spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.1.8 vs spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.1.9
- old
+ new
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
context "with 3" do
before { stub_request_get("trending") }
let(:number) { 3 }
it "display top 3 daily ranking" do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------
- | 1 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1111
- | 2 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 665
- | 3 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 440
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
+ | 1 ShiqiYu/libfacedetection C++ 1237
+ | 2 selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching Jupyter Notebook 614
+ | 3 codercom/code-server TypeScript 628
expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
@@ -284,70 +284,70 @@
body: load_http_stub(stub_file))
def dummy_result_without_description
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
- | 1 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1111
- | 2 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 665
- | 3 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 440
- | 4 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 427
- | 5 d4l3k/go-pry Go 419
- | 6 Kristories/awesome-guidelines 382
- | 7 iogf/sukhoi Python 302
- | 8 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 254
- | 9 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 260
- | 10 geekplux/markvis JavaScript 230
- | 11 tensorflow/nmt Python 212
- | 12 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 212
- | 13 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 199
- | 14 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 198
- | 15 zeit/now JavaScript 197
- | 16 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 174
- | 17 cdflynn/turn-layout-manager Java 165
- | 18 vuejs/vue JavaScript 157
- | 19 sdras/intro-to-vue Vue 153
- | 20 moinism/botui JavaScript 150
- | 21 Tanibox/tania CSS 153
- | 22 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 116
- | 23 tarek360/RichPath Java 150
- | 24 woxingxiao/SlidingUpPanelLayout Java 143
- | 25 kristian-lange/net-glimpse JavaScript 141
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------
+ | 1 ShiqiYu/libfacedetection C++ 1237
+ | 2 selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching Jupyter Notebook 614
+ | 3 codercom/code-server TypeScript 628
+ | 4 alexfoxy/laxxx JavaScript 518
+ | 5 phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view Elixir 374
+ | 6 mozilla/send JavaScript 309
+ | 7 clone95/Machine-Learning-Study-Path-March-2019 241
+ | 8 Microsoft/calculator C++ 241
+ | 9 jkup/awesome-personal-blogs 191
+ | 10 timvisee/ffsend Rust 178
+ | 11 NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra 164
+ | 12 Snailclimb/JavaGuide Java 152
+ | 13 sindresorhus/type-fest TypeScript 169
+ | 14 PaddlePaddle/LARK Python 151
+ | 15 slackhq/PanModal Swift 160
+ | 16 fitzgen/dodrio Rust 158
+ | 17 dcloudio/uni-app Vue 141
+ | 18 CyC2018/CS-Notes 126
+ | 19 zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes Python 135
+ | 20 dgryski/go-perfbook 140
+ | 21 openacid/slim Go 136
+ | 22 Microsoft/vscode TypeScript 127
+ | 23 flutter/flutter Dart 118
+ | 24 infinitered/nsfwjs JavaScript 121
+ | 25 lyricat/wechat-format JavaScript 120
def dummy_result_no_options
- |No. Name Lang Star Description
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | 1 alexanderepstein/Bash-Snippets Shell 1111 A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
- | 2 jaredreich/pell JavaScript 665 📝 the simplest and smallest (1kB) WYSIWYG text editor for web, with...
- | 3 azat-co/practicalnode JavaScript 440 Practical Node.js, 1st and 2nd Editions [Apress]
- | 4 shieldfy/API-Security-Checklist 427 Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when design...
- | 5 d4l3k/go-pry Go 419 An interactive REPL for Go that allows you to drop into your code at...
- | 6 Kristories/awesome-guidelines 382 A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards.
- | 7 iogf/sukhoi Python 302 Minimalist and powerful Web Crawler.
- | 8 wearehive/project-guidelines JavaScript 254 A set of best practices for JavaScript projects
- | 9 gpujs/gpu.js JavaScript 260 GPU Accelerated JavaScript
- | 10 geekplux/markvis JavaScript 230 make visualization in markdown. 📊📈
- | 11 tensorflow/nmt Python 212 TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial
- | 12 gitpoint/git-point JavaScript 212 ⚡️ GitHub for iOS. Built with React Native.
- | 13 coells/100days Jupyter Notebook 199 100 days of algorithms
- | 14 scwang90/SmartRefreshLayout Java 198 Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Fo...
- | 15 zeit/now JavaScript 197 Universal, serverless, single-command deployment
- | 16 walmik/scribbletune JavaScript 174 Generate musical patterns with JavaScript and export as MIDI files u...
- | 17 cdflynn/turn-layout-manager Java 165 A carousel layout manager for RecyclerView
- | 18 vuejs/vue JavaScript 157 A progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for buil...
- | 19 sdras/intro-to-vue Vue 153 Workshop Materials for my Introduction to Vue.js Workshop
- | 20 moinism/botui JavaScript 150 🤖 A JavaScript framework to create conversational UIs
- | 21 Tanibox/tania CSS 153 A PHP based, free, and open source farming management system.
- | 22 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 116 Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
- | 23 tarek360/RichPath Java 150 💪 Rich Android Path. 🤡 Draw as you want. 🎉 Animate much as you can.
- | 24 woxingxiao/SlidingUpPanelLayout Java 143 A vertical-handled and multi-panel support SlidingPanelLayout. 一个...
- | 25 kristian-lange/net-glimpse JavaScript 141 1) Real-time visualization of network traffic (Ethernet and Internet...
