spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.2.9 vs spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
context "with 3" do
before { stub_request_get("trending") }
let(:number) { 3 }
it "display top 3 daily ranking" do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 AppFlowy-IO/appflowy Rust 238
- | 2 iptv-org/iptv JavaScript 107
- | 3 nodejs/node JavaScript 123
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
+ | 1 linexjlin/GPTs 445
+ | 2 ml-explore/mlx-examples Python 161
+ | 3 PRIS-CV/DemoFusion Jupyter Notebook 169
expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
@@ -53,37 +53,37 @@
before { stub_request_get("trending/#{language}") }
let(:language) { "ruby" }
it "display daily ranking by language" do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 puppetlabs/puppet Ruby 6
- | 2 github/explore Ruby 5
- | 3 mastodon/mastodon Ruby 7
- | 4 forem/forem Ruby 3
- | 5 Shopify/shopify-cli Ruby 2
- | 6 github/choosealicense.com Ruby 7
- | 7 sinatra/sinatra Ruby 1
- | 8 postalserver/postal Ruby 4
- | 9 chef/chef Ruby 2
- | 10 mame/quine-relay Ruby 5
- | 11 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 8
- | 12 freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source Ruby 4
- | 13 freeCodeCamp/devdocs Ruby 8
- | 14 hashicorp/vagrant Ruby 6
- | 15 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 12
- | 16 umd-cmsc330/cmsc330spring22 Ruby 1
- | 17 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 1
- | 18 heartcombo/devise Ruby 2
- | 19 opf/openproject Ruby 4
- | 20 rails/rails Ruby 23
- | 21 railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport Ruby 1
- | 22 rubocop/rubocop Ruby 1
- | 23 thoughtbot/factory_bot Ruby 1
- | 24 fluent/fluentd Ruby 2
- | 25 spree/spree Ruby 5
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------
+ | 1 greatghoul/remote-working Ruby 34
+ | 2 huginn/huginn Ruby 13
+ | 3 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 11
+ | 4 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 6
+ | 5 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 8
+ | 6 ankane/pghero Ruby 16
+ | 7 joemasilotti/daily-log Ruby 7
+ | 8 hashicorp/vagrant Ruby 5
+ | 9 fluent/fluentd Ruby 5
+ | 10 rubygems/rubygems Ruby 1
+ | 11 otwcode/otwarchive Ruby 2
+ | 12 freeCodeCamp/devdocs Ruby 5
+ | 13 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 1
+ | 14 gollum/gollum Ruby 2
+ | 15 ruby/ruby Ruby 2
+ | 16 TheOdinProject/theodinproject Ruby 6
+ | 17 wpscanteam/wpscan Ruby 0
+ | 18 mastodon/mastodon Ruby 12
+ | 19 github/explore Ruby 0
+ | 20 tradingview/charting-library-examples Ruby 0
+ | 21 jwt/ruby-jwt Ruby 0
+ | 22 forem/forem Ruby 4
+ | 23 urbanadventurer/WhatWeb Ruby 3
+ | 24 chef/chef Ruby 0
+ | 25 instructure/canvas-lms Ruby 0
expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
@@ -196,37 +196,37 @@
let(:language) { "ruby" }
let(:since) { "weekly" }
it "display weekly ranking by language" do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- --------------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 huginn/huginn Ruby 881
- | 2 faker-ruby/faker Ruby 193
- | 3 hashicorp/vagrant Ruby 46
- | 4 mperham/sidekiq Ruby 17
- | 5 freeCodeCamp/how-to-contribute-to-open-source Ruby 40
- | 6 rails/jsbundling-rails Ruby 20
- | 7 puma/puma Ruby 10
- | 8 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 72
- | 9 rails/rails Ruby 103
- | 10 sinatra/sinatra Ruby 11
- | 11 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 77
- | 12 puppetlabs/puppet Ruby 23
- | 13 Shopify/liquid Ruby 21
- | 14 github/linguist Ruby 27
- | 15 rmosolgo/graphql-ruby Ruby 2
- | 16 github/choosealicense.com Ruby 24
- | 17 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 96
- | 18 Homebrew/homebrew-core Ruby 28
- | 19 github/view_component Ruby 11
- | 20 hrishikesh1990/resume-builder Ruby 6
- | 21 varvet/pundit Ruby 8
- | 22 github/explore Ruby 23
- | 23 heartcombo/devise Ruby 18
- | 24 activerecord-hackery/ransack Ruby 10
- | 25 Homebrew/homebrew-cask Ruby 32
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------
