in gds-sso-3.1.1 vs in gds-sso-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -28,25 +28,26 @@
config.oauth_id = ENV['OAUTH_ID']
config.oauth_secret = ENV['OAUTH_SECRET']
# optional config for location of signonotron2
config.oauth_root_url = "http://localhost:3001"
- # optional config for API Access (requests which accept application/json)
- config.basic_auth_user = 'api'
- config.basic_auth_password = 'secret'
The user model must include the GDS::SSO::User module.
It should have the following fields:
string "name"
string "email"
string "uid"
- text "permissions"
+ array "permissions"
boolean "remotely_signed_out", :default => false
You also need to include `GDS::SSO::ControllerMethods` in your ApplicationController
+For ActiveRecord, you probably want to declare permissions as "serialized" like this:
+ serialize :permissions, Array
## Use in development mode
In development, you generally want to be able to run an application without needing to run your own SSO server to be running as well. GDS-SSO facilitates this by using a 'mock' mode in development. Mock mode loads an arbitrary user from the local application's user tables: