lib/gcloud/storage/connection.rb in gcloud-0.4.0 vs lib/gcloud/storage/connection.rb in gcloud-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -73,31 +73,32 @@
incremental_backoff options do
api_method: @storage.buckets.insert,
parameters: params,
- body_object: { name: bucket_name }
+ body_object: insert_bucket_request(bucket_name, options)
- # Updates a bucket's metadata.
+ # Updates a bucket, including its ACL metadata.
def patch_bucket bucket_name, options = {}
params = { bucket: bucket_name,
- predefinedAcl: options[:acl],
- predefinedDefaultObjectAcl: options.delete(:default_acl)
+ predefinedAcl: options[:predefined_acl],
+ predefinedDefaultObjectAcl: options[:predefined_default_acl]
}.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
api_method: @storage.buckets.patch,
- parameters: params
+ parameters: params,
+ body_object: patch_bucket_request(options)
- # Permenently deletes an empty bucket.
+ # Permanently deletes an empty bucket.
def delete_bucket bucket_name, opts = {}
incremental_backoff opts do
api_method: @storage.buckets.delete,
parameters: { bucket: bucket_name }
@@ -123,11 +124,11 @@
body_object: { entity: entity, role: role }
- # Permenently deletes a bucket ACL.
+ # Permanently deletes a bucket ACL.
def delete_bucket_acl bucket_name, entity
api_method: @storage.bucket_access_controls.delete,
parameters: { bucket: bucket_name, entity: entity }
@@ -151,11 +152,11 @@
body_object: { entity: entity, role: role }
- # Permenently deletes a default ACL.
+ # Permanently deletes a default ACL.
def delete_default_acl bucket_name, entity
api_method: @storage.default_object_access_controls.delete,
parameters: { bucket: bucket_name, entity: entity }
@@ -175,77 +176,29 @@
api_method: @storage.objects.list,
parameters: params
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
- # Disabled rubocop because the API we need to use
- # is verbose. No getting around it.
- # Stores a new object and metadata.
- # Uses a multipart form post.
- def insert_file_multipart bucket_name, file, path = nil,
- options = {}
+ # Stores a new object and metadata. If resumable is true, a resumable
+ # upload, otherwise uses a multipart form post.
+ #
+ # UploadIO comes from Faraday, which gets it from multipart-post
+ # The initializer signature is:
+ # filename_or_io, content_type, filename = nil, opts = {}
+ def upload_file resumable, bucket_name, file, path = nil, options = {}
local_path = Pathname(file).to_path
+ options[:content_type] ||= mime_type_for(local_path)
+ media = file_media local_path, options, resumable
upload_path = Pathname(path || local_path).to_path
- mime_type = mime_type_for local_path
- media = local_path, mime_type
- params = { uploadType: "multipart",
- bucket: bucket_name,
- name: upload_path,
- predefinedAcl: options[:acl]
- }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
- @client.execute(
- api_method: @storage.objects.insert,
- media: media,
- parameters: params,
- body_object: { contentType: mime_type }
- )
- end
- ##
- # Stores a new object and metadata.
- # Uses a resumable upload.
- def insert_file_resumable bucket_name, file, path = nil,
- chunk_size = nil, options = {}
- local_path = Pathname(file).to_path
- upload_path = Pathname(path || local_path).to_path
- # mime_type = options[:mime_type] || mime_type_for local_path
- mime_type = mime_type_for local_path
- # This comes from Faraday, which gets it from multipart-post
- # The signature is:
- # filename_or_io, content_type, filename = nil, opts = {}
- media = local_path, mime_type
- media.chunk_size = chunk_size
- params = { uploadType: "resumable",
- bucket: bucket_name,
- name: upload_path,
- predefinedAcl: options[:acl]
- }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
- result = @client.execute(
- api_method: @storage.objects.insert,
- media: media,
- parameters: params,
- body_object: { contentType: mime_type }
- )
+ result = insert_file resumable, bucket_name, upload_path, media, options
+ return result unless resumable
upload = result.resumable_upload
result = @client.execute upload while upload.resumable?
