test/script/ci.sh in ghazel-newrelic_rpm- vs test/script/ci.sh in ghazel-newrelic_rpm-3.5.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
# Script to run test suites in CI or in development mode. This script handles
-# checking out test dependencies (currently rpm_test_app and it's dependencies)
+# checking out test dependencies (currently rpm_test_app and its dependencies)
# and executing them.
# It relies on 2 environment variables:
-# RUBY - The rvm ruby you want to use (e.g. 1.8.7, ree, jruby)
+# RUBY - The rbenv ruby you want to use (e.g. 1.8.7, ree, jruby)
# BRANCH - The rpm_test_app branch you want to use (e.g. rails20, rails31)
# Example usage:
# RUBY=ree BRANCH=rails20 test/script/ci.sh
@@ -27,22 +27,52 @@
# check for require environment variables
if [ "x$RUBY" == "x" ]; then
echo '$RUBY is undefined'
echo 'defaulting to 1.9.3'
- RUBY=1.9.3
+ export RUBY=1.9.3-p286
if [ "x$BRANCH" == "x" ]; then
echo '$BRANCH is undefined'
echo 'defaulting to rails31'
- BRANCH=rails31
+ export BRANCH=rails31
-. "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
-rvm use $RUBY || rvm install $RUBY
+if [ "x$JOB_NAME" == "x" ]; then
+ echo '$JOB_NAME is undefined'
+ echo 'defaulting to clrun'
+ export PROJECT_NAME=clrun
+ CLEANSED_NAME=`echo $JOB_NAME | sed "s/label//" | sed "s/Portland//" | sed "s/BRANCH//" | sed "s/RUBY//" | sed "s/[=\/,\._]//g" | sed "s/ReleaseCandidate/RC/"`
+ echo "setting PROJECT_NAME to $CLEANSED_NAME"
+eval "$(rbenv init -)" || true
+rbenv shell $RUBY
+if [ "x$(rbenv version-name)" = "x$RUBY" ]; then
+ echo "switched to ruby $RUBY"
+ rbenv install $RUBY
+ rbenv shell $RUBY
+ if [ "x$(rbenv version-name)" = "x$RUBY" ]; then
+ echo "switched to ruby $RUBY"
+ else
+ echo "failed to install ruby $RUBY"
+ exit 1
+ fi
echo `which ruby`
+ruby -v
+rake -h > /dev/null || gem install rake
+echo "generating gemspec"
+rake gemspec
# make sure that we're in the project root
script_dirname=`dirname $0`
cd "$script_dirname/../../"
@@ -58,11 +88,11 @@
git clone --mirror git://github.com/newrelic/rpm_test_app.git $rpm_test_app_cache || true
cd $rpm_test_app_cache
git clone $rpm_test_app_cache rpm_test_app
-cd rpm_test_app || true # rvm overrides cd and it's f-ing up the build by exiting 2
+cd rpm_test_app
git checkout -t origin/$BRANCH || git checkout $BRANCH
# Re-write database.yml to this here doc
@@ -71,11 +101,11 @@
mysql: &mysql
adapter: mysql
socket: <%= (`uname -s` =~ /Linux/ ) ? "" :"/tmp/mysql.sock" %>
username: root
host: localhost
- database: <%= [ 'rails_blog', ENV['BRANCH'], ENV['RUBY'] ].compact.join('_') %>
+ database: <%= ENV['PROJECT_NAME'] %>
# Shared properties for postgres. This won't work with our schema but
# Does work with agent tests
sqlite3: &sqlite3
<% if defined?(JRuby) %>
@@ -85,11 +115,11 @@
<% end %>
database: db/all.sqlite3
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
host: localhost
# SQLite version 3.x
# gem install sqlite3-ruby (not necessary on OS X Leopard)
<<: *sqlite3
@@ -102,39 +132,36 @@
mkdir -p log
mkdir -p tmp
if [ "x$BRANCH" == "xrails20" ]; then
- printf "\e[0;31;49mWarning:\e[0m "
- echo "Testing against the rails20 branch requires your changes to be committed. Uncommitted changes will not be used."
+ echo "Warning: Rails 2.0 support in progress. This probably only works in CI"
mkdir -p vendor/plugins
- git clone ../.. vendor/plugins/newrelic_rpm
+ GEM=`ls ../../../*.gem | tail -n1`
+ (cd vendor/plugins && gem unpack ../../$GEM)
+ mv vendor/plugins/newrelic_rpm* vendor/plugins/newrelic_rpm
perl -p -i'.bak' -e 's#gem .newrelic_rpm.*$#gem "newrelic_rpm", :path => "\.\.\/\.\.\/"#' Gemfile
-# save time by reusing the gemset if it exists
-rvm gemset use $gemset || ( rvm gemset create $gemset && rvm gemset use $gemset )
if [ "x$RUBY" == "x1.8.6" ]; then
# Bundler 0.1 dropped support for ruby 1.8.6
- gem install bundler -v'~>1.0.0' --no-rdoc --no-ri
+ bundle -h > /dev/null || gem install bundler -v'~>1.0.0' --no-rdoc --no-ri
- gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
+ bundle -h > /dev/null || gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri
export RAILS_ENV=test
+bundle --local || bundle
# FIXME: Here we actually trigger the tests. Since the agent deals so heavily
# in units of time we have many tests that assert that durations are measured
# correctly. These almost always pass, but as the CI machine has come under
# heavier load there tend to be discrepencies between the duration measured in
# the test and the duration the agent measures. This is due to lags in CPU
# scheduling since many processes are running on the box simultaneously.
# To reduce the noise from these sporardic failures we rerun the test suite if
# there are failures to see if they are transient (instead of re-running it by
# hand). Ultimately we'll move towards a more elegant solution.
-bundle exec rake --trace db:create:all test:newrelic || bundle exec rake --trace test:newrelic || bundle exec rake --trace test:newrelic
+bundle exec rake --trace db:create:all test:newrelic || bundle exec rake --trace test:newrelic