+ | 1 mastodon/mastodon Ruby 115
+ | 2 community/community Ruby 25
+ | 3 freeCodeCamp/devdocs Ruby 65
+ | 4 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 84
+ | 5 github-linguist/linguist Ruby 14
+ | 6 ankane/pghero Ruby 32
+ | 7 chatwoot/chatwoot Ruby 59
+ | 8 department-of-veterans-affairs/vets-api Ruby 2
+ | 9 ekylibre/ekylibre Ruby 21
+ | 10 mileszs/wicked_pdf Ruby 5
+ | 11 elastic/elasticsearch-rails Ruby 2
+ | 12 heartcombo/devise Ruby 16
+ | 13 aws/aws-sdk-ruby Ruby 2
+ | 14 endoflife-date/endoflife.date Ruby 19
+ | 15 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 50
+ | 16 heartcombo/simple_form Ruby 6
+ | 17 thoughtbot/shoulda-matchers Ruby 5
+ | 18 spree/spree Ruby 13
+ | 19 solidusio/solidus Ruby 8
+ | 20 huginn/huginn Ruby 67
+ | 21 CanCanCommunity/cancancan Ruby 2
+ | 22 tradingview/charting-library-examples Ruby 3
+ | 23 kaminari/kaminari Ruby 5
+ | 24 rubocop/rubocop Ruby 10
+ | 25 paper-trail-gem/paper_trail Ruby 3
expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
@@ -237,11 +237,11 @@
before { stub_request_get("trending") }
let(:cli) { CLI.new }
context "with no option" do
it "display languages" do
- expect { cli.languages }.to output(dummy_languages).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.languages }.to output(match("C++").and match("HTML").and match("Ruby")).to_stdout
@@ -257,756 +257,135 @@
body: load_http_stub(stub_file))
def dummy_result_without_description
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- -------------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 AppFlowy-IO/appflowy Rust 238
- | 2 iptv-org/iptv JavaScript 107
- | 3 nodejs/node JavaScript 123
- | 4 yt-dlp/yt-dlp Python 139
- | 5 nextui-org/nextui TypeScript 515
- | 6 ciderapp/Cider JavaScript 58
- | 7 Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes 266
- | 8 Jxck-S/plane-notify Python 39
- | 9 Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt JavaScript 77
- | 10 Developer-Y/cs-video-courses 710
- | 11 HashLips/hashlips_art_engine JavaScript 93
- | 12 IBAX-io/go-ibax Go 775
- | 13 emilk/egui Rust 34
- | 14 PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding Lua 38
- | 15 uutils/coreutils Rust 269
- | 16 ryanoasis/nerd-fonts CSS 25
- | 17 KaLendsi/CVE-2022-21882 C++ 51
- | 18 kdrag0n/safetynet-fix C++ 34
- | 19 Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Python 13
- | 20 github/docs JavaScript 26
- | 21 RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives Python 415
- | 22 TheAlgorithms/Go Go 123
- | 23 pi-hole/docker-pi-hole Shell 5
- | 24 zhiwehu/Python-programming-exercises 50
- | 25 LawnchairLauncher/lawnicons Kotlin 6
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------
+ | 1 linexjlin/GPTs 445
+ | 2 ml-explore/mlx-examples Python 161
+ | 3 PRIS-CV/DemoFusion Jupyter Notebook 169
+ | 4 jmpoep/vmprotect-3.5.1 C++ 489
+ | 5 prasanthrangan/hyprdots Shell 21
+ | 6 MichaelYuhe/ai-group-tabs TypeScript 230
+ | 7 mli/paper-reading 129
+ | 8 SuperDuperDB/superduperdb Python 497
+ | 9 ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101 268
+ | 10 yformer/EfficientSAM Jupyter Notebook 117
+ | 11 xuchengsheng/spring-reading Java 413
+ | 12 Flode-Labs/vid2densepose Python 164
+ | 13 huggingface/optimum-nvidia Python 133
+ | 14 sweepai/sweep Python 55
+ | 15 practical-tutorials/project-based-learning 2058
+ | 16 home-assistant/core Python 33
+ | 17 100xdevs-cohort-2/assignments JavaScript 117
+ | 18 kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd C# 21
+ | 19 rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2024 R 41
+ | 20 jackfrued/Python-100-Days Python 192
+ | 21 01-ai/Yi Python 18
+ | 22 facebookresearch/Pearl Python 95
+ | 23 zzzgydi/clash-verge TypeScript 31
+ | 24 ytdl-org/youtube-dl Python 24
+ | 25 dunglas/frankenphp Go 53
def dummy_result_no_options
- |No. Name Lang Star Description
- |--- -------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | 1 AppFlowy-IO/appflowy Rust 238 AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of...
