lib/ralbum/skins/gfold/out/album_page.rb in gf-ralbum-0.0.2 vs lib/ralbum/skins/gfold/out/album_page.rb in gf-ralbum-0.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,316 +1,316 @@
-module View
- (@@proc_table ||= {})['album_page'] = proc do
-_buf = ""; _buf << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n";
-_buf << "<html>\n";
-_buf << "<head>
- <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"/>
- <title>Giovanni Ferro - "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "</title>
- <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Giovanni Ferro photos\"/>
- <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Giovanni Ferro,photo,pictures,digital photography\"/>
- <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/style1.css").to_s; _buf << "\" media=\"screen\" title=\"style1\"/>
- <link rel=\"alternate stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/style2.css").to_s; _buf << "\" media=\"screen\" title=\"style2\"/>
- <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/prototype.js").to_s; _buf << "\"></script>
- <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/styleswitcher.js").to_s; _buf << "\"></script>
-<table align=\"center\" summary=\"\" width=\"100%\">
- <tr>
- <td align=\"center\">
- \n";
-if pagename=='index' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Home</span>\n";
-if pagename!='index' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/index.html\">Home</a>\n";
-_buf << " | \n";
-if pagename=='albums' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Albums</span>\n";
-if pagename!='albums' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/albums/html/\">Albums</a>\n";
-_buf << " |
- <!--
- <span class=\"menusel\" id=\"if:pagename=='projects'\">Projects</span>
- <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/projects.html\" id=\"if:pagename!='projects'\">Projects</a>
- |
- -->\n";
-if pagename=='guestbook' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Guestbook</span>\n";
-if pagename!='guestbook' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/guestbook/gb.cgi?act=view\">
- Guestbook
- </a>\n";
-_buf << " | \n";
-if pagename=='cv' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Curriculum</span>\n";
-if pagename!='cv' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/cv_it.html\">Curriculum</a>\n";
-_buf << " | \n";
-if pagename=='contactme' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Contact Me</span>\n";
-if pagename!='contactme' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/contactme/contactme.cgi\">Contact Me</a>\n";
-_buf << "
- -
- <span class=\"menutext\"> style: </span>
- <a class=\"menu\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript: as.enable('style1');return false;\">1</a>
- <span class=\"menutext\"> | </span>
- <a class=\"menu\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript: as.enable('style2'); return false;\">2</a>
- <!--
- <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">
- writemenu();
- </script>
- -->
- \n";
-if not language.nil? then
-_buf << " -
- <span class=\"menutext\"> lang: </span> \n";
-if language=='it' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">it</span> \n";
-if language!='it' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(pagename); _buf << "_it.html\">it</a> \n";
-_buf << " |\n";
-if language=='en' then
-_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">en</span> \n";
-if language!='en' then
-_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(pagename); _buf << "_en.html\">en</a> \n";
-_buf << "
- </td>
- </tr>
-<table class=\"album_maintable\" align=\"center\"
- border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <!-- begin header table -->
- <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">
- <!-- breadcrumbs or Trail -->
- <tr>
- <td class=\"album_breadcrumbs\" align=\"left\">\n";
- item_ctr = 0
- for item in @album.breadcrumbs
- item_ctr += 1
- if item_ctr > 1
-_buf << " <span class=\"album_treepathdots\">::</span>\n";
- end
- item_path = item[:path] # retrieve path and
- item_title = item[:title] # title from a hash
- if item_path.nil? # if path is null then
-_buf << (item_title).to_s; else
-_buf << " <a class=\"album_treepath\"
- href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.relroot + item_path); _buf << "\">\n";
-_buf << (item_title).to_s; _buf << " </a>\n";
- end
- end
-_buf << " </td>
- <td class=\"album_breadcrumbs\" align=\"right\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">
- "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.nr_leaves); _buf << " "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\n";
-if @album.nr_childs>0 then
-_buf << " "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.nr_childs); _buf << " sub-albums\n";
-_buf << " </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width=\"80%\" align=\"left\">
- "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.description); _buf << "
- </td>
-if not @album.root? then
