app/models/georgia/page.rb in georgia-0.7.8 vs app/models/georgia/page.rb in georgia-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,85 @@
module Georgia
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
- include Georgia::Indexer::Adapter
- include Georgia::Concerns::Taggable
- include Georgia::Concerns::Orderable
- include Georgia::Concerns::Slugable
- include Georgia::Concerns::Revisionable
- include Georgia::Concerns::Publishable
- include Georgia::Concerns::Treeable
- include Georgia::Concerns::Cacheable
+ include PublicActivity::Common
+ include Concerns::Treeable
+ include Concerns::Searchable
+ index_name "georgia-pages-#{Rails.env}"
- acts_as_list scope: :parent #override Concerns::Orderable to include scope
+ # acts_as_list scope: :parent #override Concerns::Orderable to include scope
+ acts_as_taggable_on :tags
paginates_per 20
- scope :not_self, ->(page) {where(' != ?',}
+ scope :published, -> { where(public: true) }
+ scope :ordered, -> { order(:position) }
+ scope :not_self, -> (page) {where(' != ?',}
+ scope :from_url, -> (path) { where(url: "/#{path}").includes(current_revision: :contents) }
+ validates :slug, format: {with: /\A[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\z/,
+ message: 'can only consist of letters, numbers, dash (-) and underscore (_)'}
+ #, uniqueness: {scope: [:ancestry, :type], message: 'has already been taken'}
+ has_many :revisions, as: :revisionable, dependent: :destroy
+ belongs_to :current_revision, class_name: Georgia::Revision, foreign_key: :revision_id
+ before_validation :sanitize_slug
+ after_save :update_url
+ delegate :title, :text, :excerpt, :keywords, :keyword_list, :image, to: :current_revision, allow_nil: true
+ delegate :template, :content, :slides, :widgets, to: :current_revision, allow_nil: true
+ delegate :draft?, :review?, :revision?, :published?, to: :current_revision, allow_nil: true
+ # FIXME: Should not be part of this model
+ def approve_revision revision
+ if current_revision
+ self.update_attribute(:revision_id,
+ end
+ def publish
+ self.update_attribute(:public, true)
+ end
+ def unpublish
+ self.update_attribute(:public, false)
+ end
+ def public?
+ self.public
+ end
+ alias_method :published?, :public?
+ def publish_state
+ public? ? 'public' : 'private'
+ end
+ alias_method :visibility, :publish_state
+ def cache_key
+ [self.url, self.updated_at.to_i].join('/')
+ end
+ # Must stay public for #update_url on descendants
+ def set_url
+ self.update_column(:url, '/' + self.ancestry_url)
+ end
+ protected
+ def sanitize_slug
+ self.slug ||= ''
+ self.slug.to_s.gsub!(/^\/*/, '').gsub!(/\/*$/, '')
+ end
+ def update_url
+ if slug_changed? or ancestry_changed?
+ self.set_url
+ self.descendants.each(&:set_url) if !self.new_record? and self.has_children?
+ end
+ end
+ def ancestry_url
+ (ancestors + [self]).map(&:slug).join('/')
+ end
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