spec/repository_spec.rb in git_wrapper-1.0.2 vs spec/repository_spec.rb in git_wrapper-1.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,889 +1,889 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe GitWrapper, '-> Repository' do
- before(:each) do
- @file_helper = FileHelper.new
- end
- after(:each) do
- @file_helper.remove_temp_folders
- end
- it 'Init repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init.should be_true
- repo.log_output.last.should eq("Initialized empty Git repository in #{repo.location}/.git/\n")
- end
- it 'Init bare repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init_bare.should be_true
- repo.log_output.last.should eq("Initialized empty Git repository in #{repo.location}/\n")
- end
- it 'Init repo in new folder' do
- folder_name = @file_helper.create_temp_folder
- repo = Repository.new(folder_name)
- repo.init.should be_true
- repo.location.should eq(folder_name)
- Dir.exists?(repo.location).should be_true
- FileUtils.rm_rf repo.location
- end
- it 'Is initialized repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.initialized?.should be_false
- repo.init
- repo.initialized?.should be_true
- repo.bare?.should be_false
- end
- it 'Is initialized bare repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.initialized?.should be_false
- repo.init_bare
- repo.initialized?.should be_true
- repo.bare?.should be_true
- end
- it 'Status into new repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.status.should be_empty
- end
- it 'Add one file into repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- initial_status = repo.status
- initial_status.should have(2).items
- initial_status[0].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file1))
- initial_status[1].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
- repo.add(file1).should be_true
- repo.add('0123456.789').should be_false
- final_status = repo.status
- final_status.should have(2).items
- final_status[0].should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file1))
- final_status[1].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
- end
- it 'Add all files into repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- initial_status = repo.status
- initial_status.should have(2).items
- initial_status[0].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file1))
- initial_status[1].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
- repo.add_all.should be_true
- final_status = repo.status
- final_status.should have(2).items
- final_status[0].should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file1))
- final_status[1].should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file2))
- end
- it 'Commit repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.status.first.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file))
- repo.add_all
- repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file))
- repo.commit('comment').should be_true
- repo.commit('comment').should be_false
- repo.status.should be_empty
- end
- it 'Commit clean directory' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.commit('comment').should be_false
- end
- it 'Commt in name of another user' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first_commit', :author_name => 'another_author', :author_email => 'another_author@mail.com').should be_true
- log = repo.log.first
- log.author_name.should eq 'another_author'
- end
- it 'Delete file' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('comments')
- repo.status.should be_empty
- repo.remove(File.basename(file)).should be_true
- repo.status.first.should be_git_deleted(File.basename(file))
- repo.remove('0123456.789').should be_false
- end
- it 'Add remote to repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.remotes.should be_empty
- repo.add_remote('origin', @file_helper.create_temp_folder).should be_true
- repo.add_remote('origin', '0123456789').should be_false
- repo.remotes.should have(1).items
- repo.remotes.first.should eq('origin')
- end
- it 'Remove remote from repo' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.remotes.should be_empty
- repo.add_remote('origin', @file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.remotes.first.should eq('origin')
- repo.remove_remote('origin').should be_true
- repo.remove_remote('origin').should be_false
- repo.remotes.should be_empty
- end
- it 'Pull from another repo' do
- repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'test')
- repo1.init
- repo1.add_all
- repo1.commit('...')
- repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo2.init
- repo2.add_remote('origin', repo1.location)
- file_name2 = "#{repo2.location}/#{File.basename(file_name1)}"
- File.exist?(file_name2).should be_false
- repo2.pull('origin').should be_true
- repo2.pull('origin_2').should be_false
- File.exist?(file_name2).should be_true
- end
- it 'Push into bare repo' do
- repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo1.init_bare
- repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo2.init
- file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo2.location, 'test')
- repo2.add_remote('origin', repo1.location)
- repo2.add_all
- repo2.commit('...')
