spec/capture_spec.rb in gatling-1.1.2 vs spec/capture_spec.rb in gatling-1.1.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,89 +1,33 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe Gatling::CaptureElement do
+ # creating a dummy class to test a module
+ class SomeClass
+ end
before :each do
- capybara_node = mock (Capybara::Node::Element)
- Gatling::Configuration.should_receive(:reference_image_path).and_return("./")
- @capture_element = Gatling::CaptureElement.new capybara_node, capybara_node
+ subject = SomeClass.new
+ subject.extend(Gatling::CaptureElement)
after :each do
- describe 'take_screenshot' do
- before do
- @webdriver = double('webdriver')
- Capybara.stub_chain(:page, :driver, :browser).and_return(@webdriver)
+ it '.capture should return a cropped image' do
+ capybara_element = mock(Capybara::Node::Element)
+ position = {:x => 1, :y => 2, :width => 100, :height => 200}
+ magick_image = Magick::Image.new(position[:width],position[:height])
- @expected_temp_screenshot_file_pattern = /.*\/temp\/temp-\d+.png/
- end
- it 'should create temp directory when it does not exist' do
- @webdriver.stub!(:save_screenshot)
- Magick::Image.stub!(:read).and_return([])
+ subject.should_receive(:get_element_position).with(capybara_element).and_return(position)
+ subject.should_receive(:take_screenshot).and_return(magick_image)
+ subject.should_receive(:crop_element).and_return(magick_image)
- File.stub!(:'exists?').and_return(false)
- FileUtils.should_receive(:mkdir_p).with('./temp')
- @capture_element.take_screenshot
- end
- it 'should work when Gatling is called concurrently from multiple processes' do
- @webdriver.should_receive(:save_screenshot).with(@expected_temp_screenshot_file_pattern)
- Magick::Image.should_receive(:read).with(@expected_temp_screenshot_file_pattern).and_return([])
- @capture_element.take_screenshot
- end
- class Point
- attr_accessor :x, :y
+ image = subject.capture(capybara_element)
+ image.class.should == Magick::Image
- class Size
- attr_accessor :width, :height
- end
- it 'should get the position of the css element' do
- #Overiding the stupid public method:y of YAML module
- location = Point.new
- location.x = 1
- location.y = 2
- size = Size.new
- size.width = 100
- size.height = 200
- mock_element = mock
- mock_element.stub(:native).and_return(mock_element)
- mock_element.stub(:location).and_return(location)
- mock_element.stub(:size).and_return(size)
- position = @capture_element.get_element_position mock_element
- position[:x].should eql(1)
- position[:y].should eql(2)
- position[:width].should eql(100)
- position[:height].should eql(200)
- end
- end
- # it 'should exclude a specified element from capture' do
- # element_to_capture =
- # element_to_exclude = 'womething.child'
- # # @cropped_and_censored_element = (element_to_capture, element_to_exclude).exclude
- # @cropped_and_censored_element.should_not equal(@element_to_capture)
- # @cropped_and_censored_element.should_not equal(@element_to_exclude)
- # end