bin/git-autobisect in git-autobisect-0.1.1 vs bin/git-autobisect in git-autobisect-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,94 +1,5 @@
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'rubygems'
require 'optparse'
- do |opts|
- opts.banner = <<BANNER
-Find the commit that broke the build
- git-autobisect 'ruby test/foo_test.rb -n "/xxx/"' [options]
- opts.on("-h", "--help","Show this.") { puts opts; exit }
- opts.on("-v", "--version","Show Version"){
- version ="../../VERSION", __FILE__))
- puts "git-autobisect #{version}"; exit
- }
-command = ARGV.first
-if command.to_s.empty?
- puts "Usage instructions: git-autobisect --help"
- exit
-def run(cmd)
- all = ""
- puts cmd
- IO.popen(cmd) do |pipe|
- while str = pipe.gets
- all << str
- puts str
- end
- end
- [$?.success?, all]
-def run!(command)
- raise "Command failed #{command}" unless run(command).first
-def find_first_good_commit(commits, command)
- # scan backwards through commits to find a good
- i = 0
- stay_slow_until = 3
- loop do
- # pick next commit (start slow, then get faster)
- i += 1
- offset = (i <= stay_slow_until ? i-1 : (i-1)*10)
- break unless commit = commits[offset]
- # see if it works
- puts " ---> Now trying #{commit}"
- run!("git checkout #{commit}")
- return commit if run(command).first
- end
-command = "(bundle check || bundle) && (#{command})" if File.exist?("Gemfile")
-puts " ---> Initial run:"
-if run(command).first
- puts " ---> Current commit is not broken"
- exit 1
-puts " ---> Trying to find first good commit:"
-max_commits = 1000
-commits = `git log --pretty=format:'%h' | head -n #{max_commits}`.split("\n")
-unless good = find_first_good_commit(commits[1..-1], command)
- puts " --> No good commit found"
- exit 1
-# bisect to get exact match
-bad = commits[0]
-run! "git bisect reset"
-run! "git bisect start"
-run! "git checkout #{bad}"
-run! "git bisect bad"
-run! "git checkout #{good}"
-run! "git bisect good"
-success, output = run("git bisect run sh -c '#{command}'")
-if success
- # git bisect randomly stops at a commit
- first_bad = output.match(/([\da-f]+) is the first bad commit/)[1]
- run! "git checkout #{first_bad}"
- exit 0
- exit 1
+$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')
+require 'git/autobisect'
+exit Git::Autobisect.cli(ARGV)