README.rdoc in gitable-0.0.1 vs README.rdoc in gitable-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,41 @@
-= Gitable
-Like Addressable::URI but for Git
- require 'gitable/uri'
- uri = Gitable::URI.parse('')
- uri.path # => 'martinemde/gitable.git'
- uri.user # => 'git'
- # => ''
-Works with any valid Git uri.
-== That's it?
-yep. What else did you expect?
-== Copyright
-Copyright (c) 2010 Martin Emde. See LICENSE for details.
+= Gitable
+== +Addressable::URI+ for Git.
+Works with any valid Git URI.
+== Example!?
+ require 'gitable/uri'
+ uri = Gitable::URI.parse('')
+ uri.path # => 'martinemde/gitable.git'
+ uri.user # => 'git'
+ # => ''
+ uri.to_s # => ''
+ uri.project_name # => 'gitable'
+ uri.kind_of?(Addressable::URI) # => true
+== heuristic_parse
+You can use +Gitable::URI.heuristic_parse+ to take user input.
+Currently this supports the mistake of copying the url bar instead of the git
+uri for a few of the popular git webhosts. It also runs through Addressable's
+heuristic_parse so it will correct some poorly typed URIs.
+ uri = Gitable::URI.heuristic_parse('')
+ uri.to_s # => 'git://'
+Heuristic parse is currently fairly limited. If the url doesn't end in .git, it
+switches +http://+ to +git://+ and adds .git to the basename. This works fine for and
+== That's it?
+yep. What else did you expect? (let me know or write a patch)
+== Copyright
+Copyright (c) 2010 Martin Emde. See LICENSE for details.