spec/git_trend/scraper_spec.rb in git-trend-0.0.3 vs spec/git_trend/scraper_spec.rb in git-trend-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -14,491 +14,15 @@
its(:proxy_pass) { should eq 'proxy_pass' }
its(:proxy_port) { should eq 9999 }
describe '#get' do
- after do
- # reset initialize
- # warning measure: already initialized constant
- [3, 40, 10, 6, 5].each_with_index { |n, i| Rendering::DEFAULT_RULED_LINE_SIZE[i] = n }
- end
context 'when a network error occurred' do
before do
+ @scraper = Scraper.new
stub_request(:get, Scraper::BASE_URL).
to_return(:status => 500, :body => '[]')
- let(:language) {nil}
- it { expect{ @scraper.get(language) }.to raise_error(Exception) }
+ it { expect{ @scraper.get }.to raise_error(Exception) }
- context 'with no option' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get('trending')
- end
- let(:language) {nil}
- it 'display daily ranking' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star Fork
- |--- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ -----
- | 1 prat0318/json_resume Ruby 264 15
- | 2 andlabs/ui Go 185 8
- | 3 jessepollak/card CSS 174 9
- | 4 fullstackio/FlappySwift Swift 148 44
- | 5 grant/swift-cheat-sheet 153 13
- | 6 Flolagale/mailin Python 155 3
- | 7 numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese JavaScript 120 31
- | 8 hippyvm/hippyvm PHP 113 1
- | 9 neovim/neovim C 83 8
- | 10 hiphopapp/hiphop CoffeeScript 77 8
- | 11 interagent/http-api-design 78 4
- | 12 austinzheng/swift-2048 Swift 69 16
- | 13 mdznr/What-s-New Objective-C 72 2
- | 14 daneden/animate.css CSS 65 6
- | 15 davidmerfield/randomColor JavaScript 66 3
- | 16 dawn/dawn Ruby 62 2
- | 17 greatfire/wiki 54 9
- | 18 swift-jp/swift-guide CSS 45 9
- | 19 addyosmani/psi JavaScript 49 0
- | 20 mtford90/silk Python 47 0
- | 21 agaue/agaue Go 47 0
- | 22 mentionapp/mntpulltoreact Objective-C 46 1
- | 23 mikepenz/AboutLibraries Java 45 0
- | 24 PistonDevelopers/piston-workspace Shell 45 0
- | 25 maxpow4h/swiftz Swift 43 1
- expect { @scraper.get(language) }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- describe 'with -l option' do
- context 'with ruby' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get("trending?l=#{language}")
- end
- let(:language) {'ruby'}
- it 'display daily ranking by language' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star Fork
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -----
- | 1 prat0318/json_resume Ruby 412 27
- | 2 dawn/dawn Ruby 57 2
- | 3 Homebrew/homebrew Ruby 15 7
- | 4 etsy/nagios-herald Ruby 18 0
- | 5 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 14 4
- | 6 opf/openproject Ruby 11 0
- | 7 caskroom/homebrew-cask Ruby 9 3
- | 8 rails/rails Ruby 6 7
- | 9 interagent/prmd Ruby 9 0
- | 10 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 8 2
- | 11 discourse/discourse Ruby 7 3
- | 12 CanCanCommunity/cancancan Ruby 7 1
- | 13 venmo/synx Ruby 7 0
- | 14 laravel/homestead Shell 6 2
- | 15 alexreisner/geocoder Ruby 6 0
- | 16 visionmedia/commander Ruby 5 0
- | 17 CocoaPods/Specs Ruby 0 3
- | 18 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 0 2
- | 19 puppetlabs/puppetlabs-apache Ruby 0 2
- | 20 gitlabhq/gitlab-recipes Ruby 0 2
- | 21 Mixd/wp-deploy Ruby 0 1
- | 22 svenfuchs/rails-i18n Ruby 0 1
- | 23 Homebrew/homebrew-php Ruby 0 1
- | 24 sferik/twitter Ruby 0 1
- | 25 rightscale/rightscale_cookbooks Ruby 0 1
- expect { @scraper.get(language) }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- context 'with objective-c++ (including + sign)' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get("trending?l=objective-c%2B%2B")
- end
- let(:language) {'objective-c++'}
- it 'display daily ranking by language' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star Fork
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ------ -----