-_buf << " <td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\">
- <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.relroot_with_prefix); _buf << "index.html\" title=\"Up to top\"><img
- src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/top.gif").to_s; _buf << "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Top\"/></a>
- <a title=\"Up to album\" href=\"../index.html\"><img
- src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/up.gif").to_s; _buf << "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Up\"/></a>
- </td>\n";
-_buf << "
- </tr>
- </table>
- <!-- End header table -->
- </td>
- </tr>
- <!-- thumbnails header table -->\n";
-if @album.leaves.length>0 then
-_buf << " <tr>
- <td>
- <!-- begin thumbnails header table -->
- <table width=\"100%\"
- border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">
- <tr>
- <td class=\"album_section\" align=\"left\">"; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@resource.thumbnails); _buf << "</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <!-- end thumbnails header table -->
- </td>
- </tr>\n";
-_buf << "
- <!-- thumbnails body -->\n";
-if @album.leaves.length>0 then
-_buf << " <tr>
- <td align=\"center\">
- <!-- begin thumbnail table -->
- <table class=\"album_thumbnails_table\">\n";
- start_pos = 1
- while start_pos <= @album.leaves.length
- idx = start_pos
-_buf << " <tr
- class=\"album_thumbnail_image_row\">\n";
- while idx <= @album.leaves.length && idx % 7 != 0
- photo = @album.leaves[ idx-1 ]
-_buf << " <td
- class=\"album_thumbnail_image\">
- <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(photo.defaultImageFile.pageurl); _buf << "\"
- title=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"><img
- src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot + photo.thumb.url}").to_s; _buf << "\"
- alt=\"Giovanni Ferro - "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"
- border=\"0\"/></a>
- </td>\n";
- idx += 1
- end
-_buf << " </tr>\n";
- idx = start_pos
-_buf << " <tr class=\"album_thumbnail_title_row\">\n";
- while idx <= @album.leaves.length && idx % 7 != 0
- photo = @album.leaves[ idx-1 ]
-_buf << " <td class=\"album_thumbnail_title\">
- "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "
- </td>\n";
- idx += 1
- end
-_buf << " </tr>\n";
- start_pos += 7
- end
-_buf << " </table>
- <!-- end thumbnail table -->
- </td>
- </tr>\n";
-_buf << "
- <!-- subalbums header -->\n";
-if @album.childs.length>0 then
-_buf << " <tr>
- <td>
- <!-- begin subalbums header table -->
- <table width=\"100%\"
- border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">
- <tr>
- <td class=\"album_section\" align=\"left\">"; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@resource.subalbums); _buf << "</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <!-- end header table -->
- </td>
- </tr>\n";
-_buf << "
- <!-- sub-albums body -->\n";
-if @album.childs.length>0 then
-_buf << " <tr>
- <td>
- <!-- begin sub-album table -->
- <table width=\"100%\"
- border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"5\" cellpadding=\"2\">
- col = 1
- for subalbum in @album.childs
- if col == 1
-_buf << " <tr>\n";
- end
-_buf << "
- <td class=\"album_subalbum_image\">
- <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.pageurl); _buf << "\"
- title=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"><img
- src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot + subalbum.defaultImagePool.thumb.url}").to_s; _buf << "\"
- alt=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"
- border=\"1\"/></a>
- </td>
- <td>
- <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.pageurl); _buf << "\">"; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "</a>
- <br/>
- "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.nr_leaves); _buf << " photos\n";
-if subalbum.nr_childs>0 then
-_buf << " , "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.nr_childs); _buf << " sub-albums\n";
-_buf << " <br/>
- "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.description); _buf << "
- </td>
- col += 1
- if col == 3
- col = 1
-_buf << " </tr>\n";
- end
- end
- if col != 1
-_buf << " </tr>\n";
- end
-_buf << "
- </table>
- <!-- end sub-album table -->
- </td>
- </tr>\n";
-_buf << "
-<div id=\"footer\">
- <div class=\"left\">
- Copyright © 2002-2004, <b>Giovanni Ferro</b>
- </div>
- <div class=\"right\">
- <a href=\"\"><img
- style=\"border:0;\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/valid-xhtml.png").to_s; _buf << "\"
- alt=\"Valid XHTML\"/></a>
- <a href=\"\"><img
- style=\"border:0;\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/valid-css.png").to_s; _buf << "\"
- alt=\"Valid CSS\"/></a>
- </div>
-; _buf
- end#proc
- module_function
- def expand_album_page(context={})
- if context.is_a?(Hash)
- hash = context
- context =
- hash.each { |key, val| context.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", val) }
- end
- proc_obj = @@proc_table['album_page']
- context.instance_eval(&proc_obj)
- end
+module View
