spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-0.2.3 vs spec/git_trend/cli_spec.rb in git-trend-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-require 'spec_helper'
include GitTrend
+RSpec.describe GitTrend::CLI do
+ shared_examples 'since daily ranking' do |since|
+ it 'display daily ranking' do
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout
+ end
+ end
-RSpec.shared_examples_for 'since daily ranking' do
- it 'display daily ranking' do
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout
+ shared_examples 'since weekly ranking' do |since|
+ it 'display weekly ranking' do
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_weekly_result).to_stdout
+ end
-RSpec.describe GitTrend::CLI do
- describe '#list' do
- before do
- @cli = CLI.new
+ shared_examples 'since monthly ranking' do |since|
+ it 'display monthly ranking' do
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(dummy_monthly_result).to_stdout
+ end
+ describe '#list' do
+ let(:cli) { CLI.new }
describe 'with -n option' do
context 'with 3' do
- before do
- stub_request_get('trending')
- end
+ before { stub_request_get('trending') }
let(:number) { 3 }
- it 'display daily ranking top 3' do
+ it 'display top 3 daily ranking' do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
|No. Name Lang Star
|--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------
| 1 HunterLarco/voxel.css CSS 941
| 2 fengyuanchen/viewerjs JavaScript 716
| 3 FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp JavaScript 614
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
context 'with over 25' do
- before do
- stub_request_get('trending')
- end
+ before { stub_request_get('trending') }
let(:number) { 26 }
it 'display daily ranking' do
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], number: number, description: false) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout
describe 'with -l option' do
context 'with ruby' do
- before do
- stub_request_get("trending?l=#{language}")
- end
+ before { stub_request_get("trending?l=#{language}") }
let(:language) { 'ruby' }
it 'display daily ranking by language' do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
|No. Name Lang Star
@@ -81,18 +81,16 @@
| 23 thoughtbot/administrate Ruby 7
| 24 capistrano/capistrano Ruby 7
| 25 brandonhilkert/sucker_punch Ruby 7
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
context 'with objective-c++ (including + sign)' do
- before do
- stub_request_get('trending?l=objective-c%2B%2B')
- end
+ before { stub_request_get('trending?l=objective-c%2B%2B') }
let(:language) { 'objective-c++' }
it 'display daily ranking by language' do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
|No. Name Lang Star
@@ -122,100 +120,64 @@
| 23 swift2js/swift2js Objective-C++ 0
| 24 Smartype/iOS_VPNPlugIn Objective-C++ 0
| 25 ryanb93/Applefy Objective-C++ 0
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
describe 'with -s option' do
- before { stub_request_get("trending?since=#{since}") }
context 'with no option' do
- let(:since) { '' }
- it_behaves_like 'since daily ranking'
+ before { stub_request_get('trending?since=') }
+ include_examples 'since daily ranking', ''
- context 'with daily' do
- let(:since) { 'daily' }
- it_behaves_like 'since daily ranking'
+ describe 'since daily' do
+ before { stub_request_get('trending?since=daily') }
+ context 'with d' do
+ include_examples 'since daily ranking', 'd'
+ end
+ context 'with day' do
+ include_examples 'since daily ranking', 'day'
+ end
+ context 'with daily' do
+ include_examples 'since daily ranking', 'daily'
+ end
- context 'with weekly' do
- let(:since) { 'weekly' }
- it 'display daily ranking since weekly' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- ---------------------------------------- ----------- ------
- | 1 DrkSephy/es6-cheatsheet JavaScript 5143