- | 2 iptv-org/iptv JavaScript 107 Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
- | 3 nodejs/node JavaScript 123 Node.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
- | 4 yt-dlp/yt-dlp Python 139 A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
- | 5 nextui-org/nextui TypeScript 515 🚀 Beautiful, fast and modern React UI library.
- | 6 ciderapp/Cider JavaScript 58 Project Cider. A new look into listening and enjoying Apple Music in s...
- | 7 Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes 266 Full reference of LinkedIn answers 2022 for skill assessments, LinkedI...
- | 8 Jxck-S/plane-notify Python 39 Notify If a selected plane has taken off or landed using OpenSky or AD...
- | 9 Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt JavaScript 77 Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridge...
- | 10 Developer-Y/cs-video-courses 710 List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
- | 11 HashLips/hashlips_art_engine JavaScript 93 HashLips Art Engine is a tool used to create multiple different instan...
- | 12 IBAX-io/go-ibax Go 775 An innovative Blockchain Protocol Platform, which everyone can deploy ...
- | 13 emilk/egui Rust 34 egui: an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in Rust that runs on both web ...
- | 14 PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding Lua 38 Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
- | 15 uutils/coreutils Rust 269 Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
- | 16 ryanoasis/nerd-fonts CSS 25 Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patch...
- | 17 KaLendsi/CVE-2022-21882 C++ 51 win32k LPE
- | 18 kdrag0n/safetynet-fix C++ 34 Google SafetyNet attestation workarounds for Magisk
- | 19 Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Python 13 Chia blockchain python implementation (full node, farmer, harvester, t...
- | 20 github/docs JavaScript 26 The open-source repo for docs.github.com
- | 21 RunaCapital/awesome-oss-alternatives Python 415 Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS pr...
- | 22 TheAlgorithms/Go Go 123 Algorithms implemented in Go for beginners, following best practices.
- | 23 pi-hole/docker-pi-hole Shell 5 Pi-hole in a docker container
- | 24 zhiwehu/Python-programming-exercises 50 100+ Python challenging programming exercises
- | 25 LawnchairLauncher/lawnicons Kotlin 6
+ |No. Name Lang Star Description
+ |--- ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ | 1 linexjlin/GPTs 445 leaked prompts of GPTs
+ | 2 ml-explore/mlx-examples Python 161 Examples in the MLX framework
+ | 3 PRIS-CV/DemoFusion Jupyter Notebook 169 Let us democratise high-resolution generation! (arXiv 2023)
+ | 4 jmpoep/vmprotect-3.5.1 C++ 489
+ | 5 prasanthrangan/hyprdots Shell 21 // Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
+ | 6 MichaelYuhe/ai-group-tabs TypeScript 230 A Chrome extension helps you group your tabs with AI.
+ | 7 mli/paper-reading 129 深度学习经典、新论文逐段精读
+ | 8 SuperDuperDB/superduperdb Python 497 🔮 SuperDuperDB: Bring AI to your database: Integrate, train and m...
+ | 9 ByteByteGoHq/system-design-101 268 Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you p...
+ | 10 yformer/EfficientSAM Jupyter Notebook 117 EfficientSAM: Leveraged Masked Image Pretraining for Efficient Seg...
+ | 11 xuchengsheng/spring-reading Java 413 涵盖了 Spring 框架的核心概念和关键功能,包括控制反转(IOC)容器的...
+ | 12 Flode-Labs/vid2densepose Python 164 Convert your videos to densepose and use it on MagicAnimate
+ | 13 huggingface/optimum-nvidia Python 133
+ | 14 sweepai/sweep Python 55 Sweep: AI-powered Junior Developer for small features and bug fixes.
+ | 15 practical-tutorials/project-based-learning 2058 Curated list of project-based tutorials
+ | 16 home-assistant/core Python 33 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy...