+ (@@proc_table ||= {})['album_page'] = proc do
+_buf = ""; _buf << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n";
+_buf << "<html>\n";
+_buf << " <head>
+ <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\"/>
+ <title>Giovanni Ferro - "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "</title>
+ <meta name=\"description\" content=\"Giovanni Ferro photos\"/>
+ <meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"Giovanni Ferro,photo,pictures,digital photography\"/>
+ <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/style1.css").to_s; _buf << "\" media=\"screen\" title=\"style1\"/>
+ <link rel=\"alternate stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/style2.css").to_s; _buf << "\" media=\"screen\" title=\"style2\"/>
+ <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/prototype.js").to_s; _buf << "\"></script>
+ <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/styleswitcher.js").to_s; _buf << "\"></script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <table align=\"center\" summary=\"\" width=\"100%\">
+ <tr>
+ <td align=\"center\">
+if pagename=='index' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Home</span>\n";
+if pagename!='index' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/index.html\">Home</a>\n";
+_buf << " |\n";
+if pagename=='albums' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Albums</span>\n";
+if pagename!='albums' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/albums/html/\">Albums</a>\n";
+_buf << " |
+ <!--
+ <span class=\"menusel\" id=\"if:pagename=='projects'\">Projects</span>
+ <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/projects.html\" id=\"if:pagename!='projects'\">Projects</a>
+ |
+ -->\n";
+if pagename=='guestbook' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Guestbook</span>\n";
+if pagename!='guestbook' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/guestbook/gb.cgi?act=view\">
+ Guestbook
+ </a>\n";
+_buf << " |\n";
+if pagename=='cv' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Curriculum</span>\n";
+if pagename!='cv' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/cv_it.html\">Curriculum</a>\n";
+_buf << " |\n";
+if pagename=='contactme' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">Contact Me</span>\n";
+if pagename!='contactme' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\"/contactme/contactme.cgi\">Contact Me</a>\n";
+_buf << "
+ -
+ <span class=\"menutext\"> style: </span>
+ <a class=\"menu\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript: as.enable('style1');return false;\">1</a>
+ <span class=\"menutext\"> | </span>
+ <a class=\"menu\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript: as.enable('style2'); return false;\">2</a>
+ <!--
+ <script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">
+ writemenu();
+ </script>
+ -->
+if not language.nil? then
+_buf << " -
+ <span class=\"menutext\"> lang: </span>\n";
+if language=='it' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">it</span>\n";
+if language!='it' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(pagename); _buf << "_it.html\">it</a>\n";
+_buf << " |\n";
+if language=='en' then
+_buf << " <span class=\"menusel\">en</span>\n";
+if language!='en' then
+_buf << " <a class=\"menu\" href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(pagename); _buf << "_en.html\">en</a>\n";
+_buf << "
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <table class=\"album_maintable\" align=\"center\"
+ border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <!-- begin header table -->
+ <table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">
+ <!-- breadcrumbs or Trail -->
+ <tr>
+ <td class=\"album_breadcrumbs\" align=\"left\">\n";
+ item_ctr = 0
+ for item in @album.breadcrumbs
+ item_ctr += 1
+ if item_ctr > 1
+_buf << " <span class=\"album_treepathdots\">::</span>\n";
+ end
+ item_path = item[:path] # retrieve path and
+ item_title = item[:title] # title from a hash
+ if item_path.nil? # if path is null then
+_buf << (item_title).to_s; else
+_buf << " <a class=\"album_treepath\"
+ href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.relroot + item_path); _buf << "\">\n";
+_buf << (item_title).to_s; _buf << " </a>\n";
+ end
+ end
+_buf << " </td>
+ <td class=\"album_breadcrumbs\" align=\"right\" nowrap=\"nowrap\">
+ "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.nr_leaves); _buf << " "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\n";
+if @album.nr_children>0 then
+_buf << " "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.nr_children); _buf << " sub-albums\n";
+_buf << " </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td width=\"80%\" align=\"left\">
+ "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.description); _buf << "
+ </td>
+if not @album.root? then
+_buf << " <td width=\"20%\" align=\"right\">
+ <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@album.relroot_with_prefix); _buf << "index.html\" title=\"Up to top\"><img
