lib/genability/client/load_serving_entity.rb in genability-0.1.0 vs lib/genability/client/load_serving_entity.rb in genability-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -15,33 +15,31 @@
# @format :json
# @authenticated true
# @rate_limited true
# @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options.
+ # @option options [String] :search_string Phrase for searching the names of Load Serving Entities (Optional)
# @option options [String] :starts_with Indicates the search phrase should match the start of the name. (Optional)
# @option options [String] :ends_with Indicates the search phrase should match the end of the name. (Optional)
- # @option options [String] :contains Indicates the search phrase should be somewhere in the middle of the name. (Optional)
# @option options [Integer] :page The page number to begin the result set from. If not specified, this will begin with the first result set. (Optional)
# @option options [Integer] :per_page The number of results to return. If not specified, this will return 25 results. (Optional)
# @return [Array] List of load serving entities.
# @see
# @example Return the first 25 load serving entities
# Genability.load_serving_entities
# @example Return the next 25 load serving entities
# Genability.load_serving_entities(:page => 2)
# @example Return only 10 load serving entities
# Genability.load_serving_entities(:per_page => 10)
- # @example Search for load serving entities with the name 'Infinite'
- # Genability.load_serving_entities(:search => 'Infinite')
# @example Search for load serving entities starting with the letters 'Ka'
# Genability.load_serving_entities(:starts_with => 'Ka')
# @example Search for load serving entities ending with the word 'Inc'
# Genability.load_serving_entities(:ends_with => 'Inc')
- # @example Search for load serving entities with the word 'Energy' somewhere in the name
- # Genability.load_serving_entities(:contains => 'Energy')
+ # @example Search for load serving entities with the word 'Energy'
+ # Genability.load_serving_entities(:search_string => 'Energy')
def load_serving_entities(options={})
- get("lses", lses_params(options)).results
+ get("public/lses", lses_params(options)).results
alias :lses :load_serving_entities
# Returns details for a single load serving entity
@@ -53,23 +51,26 @@
# @return [Hashie::Mash] Details for a load serving entity.
# @see
# @example Return the details for Georgia Power Co
# Genability.load_serving_entity(2756)
def load_serving_entity(load_serving_entity_id)
- get("lses/#{load_serving_entity_id}").results.first
+ get("public/lses/#{load_serving_entity_id}").results.first
alias :lse :load_serving_entity
def lses_params(options)
- 'wildCardText' => options[:contains] || options[:starts_with] || options[:ends_with],
- 'startsWithWildCard' => convert_to_boolean(options[:starts_with]),
- 'endsWithWildCard' => convert_to_boolean(options[:ends_with]),
- 'containsWildCard' => convert_to_boolean(options[:contains])
+ 'searchString' => search_string(options),
+ 'startsWith' => convert_to_boolean(options[:starts_with]),
+ 'endsWith' => convert_to_boolean(options[:ends_with])
}.delete_if{ |k,v| v.nil? }.merge( pagination_params(options) )
+ end
+ def search_string(options)
+ options[:search_string] || options[:contains] || options[:starts_with] || options[:ends_with]