bin/git-pivotal-pr in git-whistles-1.2.1 vs bin/git-pivotal-pr in git-whistles-1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -7,177 +7,12 @@
# Assumes the branches are named
# <team>/<branch-title>-<story-id>
require 'rubygems'
-require 'pivotal-tracker'
require 'optparse'
require 'cgi'
require 'term/ansicolor'
require 'git-whistles/app'
+require 'git-whistles/pull_request/pivotal'
-class App < Git::Whistles::App
- BROWSERS = %w(xdg-open open firefox iceweasel)
- def initialize
- super
- end
- def main(args)
- super
- parse_args!(args)
- if args.count > 0
- die "Too many arguments", :usage => true
- end
- if options.from ==
- die "You cannot issue a pull request to the same branch (#{options.from})."
- end
- query = { }
- # guess team name
- if options.from =~ %r{^(\w+)/.*}
- team = $1.capitalize
- else
- team = nil
- end
- # guess title.
- title = options.from.split('/').last.split(/[_-]/).delete_if { |word| word =~ /^\d+$/ }.join(' ').capitalize
- query[:"pull_request[title]"] = team ? "#{team}: #{title}" : title
- # add Pivotal infos
- add_pivotal_info(query, $1.to_i) if options.from =~ /(\d+)$/
- query_string = { |key,value|
- "#{CGI.escape key.to_s}=#{CGI.escape value}"
- }.join('&')
- url = "{repo}/compare/#{}...#{options.from}?#{query_string}"
- puts "Preparing a pull request for branch #{options.from}"
- unless launch_browser(url)
- log.warn "Sorry, I don't know how to launch a web browser on your system. You can open it yourself and paste this URL:\n#{url}"
- end
- end
- private
- def defaults
- {
- :from => run!('git symbolic-ref HEAD').strip.gsub(%r(^refs/heads/), ""),
- :to => 'master',
- :remote => 'origin'
- }
- end
- def option_parser
- @option_parser ||= do |op|
- op.banner = "Usage: git pivotal-pr [options]"
- op.on("-f", "--from YOUR_BRANCH", "Branch to issue pull request for [head]") do |v|
- options.from = v
- end
- op.on("-to", "--to UPSTREAM_BRANCH", "Branch into which you want your code merged [master]") do |v|
- = v
- end
- op.on("-r", "--remote NAME", "The remote you're sending this to [origin]") do |v|
- = v
- end
- end
- end
- def origin_url
- @origin_url ||= begin
- run!("git config --get remote.#{options.remote}.url").strip.tap do |url|
- url =~ /github\.com/ or die "origin does not have a Github URL !"
- end
- end
- end
- def repo
- @repo ||= origin_url.sub(/.*github\.com[\/:]/,'').sub(/\.git$/,'')
- end
- def add_pivotal_info(query, story_id)
- token = `git config pivotal-tracker.token`.strip
- if token.empty?
- puts Term::ANSIColor.yellow %Q{
- Your branch appears to have a story ID,
- but I don't know your Pivotal Tracker token!
- Please set it with:
- $ git config [--global] pivotal-tracker.token <token>
- }
- die "Aborting."
- end
- "Finding your project and story¬"
- PivotalTracker::Client.token = token
- begin
- story, project = PivotalTracker::Project.all.find do |project|
- '.¬'
- story = project.stories.find(story_id) and break story, project
- end
- '.'
- rescue RestClient::Unauthorized
- '.'
- die "Your token is not authorized by Pivotal Tracker! Please make sure you have the correct one"
- end
- if story.nil?
- log.warn "Apologies... I could not find story #{story_id}."
- return
- end
- "Found story #{story_id} in '#{}'"
- title = "#{}: #{} [##{}]"
- headline = "Pivotal tracker story [##{story_id}](#{story.url}) in project *#{}*:"
- description = story.description.split("\n").map { |line| "> #{line}" }.join("\n")
- query.merge! subject:, :"pull_request[title]" => title
- if (headline.length + description.length) > SAFE_QUERY_STRING_SIZE
- log.warn "Oops looks like your story body exceeds maximum allowed caracters to send a github request"
- log.warn "Please copy the info below to your pull request body:"
- puts
- puts headline
- puts
- puts
- puts description
- puts
- puts
- puts "Press any key to continue..."
- gets
- query.merge! :"pull_request[body]" => "Please check your command line for the story body"
- else
- body = "TODO: describe your changes\n\n===\n\n#{headline}\n\n#{description}"
- query.merge! :"pull_request[body]" => body
- end
- end
- def launch_browser(url)
- BROWSERS.each do |command|
- next if run("which #{command}").strip.empty?
- system(command, url) and return true
- end
- false
- end