+ | 17 100xdevs-cohort-2/assignments JavaScript 117
+ | 18 kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd C# 21 Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
+ | 19 rmcelreath/stat_rethinking_2024 R 41
+ | 20 jackfrued/Python-100-Days Python 192 Python - 100天从新手到大师
+ | 21 01-ai/Yi Python 18 A series of large language models trained from scratch by develope...
+ | 22 facebookresearch/Pearl Python 95 A Production-ready Reinforcement Learning AI Agent Library brought...
+ | 23 zzzgydi/clash-verge TypeScript 31 A Clash GUI based on tauri. Supports Windows, macOS and Linux.
+ | 24 ytdl-org/youtube-dl Python 24 Command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other...
+ | 25 dunglas/frankenphp Go 53 The modern PHP app server
def dummy_weekly_result
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- -------------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 doocs/leetcode Java 1754
- | 2 veler/DevToys C# 2953
- | 3 Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes 854
- | 4 papers-we-love/papers-we-love Shell 825
- | 5 TheAlgorithms/Javascript JavaScript 425
- | 6 ciderapp/Cider JavaScript 247
- | 7 huginn/huginn Ruby 881
- | 8 public-apis/public-apis Python 1482
- | 9 akutz/go-generics-the-hard-way Go 489
- | 10 pytorch/fairseq Python 292
- | 11 rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop TypeScript 478
- | 12 microsoft/playwright TypeScript 1085
- | 13 scikit-learn/scikit-learn Python 245
- | 14 DustinBrett/daedalOS JavaScript 991
- | 15 chiru-labs/ERC721A Solidity 226
- | 16 pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js JavaScript 424
- | 17 abiosoft/colima Go 537
- | 18 jackfrued/Python-100-Days Python 503
- | 19 kedro-org/kedro Python 785
- | 20 khuedoan/homelab Python 1416
- | 21 imcuttle/mometa TypeScript 553
- | 22 nektos/act Go 394
- | 23 spring-projects/spring-authorization-server Java 165
- | 24 flameshot-org/flameshot C++ 311
- | 25 yuzu-emu/yuzu C++ 449
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------
+ | 1 LC044/WeChatMsg Python 10719
+ | 2 microsoft/TaskWeaver Python 1957
+ | 3 facebookresearch/seamless_communication C 1568
+ | 4 lllyasviel/Fooocus Python 3406
+ | 5 sherlock-project/sherlock Python 996
+ | 6 pytorch-labs/gpt-fast Python 2147
+ | 7 comfyanonymous/ComfyUI Python 1518
+ | 8 VikParuchuri/marker Python 1497
+ | 9 xuchengsheng/spring-reading Java 637
+ | 10 Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile C++ 1833
+ | 11 go-gost/gost Go 487
+ | 12 microsoft/PowerToys C# 905
+ | 13 songquanpeng/one-api Go 323
+ | 14 nocodb/nocodb TypeScript 392
+ | 15 AleoHQ/leo Rust 744
+ | 16 modularml/mojo Jupyter Notebook 386
+ | 17 gkd-kit/gkd Kotlin 1272
+ | 18 danny-avila/LibreChat TypeScript 647
+ | 19 practical-tutorials/project-based-learning 1670
+ | 20 pocketbase/pocketbase Go 457
+ | 21 symfony/symfony PHP 35
+ | 22 awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted 2239
+ | 23 upscayl/upscayl TypeScript 266
+ | 24 coolsnowwolf/lede C 132
+ | 25 QwenLM/Qwen Python 377
def dummy_monthly_result