- repo2.push('origin').should be_true
- repo2.push('origin_2').should be_false
- repo3 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo3.init
- repo3.add_remote('origin', repo1.location)
- file_name2 = "#{repo3.location}/#{File.basename(file_name1)}"
- File.exist?(file_name2).should be_false
- repo3.pull('origin')
- File.exist?(file_name2).should be_true
- end
- it 'Show base, mine and theirs version of a file' do
- master_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- master_repo.init_bare
- my_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- my_repo.init
- my_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
- my_file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(my_repo.location, 'version base')
- my_repo.add_all
- my_repo.commit('base commit')
- my_repo.push
- their_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- their_repo.init
- their_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
- their_repo.pull
- their_file = "#{their_repo.location}/#{File.basename(my_file)}"
- File.open(their_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version theirs' }
- their_repo.add_all
- their_repo.commit('theris commit')
- their_repo.push
- File.open(my_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version mine' }
- my_repo.add_all
- my_repo.commit('mine commit')
- my_repo.pull.should be_false
- my_repo.status.first.should be_git_merge_conflict(File.basename(my_file))
- my_repo.show_base(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version base\n")
- my_repo.show_mine(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version mine\n")
- my_repo.show_theirs(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version theirs\n")
- end
- it 'Show file from differente versions' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version 1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- repo.checkout 'master', 'test'
- File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version 2' }
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'seccond_commit'
- repo.checkout 'master'
- repo.show(File.basename(file_name)).should eq "version 1\n"
- repo.show(File.basename(file_name), 'test').should eq "version 2\n"
- end
- it 'Show commit logs' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- file_name2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- log = repo.log
- log.should have(1).items
- log.first.subject.should eq('first commit')
- log.first.parents.should be_empty
- log.first.merge?.should be_false
- File.open(file_name1, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'test 2' }
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('second commit')
- repo.log(:file_name => File.basename(file_name1)).should have(2).items
- repo.log(:file_name => File.basename(file_name2)).should have(1).items
- end
- it 'Show merge logs' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- repo.checkout 'master', 'test'
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file2')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'second commit'
- second_commit = repo.log.first
- repo.checkout 'master'
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file2')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'third commit'
- third_commit = repo.log.first
- repo.merge 'test'
- log = repo.log.first
- log.subject.should eq "Merge branch 'test'"
- log.merge?.should be_true
- log.parents.first.should eq third_commit.commit_hash
- log.parents.last.should eq second_commit.commit_hash
- end
- it 'Show existent branches' do
- origin = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- origin.init_bare
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.add_remote 'origin', origin.location
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.branches.should be_empty
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.push
- branches = repo.branches
- branches.should have(2).items
- branches.should include('master')
- branches.should include('remotes/origin/master')
- end
- it 'Create a new branch' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.branch("branch1").should be_true
- repo.branches.should include('branch1')
- end
- it 'Remove an existing branch' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.branch("branch1")
- repo.branches.should include('branch1')
- repo.remove_branch('branch1').should be_true
- repo.remove_branch('branch1').should be_false
- repo.branches.should_not include('branch1')
- end
- it 'Get a current branch' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
- repo.branch("branch1")
- repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
- repo.checkout('branch1')
- repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
- end
- it 'Branch an existing commit' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.checkout("master", "branch1");
- File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version branch1' }
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('version branch1')
- repo.checkout('master')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
- end
- repo.branch('branch2', 'branch1')
- repo.checkout('branch2')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version branch1\n")
- end
- end
- it 'Checkout an existing branch' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('commit master')
- repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
- repo.branch('branch1')
- repo.checkout('branch1').should be_true
- repo.checkout('0123456789').should be_false
- repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
- end
- File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version branch1' }
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('commit branch1')
- repo.checkout('master')
- repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
- end
- repo.checkout('branch1')
- repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version branch1\n")
- end
- end
- it 'Checkout into a new branch' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('commit master')
- repo.checkout('master', 'branch1').should be_true
- repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
- end
- it 'Create a new tag' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.tag('tag1').should be_true
- repo.tags.should include('tag1')
- end
- it 'Remove an existing tag' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('first commit')
- repo.tag('tag1')
- repo.tags.should include('tag1')
- repo.remove_tag('tag1').should be_true
- repo.remove_tag('tag1').should be_false
- repo.tags.should_not include('tag1')
- end
- it 'Create a new tag from existing commit' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('commit master')