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
# Retrieves an object or its metadata.
def get_file bucket_name, file_path, options = {}
query = { bucket: bucket_name, object: file_path }
query[:generation] = options[:generation] if options[:generation]
@@ -257,16 +210,16 @@
## Copy a file from source bucket/object to a
# destination bucket/object.
def copy_file source_bucket_name, source_file_path,
- destination_bucket_name, destination_file_path,
- options = {}
+ destination_bucket_name, destination_file_path, options = {}
api_method: @storage.objects.copy,
parameters: { sourceBucket: source_bucket_name,
sourceObject: source_file_path,
+ sourceGeneration: options[:generation],
destinationBucket: destination_bucket_name,
destinationObject: destination_file_path,
predefinedAcl: options[:acl]
}.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? })
@@ -285,21 +238,22 @@
# Updates a file's metadata.
def patch_file bucket_name, file_path, options = {}
params = { bucket: bucket_name,
object: file_path,
- predefinedAcl: options.delete(:acl)
+ predefinedAcl: options[:predefined_acl]
}.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
api_method: @storage.objects.patch,
- parameters: params
+ parameters: params,
+ body_object: patch_file_request(options)
- # Permenently deletes a file.
+ # Permanently deletes a file.
def delete_file bucket_name, file_path
api_method: @storage.objects.delete,
parameters: { bucket: bucket_name,
object: file_path }
@@ -327,11 +281,11 @@
body_object: { entity: entity, role: role }
- # Permenently deletes a file ACL.
+ # Permanently deletes a file ACL.
def delete_file_acl bucket_name, file_name, entity, options = {}
query = { bucket: bucket_name, object: file_name, entity: entity }
query[:generation] = options[:generation] if options[:generation]
@@ -351,13 +305,120 @@
+ def insert_bucket_request name, options = {}
+ {
+ "name" => name,
+ "location" => options[:location],
+ "cors" => options[:cors],
+ "logging" => logging_config(options),
+ "storageClass" => storage_class(options[:storage_class]),
+ "versioning" => versioning_config(options[:versioning]),
+ "website" => website_config(options)
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ end
+ def patch_bucket_request options = {}
+ {
+ "cors" => options[:cors],
+ "logging" => logging_config(options),
+ "versioning" => versioning_config(options[:versioning]),
+ "website" => website_config(options),
+ "acl" => options[:acl],
+ "defaultObjectAcl" => options[:default_acl]
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ end
+ def versioning_config enabled
+ { "enabled" => enabled } unless enabled.nil?
+ end
+ def logging_config options
+ bucket = options[:logging_bucket]
+ prefix = options[:logging_prefix]
+ {
+ "logBucket" => bucket,
+ "logObjectPrefix" => prefix
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } if bucket || prefix
+ end
+ def website_config options
+ website_main = options[:website_main]
+ website_404 = options[:website_404]
+ {
+ "mainPageSuffix" => website_main,
+ "notFoundPage" => website_404
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } if website_main || website_404
+ end
+ def storage_class str #:nodoc:
+ { "durable_reduced_availability" => "DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY",
+ "nearline" => "NEARLINE",
+ "standard" => "STANDARD" }[str.to_s.downcase]
+ end
+ def insert_file resumable, bucket_name, path, media, options
+ params = { uploadType: (resumable ? "resumable" : "multipart"),
+ bucket: bucket_name,
+ name: path,
+ predefinedAcl: options[:acl]
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ @client.execute api_method: @storage.objects.insert,
+ media: media,
+ parameters: params,
+ body_object: insert_file_request(options)
+ end
+ def file_media local_path, options, resumable
+ media = local_path,
+ options[:content_type]
+ return media unless resumable && options[:chunk_size]
+ media.chunk_size = verify_chunk_size!(options.delete(:chunk_size))
+ media
+ end
+ def insert_file_request options = {}
+ request = {
+ "crc32c" => options[:crc32c],
+ "md5Hash" => options[:md5],
+ "metadata" => options[:metadata]
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ request.merge patch_file_request(options)
+ end
+ def patch_file_request options = {}
+ {
+ "cacheControl" => options[:cache_control],
+ "contentDisposition" => options[:content_disposition],
+ "contentEncoding" => options[:content_encoding],
+ "contentLanguage" => options[:content_language],
+ "contentType" => options[:content_type],
+ "metadata" => options[:metadata],
+ "acl" => options[:acl]
+ }.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? }
+ end
def incremental_backoff options = {} do
+ end
+ ##
+ # Determines if a chunk_size is valid.
+ def verify_chunk_size! chunk_size
+ chunk_size = chunk_size.to_i
+ chunk_mod = 256 * 1024 # 256KB
+ if (chunk_size.to_i % chunk_mod) != 0
+ chunk_size = (chunk_size / chunk_mod) * chunk_mod
+ end
+ return if
+ chunk_size