spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.1.9 vs spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.2.0

- old
+ new

@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ context "with 3" do before { stub_request_get("trending") } let(:number) { 3 } it "display top 3 daily ranking" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star - |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ - | 1 ShiqiYu/libfacedetection C++ 1237 - | 2 selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching Jupyter Notebook 614 - | 3 codercom/code-server TypeScript 628 + |No. Name Lang Star + |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ + | 1 vmware/octant Go 889 + | 2 dengyuhan/magnetW Java 1738 + | 3 sherlock-project/sherlock Python 6225 EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end @@ -53,76 +53,50 @@ before { stub_request_get("trending/#{language}") } let(:language) { "ruby" } it "display daily ranking by language" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star - |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ - | 1 rails/activestorage Ruby 25 - | 2 jondot/awesome-react-native Ruby 21 - | 3 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 18 - | 4 athityakumar/colorls Ruby 16 - | 5 rails/rails Ruby 10 - | 6 discourse/discourse Ruby 12 - | 7 openjournals/jose Ruby 11 - | 8 Homebrew/brew Ruby 10 - | 9 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 9 - | 10 pinterest/it-cpe-cookbooks Ruby 10 - | 11 elastic/logstash Ruby 9 - | 12 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 9 - | 13 caskroom/homebrew-cask Ruby 5 - | 14 rails/webpacker Ruby 8 - | 15 jcs/lobsters Ruby 8 - | 16 tootsuite/mastodon Ruby 6 - | 17 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 7 - | 18 learnetto/calreact Ruby 7 - | 19 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 5 - | 20 sass/sass Ruby 6 - | 21 thoughtbot/administrate Ruby 6 - | 22 CocoaPods/CocoaPods Ruby 5 - | 23 huginn/huginn Ruby 5 - | 24 airblade/paper_trail Ruby 5 - | 25 rmosolgo/graphql-ruby Ruby 5 + |No. Name Lang Star + |--- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ + | 1 thepracticaldev/dev.to Ruby 9962 + | 2 rails/rails Ruby 43798 + | 3 chef/chef Ruby 5892 + | 4 Netflix/fast_jsonapi Ruby 4458 + | 5 dependabot/dependabot-core Ruby 667 + | 6 guard/listen Ruby 1428 + | 7 braintree/runbook Ruby 246 + | 8 solidusio/solidus Ruby 2638 + | 9 peatio/peatio Ruby 3228 + | 10 lynndylanhurley/devise_token_auth Ruby 2793 + | 11 mperham/sidekiq Ruby 9748 + | 12 CocoaPods/CocoaPods Ruby 11824 + | 13 ruby/ruby Ruby 16046 + | 14 elastic/ansible-elasticsearch Ruby 948 + | 15 CocoaPods/Xcodeproj Ruby 1494 + | 16 spree/spree Ruby 9877 + | 17 brotandgames/ciao Ruby 609 + | 18 dtan4/terraforming Ruby 2975 + | 19 elastic/logstash Ruby 10427 + | 20 plataformatec/simple_form Ruby 7432 + | 21 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 38385 + | 22 rubocop-hq/rubocop Ruby 10202 + | 23 github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator Ruby 5497 + | 24 sferik/rails_admin Ruby 7123 + | 25 rubysherpas/paranoia Ruby 2484 EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end - context "with alloy : when star and fork count is nothing" do + context "with alloy : when trending is nothing" do before { stub_request_get("trending/#{language}") } let(:language) { "alloy" } - it "display daily ranking by language" do + it "display the 0cases message" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star - |--- ------------------------------------------- ---------- ------ - | 1 danielbayley/Ableton-Live-tools Alloy 0 - | 2 DavW/midihack Alloy 0 - | 3 mark-henry/ableton-experiment Alloy 0 - | 4 Iyouboushi/mIRC-BattleArena Alloy 0 - | 5 adamjmurray/js-live-api-humanize-midi-clips Alloy 0 - | 6 Binomio/bootstrap-base-song-for-live9 Alloy 0 - | 7 lorin/alloy-fish Alloy 0 - | 8 devd/websecmodel Alloy 0 - | 9 kepae/alloy-coin Alloy 0 - | 10 pron/amazon-snapshot-spec Alloy 0 - | 11 SaberMirzaei/Alloy-Model-of-MCA Alloy 0 - | 12 rossgore/alloy-tutorial Alloy 0 - | 13 uwplse/memsynth Alloy 0 - | 14 fstakem/alloy_book Alloy 0 - | 15 aishamidori/cs195y-final Alloy 0 - | 16 samueltcsantos/logica.alloy Alloy 0 - | 17 mravella/maya_model Alloy 0 - | 18 salesfelipe/projetoDeLogica Alloy 0 - | 19 BGCX261/zigbee-alloy-svn-to-git Alloy 0 - | 20 millerns/ReliableDataTransfer Alloy 0 - | 21 ArcherCraftStore/ArcherCraft_Maya Alloy 0 - | 22 cpmpercussion/teslamusic Alloy 0 - | 23 z64/track-52314 Alloy 0 - | 24 kmcallister/gc-models Alloy 0 - | 25 Echtzeitsysteme/cardygan Alloy 0 + |It looks like we don’t have any trending repositories. EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end @@ -224,35 +198,35 @@ it "display weekly ranking by language" do res = <<-'EOS'.unindent |No. Name Lang Star |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------ - | 1 athityakumar/colorls Ruby 442 - | 2 rails/activestorage Ruby 185 - | 3 jondot/awesome-react-native Ruby 143 - | 4 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 117 - | 5 rails/rails Ruby 98 - | 6 Homebrew/brew Ruby 101 - | 7 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 92 - | 8 discourse/discourse Ruby 78 - | 9 tootsuite/mastodon Ruby 63 - | 10 openebs/openebs Ruby 66 - | 11 lewagon/setup Ruby 61 - | 12 DeathKing/Learning-SICP Ruby 51 - | 13 huginn/huginn Ruby 50 - | 14 sass/sass Ruby 48 - | 15 atech/postal Ruby 46 - | 16 mitchellh/vagrant Ruby 46 - | 17 exercism/exercism.io Ruby 46 - | 18 caskroom/homebrew-cask Ruby 32 - | 19 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 35 - | 20 gitlabhq/gitlabhq Ruby 37 - | 21 elastic/logstash Ruby 36 - | 22 stympy/faker Ruby 32 - | 23 Homebrew/homebrew-core Ruby 22 - | 24 ruby/ruby Ruby 34 - | 25 rails/webpacker Ruby 34 + | 1 rapid7/metasploit-framework Ruby 17311 + | 2 jekyll/jekyll Ruby 38385 + | 3 ruby/ruby Ruby 16046 + | 4 greatghoul/remote-working Ruby 4793 + | 5 thepracticaldev/dev.to Ruby 9962 + | 6 rails/rails Ruby 43798 + | 7 fastlane/fastlane Ruby 26315 + | 8 elastic/logstash Ruby 10427 + | 9 zendesk/ruby-kafka Ruby 831 + | 10 activerecord-hackery/ransack Ruby 4336 + | 11 education/classroom Ruby 1088 + | 12 faker-ruby/faker Ruby 7912 + | 13 discourse/discourse Ruby 28798 + | 14 DeathKing/Learning-SICP Ruby 5653 + | 15 rails/webpacker Ruby 4350 + | 16 bayandin/awesome-awesomeness Ruby 24662 + | 17 github/explore Ruby 1249 + | 18 hashicorp/vagrant Ruby 18766 + | 19 varvet/pundit Ruby 6577 + | 20 ytti/oxidized Ruby 1189 + | 21 thoughtbot/factory_bot Ruby 6562 + | 22 dependabot/dependabot-core Ruby 667 + | 23 spree/spree Ruby 9877 + | 24 Homebrew/homebrew-core Ruby 6188 + | 25 thibmaek/awesome-raspberry-pi Ruby 5695 EOS expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout end end @@ -284,152 +258,157 @@ body: load_http_stub(stub_file)) end def dummy_result_without_description <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star - |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ - | 1 ShiqiYu/libfacedetection C++ 1237 - | 2 selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching Jupyter Notebook 614 - | 3 codercom/code-server