- repo.checkout('master', 'branch1')
- File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version branch1' }
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('version branch1')
- repo.tag('tag1', 'master').should be_true
- repo.checkout('tag1', 'branch2')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
- end
- repo.checkout('branch1')
- File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
- f.gets.should eq("version branch1\n")
- end
- end
- it 'Merge two branches' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit('commit master')
- repo.checkout('master', 'branch1')
- file_name2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version branch1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit("commit branch 1")
- repo.checkout("master")
- File.exists?(file_name1).should be_true
- File.exists?(file_name2).should be_false
- repo.merge('branch1').should be_true
- File.exists?(file_name1).should be_true
- File.exists?(file_name2).should be_true
- end
- it 'Merge with conflicts' do
- master_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- master_repo.init_bare
- my_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- my_repo.init
- my_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
- my_file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(my_repo.location, 'version base')
- my_repo.add_all
- my_repo.commit('base commit')
- my_repo.push
- their_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- their_repo.init
- their_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
- their_repo.pull
- their_file = "#{their_repo.location}/#{File.basename(my_file)}"
- File.open(their_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version theirs' }
- their_repo.add_all
- their_repo.commit('theris commit')
- their_repo.push
- File.open(my_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version mine' }
- my_repo.add_all
- my_repo.commit('mine commit')
- my_repo.fetch
- my_repo.merge('origin/master').should be_false
- my_repo.status.first.should be_git_merge_conflict(File.basename(my_file))
- my_repo.show_base(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version base\n")
- my_repo.show_mine(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version mine\n")
- my_repo.show_theirs(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version theirs\n")
- end
- it 'Fetch from remote' do
- remote_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- remote_repo.init_bare
- repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo1.init
- repo1.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 1')
- repo1.add_all
- repo1.commit('first commit')
- repo1.push
- repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo2.init
- repo2.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
- repo2.branches.should be_empty
- repo2.fetch.should be_true
- repo2.branches.should have(1).items
- repo2.branches.should include('remotes/origin/master')
- end
- it 'Show diff file status between working tree and remote branch' do
- remote_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- remote_repo.init_bare
- repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo1.init
- repo1.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 1')
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 2')
- file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 3')
- repo1.add_all
- repo1.commit('first commit')
- repo1.push
- repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo2.init
- repo2.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
- repo2.pull
- repo1.remove file1
- File.open(file2, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'file 2 v.2' }
- file4 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 3')
- repo1.add_all
- repo1.commit('second commit')
- repo1.push
- repo2.fetch.should be_true
- diff = repo2.diff('origin/master')
- diff.should have(3).items
- diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file1) }.first.status.should be(:new_file)
- diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file2) }.first.status.should be(:modified)
- diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file3) }.should be_empty
- diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file4) }.first.status.should be(:deleted)
- diff_reverse = repo2.diff_reverse('origin/master')
- diff_reverse.should have(3).items
- diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file1) }.first.status.should be(:deleted)
- diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file2) }.first.status.should be(:modified)
- diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file3) }.should be_empty
- diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file4) }.first.status.should be(:new_file)
- end
- it 'Revert a specific commit' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_3')
- repo.remove file2
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'second commit'
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_false
- File.exist?(file3).should be_true
- last_log = repo.log.first
- last_log.subject.should eq 'second commit'
- repo.revert(last_log.commit_hash).should be_true
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_false
- end
- it 'Revert a specific merge' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- repo.branch 'test'
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'second commit'
- repo.checkout 'test'
- file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_3')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'third commit'
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_false
- File.exist?(file3).should be_true
- repo.checkout 'master'
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_false
- repo.merge 'test'
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_true
- last_log = repo.log.first
- last_log.subject.should eq "Merge branch 'test'"
- repo.revert(last_log.commit_hash).should be_true
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_false
- end
- it 'Reset index only' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- repo.status.should have(1).items
- repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file2))
- repo.reset.should be_true
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- repo.status.should have(1).items
- repo.status.first.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
- end
- it 'Reset index and working tree (hard)' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- repo.status.should have(1).items
- repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file2))
- repo.reset(:mode => :hard).should be_true
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_false
