lib/futest.rb in futest-0.0.2 vs lib/futest.rb in futest-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,77 +1,11 @@
module Futest
- module Helpers
- ##############
- ##############
- # Prints error message and stops execution
- def halt(str, obj = nil, n = x(caller))
- m = "#{n}: #{str}"
- # Support for errors when using Object DB ORM
- if obj and obj.errors and obj.errors.any? and obj.errors.messages
- q = obj.errors.messages
- m += ":\n=> " + q.each{|k, v| q[k] = v.join(', ')}.to_json[1..-2].gsub('","', '", "')
- end
- puts red(%{#{m}})
- puts
- exit(0)
- end
- # Prints the test and runs setup methods
- def test(*args)
- n = args[-1].is_a?(Integer) ? args[-1] : x(caller)
-{|r| r.is_a?(Symbol)}.each{|k| send(k)}
- puts green("#{n}: #{args[0]}")
- end
- # Equality tester
- def is(v1, v2, n = x(caller))
- v2 = {:eq => v2} unless v2.is_a?(Hash)
- # Extract options here with delete.
- # No options available at the moment.
- # For key output
- def fs(y);{:eq => '==', :gt => '>', :lt => '<', :a? => 'is a'}[y] rescue y;end
- # Symbolize keys and extract values
- k, v = v2.inject({}){|q,(k,v)|q[k.to_sym] = v; q}.to_a.flatten
- s = ["#{v1.class} #{v1} #{fs(k)} #{v}", nil, n]
- case k
- when :eq
- halt(*s) unless v1 == v
- when :gt
- halt(*s) unless v1 > v
- when :lt
- halt(*s) unless v1 < v
- when :a?
- halt(*s) unless v1.is_a?(v)
- else
- puts "#{k}: Command not supported."
- end
- end
- ##############
- ##############
- # Colorize input red
- def red(text);"\e[31m#{text}\e[0m";end
- # Colorize input green
- def green(text);"\e[33m#{text}\e[0m";end
- # Print error message
- def e(y)
- y.backtrace.first.match(/(\/.+\/.*.rb):(\d{1,9}):/)
- halt(%{#{y.message}\n=> ~/#{$1.split('/')[3..-1].join('/')}}, nil, $2) if $1 and $2
- halt(%{#{y.message}\n=> #{y.backtrace.join("\n")}})
- end
- # Get the line number
- def x(q)
- q.first.split(':')[1]
- end
- end
+ # # # # # #
+ # Futest flexible testing helpers for Ruby
+ # @homepage:
+ # @author: Vidar <>, Fugroup Ltd.
+ # @license: MIT, contributions are welcome.
+ # # # # # #
+require_relative 'futest/helpers'