TypeScript 628 - | 4 alexfoxy/laxxx JavaScript 518 - | 5 phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view Elixir 374 - | 6 mozilla/send JavaScript 309 - | 7 clone95/Machine-Learning-Study-Path-March-2019 241 - | 8 Microsoft/calculator C++ 241 - | 9 jkup/awesome-personal-blogs 191 - | 10 timvisee/ffsend Rust 178 - | 11 NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra 164 - | 12 Snailclimb/JavaGuide Java 152 - | 13 sindresorhus/type-fest TypeScript 169 - | 14 PaddlePaddle/LARK Python 151 - | 15 slackhq/PanModal Swift 160 - | 16 fitzgen/dodrio Rust 158 - | 17 dcloudio/uni-app Vue 141 - | 18 CyC2018/CS-Notes 126 - | 19 zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes Python 135 - | 20 dgryski/go-perfbook 140 - | 21 openacid/slim Go 136 - | 22 Microsoft/vscode TypeScript 127 - | 23 flutter/flutter Dart 118 - | 24 infinitered/nsfwjs JavaScript 121 - | 25 lyricat/wechat-format JavaScript 120 + |No. Name Lang Star + |--- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ + | 1 vmware/octant Go 889 + | 2 dengyuhan/magnetW Java 1738 + | 3 sherlock-project/sherlock Python 6225 + | 4 amejiarosario/dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript JavaScript 4003 + | 5 grafana/grafana TypeScript 30311 + | 6 Flaque/quirk TypeScript 1434 + | 7 2227324689/gpmall Java 232 + | 8 thepracticaldev/dev.to Ruby 9962 + | 9 google/googletest C++ 12542 + | 10 NVIDIA/open-gpu-doc C 499 + | 11 Tencent/MedicalNet Python 357 + | 12 didi/delta Python 597 + | 13 cnlh/nps Go 6027 + | 14 dennybritz/reinforcement-learning Jupyter Notebook 11375 + | 15 remoteintech/remote-jobs JavaScript 8423 + | 16 jackfrued/Python-100-Days Jupyter Notebook 53541 + | 17 rabbitmq/rabbitmq-tutorials Java 4076 + | 18 istio/istio Go 18981 + | 19 mozilla-mobile/fenix Kotlin 2198 + | 20 Igglybuff/awesome-piracy HTML 6987 + | 21 fireeye/commando-vm PowerShell 2727 + | 22 arpitjindal97/technology_books 3932 + | 23 datawhalechina/leeml-notes 2377 + | 24 tlbootcamp/tlroadmap Python 1282 + | 25 facebook/create-react-app JavaScript 70496 EOS end def dummy_result_no_options <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star Description - |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- - | 1 ShiqiYu/libfacedetection C++ 1237 An open source library for face detection in images. The face ... - | 2 selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching Jupyter Notebook 614 One has no future if he couldn't teach himself. - | 3 codercom/code-server TypeScript 628 Run VS Code on a remote server. - | 4 alexfoxy/laxxx JavaScript 518 Simple & light weight (2kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascri... - | 5 phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view Elixir 374 Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML - | 6 mozilla/send JavaScript 309 Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox - | 7 clone95/Machine-Learning-Study-Path-March-2019 241 A complete ML study path, focused on TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn - | 8 Microsoft/calculator C++ 241 Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ship... - | 9 jkup/awesome-personal-blogs 191 A delightful list of personal tech blogs - | 10 timvisee/ffsend Rust 178 📬 Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fu... - | 11 NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra 164 Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework - | 12 Snailclimb/JavaGuide Java 152 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心... - | 13 sindresorhus/type-fest TypeScript 