- repo.status.should be_empty
- end
- it 'Reset index only to specific commit' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'second commit'
- file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_true
- repo.status.should have(1).items
- repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file3))
- repo.log.should have(2).items
- repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'second commit'
- repo.reset(:commit => repo.log.last.commit_hash).should be_true
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_true
- repo.status.should have(2).items
- repo.status.first.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
- repo.status.last.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file3))
- repo.log.should have(1).items
- repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'first commit'
- end
- it 'Reset index and working tree (hard) to specific commit' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'first commit'
- file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'second commit'
- file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
- repo.add_all
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_true
- File.exist?(file3).should be_true
- repo.status.should have(1).items
- repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file3))
- repo.log.should have(2).items
- repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'second commit'
- repo.reset(:mode => :hard, :commit => repo.log.last.commit_hash).should be_true
- File.exist?(file1).should be_true
- File.exist?(file2).should be_false
- File.exist?(file3).should be_false
- repo.status.should be_empty
- repo.log.should have(1).items
- repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'first commit'
- end
- it 'Config user and email' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.config('user.name', 'user_test').should be_true
- repo.config('user.email', 'user_test@mail.com').should be_true
- repo.config('user.name').should eq 'user_test'
- repo.config('user.email').should eq 'user_test@mail.com'
- end
- it 'Log specific user on commit' do
- repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
- repo.init
- repo.config('user.name', 'user_test').should be_true
- @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file')
- repo.add_all
- repo.commit 'test'
- repo.log.first.commiter_name.should eq 'user_test'
- end
+require 'spec_helper'
+describe GitWrapper, '-> Repository' do
+ before(:each) do
+ @file_helper = FileHelper.new
+ end
+ after(:each) do
+ @file_helper.remove_temp_folders
+ end
+ it 'Init repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init.should be_true
+ repo.log_output.last.should eq("Initialized empty Git repository in #{repo.location}/.git/\n")
+ end
+ it 'Init bare repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init_bare.should be_true
+ repo.log_output.last.should eq("Initialized empty Git repository in #{repo.location}/\n")
+ end
+ it 'Init repo in new folder' do
+ folder_name = @file_helper.create_temp_folder
+ repo = Repository.new(folder_name)
+ repo.init.should be_true
+ repo.location.should eq(folder_name)
+ Dir.exists?(repo.location).should be_true
+ FileUtils.rm_rf repo.location
+ end
+ it 'Is initialized repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.initialized?.should be_false
+ repo.init
+ repo.initialized?.should be_true
+ repo.bare?.should be_false
+ end
+ it 'Is initialized bare repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.initialized?.should be_false
+ repo.init_bare
+ repo.initialized?.should be_true
+ repo.bare?.should be_true
+ end
+ it 'Status into new repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.status.should be_empty
+ end
+ it 'Add one file into repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ initial_status = repo.status
+ initial_status.should have(2).items
+ initial_status[0].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file1))
+ initial_status[1].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
+ repo.add(file1).should be_true
+ repo.add('0123456.789').should be_false
+ final_status = repo.status
+ final_status.should have(2).items
+ final_status[0].should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file1))
+ final_status[1].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
+ end
+ it 'Add all files into repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ initial_status = repo.status
+ initial_status.should have(2).items
+ initial_status[0].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file1))
+ initial_status[1].should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
+ repo.add_all.should be_true
+ final_status = repo.status
+ final_status.should have(2).items
+ final_status[0].should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file1))
+ final_status[1].should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file2))
+ end
+ it 'Commit repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file))
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file))
+ repo.commit('comment').should be_true
+ repo.commit('comment').should be_false
+ repo.status.should be_empty
+ end
+ it 'Commit clean directory' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.commit('comment').should be_false
+ end
+ it 'Commt in name of another user' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first_commit', :author_name => 'another_author', :author_email => 'another_author@mail.com').should be_true
+ log = repo.log.first
+ log.author_name.should eq 'another_author'
+ end
+ it 'Delete file' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('comments')
+ repo.status.should be_empty
+ repo.remove(File.basename(file)).should be_true
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_deleted(File.basename(file))
+ repo.remove('0123456.789').should be_false
+ end
+ it 'Add remote to repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.remotes.should be_empty
+ repo.add_remote('origin', @file_helper.create_temp_folder).should be_true
+ repo.add_remote('origin', '0123456789').should be_false
+ repo.remotes.should have(1).items
+ repo.remotes.first.should eq('origin')
+ end
+ it 'Remove remote from repo' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.remotes.should be_empty
+ repo.add_remote('origin', @file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.remotes.first.should eq('origin')
+ repo.remove_remote('origin').should be_true
+ repo.remove_remote('origin').should be_false
+ repo.remotes.should be_empty
+ end
+ it 'Pull from another repo' do
+ repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'test')
+ repo1.init
+ repo1.add_all
+ repo1.commit('...')
+ repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo2.init
+ repo2.add_remote('origin', repo1.location)
+ file_name2 = "#{repo2.location}/#{File.basename(file_name1)}"
+ File.exist?(file_name2).should be_false
+ repo2.pull('origin').should be_true
+ repo2.pull('origin_2').should be_false
+ File.exist?(file_name2).should be_true
+ end
+ it 'Push into bare repo' do
+ repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo1.init_bare
+ repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo2.init
+ file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo2.location, 'test')
+ repo2.add_remote('origin', repo1.location)
+ repo2.add_all
+ repo2.commit('...')
+ repo2.push('origin').should be_true
+ repo2.push('origin_2').should be_false
+ repo3 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo3.init
+ repo3.add_remote('origin', repo1.location)
+ file_name2 = "#{repo3.location}/#{File.basename(file_name1)}"
+ File.exist?(file_name2).should be_false
+ repo3.pull('origin')
+ File.exist?(file_name2).should be_true
+ end
+ it 'Show base, mine and theirs version of a file' do
+ master_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ master_repo.init_bare
+ my_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ my_repo.init
+ my_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
+ my_file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(my_repo.location, 'version base')
+ my_repo.add_all
+ my_repo.commit('base commit')
+ my_repo.push
+ their_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ their_repo.init
+ their_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
+ their_repo.pull
+ their_file = "#{their_repo.location}/#{File.basename(my_file)}"
+ File.open(their_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version theirs' }
+ their_repo.add_all
+ their_repo.commit('theris commit')
+ their_repo.push
+ File.open(my_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version mine' }
+ my_repo.add_all
+ my_repo.commit('mine commit')
+ my_repo.pull.should be_false
+ my_repo.status.first.should be_git_merge_conflict(File.basename(my_file))
+ my_repo.show_base(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version base\n")
+ my_repo.show_mine(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version mine\n")
+ my_repo.show_theirs(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version theirs\n")
+ end
+ it 'Show file from differente versions' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version 1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ repo.checkout 'master', 'test'
+ File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version 2' }
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'seccond_commit'
+ repo.checkout 'master'
+ repo.show(File.basename(file_name)).should eq "version 1\n"
+ repo.show(File.basename(file_name), 'test').should eq "version 2\n"
+ end
+ it 'Show commit logs' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ file_name2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ log = repo.log
+ log.should have(1).items
+ log.first.subject.should eq('first commit')
+ log.first.parents.should be_empty
+ log.first.merge?.should be_false
+ File.open(file_name1, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'test 2' }
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('second commit')
+ repo.log(:file_name => File.basename(file_name1)).should have(2).items
+ repo.log(:file_name => File.basename(file_name2)).should have(1).items
+ end
+ it 'Show merge logs' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ repo.checkout 'master', 'test'
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file2')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'second commit'
+ second_commit = repo.log.first
+ repo.checkout 'master'
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file2')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'third commit'
+ third_commit = repo.log.first
+ repo.merge 'test'
+ log = repo.log.first
+ log.subject.should eq "Merge branch 'test'"
+ log.merge?.should be_true
+ log.parents.first.should eq third_commit.commit_hash
+ log.parents.last.should eq second_commit.commit_hash
+ end
+ it 'Show existent branches' do
+ origin = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ origin.init_bare
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.add_remote 'origin', origin.location
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.branches.should be_empty
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.push
+ branches = repo.branches
+ branches.should have(2).items
+ branches.should include('master')
+ branches.should include('remotes/origin/master')
+ end
+ it 'Create a new branch' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.branch("branch1").should be_true
+ repo.branches.should include('branch1')
+ end
+ it 'Remove an existing branch' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.branch("branch1")
+ repo.branches.should include('branch1')
+ repo.remove_branch('branch1').should be_true
+ repo.remove_branch('branch1').should be_false
+ repo.branches.should_not include('branch1')
+ end
+ it 'Get a current branch' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
+ repo.branch("branch1")
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
+ repo.checkout('branch1')
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
+ end
+ it 'Branch an existing commit' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.checkout("master", "branch1");
+ File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version branch1' }