+ src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/top.gif").to_s; _buf << "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Top\"/></a>
+ <a title=\"Up to album\" href=\"../index.html\"><img
+ src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/up.gif").to_s; _buf << "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Up\"/></a>
+ </td>\n";
+_buf << "
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <!-- End header table -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <!-- thumbnails header table -->\n";
+if @album.leaves.length>0 then
+_buf << " <tr>
+ <td>
+ <!-- begin thumbnails header table -->
+ <table width=\"100%\"
+ border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">
+ <tr>
+ <td class=\"album_section\" align=\"left\">"; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@resource.thumbnails); _buf << "</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <!-- end thumbnails header table -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>\n";
+_buf << "
+ <!-- thumbnails body -->\n";
+if @album.leaves.length>0 then
+_buf << " <tr>
+ <td align=\"center\">
+ <!-- begin thumbnail table -->
+ <table class=\"album_thumbnails_table\">\n";
+ start_pos = 1
+ while start_pos <= @album.leaves.length
+ idx = start_pos
+_buf << " <tr
+ class=\"album_thumbnail_image_row\">\n";
+ while idx <= @album.leaves.length && idx % 7 != 0
+ photo = @album.leaves[ idx-1 ]
+_buf << " <td
+ class=\"album_thumbnail_image\">
+ <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(photo.default_image_file.page_url); _buf << "\"
+ title=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"><img
+ src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot + photo.thumb.page_url}").to_s; _buf << "\"
+ alt=\"Giovanni Ferro - "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"
+ border=\"0\"/></a>
+ </td>\n";
+ idx += 1
+ end
+_buf << " </tr>\n";
+ idx = start_pos
+_buf << " <tr class=\"album_thumbnail_title_row\">\n";
+ while idx <= @album.leaves.length && idx % 7 != 0
+ photo = @album.leaves[ idx-1 ]
+_buf << " <td class=\"album_thumbnail_title\">
+ "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "
+ </td>\n";
+ idx += 1
+ end
+_buf << " </tr>\n";
+ start_pos += 7
+ end
+_buf << " </table>
+ <!-- end thumbnail table -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>\n";
+_buf << "
+ <!-- subalbums header -->\n";
+if @album.children.length>0 then
+_buf << " <tr>
+ <td>
+ <!-- begin subalbums header table -->
+ <table width=\"100%\"
+ border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\">
+ <tr>
+ <td class=\"album_section\" align=\"left\">"; _buf << ERB::Util.h(@resource.subalbums); _buf << "</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <!-- end header table -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>\n";
+_buf << "
+ <!-- sub-albums body -->\n";
+if @album.children.length>0 then
+_buf << " <tr>
+ <td>
+ <!-- begin sub-album table -->
+ <table width=\"100%\"
+ border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"5\" cellpadding=\"2\">
+ col = 1
+ for subalbum in @album.children
+ if col == 1
+_buf << " <tr>\n";
+ end
+_buf << "
+ <td class=\"album_subalbum_image\">
+ <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.page_url); _buf << "\"
+ title=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"><img
+ src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot + subalbum.default_image_pool.thumb.page_url}").to_s; _buf << "\"
+ alt=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "\"
+ border=\"1\"/></a>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <a href=\""; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.page_url); _buf << "\">"; _buf << ERB::Util.h(; _buf << "</a>
+ <br/>
+ "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.nr_leaves); _buf << " photos\n";
+if subalbum.nr_children>0 then
+_buf << " , "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.nr_children); _buf << " sub-albums\n";
+_buf << " <br/>
+ "; _buf << ERB::Util.h(subalbum.description); _buf << "
+ </td>
+ col += 1
+ if col == 3
+ col = 1
+_buf << " </tr>\n";
+ end
+ end
+ if col != 1
+_buf << " </tr>\n";
+ end
+_buf << "
+ </table>
+ <!-- end sub-album table -->
+ </td>
+ </tr>\n";
+_buf << "
+ </table>
+<div id=\"footer\">
+ <div class=\"left\">
+ Copyright © 2002-2004, <b>Giovanni Ferro</b>
+ </div>
+ <div class=\"right\">
+ <a href=\"\"><img
+ style=\"border:0;\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/valid-xhtml.png").to_s; _buf << "\"
+ alt=\"Valid XHTML\"/></a>
+ <a href=\"\"><img
+ style=\"border:0;\" src=\""; _buf << ("#{@album.relroot}res/valid-css.png").to_s; _buf << "\"
+ alt=\"Valid CSS\"/></a>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+; _buf
+ end#proc
+ module_function
+ def expand_album_page(context={})
+ if context.is_a?(Hash)
+ hash = context
+ context =
+ hash.each { |key, val| context.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", val) }
+ end
+ proc_obj = @@proc_table['album_page']
+ context.instance_eval(&proc_obj)
+ end