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- -------------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-JavaScript JavaScript 3736
- | 2 files-community/Files C# 3999
- | 3 adrianhajdin/project_web3.0 JavaScript 994
- | 4 doocs/leetcode Java 2516
- | 5 tauri-apps/tauri Rust 4367
- | 6 HashLips/hashlips_art_engine JavaScript 1156
- | 7 bevyengine/bevy Rust 1389
- | 8 coqui-ai/TTS Python 803
- | 9 apache/incubator-seatunnel Java 1136
- | 10 sunym1993/flash-linux0.11-talk C 3237
- | 11 Textualize/rich Python 2676
- | 12 withastro/astro TypeScript 1467
- | 13 dgtlmoon/changedetection.io Python 1496
- | 14 safak/youtube CSS 377
- | 15 mattermost/focalboard TypeScript 2313
- | 16 Ebazhanov/linkedin-skill-assessments-quizzes 1458
- | 17 containers/podman Go 658
- | 18 TandoorRecipes/recipes HTML 601
- | 19 emilk/egui Rust 967
- | 20 dataease/dataease Java 651
- | 21 danielyxie/bitburner JavaScript 776
- | 22 dwyl/english-words Python 422
- | 23 TheAlgorithms/Javascript JavaScript 839
- | 24 baidu/amis TypeScript 765
- | 25 rancher-sandbox/rancher-desktop TypeScript 746
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
+ | 1 SawyerHood/draw-a-ui TypeScript 11761
+ | 2 Stability-AI/generative-models Python 7286
+ | 3 microsoft/ML-For-Beginners HTML 9252
+ | 4 microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners Jupyter Notebook 15174
+ | 5 lllyasviel/Fooocus Python 10023
+ | 6 langchain-ai/opengpts Rich Text Format 3978
+ | 7 facebookresearch/seamless_communication C 2607
+ | 8 microsoft/AI-For-Beginners Jupyter Notebook 5708
+ | 9 tldraw/tldraw TypeScript 6750
+ | 10 atomicals/atomicals-js TypeScript 627
+ | 11 githubnext/monaspace TypeScript 9912
+ | 12 udlbook/udlbook Jupyter Notebook 1551
+ | 13 comfyanonymous/ComfyUI Python 4197
+ | 14 langgenius/dify TypeScript 2906
+ | 15 lobehub/lobe-chat TypeScript 2622
+ | 16 luosiallen/latent-consistency-model Python 2706
+ | 17 daveshap/OpenAI_Agent_Swarm Python 2310
+ | 18 chenzomi12/DeepLearningSystem Jupyter Notebook 1760
+ | 19 biomejs/biome Rust 2372
+ | 20 openai/openai-python Python 2811
+ | 21 AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy Dart 3071
+ | 22 saadeghi/daisyui Svelte 1773
+ | 23 nlohmann/json C++ 1080
+ | 24 SillyTavern/SillyTavern JavaScript 1566
+ | 25 1Panel-dev/1Panel Go 1950
- end
- def dummy_languages
- <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |C++
- |Java
- |JavaScript
- |PHP
- |Python
- |Ruby
- |Unknown languages
- |1C Enterprise
- |4D
- |ActionScript
- |Ada
- |Adobe Font Metrics
- |Agda
- |AGS Script
- |AL
- |AL
- |Alloy
- |Alpine Abuild
- |Altium Designer
- |AngelScript
- |Ant Build System
- |ApacheConf
- |Apex
- |API Blueprint
- |APL
- |Apollo Guidance Computer
- |AppleScript
- |Arc
- |AsciiDoc
- |ASL
- |ASN.1
- |Classic ASP
- |AspectJ
- |Assembly
- |Astro
- |Asymptote
- |ATS
- |Augeas
- |AutoHotkey
- |AutoIt
- |Avro IDL
- |Awk
- |Ballerina
- |Batchfile
- |Beef
- |Befunge
- |BibTeX
- |Bicep
- |Bison
- |BitBake
- |Blade
- |BlitzBasic
- |BlitzMax
- |Bluespec
- |Boo
- |Boogie
- |Brainfuck
- |Brightscript
- |Zeek