- | 2 FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp JavaScript 4555
- | 3 Microsoft/CNTK C++ 3548
- | 4 jiahaog/nativefier JavaScript 2593
- | 5 HunterLarco/voxel.css CSS 2054
- | 6 samshadwell/TrumpScript Python 1824
- | 7 Yalantis/uCrop Java 1731
- | 8 Soundnode/soundnode-app JavaScript 1230
- | 9 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 953
- | 10 Jam3/devtool JavaScript 1170
- | 11 KnuffApp/Knuff Objective-C 1136
- | 12 brave/browser-laptop JavaScript 1030
- | 13 nlf/dlite Go 1051
- | 14 zquestz/s Go 971
- | 15 milligram/milligram CSS 959
- | 16 themattrix/bash-concurrent Shell 924
- | 17 kragniz/json-sempai Python 871
- | 18 loverajoel/jstips CSS 841
- | 19 chinchang/hint.css CSS 816
- | 20 hirak/prestissimo PHP 783
- | 21 rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2 R 8
- | 22 fengyuanchen/viewerjs JavaScript 729
- | 23 vhf/free-programming-books 620
- | 24 yamartino/pressure JavaScript 695
- | 25 cdmedia/cms.js JavaScript 677
+ describe 'since weekly' do
+ before { stub_request_get('trending?since=weekly') }
+ context 'with w' do
+ include_examples 'since weekly ranking', 'w'
+ end
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ context 'with week' do
+ include_examples 'since weekly ranking', 'week'
+ context 'with weekly' do
+ include_examples 'since weekly ranking', 'weekly'
+ end
- context 'with monthly' do
- let(:since) { 'monthly' }
- it 'display daily ranking since monthly' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |No. Name Lang Star
- |--- ------------------------------------------ ----------- ------
- | 1 FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp JavaScript 15567
- | 2 loverajoel/jstips CSS 7710
- | 3 braydie/HowToBeAProgrammer 6786
- | 4 DrkSephy/es6-cheatsheet JavaScript 5127
- | 5 matryer/bitbar Objective-C 4946
- | 6 Microsoft/ChakraCore JavaScript 4689
- | 7 VerbalExpressions/JSVerbalExpressions JavaScript 4758
- | 8 tldr-pages/tldr Shell 4193
- | 9 jlevy/the-art-of-command-line 3966
- | 10 mhinz/vim-galore VimL 4062
- | 11 jiahaog/nativefier JavaScript 3932
- | 12 jlevy/og-equity-compensation 3797
- | 13 Microsoft/CNTK C++ 3537
- | 14 hacksalot/HackMyResume JavaScript 3252
- | 15 vhf/free-programming-books 2690
- | 16 milligram/milligram CSS 2876
- | 17 samshadwell/TrumpScript Python 2718
- | 18 sindresorhus/awesome 2640
- | 19 donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks Python 2424
- | 20 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 2033
- | 21 os-js/OS.js JavaScript 2357
- | 22 JakeLin/IBAnimatable Swift 2345
- | 23 viljamis/feature.js HTML 2239
- | 24 facebook/react-native Java 1962
- | 25 baidu-research/warp-ctc Cuda 1966
+ describe 'since monthly' do
+ before { stub_request_get('trending?since=monthly') }
+ context 'with m' do
+ include_examples 'since monthly ranking', 'm'
+ end
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ context 'with month' do
+ include_examples 'since monthly ranking', 'month'
+ context 'with monthly' do
+ include_examples 'since monthly ranking', 'monthly'
+ end
describe 'with -d option (or with no option)' do
after do
@@ -229,41 +191,39 @@
ENV['LINES'] = '40'
context 'with no option' do
it 'display daily ranking' do
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, []) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, []) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options).to_stdout
context 'terminal width is enough' do
it 'display daily ranking with description' do
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], description: true) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], description: true) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options).to_stdout
context 'terminal width is tiny' do
before do
ENV['COLUMNS'] = '84' # it is not enough for description.
