spec/objects_spec.rb in fuelsdk-0.0.4 vs spec/objects_spec.rb in fuelsdk-0.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,8 +1,31 @@
require 'spec_helper.rb'
require 'objects_helper_spec.rb'
+describe FuelSDK::Objects::Base do
+ let(:object) { FuelSDK::Objects::Base.new }
+ subject{ object }
+ describe '#properties' do
+ it 'is empty by default' do
+ expect(object.properties).to be_empty
+ end
+ it 'returns item in array when item is not an array' do
+ object.properties = {'name' => 'value'}
+ expect(object.properties).to eq([{'name' => 'value'}])
+ end
+ it 'returns array when assigned array' do
+ object.properties = [{'name' => 'value'}]
+ expect(object.properties).to eq([{'name' => 'value'}])
+ end
+ end
describe FuelSDK::BounceEvent do
let(:object) { FuelSDK::BounceEvent.new }
subject{ object }
@@ -96,9 +119,357 @@
let(:object) { FuelSDK::Subscriber.new }
subject{ object }
it_behaves_like 'Soap Object'
its(:id){ should eq 'Subscriber' }
+describe FuelSDK::DataExtension::Column do
+ let(:object) { FuelSDK::DataExtension::Column.new }
+ subject{ object }
+ it_behaves_like 'Soap Read Only Object'
+ its(:id){ should eq 'DataExtensionField' }
+describe FuelSDK::DataExtension do
+ let(:object) { FuelSDK::DataExtension.new }
+ subject{ object }
+ it_behaves_like 'Soap Object'
+ its(:id){ should eq 'DataExtension' }
+ it { should respond_to :columns= }
+ it { should respond_to :fields }
+ it { should respond_to :fields= }
+ describe '#post' do
+ subject {
+ object.stub_chain(:client, :soap_post) do |id, properties|
+ [id, properties]
+ end
+ object
+ }
+ # maybe one day will make it smart enough to zip properties and fields if count is same?
+ it 'raises an error when it has a list of properties and fields' do
+ subject.fields = [{'Name' => 'Name'}]
+ subject.properties = [{'Name' => 'Some DE'}, {'Name' => 'Some DE'}]
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error(
+ 'Unable to handle muliple DataExtension definitions and a field definition')
+ end
+ it 'fields must be empty if not nil' do
+ subject.fields = []
+ subject.properties = [{'Name' => 'Some DE', 'fields' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]}]
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'DataExtension can be created using properties and fields accessors' do
+ subject.fields = [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE'}
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'DataExtension fields can be apart of the DataExtention properties' do
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE', 'Fields' => {'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]}}
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'List of DataExtension definitions can be passed' do
+ subject.properties = [{'Name' => 'Some DE', 'Fields' => {'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]}},
+ {'Name' => 'Another DE', 'Fields' => {'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A second field'}]}}]
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ },{
+ 'Name' => 'Another DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A second field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'DataExtension definitions will translate fields entry to correct format' do
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE', 'fields' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]}
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'DataExtension definitions will translate columns entry to correct format' do
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE', 'columns' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]}
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'supports columns attribute for a single DataExtension definition' do
+ subject.columns = [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE'}
+ expect(subject.post).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ describe 'fields are defined twice' do
+ it 'when defined in properties and by fields' do
+ subject.fields = [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE', 'Fields' => {'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]}}
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error 'Fields are defined in too many ways. Please only define once.'
+ end
+ it 'when defined in properties explicitly and with columns key' do
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'columns' => [{'Name' => 'A fields'}],
+ 'Fields' => {'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }}
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error 'Fields are defined in too many ways. Please only define once.'
+ end
+ it 'when defined in properties explicitly and with fields key' do
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'fields' => [{'Name' => 'A fields'}],
+ 'Fields' => {'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }}
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error 'Fields are defined in too many ways. Please only define once.'
+ end
+ it 'when defined in with fields and colums key' do
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'fields' => [{'Name' => 'A fields'}],
+ 'columns' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error 'Fields are defined in too many ways. Please only define once.'
