README.textile in geo_calc-0.7.1 vs README.textile in geo_calc-0.7.3
- old
+ new
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h1. Geo calculations
Geo Calculation library. Useful functions to add to your geo arsenal, fx when designing your own Geo library.
-h2. Status update (June 10, 2011)
+h2. Status update (June 14, 2011)
-- Major refactoring splitting into more logical file/modular structure
-- Use autoload
-- Extract GeoUnits
-- Extract Dms with converter
-- GeoPoint can now have set :coords_mode which affects how Ruby Core objects such as String and Array are parsed into :lng and :lat.
+Extracted GeoUnits and GeoPoint into separate gems:
-- The GeoPoint class should be extracted into separate gem, then this geo_calc gem should only have the more generic geo functionality as modules to be included
-where needed in other gems!
+* "geo_units":
+* "geo_point":
h2. Install
@require 'geo_calc'@
@@ -26,51 +21,19 @@
From command line, run bundler
@$ bundle@
-h2. Objetive
+h2. Objective
The objective of this library is to act as a base for other geo libraries.
-Please take a look at "geo vectors": which builds on _geo calc_ and provides various vector operations on geo points.
-I also have plans to include _geo calc_ in "mongoid geo":, the geo extension library for _Mongoid 2_.
+The geo calculation API only requires that the point objects used, have a #lat and #lon method, which return the latitude and longitude respectively.
+The lat/lng should each be a Numeric (ie. Float or Fixnum) within respective 'geo ranges': (-90 to 90, -180 to 180).
-h2. Quick start (Usage)
+h3. Shortest distance
-First define the points on the globe you want to work with.
-The GeoPoint initializer is very flexible with regards to the arguments it can handle.
- # factory method on core ruby classes
- "51 12 03 N, 24 10 02 E".geo_point
- [51.5136, -0.0983].geo_point
- {:latitude => 27.3, :longitude => "24 10 02 E"}.geo_point
- # two arguments
- p1 = 51.5136, -0.0983
- p2 = "14 11 01 N", "-0.0983"
- p3 = 51.5136, "24 10 02 E"
- # a String
- p1 = "51.5136, -0.0983"
- p1 = "51.5136, 24 10 02 E"
- p3 = "51.4778, -0.0015"
- p1 = "51 12 03 N, 24 10 02 E"
- # an Array
- p2 = [51.5136, -0.0983]
- p2 = [51.5136, "24 10 02 E"]
- p2 = [51.5136, {:lon => 27.3}]
- # a Hash
- p4 = {:lat => 27.3, :lng => "24 10 02 E"}
- p4 = {:latitude => 27.3, :longitude => "24 10 02 E"}
-h3. Shortes distance
Calculate *distance in kms between points p1 and p2*
dist = p1.distance_to(p2) # in km
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p1.rhumb_destination_point(brng, dist)
-h2. Utility methods
-These are some of the utility methods you can use on a GeoPoint object
- p1 = 5.1, -7
- # latitude
- p1.lon # longitude
- p1.to_arr # array representation of [lat, lng]
- p1.reverse_arr! # reverse to_arr to instead return [lng, lat]
- p1.normal_arr! # return to normal to_arr functionality: [lat, lng]
- p1.to_s # string representation
h2. Core Extensions
The library also extends core Ruby classes with geo related functions (see _core_ext_spec.rb_)