Rakefile in getopt-declare-1.23 vs Rakefile in getopt-declare-1.25
- old
+ new
@@ -1,102 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-require 'rake/rdoctask'
-require 'rake/testtask'
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'hoe'
+require './lib/Getopt/Declare'
rdoc_files = ["Declare.rdoc", 'HISTORY.txt'] + Dir.glob('lib/*/*.rb')
-# TASK: Gem specification and creation ('gem')
-spec = Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
- spec.name = "getopt-declare"
- spec.version = '1.23'
- spec.author = "Gonzalo Garramuno"
- spec.email = 'ggarra@advancedsl.com.ar, GGarramuno@aol.com'
- spec.homepage = 'http://www.rubyforge.org/projects/getoptdeclare/'
- spec.summary = 'Getopt-Declare is a command-line argument parser.'
- spec.require_path = "lib"
- spec.autorequire = "Getopt/Declare"
- spec.files = ["lib/Getopt/Declare.rb", "lib/Getopt/DelimScanner.rb",
- "Rakefile"]
- spec.description = <<-"EOF"
+Hoe.new('getopt-declare', Getopt::Declare::VERSION) do |p|
+ p.rubyforge_name = name = 'getoptdeclare'
+ p.author = "Gonzalo Garramuno"
+ p.email = 'ggarra@advancedsl.com.ar, GGarramuno@aol.com'
+ p.summary = "Getopt-Declare is a command-line argument parser."
+ p.description = <<-"EOF"
Comprehensive and easy to use command-line parser library using
regular expressions. Port of Damian Conway\'s Perl Getopt-Declare.
- # to fix emacs coloring bug
- spec.extra_rdoc_files = rdoc_files
- spec.has_rdoc = true
- spec.test_files = Dir.glob('samples/*.rb')
- spec.rubyforge_project = 'getoptdeclare'
- spec.required_ruby_version = '>= 1.6.8'
+ # p.url = p.paragraphs_of('README.txt', 0).first.split(/\n/)[1..-1]
+ p.url = "#{name}.rubyforge.org"
+ p.changes = p.paragraphs_of('HISTORY.txt', 0).join("\n\n")
+ p.need_zip = p.need_tar = true
-Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg|
- pkg.need_tar = true
+task :default => ['test', 'redocs', 'publish_docs',
+ 'package', 'release', 'announce', 'email', 'post_news']
-# TASK: Run rdoc to document code ('rdoc')
-html_dir = 'doc/html'
-library = 'Getopt/Declare'
-Rake::RDocTask.new('rdoc') do |t|
- t.rdoc_files.include(rdoc_files)
- t.main = 'doc/index.html' # Main web page
- t.title = "#{library} API documentation"
- t.rdoc_dir = html_dir
-# TASK: Upload docs to rubyforge ('upload-docs')
-desc 'Upload documentation to RubyForge.'
-task 'upload-docs' => ['rdoc'] do
- rubyforge_user = 'gga'
- rubyforge_project = spec.rubyforge_project
- rubyforge_path = "/var/www/gforge-projects/#{rubyforge_project}/"
- sh "scp -r #{html_dir}/* #{rubyforge_user}@rubyforge.org:#{rubyforge_path}"
-desc 'Zip directory as an archive.'
-task 'zip' => ['rdoc'] do
- dir = File.basename(Dir.pwd)
- zipfile = spec.name + "-" + spec.version.to_s + ".zip"
- Dir.chdir('..')
- File.unlink(zipfile) if File.exists?(zipfile)
- sh "zip -9rv #{zipfile} #{dir} -x '*~' -x '#*#' -x '*docs/*' -x '*pkg/*' -x '.*'"
- Dir.chdir(dir)
-desc 'Run unit tests'
-Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
- t.libs << 'test'
- t.test_files = FileList['test/*.rb']
- t.verbose = true
- t.warning = true
- # t.loader = :testrb
- # p t.methods - Object.methods
-desc 'upload gem'
-task 'upload-gem' => ['test', 'gem'] do
-desc 'upload zip'
-task 'upload-zip' => ['zip'] do
-desc 'Upload gem, docs and zip file'
-task 'upload' => [ 'upload-gem', 'upload-zip', 'upload-docs' ]
-# Main task
-task :default => ['upload']