169 A collection of essential TypeScript types - | 14 PaddlePaddle/LARK Python 151 LAnguage Representations Kit - | 15 slackhq/PanModal Swift 160 PanModal is an elegant and highly customizable presentation AP... - | 16 fitzgen/dodrio Rust 158 A fast, bump-allocated virtual DOM library for Rust and WebAss... - | 17 dcloudio/uni-app Vue 141 使用 Vue.js 开发跨平台应用的前端框架 - | 18 CyC2018/CS-Notes 126 😋 技术面试必备基础知识 - | 19 zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes Python 135 🌈Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chro... - | 20 dgryski/go-perfbook 140 Thoughts on Go performance optimization - | 21 openacid/slim Go 136 Unbelievably space efficient data structures in Golang. - | 22 Microsoft/vscode TypeScript 127 Visual Studio Code - | 23 flutter/flutter Dart 118 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps. - | 24 infinitered/nsfwjs JavaScript 121 NSFW detection on the client-side via Tensorflow JS - | 25 lyricat/wechat-format JavaScript 120 微信公众号排版编辑器,转化 Markdown 微信特制的 HTML + |No. Name Lang Star Description + |--- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------- + | 1 vmware/octant Go 889 A web-based, highly extensible platform for develo... + | 2 dengyuhan/magnetW Java 1738 磁力搜网页版 - 磁力链接聚合搜索 - https://bt.biedi... + | 3 sherlock-project/sherlock Python 6225 🔎 Find usernames across social networks + | 4 amejiarosario/dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript JavaScript 4003 Data Structures and Algorithms explained and imple... + | 5 grafana/grafana TypeScript 30311 The tool for beautiful monitoring and metric analy... + | 6 Flaque/quirk TypeScript 1434 ✨🐙 A GPL Licensed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy a... + | 7 2227324689/gpmall Java 232 基于SpringBoot+Dubbo构建的电商平台-微服务架构 + | 8 thepracticaldev/dev.to Ruby 9962 Where programmers share ideas and help each other ... + | 9 google/googletest C++ 12542 Googletest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework + | 10 NVIDIA/open-gpu-doc C 499 Documentation of NVIDIA chip/hardware interfaces + | 11 Tencent/MedicalNet Python 357 Many studies have shown that the performance on de... + | 12 didi/delta Python 597 DELTA is a deep learning based natural language an... + | 13 cnlh/nps Go 6027 一款轻量级、功能强大的内网穿透代理服务器。支持tcp... + | 14 dennybritz/reinforcement-learning Jupyter Notebook 11375 Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithm... + | 15 remoteintech/remote-jobs JavaScript 8423 A list of semi to fully remote-friendly companies ... + | 16 jackfrued/Python-100-Days Jupyter Notebook 53541 Python - 100天从新手到大师 + | 17 rabbitmq/rabbitmq-tutorials Java 4076 Tutorials for using RabbitMQ in various ways + | 18 istio/istio Go 18981 Connect, secure, control, and observe services. + | 19 mozilla-mobile/fenix Kotlin 2198 + | 20 Igglybuff/awesome-piracy HTML 6987 A curated list of awesome warez and piracy links + | 21 fireeye/commando-vm PowerShell 2727 Complete Mandiant Offensive VM (Commando VM), a fu... + | 22 arpitjindal97/technology_books 3932 Premium eBook free for Geeks + | 23 datawhalechina/leeml-notes 2377 李宏毅《机器学习》笔记,在线阅读地址:https://data... + | 24 tlbootcamp/tlroadmap Python 1282 👩🏼‍💻👨🏻‍💻Карта навыков и модель развития тимлидов + | 25 facebook/create-react-app JavaScript 70496 Set up a modern web app by running one command. EOS end def dummy_weekly_result <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star - |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ - | 1 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 5990 - | 2 