lib/github/kv.rb in github-ds-0.2.11 vs lib/github/kv.rb in github-ds-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -46,10 +46,11 @@
KeyLengthError =
ValueLengthError =
UnavailableError =
+ InvalidValueError =
class MissingConnectionError < StandardError; end
attr_accessor :use_local_time
@@ -250,10 +251,106 @@
sql.affected_rows > 0
+ # increment :: String, Integer, expires: Time? -> Integer
+ #
+ # Increment the key's value by an amount.
+ #
+ # key - The key to increment.
+ # amount - The amount to increment the key's value by.
+ # The user can increment by both positive and
+ # negative values
+ # expires - When the key should expire.
+ # touch_on_insert - Only when expires is specified. When true
+ # the expires value is only touched upon
+ # inserts. Otherwise the record is always
+ # touched.
+ #
+ # Returns the key's value after incrementing.
+ def increment(key, amount: 1, expires: nil, touch_on_insert: false)
+ validate_key(key)
+ validate_amount(amount) if amount
+ validate_expires(expires) if expires
+ validate_touch(touch_on_insert, expires)
+ expires ||= GitHub::SQL::NULL
+ # This query uses a few MySQL "hacks" to ensure that the incrementing
+ # is done atomically and the value is returned. The first trick is done
+ # using the `LAST_INSERT_ID` function. This allows us to manually set
+ # the LAST_INSERT_ID returned by the query. Here we are able to set it
+ # to the new value when an increment takes place, essentially allowing us
+ # to do: `UPDATE...;SELECT value from key_value where key=:key` in a
+ # single step.
+ #
+ # However the `LAST_INSERT_ID` trick is only used when the value is
+ # updated. Upon a fresh insert we know the amount is going to be set
+ # to the amount specified.
+ #
+ # Lastly we only do these tricks when the value at the key is an integer.
+ # If the value is not an integer the update ensures the values remain the
+ # same and we raise an error.
+ encapsulate_error {
+ sql =<<-SQL, key: key, amount: amount, now: now, expires: expires, touch: !touch_on_insert, connection: connection)
+ INSERT INTO key_values (`key`, `value`, `created_at`, `updated_at`, `expires_at`)
+ VALUES(:key, :amount, :now, :now, :expires)
+ `value`=IF(
+ concat('',`value`*1) = `value`,
+ `expires_at` IS NULL OR `expires_at`>=:now,
+ `value`+:amount,
+ :amount
+ )),
+ `value`
+ ),
+ `updated_at`=IF(
+ concat('',`value`*1) = `value`,
+ :now,
+ `updated_at`
+ ),
+ `expires_at`=IF(
+ concat('',`value`*1) = `value`,
+ IF(
+ :touch,
+ :expires,
+ `expires_at`
+ ),
+ `expires_at`
+ )
+ # The ordering of these statements is extremely important if we are to
+ # support incrementing a negative amount. The checks occur in this order:
+ # 1. Check if an update with new values occurred? If so return the result
+ # This could potentially result in `sql.last_insert_id` with a value
+ # of 0, thus it must be before the second check.
+ # 2. Check if an update took place but nothing changed (I.E. no new value
+ # was set)
+ # 3. Check if an insert took place.
+ #
+ # See for
+ # more information (NOTE: CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS is set)
+ if sql.affected_rows == 2
+ # An update took place in which data changed. We use a hack to set
+ # the last insert ID to be the new value.
+ sql.last_insert_id
+ elsif sql.affected_rows == 0 || (sql.affected_rows == 1 && sql.last_insert_id == 0)
+ # No insert took place nor did any update occur. This means that
+ # the value was not an integer thus not incremented.
+ raise InvalidValueError
+ elsif sql.affected_rows == 1
+ # If the number of affected_rows is 1 then a new value was inserted
+ # thus we can just return the amount given to us since that is the
+ # value at the key
+ amount
+ end
+ }
+ end
# del :: String -> nil
# Deletes the specified key. Returns nil. Raises on error.
# Example:
@@ -309,10 +406,32 @@
WHERE `key` = :key AND (expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > :now)
+ # mttl :: [String] -> Result<[Time | nil]>
+ #
+ # Returns the expires_at time for the specified key or nil.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # kv.mttl(["foo", "octocat"])
+ # # => #<Result value: [2018-04-23 11:34:54 +0200, nil]>
+ #
+ def mttl(keys)
+ validate_key_array(keys)
+ {
+ kvs = GitHub::SQL.results(<<-SQL, :keys => keys, :now => now, :connection => connection).to_h
+ SELECT `key`, expires_at FROM key_values
+ WHERE `key` in :keys AND (expires_at IS NULL OR expires_at > :now)
+ { |key| kvs[key] }
+ }
+ end
def now
use_local_time ? : GitHub::SQL::NOW
@@ -364,9 +483,22 @@
def validate_value_length(value)
if value.bytesize > MAX_VALUE_LENGTH
raise ValueLengthError, "value of length #{value.length} exceeds maximum value length of #{MAX_VALUE_LENGTH}"
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_amount(amount)
+ raise"The amount specified must be an integer") unless amount.is_a? Integer
+ raise"The amount specified cannot be 0") if amount == 0
+ end
+ def validate_touch(touch, expires)
+ raise"touch_on_insert must be a boolean value") unless [true, false].include?(touch)
+ if touch && expires.nil?
+ raise"Please specify an expires value if you wish to touch on insert")
def validate_expires(expires)
unless expires.respond_to?(:to_time)