lib/gem2rpm/configuration.rb in gem2rpm-0.11.2 vs lib/gem2rpm/configuration.rb in gem2rpm-0.11.3
- old
+ new
@@ -2,34 +2,80 @@
module Gem2Rpm
class Configuration
include Singleton
+ :print_template_file => nil,
+ :template_file => nil,
+ :output_file => nil,
+ :local => false,
+ :srpm => false,
+ :deps => false,
+ :nongem => false,
+ :doc_subpackage => true,
+ :fetch => false,
+ }
# The defaults should mostly work
:instdir => '%{gem_instdir}',
:libdir => '%{gem_libdir}',
:doc => '%doc',
:license => '%license',
:ignore => '%exclude'
- :doc => [/\/?CHANGELOG.*/i, /\/?CONTRIBUTING.*/i, /\/?CONTRIBUTORS.*/i,
- /\/?AUTHORS.*/i,/\/?README.*/i, /\/?History.*/i, /\/?Release.*/i,
- /\/?doc(\/.*)?/, 'NEWS'],
- :license => [/\/?MIT/, /\/?GPLv[0-9]+/, /\/?.*LICEN(C|S)E/, /\/?COPYING/],
- :ignore => ['.gemtest', '.gitignore', '.travis.yml', '.yardopts', '.rvmrc',
- '.rubocop.yml', /^\..*rc$/i],
+ :doc => [
+ /\/?CHANGELOG.*/i,
+ /\/?AUTHORS.*/i,
+ /\/?README.*/i,
+ /\/?History.*/i,
+ /\/?Release.*/i,
+ /\/?doc(\/.*)?/,
+ 'NEWS',
+ ],
+ :license => [
+ /\/?MIT/,
+ /\/?GPLv[0-9]+/,
+ /\/?.*LICEN(C|S)E/,
+ /\/?COPYING/,
+ ],
+ :ignore => [
+ '.gemtest',
+ '.gitignore',
+ '.travis.yml',
+ '.yardopts',
+ '.rvmrc',
+ '.rubocop.yml',
+ /^\..*rc$/i,
+ ],
# Other files including test files that are not required for
# runtime and therefore currently included in -doc
- :misc => [/.*.gemspec/, /Gemfile.*/, 'Rakefile', 'rakefile.rb', 'Vagrantfile',
- /^spec.*/, /^rspec.*/, /^test(s|)/, /^examples.*/]
+ :misc => [
+ /.*.gemspec/,
+ /Gemfile.*/,
+ 'Rakefile',
+ 'rakefile.rb',
+ 'Vagrantfile',
+ /^spec.*/,
+ /^rspec.*/,
+ /^test(s|)/,
+ /^examples.*/,
+ ]
- # Set the configuration back to default
- def to_default
+ def initialize
+ @options = nil
+ @parser = nil
+ end
+ # Set the configuration back to default values
+ def reset
@_macros = nil
@_rules = nil
@@ -49,7 +95,110 @@
def rule_for(category)
rules[category] ||= ''
+ # Get options.
+ def options
+ handle_options unless @options
+ @options
+ end
+ private
+ # Handles list of given options. Use ARGV by default.
+ def handle_options(args = ARGV)
+ @options = Marshal.load Marshal.dump DEFAULT_OPTIONS # deep copy
+ parser.parse!(args)
+ @options[:args] = args
+ # TODO: Refactor, this is probably not the best palce.
+ rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
+ $stderr.puts "#{e}\n\n"
+ $stderr.puts parser
+ exit(1)
+ end
+ # Creates an option parser.
+ def create_option_parser
+ @parser =
+ setup_parser_options
+ end
+ # Get parser instance.
+ def parser
+ create_option_parser unless @parser
+ @parser
+ end
+ def setup_parser_options
+ parser.banner = "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} [OPTIONS] GEM"
+ parser.separator(' Convert Ruby gems to source RPMs and specfiles.')
+ parser.separator(' Uses a template to generate the RPM specfile')
+ parser.separator(' from the gem specification.')
+ parser.separator('')
+ parser.separator(' Options:')
+ parser.on('-T', '--current-template', 'Print the current template') do
+ options[:print_template_file] = true
+ end
+ parser.on('-t', '--template TEMPLATE', 'Use TEMPLATE for the specfile') do |val|
+ options[:template_file] = val
+ end
+ # TODO: This does not belong here.
+ parser.on('--templates', 'List all available templates') do
+ puts 'Available templates in #{Gem2Rpm::Template.default_location}:\n\n'
+ puts do |t|
+ t.gsub(/(.*)\.spec.erb/, '\\1')
+ end.join("\n")
+ exit 0
+ end
+ # TODO: This does not belong here.
+ parser.on('-v', '--version', 'Print gem2rpm\'s version and exit') do
+ puts Gem2Rpm::VERSION
+ exit 0
+ end
+ parser.on('-o', '--output FILE', 'Send the specfile to FILE') do |val|
+ options[:output_file] = val
+ end
+ parser.on('-s', '--srpm', 'Create a source RPM') do
+ options[:srpm] = true
+ end
+ parser.on('-l', '--local', "Do not retrieve Gem information over
+ #{' ' * 22} the network. Use on disconnected machines") do
+ options[:local] = true
+ end
+ parser.on('-d', '--dependencies', 'Print the dependencies of the gem') do
+ options[:deps] = true
+ end
+ parser.on('-n', '--nongem', 'Generate a subpackage for non-gem use') do
+ options[:nongem] = true
+ end
+ parser.on('--no-doc', 'Disable document subpackage') do
+ options[:doc_subpackage] = false
+ end
+ parser.on('--fetch', 'Fetch the gem from') do
+ options[:fetch] = true
+ end
+ parser.separator('')
+ parser.separator(' Arguments:')
+ parser.separator(' GEM The path to the locally stored gem package file or the name')
+ parser.separator(' of the gem when using --fetch.')
+ parser.separator('')
+ end