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 3977 - | 3 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 3623 - | 4 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 3263 - | 5 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 2186 - | 6 vadimdemedes/ink JavaScript 1686 - | 7 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 1326 - | 8 ApolloAuto/apollo C++ 1193 - | 9 samccone/bundle-buddy JavaScript 1225 - | 10 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1126 - | 11 gatsbyjs/gatsby JavaScript 1114 - | 12 d4l3k/go-pry Go 1108 - | 13 vuejs/vue JavaScript 979 - | 14 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 790 - | 15 sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 931 - | 16 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 958 - | 17 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 909 - | 18 nitin42/terminal-in-react JavaScript 822 - | 19 tensorflow/nmt Python 781 - | 20 AnthonyCalandra/modern-cpp-features 797 - | 21 howtographql/howtographql TypeScript 773 - | 22 mmcloughlin/globe Go 735 - | 23 Yoctol/messaging-apis JavaScript 653 - | 24 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 638 - | 25 evilsocket/xray Go 619 + |No. Name Lang Star + |--- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ + | 1 0voice/interview_internal_reference Python 16448 + | 2 chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry JavaScript 18623 + | 3 peterq/pan-light Go 7707 + | 4 sherlock-project/sherlock Python 6228 + | 5 facebook/hermes C++ 4182 + | 6 alipay/SoloPi Java 2265 + | 7 lenve/vhr Java 8403 + | 8 jwasham/coding-interview-university 85447 + | 9 qiurunze123/miaosha Java 9771 + | 10 scutan90/DeepLearning-500-questions 32385 + | 11 haotian-wang/google-access-helper JavaScript 2614 + | 12 dianping/cat Java 10814 + | 13 crmeb/CRMEB JavaScript 962 + | 14 ardanlabs/gotraining Go 5588 + | 15 lenve/VBlog TSQL 2725 + | 16 zhaoolee/ChineseBQB CSS 4690 + | 17 fastai/course-nlp Jupyter Notebook 1268 + | 18 aosabook/500lines JavaScript 22735 + | 19 alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba Java 7889 + | 20 macrozheng/mall-learning Java 1562 + | 21 OpenFlutter/Flutter-Notebook Dart 4060 + | 22 huggingface/pytorch-transformers Python 10556 + | 23 amejiarosario/dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript JavaScript 4006 EOS end def dummy_monthly_result <<-'EOS'.unindent - |No. Name Lang Star - |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ - | 1 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 5990 - | 2 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 3977 - | 3 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 3623 - | 4 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 3263 - | 5 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 2186 - | 6 vadimdemedes/ink JavaScript 1686 - | 7 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 1326 - | 8 ApolloAuto/apollo C++ 1193 - | 9 samccone/bundle-buddy JavaScript 1225 - | 10 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1126 - | 11 gatsbyjs/gatsby JavaScript 1114 - | 12 d4l3k/go-pry Go 1108 - | 13 vuejs/vue JavaScript 979 - | 14 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 790 - | 15 sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit 931 - | 16 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 958 - | 17 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 909 - | 18 nitin42/terminal-in-react JavaScript 822 - | 19 tensorflow/nmt Python 781 - | 20 AnthonyCalandra/modern-cpp-features 797 - | 21 howtographql/howtographql TypeScript 773 - | 22 mmcloughlin/globe Go 735 - | 23 Yoctol/messaging-apis JavaScript 653 - | 24 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 638 - | 25 evilsocket/xray Go 619 + |No. Name Lang Star + |--- ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ + | 1 0voice/interview_internal_reference Python 16448 + | 2 chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry JavaScript 18623 + | 3 peterq/pan-light Go 7707 + | 4 sherlock-project/sherlock Python 6228 + | 5 facebook/hermes C++ 4182 + | 6 alipay/SoloPi Java 2265 + | 7 lenve/vhr Java 8403 + | 8 jwasham/coding-interview-university 85447 + | 9 qiurunze123/miaosha Java 9771 + | 10 scutan90/DeepLearning-500-questions 32385 + | 11 haotian-wang/google-access-helper JavaScript 2614 + | 12 dianping/cat Java 10814 + | 13 crmeb/CRMEB JavaScript 962 + | 14 ardanlabs/gotraining Go 5588 + | 15 lenve/VBlog TSQL 2725 + | 16 zhaoolee/ChineseBQB CSS 4690 + | 17 fastai/course-nlp Jupyter Notebook 1268 + | 18 aosabook/500lines JavaScript 22735 + | 19 alibaba/spring-cloud-alibaba Java 7889 + | 20 macrozheng/mall-learning Java 1562 + | 21 OpenFlutter/Flutter-Notebook Dart 4060 + | 22 huggingface/pytorch-transformers Python 10556 + | 23 amejiarosario/dsa.js-data-structures-algorithms-javascript JavaScript 4006 EOS end def dummy_languages <<-'EOS'.unindent + |C++ + |HTML + |Java + |JavaScript + |PHP + |Python + |Ruby + |Unknown languages |1C Enterprise |ABAP |ABNF |ActionScript |Ada |Adobe Font Metrics |Agda |AGS Script |Alloy |Alpine Abuild + |Altium Designer |AMPL |AngelScript |Ant Build System |ANTLR |ApacheConf @@ -460,16 +439,17 @@ |BlitzMax |Bluespec |Boo |Brainfuck |Brightscript - |Bro + |Zeek |C |C# |C++ |C-ObjDump |C2hs Haskell + |Cabal Config |Cap'n Proto |CartoCSS |Ceylon |Chapel |Charity @@ -511,10 +491,11 @@ |D-ObjDump |Darcs Patch |Dart |DataWeave |desktop + |Dhall |Diff |DIGITAL Command Language |DM |DNS Zone |Dockerfile @@ -567,10 +548,12 @@ |Gentoo Ebuild |Gentoo Eclass |Gerber Image |Gettext Catalog |Gherkin + |Git Attributes + |Git Config |GLSL |Glyph |Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format |GN |Gnuplot @@ -593,10 +576,11 @@ |Haskell |Haxe |HCL |HiveQL |HLSL + |HolyC |HTML |HTML+Django |HTML+ECR |HTML+EEX |HTML+ERB @@ -621,10 +605,11 @@ |Jasmin |Java |Java Properties |Java Server Pages |JavaScript + |JavaScript+ERB |JFlex |Jison |Jison Lex |Jolie |JSON @@ -691,16 +676,18 @@ |Modula-3 |Module Management System |Monkey |Moocode |MoonScript + |Motorola 68K Assembly |MQL4 |MQL5 |MTML |MUF |mupad |Myghty + |nanorc |NCL |Nearley |Nemerle |nesC |NetLinx @@ -719,10 +706,11 @@ |NumPy |ObjDump |Objective-C |Objective-C++ |Objective-J + |ObjectScript |OCaml |Omgrofl |ooc |Opa |Opal @@ -801,10 +789,11 @@ |Rich Text Format |Ring |RMarkdown |RobotFramework |Roff + |Roff Manpage |Rouge |RPC |RPM Spec |Ruby |RUNOFF @@ -838,10 +827,11 @@ |SQF |SQL |SQLPL |Squirrel |SRecode Template + |SSH Config |Stan |Standard ML |Stata |STON |Stylus @@ -860,10 +850,12 @@ |Textile |Thrift |TI Program |TLA |TOML + |TSQL + |TSX |Turing |Turtle |Twig |TXL |Type Language @@ -886,12 +878,14 @@ |Wavefront Object |wdl |Web Ontology Language |WebAssembly |WebIDL + |WebVTT |Windows Registry Entries |wisp + |Wollok |World of Warcraft Addon Data |X BitMap |X Font Directory Index |X PixMap |X10 @@ -909,14 +903,18 @@ |Yacc |YAML |YANG |YARA |YASnippet + |ZAP + |Zeek + |ZenScript |Zephir |Zig + |ZIL |Zimpl | - |496 languages + |524 languages |you can get only selected language list with '-l' option. |if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'. | EOS end