in gem-eit-0.5.1 vs in gem-eit-0.6.0

- old
+ new

@@ -23,17 +23,19 @@ ## REQUIREMENTS: * Tested with MRI (official CRuby) 1.9.3, 2.0.0, Rubinius and JRuby. * [gem-path]( +* `vim` from shell, or set `$GEM_EDITOR` or `$EDITOR` to the editor you want. ## INSTALLATION: gem install gem-eit ## SYNOPSIS: -Please set either `$EIT_EDITOR` or `$EDITOR`. +Please set either `$GEM_EDITOR` or `$EDITOR` to the editor you want. +By default it would pick `vim` if nothing is set. ### Edit gem gem eit rib # $EDITOR ~/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/rib-1.0.0