- | 1 facebook/pop Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 2 johnno1962/Xtrace Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 3 pivotal/cedar Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 4 wetube/bitcloud Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 5 jerols/PopTut Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 6 otaviocc/OCBorghettiView Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 7 droolsjbpm/optaplanner Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 8 otaviocc/NHCalendarActivity Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 9 callmeed/pop-playground Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 10 jxd001/POPdemo Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 11 couchdeveloper/RXPromise Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 12 johnno1962/XprobePlugin Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 13 openpeer/opios Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 14 pivotal/PivotalCoreKit Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 15 rbaumbach/Swizzlean Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 16 andreacremaschi/ShapeKit Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 17 Smartype/iOS_VPNPlugIn Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 18 humblehacker/AutoLayoutDSL Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 19 hoddez/FFTAccelerate Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 20 armadillu/ofxPanZoom Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 21 dodikk/CsvToSqlite Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 22 hbang/TypeStatus Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 23 trentbrooks/ofxCoreMotion Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 24 Yonsm/CeleWare Objective-C++ 0 0
- | 25 ccrma/miniAudicle Objective-C++ 0 0
- expect { @scraper.get(language) }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'with -s option' do
- context 'with weekly' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get("trending?since=#{since}")
- end
- let(:since) {'weekly'}
- it 'display daily ranking since weekly' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star Fork
- |--- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ -----
- | 1 numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese JavaScript 2495 679
- | 2 jessepollak/card CSS 2177 153
- | 3 grant/swift-cheat-sheet JavaScript 1906 122
- | 4 tictail/bounce.js CSS 1540 74
- | 5 fullstackio/FlappySwift Swift 1125 401
- | 6 GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes Go 1001 97
- | 7 andlabs/ui Go 1004 36
- | 8 facebook/Haxl Haskell 911 53
- | 9 greatfire/wiki 683 196
- | 10 interagent/http-api-design 757 42
- | 11 prat0318/json_resume Ruby 717 50
- | 12 lafikl/steady.js JavaScript 717 20
- | 13 dotcloud/docker Go 617 119
- | 14 dmytrodanylyk/circular-progress-button Java 608 69
- | 15 docker/libswarm Go 606 20
- | 16 watilde/beeplay JavaScript 594 23
- | 17 austinzheng/swift-2048 Swift 518 116
- | 18 Flolagale/mailin Python 543 14
- | 19 hiphopapp/hiphop CoffeeScript 507 71
- | 20 rpicard/explore-flask Python 454 27
- | 21 addyosmani/psi JavaScript 443 8
- | 22 twbs/bootstrap CSS 290 189
- | 23 angular/angular.js JavaScript 268 194
- | 24 mbostock/d3 JavaScript 307 113
- | 25 maxpow4h/swiftz Swift 350 20
- expect { @scraper.get(nil, since) }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- context 'with monthly' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get("trending?since=#{since}")
- end
- let(:since) {'monthly'}
- it 'display daily ranking since monthly' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star Fork
- |--- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------ -----
- | 1 fullstackio/FlappySwift Swift 5753 1530
- | 2 interagent/http-api-design 4735 214
- | 3 jessepollak/card CSS 3944 257
- | 4 numbbbbb/the-swift-programming-language-in-chinese JavaScript 3159 831
- | 5 calmh/syncthing Go 2738 123
- | 6 grant/swift-cheat-sheet JavaScript 2254 136
- | 7 atom/atom CoffeeScript 1761 285
- | 8 angular/angular.js JavaScript 1389 842
- | 9 schneiderandre/popping Objective-C 1681 129
- | 10 quilljs/quill CoffeeScript 1655 75
- | 11 twbs/bootstrap CSS 1235 887
- | 12 tictail/bounce.js CSS 1553 74
- | 13 venmo/synx Ruby 1545 40
- | 14 lovell/sharp JavaScript 1528 39
- | 15 mbostock/d3 JavaScript 1101 424
- | 16 facebook/jest JavaScript 1287 50
- | 17 octobercms/october PHP 1190 192
- | 18 buunguyen/octotree JavaScript 1228 90
- | 19 felipernb/algorithms.js JavaScript 1206 90
- | 20 strongloop/loopback JavaScript 1198 61
- | 21 greatfire/wiki 1067 254