ENV['LINES'] = '40'
it 'display daily ranking about the same as no option' do
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], description: true) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], description: true) }.to output(dummy_result_without_description).to_stdout
describe 'with -l and -s option' do
context 'with ruby and weekly' do
- before do
- stub_request_get("trending?l=#{language}&since=#{since}")
- end
+ before { stub_request_get("trending?l=#{language}&since=#{since}") }
let(:language) { 'ruby' }
let(:since) { 'weekly' }
- it 'display daily ranking since weekly' do
+ it 'display weekly ranking by language' do
res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
|No. Name Lang Star
|--- ---------------------------------------- ---------- ------
| 1 Homebrew/homebrew Ruby 166
| 2 shakacode/react_on_rails Ruby 197
@@ -290,11 +250,11 @@
| 23 sass/sass Ruby 53
| 24 kilimchoi/engineering-blogs Ruby 53
| 25 thoughtbot/administrate Ruby 48
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, [], language: language, since: since, description: false) }.to output(res).to_stdout
describe 'without options' do
@@ -303,343 +263,33 @@
ENV['COLUMNS'] = '140'
ENV['LINES'] = '40'
stub_request_get('trending', 'trending_including_multibyte_characters')
it 'display daily ranking' do
- expect { @cli.invoke(:list, []) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options_with_multibyte_characters).to_stdout
+ expect { cli.invoke(:list, []) }.to output(dummy_result_no_options_with_multibyte_characters).to_stdout
describe '#languages' do
- before do
- @cli = CLI.new
- stub_request_get('trending')
- end
+ before { stub_request_get('trending') }
+ let(:cli) { CLI.new }
context 'with no option' do
- it 'display daily ranking' do
- res = <<-'EOS'.unindent
- |ActionScript
- |Ada
- |Agda
- |AGS Script
- |Alloy
- |ApacheConf
- |Apex
- |API Blueprint
- |APL
- |AppleScript
- |Arc
- |Arduino
- |ASP
- |AspectJ
- |Assembly
- |ATS
- |Augeas
- |AutoHotkey
- |AutoIt
- |Awk
- |Batchfile
- |Befunge
- |Bison
- |BitBake
- |BlitzBasic
- |BlitzMax
- |Bluespec
- |Boo
- |Brainfuck
- |Brightscript
- |Bro
- |C
- |C#
- |C++
- |Cap'n Proto
- |CartoCSS
- |Ceylon
- |Chapel
- |Charity
- |ChucK
- |Cirru
- |Clarion
- |Clean
- |Click
- |Clojure
- |CMake
- |CoffeeScript
- |ColdFusion
- |Common Lisp
- |Component Pascal
- |Cool
- |Coq
- |Crystal
- |CSS
- |Cucumber
- |Cuda
- |Cycript
- |D
- |Darcs Patch
- |Dart
- |Diff
- |DIGITAL Command Language
- |DM
- |Dogescript
- |DTrace
- |Dylan
- |E
- |Eagle
- |eC
- |ECL
- |Eiffel
- |Elixir
- |Elm
- |Emacs Lisp
- |EmberScript
- |Erlang
- |F#
- |Factor
- |Fancy
- |Fantom
- |Forth
- |FreeMarker
- |Frege
- |Game Maker Language
- |GAP
- |GDScript
- |Genshi
- |Gettext Catalog
- |Glyph
- |Gnuplot
- |Go
- |Golo
- |Gosu
- |Grace
