lib/rfm/utilities/config.rb in ginjo-rfm-2.0.pre31 vs lib/rfm/utilities/config.rb in ginjo-rfm-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,22 +3,39 @@
# Top level config hash accepts any defined config parameters,
# or group-name keys pointing to config subsets.
# The subsets can be any grouping of defined config parameters, as a hash.
# See CONFIG_KEYS for defined config parameters.
- # All filters are honored, unless filters are included in calls to get_config,
- # in which case only the immediately specified filters will be used.
- #
- # Do not put a :use=>:group filter in a subset (maybe future feature?).
- # Do not put a :use=>:group filter in the top-level global parameters.
- # Do not put subsets in non-top-level configs. (maybe future feature?)
- #
module Config
- CONFIG_KEYS = %w(parser host port account_name password database layout ssl root_cert root_cert_name root_cert_path warn_on_redirect raise_on_401 timeout log_actions log_responses log_parser use parent)
+ require 'yaml'
+ file_name
+ file_path
+ parser
+ host
+ port
+ account_name
+ password
+ database
+ layout
+ ssl
+ root_cert
+ root_cert_name
+ root_cert_path
+ warn_on_redirect
+ raise_on_401
+ timeout
+ log_actions
+ log_responses
+ log_parser
+ use
+ parent
+ )
extend self
- @config = {}
+ @config = {}
# Set @config with args & options hash.
# Args should be symbols representing configuration groups,
# with optional config hash as last arg, to be merged on top.
# Returns @config.
@@ -71,10 +88,26 @@
config_filter(config_merge_with_parent, args)
+ # Get or load a config file as the top-level config (above RFM_CONFIG constant).
+ # Default file name is rfm.yml.
+ # Default paths are '' and 'config/'.
+ # File name & paths can be set in RFM_CONFIG and Rfm.config.
+ # Change file name with :file_name => 'something.else'
+ # Change file paths with :file_path => ['array/of/', 'file/paths/']
+ def get_config_file
+ @@config_file_data ||= (
+ config_file_name = @config[:file_name] || (RFM_CONFIG[:file_name] rescue nil) || 'rfm.yml'
+ config_file_paths = [''] | (@config[:file_path] || (RFM_CONFIG[:file_path] rescue nil) || %w( config/ ))
+ config_file_paths.collect do |f|
+ (YAML.load_file("#{f}#{config_file_name}") rescue {})
+ end.inject({}){|h,a| h.merge(a)}
+ ) || {}
+ end
# Merge args into @config, as :use=>[arg1, arg2, ...]
# Then merge optional config hash into @config.
# Pass in a block to use with strings in args. See base.rb.
@@ -89,24 +122,34 @@
# temporary top-level value.
def config_merge_with_parent
remote = if (self != Rfm::Config)
eval(@config[:parent] || 'Rfm::Config').config_merge_with_parent rescue {}
- (defined?(RFM_CONFIG) and RFM_CONFIG.is_a?(Hash)) ? RFM_CONFIG : {}
+ get_config_file.merge((defined?(RFM_CONFIG) and RFM_CONFIG.is_a?(Hash)) ? RFM_CONFIG : {})
use = (remote[:use].rfm_force_array | @config[:use].rfm_force_array).compact
- end
- # Given config hash, return filtered. Filters should be symbols.
+ end
+ # This version uses either/or method input filters OR compiled config :use=>filters.
+ # Given config hash, return filtered subgroup settings. Filters should be symbols.
+ # def config_filter(conf, filters=nil)
+ # filters ||= conf[:use].rfm_force_array if !conf[:use].blank?
+ # filters.each{|f| next unless conf[f]; conf.merge!(conf[f] || {})} if !filters.blank?
+ # conf.reject!{|k,v| !CONFIG_KEYS.include?(k.to_s) or v.to_s == '' }
+ # conf
+ # end
+ #
+ # This version combines both method input filters AND :use=>filters
def config_filter(conf, filters=nil)
- filters ||= conf[:use].rfm_force_array if !conf[:use].blank?
+ filters = conf[:use] = (conf[:use].rfm_force_array | filters.rfm_force_array).compact
filters.each{|f| next unless conf[f]; conf.merge!(conf[f] || {})} if !filters.blank?
- conf.reject!{|k,v| !CONFIG_KEYS.include?(k.to_s) or v.to_s == '' }
+ conf.reject!{|k,v| !CONFIG_KEYS.include?(k.to_s) or [{},[],''].include?(v) }
# This loads RFM_CONFIG into @config. It is not necessary,
# as get_config will merge all configuration into RFM_CONFIG at runtime.
#config RFM_CONFIG if defined? RFM_CONFIG
end # module Config
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