- | 22 austinzheng/swift-2048 Swift 1083 218
- | 23 dotcloud/docker Go 1057 269
- | 24 julianshapiro/velocity JavaScript 1081 71
- | 25 babun/babun Shell 1068 46
- expect { @scraper.get(nil, since) }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'with -l and -s option' do
- context 'with ruby and weekly' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get("trending?l=#{language}&since=#{since}")
- end
- let(:language) {'ruby'}
- let(:since) {'weekly'}
- it 'display daily ranking since weekly' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star Fork
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -----
- | 1 prat0318/json_resume Ruby 717 50
- | 2 dawn/dawn Ruby 349 11
- | 3 newrelic/centurion Ruby 213 6
- | 4 Homebrew/homebrew Ruby 107 74
- | 5 rails/rails Ruby 100 74
- | 6 code-mancers/invoker Ruby 97 2
- | 7 CanCanCommunity/cancancan Ruby 92 5
- | 8 etsy/nagios-herald Ruby 89 0
- | 9 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 74 25
- | 10 venmo/synx Ruby 82 2
- | 11 interagent/prmd Ruby 74 5
- | 12 discourse/discourse Ruby 64 22
- | 13 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 56 21
- | 14 vigetlabs/sass-json-vars Ruby 65 0
- | 15 caskroom/homebrew-cask Ruby 49 30
- | 16 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 53 19
- | 17 harrystech/seed_migration Ruby 57 0
- | 18 twbs/bootstrap-sass Ruby 47 17
- | 19 opal/opal Ruby 50 2
- | 20 plataformatec/devise Ruby 39 22
- | 21 sass/sass Ruby 43 12
- | 22 nickjj/orats Ruby 46 2
- | 23 chrishunt/desktop Ruby 39 3
- | 24 chloerei/campo Ruby 35 9
- | 25 jordansissel/fpm Ruby 35 4
- expect { @scraper.get(language, since) }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#list_all_languages' do
- before do
- @scraper = Scraper.new
- stub_request_get('trending')
- end
- context 'with no option' do
- it 'display daily ranking' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |abap
- |as3
- |ada
- |agda
- |alloy
- |antlr
- |apex
- |applescript
- |arc
- |arduino
- |aspx-vb
- |aspectj
- |nasm
- |ats
- |augeas
- |autohotkey
- |autoit
- |awk
- |blitzbasic
- |bluespec
- |boo
- |brightscript
- |bro
- |c
- |csharp
- |cpp
- |ceylon
- |cirru
- |clean
- |clips
- |clojure
- |cobol
- |coffeescript
- |cfm
- |common-lisp
- |coq
- |crystal
- |css
- |cuda
- |d
- |dart
- |dcpu-16-asm
- |dm
- |dogescript
- |dot
- |dylan
- |e
- |ec
- |eiffel
- |elixir
- |elm
- |emacs-lisp
- |erlang
- |fsharp
- |factor
- |fancy
- |fantom
- |flux
- |forth
- |fortran
- |frege
- |game-maker-language
- |gams
- |gap
- |glyph
- |gnuplot
- |go
- |gosu
- |grammatical-framework
- |groovy
- |harbour
- |haskell
- |haxe
- |hy
- |idl
- |idris
- |inform-7
- |io
- |ioke
- |j
- |java
- |javascript
- |jsoniq
- |julia
- |kotlin
- |krl
- |lasso
- |livescript
- |logos
- |logtalk
- |lua
- |m
- |markdown
- |mathematica
- |matlab
- |max/msp
- |mercury
- |ruby
- |monkey
- |moocode
- |moonscript
- |nemerle
- |nesc
- |netlogo
- |nimrod
- |nu
- |objective-c
- |objective-c++
- |objective-j
- |ocaml
- |omgrofl
- |ooc
- |opa
- |openedge-abl
- |oxygene
- |pan
- |parrot
- |pascal
- |pawn
- |perl
- |perl6
- |php
- |pike
- |pogoscript
- |powershell
- |processing
- |prolog
- |propeller-spin
- |puppet
- |pure-data
- |purescript
- |python
- |r
- |racket
- |ragel-in-ruby-host
- |rdoc
- |realbasic
- |rebol
- |red
- |robotframework
- |rouge
- |ruby
- |rust
- |sas
- |scala
- |scheme
- |scilab
- |self
- |bash
- |shellsession
- |shen
- |slash
- |smalltalk
- |sourcepawn
- |sql
- |squirrel
- |standard-ml
- |stata
- |supercollider
- |swift
- |systemverilog
- |tcl
- |tex
- |turing
- |txl
- |typescript
- |unrealscript
- |vala
- |verilog
- |vhdl
- |vim
- |visual-basic
- |volt
- |wisp
- |xbase
- |xc
- |xml
- |xproc
- |xquery
- |xslt
- |xtend
- |zephir
- |zimpl
- |
- |183 languages
- |you can get only selected language list with '-l' option.
- |if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'.
- |
- expect { @scraper.list_all_languages }.to output(res).to_stdout
- end
- end
- end
- private
- def stub_request_get(stub_url)
- url = Scraper::BASE_HOST.dup
- url << "/#{stub_url}" if stub_url
- uri = URI.parse(url)
- stub_request(:get, uri).
- to_return(
- :status => 200,
- :headers => {content_type: 'text/html'},
- :body => load_http_stub(stub_url))
- end