- |Grammatical Framework
- |Groff
- |Groovy
- |Hack
- |Handlebars
- |Harbour
- |Haskell
- |Haxe
- |HCL
- |Hy
- |HyPhy
- |IDL
- |Idris
- |IGOR Pro
- |Inform 7
- |Inno Setup
- |Io
- |Ioke
- |Isabelle
- |J
- |Jasmin
- |Java
- |JavaScript
- |JFlex
- |JSONiq
- |Julia
- |Jupyter Notebook
- |KiCad
- |Kit
- |Kotlin
- |KRL
- |LabVIEW
- |Lasso
- |Lean
- |Lex
- |LilyPond
- |Limbo
- |Liquid
- |LiveScript
- |Logos
- |Logtalk
- |LookML
- |LoomScript
- |LSL
- |Lua
- |M
- |Makefile
- |Mako
- |Markdown
- |Mask
- |Mathematica
- |Matlab
- |Max
- |MAXScript
- |Mercury
- |Metal
- |MiniD
- |Mirah
- |Modelica
- |Modula-2
- |Module Management System
- |Monkey
- |Moocode
- |MoonScript
- |mupad
- |Myghty
- |NCL
- |Nemerle
- |nesC
- |NetLinx
- |NetLinx+ERB
- |NetLogo
- |NewLisp
- |Nginx
- |Nimrod
- |Nit
- |Nix
- |Nu
- |Objective-C
- |Objective-C++
- |Objective-J
- |OCaml
- |Omgrofl
- |ooc
- |Opa
- |Opal
- |OpenEdge ABL
- |OpenSCAD
- |Ox
- |Oxygene
- |Oz
- |Pan
- |Papyrus
- |Parrot
- |Pascal
- |Perl
- |Perl6
- |PHP
- |PicoLisp
- |PigLatin
- |Pike
- |PLpgSQL
- |PogoScript
- |Pony
- |PostScript
- |PowerShell
- |Processing
- |Prolog
- |Propeller Spin
- |Protocol Buffer
- |Puppet
- |Pure Data
- |PureBasic
- |PureScript
- |Python
- |QMake
- |QML
- |R
- |Racket
- |Ragel in Ruby Host
- |RDoc
- |REALbasic
- |Rebol
- |Red
- |Redcode
- |RenderScript
- |RobotFramework
- |Rouge
- |Ruby
- |Rust
- |SaltStack
- |SAS
- |Scala
- |Scheme
- |Scilab
- |Self
- |Shell
- |ShellSession
- |Shen
- |Slash
- |Smali
- |Smalltalk
- |Smarty
- |SMT
- |SourcePawn
- |SQF
- |SQL
- |Squirrel
- |Stan
- |Standard ML
- |Stata
- |SuperCollider
- |Swift
- |SystemVerilog
- |Tcl
- |Tea
- |TeX
- |Thrift
- |Turing
- |TXL
- |TypeScript
- |UnrealScript
- |UrWeb
- |Vala
- |VCL
- |Verilog
- |VimL
- |Visual Basic
- |Volt
- |Vue
- |Web Ontology Language
- |WebIDL
- |wisp
- |X10
- |xBase
- |XC
- |XML
- |Xojo
- |XPages
- |XProc
- |XQuery
- |XS
- |Xtend
- |Yacc
- |Zephir
- |Zimpl
- |
- |300 languages
- |you can get only selected language list with '-l' option.
- |if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'.
- |
- expect { @cli.languages }.to output(res).to_stdout
+ it 'display languages' do
+ expect { cli.languages }.to output(dummy_languages).to_stdout
def stub_request_get(stub_url, stub_file_name = nil)
url = Scraper::BASE_HOST.dup
url << "/#{stub_url}" if stub_url
uri = URI.parse(url)
stub_file = stub_file_name || stub_url
stub_request(:get, uri)
status: 200,
headers: { content_type: 'text/html' },
@@ -740,8 +390,384 @@
| 22 fengyuanchen/cropperjs JavaScript 95 JavaScript image cropper.
| 23 proflin/CoolplaySpark 85 酷玩 Spark
| 24 incrediblesound/story-graph JavaScript 87 The Graph that Generates Stories
| 25 geeeeeeeeek/WeChatLuckyMoney Java 75 微信抢红包插件, an Android app that helps you snatch virtual red envelopes...