+ end
+ it 'when defined in with fields key and accessor' do
+ subject.fields = [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'fields' => [{'Name' => 'A fields'}]
+ }
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error 'Fields are defined in too many ways. Please only define once.'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#patch' do
+ subject {
+ object.stub_chain(:client, :soap_patch) do |id, properties|
+ [id, properties]
+ end
+ object
+ }
+ it 'DataExtension can be created using properties and fields accessors' do
+ subject.fields = [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ subject.properties = {'Name' => 'Some DE'}
+ expect(subject.patch).to eq(
+ [
+ 'DataExtension',
+ [{
+ 'Name' => 'Some DE',
+ 'Fields' => {
+ 'Field' => [{'Name' => 'A field'}]
+ }
+ }]
+ ])
+ end
+ end
+describe FuelSDK::DataExtension::Row do
+ let(:object) { FuelSDK::DataExtension::Row.new }
+ subject{ object }
+ it_behaves_like 'Soap Object'
+ its(:id){ should eq 'DataExtensionObject' }
+ it { should respond_to :name }
+ it { should respond_to :name= }
+ it { should respond_to :customer_key }
+ it { should respond_to :customer_key= }
+ describe '#name' do
+ it 'raises error when missing both name and customer key' do
+ expect{ subject.name }.to raise_error('Unable to process DataExtension::Row '\
+ 'request due to missing CustomerKey and Name')
+ end
+ it 'returns value' do
+ subject.name = 'name'
+ expect( subject.name ).to eq 'name'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#customer_key' do
+ it 'raises error when missing both name and customer key' do
+ expect{ subject.customer_key }.to raise_error('Unable to process DataExtension::Row '\
+ 'request due to missing CustomerKey and Name')
+ end
+ it 'returns value' do
+ subject.customer_key = 'key'
+ expect( subject.customer_key ).to eq 'key'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#retrieve_required' do
+ it 'raises error when missing both name and customer key' do
+ expect{ subject.send(:retrieve_required)}.to raise_error('Unable to process DataExtension::Row '\
+ 'request due to missing CustomerKey and Name')
+ expect{ subject.name }.to raise_error('Unable to process DataExtension::Row '\
+ 'request due to missing CustomerKey and Name')
+ end
+ it 'updates missing' do
+ rsp = mock(FuelSDK::SoapResponse)
+ rsp.stub(:results).and_return([{:name => 'Products', :customer_key => 'ProductsKey'}])
+ rsp.stub(:success?).and_return true
+ subject.stub_chain(:client,:soap_get).and_return(rsp)
+ subject.name = 'Not Nil'
+ # this really wouldn't work this way. name shouldn't be updated since its whats being used for filter,
+ # but its a good test to show retrieve_required being fired
+ expect(subject.name).to eq 'Not Nil' # not fired
+ expect(subject.customer_key).to eq 'ProductsKey' # fired... stubbed get returns customer_key and name for update
+ expect(subject.name).to eq 'Products' # returned name
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#get' do
+ subject {
+ object.stub_chain(:client, :soap_get) do |id, properties, filter|
+ [id, properties, filter]
+ end
+ object
+ }
+ it 'passes id including name to super get' do
+ subject.name = 'Justin'
+ expect(subject.get).to eq(['DataExtensionObject[Justin]', [], nil])
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#post' do
+ subject {
+ object.stub_chain(:client, :soap_post) do |id, properties|
+ [id, properties]
+ end
+ object
+ }
+ it 'raises an error when missing both name and customer key' do
+ subject.properties = [{'Name' => 'Some DE'}, {'Name' => 'Some DE'}]
+ expect{subject.post}.to raise_error('Unable to process DataExtension::Row ' \
+ 'request due to missing CustomerKey and Name')
+ end
+ it 'uses explicitly defined properties' do
+ subject.properties = [{'CustomerKey' => 'Subscribers',
+ 'Properties' => {'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ expect(subject.post).to eq([
+ 'DataExtensionObject', [{
+ 'CustomerKey' => 'Subscribers',
+ 'Properties' => {'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'inserts customer key into properties when set using accessor' do
+ subject.customer_key = 'Subscribers'
+ subject.properties = [{'Properties' => {
+ 'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ expect(subject.post).to eq([
+ 'DataExtensionObject', [{
+ 'CustomerKey' => 'Subscribers',
+ 'Properties' => {'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'uses name to get customer key for inseration' do
+ subject.name = 'Subscribers'
+ rsp = mock(FuelSDK::SoapResponse)
+ rsp.stub(:results).and_return([{:name => 'Products', :customer_key => 'ProductsKey'}])
+ rsp.stub(:success?).and_return true
+ subject.stub_chain(:client, :soap_get).and_return(rsp)
+ subject.properties = [{'Properties' => {
+ 'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ expect(subject.post).to eq([
+ 'DataExtensionObject', [{
+ 'CustomerKey' => 'ProductsKey',
+ 'Properties' => {'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ ])
+ end
+ it 'correctly formats array property' do
+ subject.customer_key = 'Subscribers'
+ subject.properties = [{'Name' => 'Justin'}]
+ expect(subject.post).to eq([
+ 'DataExtensionObject', [{
+ 'CustomerKey' => 'Subscribers',
+ 'Properties' => {'Property' => [{'Name' => 'Name', 'Value' => 'Justin'}]}}]
+ ])
+ end
+ end
# verify backward compats
describe ET_Subscriber do