lib/gimchi/char.rb in gimchi-0.1.6 vs lib/gimchi/char.rb in gimchi-0.1.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,123 +1,123 @@
# encoding: UTF-8
module Gimchi
class Korean
- # Class representing each Korean character. Its three components,
- # `chosung', `jungsung' and `jongsung' can be get and set.
- #
- # `to_s' merges components into a String. `to_a' returns the three components.
- class Char
- # @return [String] Chosung component of this character.
- attr_reader :chosung
- # @return [String] Jungsung component of this character.
- attr_reader :jungsung
- # @return [String] Jongsung component of this character.
- attr_reader :jongsung
+ # Class representing each Korean character. Its three components,
+ # `chosung', `jungsung' and `jongsung' can be get and set.
+ #
+ # `to_s' merges components into a String. `to_a' returns the three components.
+ class Char
+ # @return [String] Chosung component of this character.
+ attr_reader :chosung
+ # @return [String] Jungsung component of this character.
+ attr_reader :jungsung
+ # @return [String] Jongsung component of this character.
+ attr_reader :jongsung
- # @param [Gimchi::Korean] kor Gimchi::Korean instance
- # @param [String] kchar Korean character string
- def initialize kor, kchar
- raise ArgumentError('Not a korean character') unless kor.korean_char? kchar
+ # @param [Gimchi::Korean] kor Gimchi::Korean instance
+ # @param [String] kchar Korean character string
+ def initialize kor, kchar
+ raise ArgumentError('Not a korean character') unless kor.korean_char? kchar
- @kor = kor
- @cur = []
- if @kor.complete_korean_char? kchar
- c = kchar.unpack('U').first
- n = c - 0xAC00
- # '가' ~ '깋' -> 'ㄱ'
- n1 = n / (21 * 28)
- # '가' ~ '깋'에서의 순서
- n = n % (21 * 28)
- n2 = n / 28;
- n3 = n % 28;
- self.chosung = @kor.chosungs[n1]
- self.jungsung = @kor.jungsungs[n2]
- self.jongsung = ([nil] + @kor.jongsungs)[n3]
- elsif @kor.chosungs.include? kchar
- self.chosung = kchar
- elsif @kor.jungsungs.include? kchar
- self.jungsung = kchar
- elsif @kor.jongsungs.include? kchar
- self.jongsung = kchar
- end
- end
+ @kor = kor
+ @cur = []
+ if @kor.complete_korean_char? kchar
+ c = kchar.unpack('U').first
+ n = c - 0xAC00
+ # '가' ~ '깋' -> 'ㄱ'
+ n1 = n / (21 * 28)
+ # '가' ~ '깋'에서의 순서
+ n = n % (21 * 28)
+ n2 = n / 28;
+ n3 = n % 28;
+ self.chosung = @kor.chosungs[n1]
+ self.jungsung = @kor.jungsungs[n2]
+ self.jongsung = ([nil] + @kor.jongsungs)[n3]
+ elsif @kor.chosungs.include? kchar
+ self.chosung = kchar
+ elsif @kor.jungsungs.include? kchar
+ self.jungsung = kchar
+ elsif @kor.jongsungs.include? kchar
+ self.jongsung = kchar
+ end
+ end
- # Recombines components into a korean character.
- # @return [String] Combined korean character
- def to_s
- if chosung.nil? && jungsung.nil?
- ""
- elsif chosung && jungsung
- n1, n2, n3 =
- n1 = @kor.chosungs.index(chosung) || 0
- n2 = @kor.jungsungs.index(jungsung) || 0
- n3 = ([nil] + @kor.jongsungs).index(jongsung) || 0
- [ 0xAC00 + n1 * (21 * 28) + n2 * 28 + n3 ].pack('U')
- else
- chosung || jungsung
- end
- end
+ # Recombines components into a korean character.
+ # @return [String] Combined korean character
+ def to_s
+ if chosung.nil? && jungsung.nil?
+ ""
+ elsif chosung && jungsung
+ n1, n2, n3 =
+ n1 = @kor.chosungs.index(chosung) || 0
+ n2 = @kor.jungsungs.index(jungsung) || 0
+ n3 = ([nil] + @kor.jongsungs).index(jongsung) || 0
+ [ 0xAC00 + n1 * (21 * 28) + n2 * 28 + n3 ].pack('U')
+ else
+ chosung || jungsung
+ end
+ end
- # Sets the chosung component.
- # @param [String]
- def chosung= c
- raise'Invalid chosung component') if
- c && @kor.chosungs.include?(c) == false
- @chosung = c && c.dup.extend(Component).tap { |e| e.kor = @kor }
- end
+ # Sets the chosung component.
+ # @param [String]
+ def chosung= c
+ raise'Invalid chosung component') if
+ c && @kor.chosungs.include?(c) == false
+ @chosung = c && c.dup.extend(Component).tap { |e| e.kor = @kor }
+ end
- # Sets the jungsung component
- # @param [String]
- def jungsung= c
- raise'Invalid jungsung component') if
- c && @kor.jungsungs.include?(c) == false
- @jungsung = c && c.dup.extend(Component).tap { |e| e.kor = @kor }
- end
+ # Sets the jungsung component
+ # @param [String]
+ def jungsung= c
+ raise'Invalid jungsung component') if
+ c && @kor.jungsungs.include?(c) == false
+ @jungsung = c && c.dup.extend(Component).tap { |e| e.kor = @kor }
+ end
- # Sets the jongsung component
- #
- # @param [String]
- def jongsung= c
- raise'Invalid jongsung component') if
- c && @kor.jongsungs.include?(c) == false
- @jongsung = c && c.dup.extend(Component).tap { |e| e.kor = @kor }
- end
+ # Sets the jongsung component
+ #
+ # @param [String]
+ def jongsung= c
+ raise'Invalid jongsung component') if
+ c && @kor.jongsungs.include?(c) == false
+ @jongsung = c && c.dup.extend(Component).tap { |e| e.kor = @kor }
+ end
- # Returns Array of three components.
- #
- # @return [Array] Array of three components
- def to_a
- [chosung, jungsung, jongsung]
- end
+ # Returns Array of three components.
+ #
+ # @return [Array] Array of three components
+ def to_a
+ [chosung, jungsung, jongsung]
+ end
- # Checks if this is a complete Korean character.
- def complete?
- chosung.nil? == false && jungsung.nil? == false
- end
+ # Checks if this is a complete Korean character.
+ def complete?
+ chosung.nil? == false && jungsung.nil? == false
+ end
- # Checks if this is a non-complete Korean character.
- # e.g. ㅇ, ㅏ
- def partial?
- chosung.nil? || jungsung.nil?
- end
+ # Checks if this is a non-complete Korean character.
+ # e.g. ㅇ, ㅏ
+ def partial?
+ chosung.nil? || jungsung.nil?
+ end
- private
- # Three components of Korean::Char are extended to support #vowel? and #consonant? method.
- module Component
- # @return [Korean] Hosting Korean instance
- attr_accessor :kor
+ private
+ # Three components of Korean::Char are extended to support #vowel? and #consonant? method.
+ module Component
+ # @return [Korean] Hosting Korean instance
+ attr_accessor :kor
- # Is this component a vowel?
- def vowel?
- kor.jungsungs.include? self
- end
+ # Is this component a vowel?
+ def vowel?
+ kor.jungsungs.include? self
+ end
- # Is this component a consonant?
- def consonant?
- self != 'ㅇ' && kor.chosungs.include?(self)
- end
- end#Component
- end#Char
+ # Is this component a consonant?
+ def consonant?
+ self != 'ㅇ' && kor.chosungs.include?(self)
+ end
+ end#Component
+ end#Char