+ end
+ def dummy_weekly_result
+ <<-'EOS'.unindent
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ---------------------------------------- ----------- ------
+ | 1 DrkSephy/es6-cheatsheet JavaScript 5143
+ | 2 FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp JavaScript 4555
+ | 3 Microsoft/CNTK C++ 3548
+ | 4 jiahaog/nativefier JavaScript 2593
+ | 5 HunterLarco/voxel.css CSS 2054
+ | 6 samshadwell/TrumpScript Python 1824
+ | 7 Yalantis/uCrop Java 1731
+ | 8 Soundnode/soundnode-app JavaScript 1230
+ | 9 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 953
+ | 10 Jam3/devtool JavaScript 1170
+ | 11 KnuffApp/Knuff Objective-C 1136
+ | 12 brave/browser-laptop JavaScript 1030
+ | 13 nlf/dlite Go 1051
+ | 14 zquestz/s Go 971
+ | 15 milligram/milligram CSS 959
+ | 16 themattrix/bash-concurrent Shell 924
+ | 17 kragniz/json-sempai Python 871
+ | 18 loverajoel/jstips CSS 841
+ | 19 chinchang/hint.css CSS 816
+ | 20 hirak/prestissimo PHP 783
+ | 21 rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2 R 8
+ | 22 fengyuanchen/viewerjs JavaScript 729
+ | 23 vhf/free-programming-books 620
+ | 24 yamartino/pressure JavaScript 695
+ | 25 cdmedia/cms.js JavaScript 677
+ end
+ def dummy_monthly_result
+ <<-'EOS'.unindent
+ |No. Name Lang Star
+ |--- ------------------------------------------ ----------- ------
+ | 1 FreeCodeCamp/FreeCodeCamp JavaScript 15567
+ | 2 loverajoel/jstips CSS 7710
+ | 3 braydie/HowToBeAProgrammer 6786
+ | 4 DrkSephy/es6-cheatsheet JavaScript 5127
+ | 5 matryer/bitbar Objective-C 4946
+ | 6 Microsoft/ChakraCore JavaScript 4689
+ | 7 VerbalExpressions/JSVerbalExpressions JavaScript 4758
+ | 8 tldr-pages/tldr Shell 4193
+ | 9 jlevy/the-art-of-command-line 3966
+ | 10 mhinz/vim-galore VimL 4062
+ | 11 jiahaog/nativefier JavaScript 3932
+ | 12 jlevy/og-equity-compensation 3797
+ | 13 Microsoft/CNTK C++ 3537
+ | 14 hacksalot/HackMyResume JavaScript 3252
+ | 15 vhf/free-programming-books 2690
+ | 16 milligram/milligram CSS 2876
+ | 17 samshadwell/TrumpScript Python 2718
+ | 18 sindresorhus/awesome 2640
+ | 19 donnemartin/data-science-ipython-notebooks Python 2424
+ | 20 tensorflow/tensorflow C++ 2033
+ | 21 os-js/OS.js JavaScript 2357
+ | 22 JakeLin/IBAnimatable Swift 2345
+ | 23 viljamis/feature.js HTML 2239
+ | 24 facebook/react-native Java 1962
+ | 25 baidu-research/warp-ctc Cuda 1966
+ end
+ def dummy_languages
+ <<-'EOS'.unindent
+ |ActionScript
+ |Ada
+ |Agda
+ |AGS Script
+ |Alloy
+ |ApacheConf
+ |Apex
+ |API Blueprint
+ |APL
+ |AppleScript
+ |Arc
+ |Arduino
+ |ASP
+ |AspectJ
+ |Assembly
+ |ATS
+ |Augeas
+ |AutoHotkey
+ |AutoIt
+ |Awk
+ |Batchfile
+ |Befunge
+ |Bison
+ |BitBake
+ |BlitzBasic
+ |BlitzMax
+ |Bluespec
+ |Boo
+ |Brainfuck
+ |Brightscript
