": { - "1": { - "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" - }, - "2": { - "name": "meta.empty-string.double.python" - } - 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