in games_dice-0.1.3 vs in games_dice-0.2.0
- old
+ new
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# GamesDice
-A library for simulating dice, intended for constructing a variety of dice systems as used in
-role-playing and board games.
+A library for simulating dice. Use it to construct dice-rolling systems used in role-playing and board games.
## Description
-GamesDice is a gem to automate or simulate a variety of dice rolling systems found in board games and
-role-playing games.
+GamesDice can emulate a variety of rules-driven dice systems that are used to generate integer results
+within a game.
-GamesDice is designed for systems used to generate integer results, and that do not require the
-player to make decisions or apply other rules from the game. There are no game mechanics implemented
-in GamesDice (such as the chance to hit in a combat game).
+The main features of GamesDice are:
-The main features of GamesDice are
* Uses string dice descriptions, the basics of which are familiar to many game players e.g. '2d6 + 3'
- * Supports common features of dice systems automatically:
+ * Supports some common features of dice systems:
* Re-rolls that replace or modify the previous roll
* Counting number of "successes" from a set of dice
* Keeping the best, or worst, results from a set of dice
* Can explain how a result was achieved in terms of the individual die rolls
- * Can calculate probabilities and expected values (experimental feature)
+ * Can calculate probabilities and expected values (with some limitations)
+There are no game mechanics implemented in GamesDice, such as the chance to hit in a fantasy combat
+game. There is no support for player interaction within a roll, such as player choice on whether or
+not to re-roll a specific die within a combined set. These things are of course possible if you use the
+gem as-is, and add them as features within your project code.
## Special Note on Versions Prior to 1.0.0
-The author is using this code as an exercise in gem "best practice". As such, the gem
-will have a limited set of functionality prior to version 1.0.0, and there should be
-many small release increments before then.
+As of version 0.2.0, the gem has the same feature set as planned for version
+1.0.0. Versions between 0.2.0 and 1.0.0 are being used mainly to improve
+code quality, documentation and performance.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
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dice.result # => nil
dice.result # => 12
+#### dice.explain_result
+Returns a string that attempts to show how the result from the last call to roll was composed
+from individual results. This will be nil if no roll has been made yet.
+ dice.explain_result # => nil
+ dice.roll # => 12
+ dice.explain_result # => "3d6: 4 + 2 + 6 = 12"
+The exact format is the subject of refinement in future versions of the gem.
#### dice.max
Returns the maximum possible value from a roll of the dice. Dice with the possibility of rolling
progressively higher and higher values will return an arbitrary high value.
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* REROLL_TYPE is one of
* replace (default) - use the new value in place of existing value for the die
* add - add result of reroll to running total, and ignore any subtract rules
* subtract - subtract result of reroll from running total, and reverse sense of any further add results
* use_best - use the new value if it is higher than the existing value
- * use_worst - use the new value if it is higher than the existing value
+ * use_worst - use the new value if it is lower than the existing value
* LIMIT is an integer that sets the maximum number of times that the rule can be triggered, the default is 1000
1d6r:1. # Same as "1d6r1"
- 1d10r:10,replace,1. #
+ 1d10r:10,replace,1. # Roll a 10-sided die, re-roll a result of 10 and take the value of the second roll
1d20r:<=10,use_best,1. # Roll a 20-sided die, re-roll a result if 10 or lower, and use best result
#### Maps
You can specify that the value shown on each die is converted to some other set of values. If
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When rolled, this will score from 0 to 3 - the number of the ten-sided dice that scored 6 or higher.
+The full version of this modifier, allows you to specify from 1 to 3 parameters:
+ * VALUE_COMPARISON is one of >, >= (default), ==, <= < plus an integer to set conditions on when the map should occur
+ * MAP_VALUE is an integer that will be used in place of a result from a die, default value is 1
+ * maps are tested in order that they are declared, and first one that matches is applied
+ * when at least one map has been defined, all unmapped values default to 0
+ * DESCRIPTION is a word or character to use to denote the map in any explanation
+ 9d6x.m:10. # Roll 9 six-sided "exploding" dice, and count 1 for any result of 10 or more
+ 9d6x.m:10,1,S. # Same as above, but with each success marked with "S" in the explanation
+ 5d10m:>=6,1,S.m:==1,-1,F. # Roll 5 ten-sided dice, count 1 for any result of 6 or more, or -1 for any result of 1
#### Keepers
You can specify that only a sub-set of highest or lowest dice values will contribute to the final
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When rolled, this will score from 2 to 20 - the sum of the two highest scoring ten-sided dice, out of
+The full version of this modifier, allows you to specify from 1 to 2 parameters:
+ 5d10k:[KEEP_NUM],[KEEP_TYPE].
+ * KEEP_NUM is an integer specifying the number of dice to keep.
+ * KEEP_TYPE is one of
+ * best - keep highest values and add them together
+ * worst - keep lowest values and add them together
+ 4d6k:3.r:1,replace,1. # Roll 4 six-sided dice, re-roll any 1s, and keep best 3.
+ 2d20k:1,worst. # Roll 2 twenty-sided dice, return lowest of the two results.
+#### Combinations
+ * When there are many modifiers, they are applied in strict order:
+ * First by type: re-rolls, maps, keepers
+ * Then according to the order they were specified
+ * A maximum of one re-roll modifier, and one map modifier are applied to each individual die rolled
+ * Only one keepers modifier is applied per dice type. Specifying a second one will cause an error
#### Aliases
Some combinations of modifiers crop up in well-known games, and have been allocated single-character
short codes.
This is an alias for "exploding" dice:
5d10x # Same as '5d10r:10,add.'
-When rolled, this will score from 5 to theoretically any number, as results of 10 on any die mean that
-die rolls again and the result is added on.
+When rolled, this will score from 5 to theoretically any higher number, as results of 10 on any
+die mean that die rolls again and the result is added on.
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request
+I am always interested to receive information about dice rolling schemes that this library could or
+should include in its repertoire.