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('version branch1')
+ repo.checkout('master')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
+ end
+ repo.branch('branch2', 'branch1')
+ repo.checkout('branch2')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version branch1\n")
+ end
+ end
+ it 'Checkout an existing branch' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('commit master')
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
+ repo.branch('branch1')
+ repo.checkout('branch1').should be_true
+ repo.checkout('0123456789').should be_false
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
+ end
+ File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version branch1' }
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('commit branch1')
+ repo.checkout('master')
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('master')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
+ end
+ repo.checkout('branch1')
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version branch1\n")
+ end
+ end
+ it 'Checkout into a new branch' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('commit master')
+ repo.checkout('master', 'branch1').should be_true
+ repo.current_branch.should eq('branch1')
+ end
+ it 'Create a new tag' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.tag('tag1').should be_true
+ repo.tags.should include('tag1')
+ end
+ it 'Remove an existing tag' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'test')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('first commit')
+ repo.tag('tag1')
+ repo.tags.should include('tag1')
+ repo.remove_tag('tag1').should be_true
+ repo.remove_tag('tag1').should be_false
+ repo.tags.should_not include('tag1')
+ end
+ it 'Create a new tag from existing commit' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file_name = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('commit master')
+ repo.checkout('master', 'branch1')
+ File.open(file_name, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version branch1' }
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('version branch1')
+ repo.tag('tag1', 'master').should be_true
+ repo.checkout('tag1', 'branch2')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version master\n")
+ end
+ repo.checkout('branch1')
+ File.open(file_name, 'r') do |f|
+ f.gets.should eq("version branch1\n")
+ end
+ end
+ it 'Merge two branches' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file_name1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version master')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit('commit master')
+ repo.checkout('master', 'branch1')
+ file_name2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'version branch1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit("commit branch 1")
+ repo.checkout("master")
+ File.exists?(file_name1).should be_true
+ File.exists?(file_name2).should be_false
+ repo.merge('branch1').should be_true
+ File.exists?(file_name1).should be_true
+ File.exists?(file_name2).should be_true
+ end
+ it 'Merge with conflicts' do
+ master_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ master_repo.init_bare
+ my_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ my_repo.init
+ my_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
+ my_file = @file_helper.create_temp_file(my_repo.location, 'version base')
+ my_repo.add_all
+ my_repo.commit('base commit')
+ my_repo.push
+ their_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ their_repo.init
+ their_repo.add_remote('origin', master_repo.location)
+ their_repo.pull
+ their_file = "#{their_repo.location}/#{File.basename(my_file)}"
+ File.open(their_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version theirs' }
+ their_repo.add_all
+ their_repo.commit('theris commit')
+ their_repo.push
+ File.open(my_file, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'version mine' }
+ my_repo.add_all
+ my_repo.commit('mine commit')
+ my_repo.fetch
+ my_repo.merge('origin/master').should be_false
+ my_repo.status.first.should be_git_merge_conflict(File.basename(my_file))
+ my_repo.show_base(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version base\n")
+ my_repo.show_mine(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version mine\n")
+ my_repo.show_theirs(File.basename(my_file)).should eq("version theirs\n")
+ end
+ it 'Fetch from remote' do
+ remote_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ remote_repo.init_bare
+ repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo1.init
+ repo1.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 1')
+ repo1.add_all
+ repo1.commit('first commit')
+ repo1.push
+ repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo2.init
+ repo2.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
+ repo2.branches.should be_empty
+ repo2.fetch.should be_true
+ repo2.branches.should have(1).items
+ repo2.branches.should include('remotes/origin/master')
+ end
+ it 'Show diff file status between working tree and remote branch' do
+ remote_repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ remote_repo.init_bare
+ repo1 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo1.init
+ repo1.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 1')
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 2')
+ file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 3')
+ repo1.add_all
+ repo1.commit('first commit')
+ repo1.push
+ repo2 = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo2.init
+ repo2.add_remote('origin', remote_repo.location)
