specs/constraints/count.rb in gecoder-0.5.0 vs specs/constraints/count.rb in gecoder-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -21,24 +21,29 @@
@element = @model.element
@target = @model.target
# Creates an expectation corresponding to the specified input.
@expect = lambda do |element, relation, target, strength, reif_var|
- target = target.bind if target.respond_to? :bind
- element = element.bind if element.respond_to? :bind
- if reif_var.nil?
- Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:count).once.with(@model.active_space,
- an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVarArray),
- element, relation, target, strength)
- else
- Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:count).once.with(@model.active_space,
- an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVarArray),
- element, Gecode::Raw::IRT_EQ,
- an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVar), strength)
- Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:rel).once.with(@model.active_space,
- an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVar), relation,
- target, reif_var.bind, strength)
+ @model.allow_space_access do
+ target = target.bind if target.respond_to? :bind
+ element = element.bind if element.respond_to? :bind
+ if reif_var.nil?
+ Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:count).once.with(
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space),
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVarArray),
+ element, relation, target, strength)
+ else
+ Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:count).once.with(
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space),
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVarArray),
+ element, Gecode::Raw::IRT_EQ,
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVar), strength)
+ Gecode::Raw.should_receive(:rel).once.with(
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::Space),
+ an_instance_of(Gecode::Raw::IntVar), relation,
+ target, reif_var.bind, strength)
+ end
# For constraint option spec.
@invoke_options = lambda do |hash|
@@ -48,35 +53,70 @@
@expect_options = lambda do |strength, reif_var|
@expect.call(@element, Gecode::Raw::IRT_GR, @target, strength, reif_var)
- # Various situations that must be handled, nil denotes that a variable should
- # be used.
- situations = {
- 'variable element and target' => [nil, nil],
- 'variable element and constant target' => [nil, 2],
- 'constant element and variable target' => [1, nil],
- 'constant element and constant target' => [1, 2]
- }.each_pair do |description, element_and_target|
- element, target = element_and_target
- Gecode::Constraints::Util::RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
- it "should translate #{relation} with #{description}" do
- element = @element if element.nil?
- target = @target if target.nil?
- @expect.call(element, type, target, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
- @list.count(element).must.send(relation, target)
- @model.solve!
- end
+ # Various situations that must be handled (4*2 in total). This was originally
+ # written without the repetition (r269), but that interfered with the spec
+ # somehow.
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate #{relation} with variable element and target" do
+ @expect.call(@element, type, @target, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(@element).must.send(relation, @target)
+ @model.solve!
- Gecode::Constraints::Util::NEGATED_RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
- it "should translate negated #{relation} with #{description}" do
- element = @element if element.nil?
- target = @target if target.nil?
- @expect.call(element, type, target, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
- @list.count(element).must_not.send(relation, target)
- @model.solve!
- end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::NEGATED_RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate negated #{relation} with variable element and target" do
+ @expect.call(@element, type, @target, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(@element).must_not.send(relation, @target)
+ @model.solve!
+ end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate #{relation} with variable element and constant target" do
+ @expect.call(@element, type, 2, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(@element).must.send(relation, 2)
+ @model.solve!
+ end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::NEGATED_RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate negated #{relation} with variable element and constant target" do
+ @expect.call(@element, type, 2, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(@element).must_not.send(relation, 2)
+ @model.solve!
+ end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate #{relation} with constant element and constant target" do
+ @expect.call(1, type, 2, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(1).must.send(relation, 2)
+ @model.solve!
+ end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::NEGATED_RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate negated #{relation} with constant element and constant target" do
+ @expect.call(1, type, 2, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(1).must_not.send(relation, 2)
+ @model.solve!
+ end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate #{relation} with constant element and variable target" do
+ @expect.call(1, type, @target, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(1).must.send(relation, @target)
+ @model.solve!
+ end
+ end
+ Gecode::Constraints::Util::NEGATED_RELATION_TYPES.each_pair do |relation, type|
+ it "should translate negated #{relation} with constant element and variable target" do
+ @expect.call(1, type, @target, Gecode::Raw::ICL_DEF, nil)
+ @list.count(1).must_not.send(relation, @target)
+ @model.solve!
it 'should raise error if the target is of the wrong type' do
lambda{ @list.count(@element).must == 'hello' }.should raise_error(
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