Rakefile in ginny-0.6.1 vs Rakefile in ginny-0.6.2
- old
+ new
@@ -6,5 +6,41 @@
t.libs << "lib"
t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"]
task(default: :test)
+require "json"
+require "yaml"
+# Convert a YAML file to JSON and write it out to a new file.
+# @param path [String]
+# @return [String]
+def yaml2json(path, pretty: true)
+ path = File.expand_path(path)
+ ext = case File.extname(path).downcase
+ when ".yml" then ".yml"
+ when ".yaml" then ".yaml"
+ else ""
+ end
+ base_name = File.basename(path, ext)
+ dir = File.dirname(path)
+ out_file = File.join(dir, "#{base_name}.json")
+ input = YAML.load_file(path)
+ output = pretty ? JSON.pretty_generate(input) : input.to_json
+ File.open(out_file, "a") { |f| f.write(output) }
+ return out_file
+task :yaml2json, [:path] do |_, arg|
+ yaml2json(arg[:path])
+task :schema do |t|
+ [
+ "schema/class.schema.yml",
+ "schema/attr.schema.yml",
+ "schema/func.schema.yml",
+ "schema/param.schema.yml",
+ ].each { |f| yaml2json(f) }