+ repo2.pull
+ repo1.remove file1
+ File.open(file2, 'w') { |f| f.puts 'file 2 v.2' }
+ file4 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo1.location, 'file 3')
+ repo1.add_all
+ repo1.commit('second commit')
+ repo1.push
+ repo2.fetch.should be_true
+ diff = repo2.diff('origin/master')
+ diff.should have(3).items
+ diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file1) }.first.status.should be(:new_file)
+ diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file2) }.first.status.should be(:modified)
+ diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file3) }.should be_empty
+ diff.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file4) }.first.status.should be(:deleted)
+ diff_reverse = repo2.diff_reverse('origin/master')
+ diff_reverse.should have(3).items
+ diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file1) }.first.status.should be(:deleted)
+ diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file2) }.first.status.should be(:modified)
+ diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file3) }.should be_empty
+ diff_reverse.select { |d| d.file_name == File.basename(file4) }.first.status.should be(:new_file)
+ end
+ it 'Revert a specific commit' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_3')
+ repo.remove file2
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'second commit'
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_false
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_true
+ last_log = repo.log.first
+ last_log.subject.should eq 'second commit'
+ repo.revert(last_log.commit_hash).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_false
+ end
+ it 'Revert a specific merge' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ repo.branch 'test'
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'second commit'
+ repo.checkout 'test'
+ file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_3')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'third commit'
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_false
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_true
+ repo.checkout 'master'
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_false
+ repo.merge 'test'
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_true
+ last_log = repo.log.first
+ last_log.subject.should eq "Merge branch 'test'"
+ repo.revert(last_log.commit_hash).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_false
+ end
+ it 'Reset index only' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ repo.status.should have(1).items
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file2))
+ repo.reset.should be_true
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ repo.status.should have(1).items
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
+ end
+ it 'Reset index and working tree (hard)' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ repo.status.should have(1).items
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file2))
+ repo.reset(:mode => :hard).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_false
+ repo.status.should be_empty
+ end
+ it 'Reset index only to specific commit' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'second commit'
+ file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_true
+ repo.status.should have(1).items
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file3))
+ repo.log.should have(2).items
+ repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'second commit'
+ repo.reset(:commit => repo.log.last.commit_hash).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_true
+ repo.status.should have(2).items
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file2))
+ repo.status.last.should be_git_untracked(File.basename(file3))
+ repo.log.should have(1).items
+ repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'first commit'
+ end
+ it 'Reset index and working tree (hard) to specific commit' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ file1 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_1')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'first commit'
+ file2 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'second commit'
+ file3 = @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file_2')
+ repo.add_all
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_true
+ repo.status.should have(1).items
+ repo.status.first.should be_git_new_file(File.basename(file3))
+ repo.log.should have(2).items
+ repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'second commit'
+ repo.reset(:mode => :hard, :commit => repo.log.last.commit_hash).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file1).should be_true
+ File.exist?(file2).should be_false
+ File.exist?(file3).should be_false
+ repo.status.should be_empty
+ repo.log.should have(1).items
+ repo.log.first.subject.should eq 'first commit'
+ end
+ it 'Config user and email' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.config('user.name', 'user_test').should be_true
+ repo.config('user.email', 'user_test@mail.com').should be_true
+ repo.config('user.name').should eq 'user_test'
+ repo.config('user.email').should eq 'user_test@mail.com'
+ end
+ it 'Log specific user on commit' do
+ repo = Repository.new(@file_helper.create_temp_folder)
+ repo.init
+ repo.config('user.name', 'user_test').should be_true
+ @file_helper.create_temp_file(repo.location, 'file')
+ repo.add_all
+ repo.commit 'test'
+ repo.log.first.commiter_name.should eq 'user_test'
+ end
\ No newline at end of file