+ |No. Name Lang Star Description
+ |--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ | 1 ShiqiYu/libfacedetection C++ 1237 An open source library for face detection in images. The face ...
+ | 2 selfteaching/the-craft-of-selfteaching Jupyter Notebook 614 One has no future if he couldn't teach himself.
+ | 3 codercom/code-server TypeScript 628 Run VS Code on a remote server.
+ | 4 alexfoxy/laxxx JavaScript 518 Simple & light weight (2kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascri...
+ | 5 phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view Elixir 374 Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
+ | 6 mozilla/send JavaScript 309 Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox
+ | 7 clone95/Machine-Learning-Study-Path-March-2019 241 A complete ML study path, focused on TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn
+ | 8 Microsoft/calculator C++ 241 Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ship...
+ | 9 jkup/awesome-personal-blogs 191 A delightful list of personal tech blogs
+ | 10 timvisee/ffsend Rust 178 📬 Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fu...
+ | 11 NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra 164 Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
+ | 12 Snailclimb/JavaGuide Java 152 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心...
+ | 13 sindresorhus/type-fest TypeScript 169 A collection of essential TypeScript types
+ | 14 PaddlePaddle/LARK Python 151 LAnguage Representations Kit
+ | 15 slackhq/PanModal Swift 160 PanModal is an elegant and highly customizable presentation AP...
+ | 16 fitzgen/dodrio Rust 158 A fast, bump-allocated virtual DOM library for Rust and WebAss...
+ | 17 dcloudio/uni-app Vue 141 使用 Vue.js 开发跨平台应用的前端框架
+ | 18 CyC2018/CS-Notes 126 😋 技术面试必备基础知识
+ | 19 zhaoolee/ChromeAppHeroes Python 135 🌈Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chro...
+ | 20 dgryski/go-perfbook 140 Thoughts on Go performance optimization
+ | 21 openacid/slim Go 136 Unbelievably space efficient data structures in Golang.
+ | 22 Microsoft/vscode TypeScript 127 Visual Studio Code
+ | 23 flutter/flutter Dart 118 Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
+ | 24 infinitered/nsfwjs JavaScript 121 NSFW detection on the client-side via Tensorflow JS
+ | 25 lyricat/wechat-format JavaScript 120 微信公众号排版编辑器,转化 Markdown 微信特制的 HTML
def dummy_weekly_result
@@ -421,35 +421,38 @@
|1C Enterprise
+ |Adobe Font Metrics
|AGS Script
|Alpine Abuild
+ |AngelScript
|Ant Build System
|API Blueprint
|Apollo Guidance Computer
- |Arduino
+ |Asymptote
+ |Ballerina
@@ -476,18 +479,21 @@
|Closure Templates
+ |Cloud Firestore Security Rules
|ColdFusion CFC
|Common Lisp
+ |Common Workflow Language
|Component Pascal
+ |CoNLL-U
@@ -495,19 +501,19 @@
|Csound Document
|Csound Score
- |Gherkin
|Darcs Patch
+ |DataWeave
|DIGITAL Command Language
|DNS Zone
@@ -515,28 +521,33 @@
+ |Easybuild
|Ecere Projects
+ |Edje Data Collection
|Emacs Lisp
+ |EML
+ |F*
+ |FIGlet Font
|Filebench WML
@@ -553,14 +564,16 @@
|Gentoo Ebuild
|Gentoo Eclass
+ |Gerber Image
|Gettext Catalog
+ |Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format
@@ -573,22 +586,26 @@
|Groovy Server Pages
+ |HAProxy
+ |HiveQL
+ |HTML+Razor
@@ -601,24 +618,29 @@
|Isabelle ROOT
+ |Java Properties
|Java Server Pages
|Jison Lex
+ |JSON with Comments
+ |Jsonnet
|Jupyter Notebook
- |KiCad
+ |KiCad Layout
+ |KiCad Legacy Layout
+ |KiCad Schematic
@@ -651,22 +673,24 @@
- |Matlab
|Maven POM
+ |mcfunction
+ |Modula-3
|Module Management System
@@ -674,16 +698,18 @@
+ |Nearley
+ |Nextflow
@@ -714,25 +740,27 @@
|Parrot Assembly
|Parrot Internal Representation
+ |Pawn
- |Perl6
+ |Perl 6
+ |Pod 6
+ |PostCSS
@@ -746,12 +774,14 @@
|Python console
|Python traceback
+ |q
+ |Quake
@@ -766,14 +796,17 @@
+ |Rich Text Format
+ |Ring
+ |RPC
|RPM Spec
@@ -783,21 +816,24 @@
+ |sed
+ |Slice
+ |Solidity
|Spline Font Database
@@ -807,12 +843,12 @@
|Standard ML
- |Sublime Text Config
|SubRip Text
+ |SugarSS
@@ -828,10 +864,11 @@
+ |Type Language
|Unified Parallel C
|Unity3D Asset
|Unix Assembly
@@ -840,20 +877,25 @@
|Vim script
- |Vim script
|Visual Basic
|Wavefront Material
|Wavefront Object
+ |wdl
|Web Ontology Language
+ |WebAssembly
+ |Windows Registry Entries
|World of Warcraft Addon Data
+ |X BitMap
+ |X Font Directory Index
+ |X PixMap
@@ -865,13 +907,16 @@
+ |YASnippet
+ |Zig
- |451 languages
+ |496 languages
|you can get only selected language list with '-l' option.
|if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'.