- |Browserslist
- |C
- |C#
- |C-ObjDump
- |C2hs Haskell
- |Cabal Config
- |Cap'n Proto
- |CartoCSS
- |Ceylon
- |Chapel
- |Charity
- |ChucK
- |CIL
- |Cirru
- |Clarion
- |Classic ASP
- |Clean
- |Click
- |Clojure
- |Closure Templates
- |Cloud Firestore Security Rules
- |CMake
- |CodeQL
- |CoffeeScript
- |ColdFusion
- |ColdFusion CFC
- |Common Lisp
- |Common Workflow Language
- |Component Pascal
- |CoNLL-U
- |Cool
- |Coq
- |Cpp-ObjDump
- |Creole
- |Crystal
- |Csound
- |Csound Document
- |Csound Score
- |CSS
- |CSV
- |Cuda
- |CUE
- |cURL Config
- |CWeb
- |Cycript
- |Cython
- |D
- |D-ObjDump
- |Dafny
- |Darcs Patch
- |Dart
- |DataWeave
- |desktop
- |Dhall
- |Diff
- |DIGITAL Command Language
- |dircolors
- |DirectX 3D File
- |DM
- |DNS Zone
- |Dockerfile
- |Dogescript
- |DTrace
- |Dylan
- |E
- |E-mail
- |Eagle
- |Earthly
- |Easybuild
- |eC
- |Ecere Projects
- |ECL
- |ECLiPSe
- |EditorConfig
- |Edje Data Collection
- |edn
- |Eiffel
- |EJS
- |Elixir
- |Elm
- |Emacs Lisp
- |EmberScript
- |E-mail
- |EQ
- |Erlang
- |F#
- |F*
- |Factor
- |Fancy
- |Fantom
- |Faust
- |Fennel
- |FIGlet Font
- |Filebench WML
- |Filterscript
- |fish
- |Fluent
- |Formatted
- |Forth
- |Fortran
- |Fortran Free Form
- |FreeBasic
- |FreeMarker
- |Frege
- |Futhark
- |G-code
- |Game Maker Language
- |GAP
- |GCC Machine Description
- |GDB
- |GDScript
- |Gemfile.lock
- |Genie
- |Genshi
- |Gentoo Ebuild
- |Gentoo Eclass
- |Gerber Image
- |Gettext Catalog
- |Gherkin
- |Git Attributes
- |Git Config
- |Glyph
- |Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format
- |GN
- |Gnuplot
- |Go
- |Go Checksums
- |Go Module
- |Golo
- |Gosu
- |Grace
- |Gradle
- |Grammatical Framework
- |Graph Modeling Language
- |GraphQL
- |Graphviz (DOT)
- |Groovy
- |Groovy Server Pages
- |Hack
- |Haml
- |Handlebars
- |HAProxy
- |Harbour
- |Haskell
- |Haxe
- |HCL
- |HiveQL
- |HolyC
- |Jinja
- |HTML+Razor
- |Hy
- |HyPhy
- |IDL
- |Idris
- |Ignore List
- |IGOR Pro
- |ImageJ Macro
- |Inform 7
- |INI
- |Inno Setup
- |Io
- |Ioke
- |IRC log
- |Isabelle
- |Isabelle ROOT
- |J
- |Jasmin
- |Java Properties
- |Java Server Pages
- |JavaScript+ERB
- |JFlex
- |Jinja
- |Jison
- |Jison Lex
- |Jolie
- |jq
- |JSON with Comments
- |JSON5
- |JSONiq
- |Jsonnet
- |Julia
- |Jupyter Notebook
- |Kaitai Struct
- |KakouneScript
- |KiCad Layout
- |KiCad Legacy Layout
- |KiCad Schematic
- |Kit
- |Kotlin
- |KRL
- |Kusto
- |LabVIEW
- |Lark
- |Lasso
- |Latte
- |Lean
- |Less
- |Lex
- |LFE
- |LilyPond
- |Limbo
- |Linker Script
- |Linux Kernel Module
- |Liquid
- |Literate Agda
- |Literate CoffeeScript
- |Literate Haskell
- |LiveScript
- |Logos
- |Logtalk
- |LookML
- |LoomScript
- |LSL
- |LTspice Symbol
- |Lua
- |M
- |M4
- |M4Sugar
- |Macaulay2
- |Makefile
- |Mako
- |Markdown
- |Marko
- |Mask
- |Mathematica
- |Maven POM
- |Max
- |MAXScript
- |mcfunction
- |Wikitext
- |Mercury
- |Meson
- |Metal
- |Microsoft Developer Studio Project
- |Microsoft Visual Studio Solution
- |MiniD
- |Mirah
- |mIRC Script
- |Modelica
- |Modula-2
- |Modula-3
- |Module Management System
- |Monkey
- |Moocode
- |MoonScript
- |Motoko
- |Motorola 68K Assembly