+ |Bro
+ |C
+ |C#
+ |C++
+ |Cap'n Proto
+ |CartoCSS
+ |Ceylon
+ |Chapel
+ |Charity
+ |ChucK
+ |Cirru
+ |Clarion
+ |Clean
+ |Click
+ |Clojure
+ |CMake
+ |CoffeeScript
+ |ColdFusion
+ |Common Lisp
+ |Component Pascal
+ |Cool
+ |Coq
+ |Crystal
+ |CSS
+ |Cucumber
+ |Cuda
+ |Cycript
+ |D
+ |Darcs Patch
+ |Dart
+ |Diff
+ |DIGITAL Command Language
+ |DM
+ |Dogescript
+ |DTrace
+ |Dylan
+ |E
+ |Eagle
+ |eC
+ |ECL
+ |Eiffel
+ |Elixir
+ |Elm
+ |Emacs Lisp
+ |EmberScript
+ |Erlang
+ |F#
+ |Factor
+ |Fancy
+ |Fantom
+ |Forth
+ |FreeMarker
+ |Frege
+ |Game Maker Language
+ |GAP
+ |GDScript
+ |Genshi
+ |Gettext Catalog
+ |Glyph
+ |Gnuplot
+ |Go
+ |Golo
+ |Gosu
+ |Grace
+ |Grammatical Framework
+ |Groff
+ |Groovy
+ |Hack
+ |Handlebars
+ |Harbour
+ |Haskell
+ |Haxe
+ |HCL
+ |Hy
+ |HyPhy
+ |IDL
+ |Idris
+ |IGOR Pro
+ |Inform 7
+ |Inno Setup
+ |Io
+ |Ioke
+ |Isabelle
+ |J
+ |Jasmin
+ |Java
+ |JavaScript
+ |JFlex
+ |JSONiq
+ |Julia
+ |Jupyter Notebook
+ |KiCad
+ |Kit
+ |Kotlin
+ |KRL
+ |LabVIEW
+ |Lasso
+ |Lean
+ |Lex
+ |LilyPond
+ |Limbo
+ |Liquid
+ |LiveScript
+ |Logos
+ |Logtalk
+ |LookML
+ |LoomScript
+ |LSL
+ |Lua
+ |M
+ |Makefile
+ |Mako
+ |Markdown
+ |Mask
+ |Mathematica
+ |Matlab
+ |Max
+ |MAXScript
+ |Mercury
+ |Metal
+ |MiniD
+ |Mirah
+ |Modelica
+ |Modula-2
+ |Module Management System
+ |Monkey
+ |Moocode
+ |MoonScript
+ |mupad
+ |Myghty
+ |NCL
+ |Nemerle
+ |nesC
+ |NetLinx
+ |NetLinx+ERB
+ |NetLogo
+ |NewLisp
+ |Nginx
+ |Nimrod
+ |Nit
+ |Nix
+ |Nu
+ |Objective-C
+ |Objective-C++
+ |Objective-J
+ |OCaml
+ |Omgrofl
+ |ooc
+ |Opa
+ |Opal
+ |OpenEdge ABL
+ |OpenSCAD
+ |Ox
+ |Oxygene
+ |Oz
+ |Pan
+ |Papyrus
+ |Parrot
+ |Pascal
+ |Perl
+ |Perl6
+ |PHP
+ |PicoLisp
+ |PigLatin
+ |Pike
+ |PLpgSQL
+ |PogoScript
+ |Pony
+ |PostScript
+ |PowerShell
+ |Processing
+ |Prolog
+ |Propeller Spin
+ |Protocol Buffer
+ |Puppet
+ |Pure Data
+ |PureBasic
+ |PureScript
+ |Python
+ |QMake
+ |QML
+ |R
+ |Racket
+ |Ragel in Ruby Host
+ |RDoc
+ |REALbasic
+ |Rebol
+ |Red
+ |Redcode
+ |RenderScript
+ |RobotFramework
+ |Rouge
+ |Ruby
+ |Rust
+ |SaltStack
+ |SAS
+ |Scala
+ |Scheme
+ |Scilab
+ |Self
+ |Shell
+ |ShellSession
+ |Shen
+ |Slash
+ |Smali
+ |Smalltalk
+ |Smarty
+ |SMT
+ |SourcePawn
+ |SQF
+ |SQL
+ |Squirrel
+ |Stan
+ |Standard ML
+ |Stata
+ |SuperCollider
+ |Swift
+ |SystemVerilog
+ |Tcl
+ |Tea
+ |TeX
+ |Thrift
+ |Turing
+ |TXL
+ |TypeScript
+ |UnrealScript
+ |UrWeb
+ |Vala
+ |VCL
+ |Verilog
+ |VimL
+ |Visual Basic
+ |Volt
+ |Vue
+ |Web Ontology Language
+ |WebIDL
+ |wisp
+ |X10
+ |xBase
+ |XC
+ |XML
+ |Xojo
+ |XPages
+ |XProc
+ |XQuery
+ |XS
+ |Xtend
+ |Yacc
+ |Zephir
+ |Zimpl
+ |
+ |300 languages
+ |you can get only selected language list with '-l' option.
+ |if languages is unknown, you can specify 'unkown'.
+ |