- |MQL4
- |MQL5
- |MUF
- |mupad
- |Muse
- |Mustache
- |Myghty
- |nanorc
- |NCL
- |Nearley
- |Nemerle
- |nesC
- |NetLinx
- |NetLinx+ERB
- |NetLogo
- |NewLisp
- |Nextflow
- |Nginx
- |Nim
- |Ninja
- |Nit
- |Nix
- |NL
- |NPM Config
- |Nu
- |NumPy
- |Nunjucks
- |NWScript
- |ObjDump
- |Object Data Instance Notation
- |Objective-C
- |Objective-C++
- |Objective-J
- |ObjectScript
- |OCaml
- |Odin
- |Omgrofl
- |ooc
- |Opa
- |Opal
- |Open Policy Agent
- |OpenCL
- |OpenEdge ABL
- |OpenQASM
- |OpenRC runscript
- |OpenSCAD
- |OpenStep Property List
- |OpenType Feature File
- |Org
- |Ox
- |Oxygene
- |Oz
- |P4
- |Pan
- |Papyrus
- |Parrot
- |Parrot Assembly
- |Parrot Internal Representation
- |Pascal
- |Pawn
- |PEG.js
- |Pep8
- |Perl
- |Pic
- |Pickle
- |PicoLisp
- |PigLatin
- |Pike
- |PlantUML
- |PLpgSQL
- |Pod
- |Pod 6
- |PogoScript
- |Pony
- |PostCSS
- |PostScript
- |POV-Ray SDL
- |PowerBuilder
- |PowerShell
- |Prisma
- |Processing
- |Proguard
- |Prolog
- |Promela
- |Propeller Spin
- |Protocol Buffer
- |Public Key
- |Pug
- |Puppet
- |Pure Data
- |PureBasic
- |PureScript
- |Python console
- |Python traceback
- |q
- |Q#
- |QMake
- |QML
- |Qt Script
- |Quake
- |R
- |Racket
- |Ragel
- |Raku
- |Rascal
- |Raw token data
- |RDoc
- |Readline Config
- |REALbasic
- |Reason
- |Rebol
- |Red
- |Redcode
- |Regular Expression
- |Ren'Py
- |RenderScript
- |ReScript
- |reStructuredText
- |Rich Text Format
- |Ring
- |Riot
- |RMarkdown
- |RobotFramework
- |robots.txt
- |Roff
- |Roff Manpage
- |Rouge
- |RPC
- |RPM Spec
- |Rust
- |Sage
- |SaltStack
- |SAS
- |Sass
- |Scala
- |Scaml
- |Scheme
- |Scilab
- |sed
- |Self
- |ShaderLab
- |Shell
- |ShellSession
- |Shen
- |Sieve
- |Singularity
- |Slash
- |Slice
- |Slim
- |Smali
- |Smalltalk
- |Smarty
- |SmPL
- |SMT
- |Solidity
- |SourcePawn
- |Spline Font Database
- |SQF
- |SQL
- |Squirrel
- |SRecode Template
- |SSH Config
- |Stan
- |Standard ML
- |Starlark
- |Stata
- |StringTemplate
- |Stylus
- |SubRip Text
- |SugarSS
- |SuperCollider
- |Svelte
- |SVG
- |Swift
- |SystemVerilog
- |Tcl
- |Tcsh
- |Tea
- |Terra
- |TeX
- |Texinfo
- |Text
- |Textile
- |Thrift
- |TI Program
- |TLA
- |TSV
- |TSX
- |Turing
- |Turtle
- |Twig
- |TXL
- |Type Language
- |TypeScript
- |Unified Parallel C
- |Unity3D Asset
- |Unix Assembly
- |Uno
- |UnrealScript
- |UrWeb
- |V
- |Vala
- |Valve Data Format
- |VBA
- |VBScript
- |VCL
- |Verilog
- |Vim Help File
- |Vim Script
- |Vim Snippet
- |Visual Basic .NET
- |Visual Basic .NET
- |Volt
- |Vue
- |Wavefront Material
- |Wavefront Object
- |wdl
- |Web Ontology Language
- |WebAssembly
- |WebIDL
- |WebVTT
- |Wget Config
- |Wikitext
- |Windows Registry Entries
- |wisp
- |Wollok
- |World of Warcraft Addon Data
- |X BitMap
- |X Font Directory Index
- |X PixMap
- |X10
- |xBase
- |XC
- |XCompose
- |XML
- |XML Property List
- |Xojo
- |Xonsh
- |XPages
- |XProc
- |XQuery
- |XS
- |Xtend
- |Yacc
- |YASnippet
- |ZAP
- |Zeek
- |ZenScript
- |Zephir
- |Zig
- |ZIL
- |Zimpl
- |
- |611 languages
- |you can get only selected language list with '-l' option.
- |if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'.
- |