bin/Bottles.dll in fubudocs- vs bin/Bottles.dll in fubudocs-

- old
+ new

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. -$PELQ  @  @L4 , H.text4  `.rsrc4@@.reloc @BHXv/2s +$PELQ  @  @L4 , H.text4  `.rsrc4@@.reloc @BHXv/2s (*:( }*0E{~o+o  9o  rp ( ( *2{(+*f{o @@ -5564,11 +5564,11 @@ APy-%-y-| d  ".package-manifestbinaries module configapplicationdataPK00PKPKPKPKPKPKPKfff           @    -    :@ @ 2008-2013 Jeremy D. Miller, Dru Sellers, Joshua Flanagan, et al. All rights reserved.TWrapNonExceptionThrows,Version=v4.0TFrameworkDisplayName.NET Framework 4 Bottles name aliases folder +    :@ @ 2008-2013 Jeremy D. Miller, Dru Sellers, Joshua Flanagan, et al. All rights reserved.TWrapNonExceptionThrows,Version=v4.0TFrameworkDisplayName.NET Framework 4 Bottles name aliases folder aliasManage folder aliasesThe name of the alias"The path to the actual foldercJBundle up the content and data files for a self contained assembly packageTName assembly-pakRemoves the aliasPKThe root folder for the project if different from the project file's folder?,Create a bottle zip from a package directoryTNamecreateExplicitly define the csproj file in this directory. If not set, this command will look for a single csproj file in the directory to attach the embedded resources>9Previews which files will be added to the assembly bottle-Initialize a bottle manifestTNameinitIf selected, will intitialize a default PackageManifest file and embed it into the assembly for more fine-grained control over the Bottle properties packagefolderp=8The root physical folder (or valid alias) of the packageHCLinks a package folder to an application folder in development modehcThe filepath where the zip file for the package will be written ie. ./deployment/bottles/ outputo pdbb@;Includes any matching .pdb files for the package assembliesgMOpens the package manifest file in the supplied directory in your text editorTName open-manifest forcef=8Forces the command to delete any existing zip file first _value50Choose the compilation target for any assembliesMHOverrides the name of the manifest file (defaults to '.package-manifest'manifestm94The physical path to the directory of the new bottleThe package name namena\What role should this bottle play - Options: module (default), binaries, config, application]XCreates a folder alias for the bottle folder. Equivalent to blue alias <folder> <alias>.)Opens the bottle manifest file in notepad nowebw'"There is no web content to include forcefXSForce the command to overwrite any existing manifest file if using the -create flagA<The physical folder (or valid alias) of the main application50The physical folder (or valid alias) of a bottle83Remove the package folder link from the application dependency72Remove all links from an application manifest file83The physical path or alias for the Bottle directory {Name}:{Role}{debuggerDisplay()} {Name}:{Role} name mandatory{debuggerDisplay()} links{debuggerDisplay()} package include@ assembly dependency)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000FBeginning with v1.9.1.6 of DotNetZip, this property is obsolete. It will be removed in a future version of the library. Use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.>9use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d00006)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000B)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000A)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d00009)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d00008)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d00007)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d00004 Item)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d00005)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000E)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000D)$ebc25cf6-9120-4283-b972-0e5520d0000CBeginning with v1.9.1.6 of DotNetZip, this property is obsolete. It will be removed in a future version of the library. Your applications should use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.icThis property is obsolete since v1.9.1.6. Use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.Beginning with v1.9.1.6 of DotNetZip, this property is obsolete. It will be removed in a future version of the library. Your applications should use AlternateEncoding and AlternateEncodingUsage instead.#use AlternateEncoding instead.>>=<<==!= SelectorTrace SelectorTrace @@ -5729,11 +5729,11 @@        %    e     e e   *     -  y      - %uei e         TPP mX| \a|y `l daL|hll!)-59  a 9 q  MUAyz\V4`G׋!W+ 3! /\LU R  +  y      - %uei e         TPP mX| \a|y `l daL|hll!)-59  a 9 q  MUAyz\V4w0fFB'W+ 3! /\LU R  ҳ $2 GOju OO  O @@ -6144,8 +6144,8 @@ W     '()*+,-.;<=>?!@!A#B#C%D%E'F'N)O)P+Q+R-S-T/U/V1W1X3Y3Z5[5`7a7b9c9d;e;f=g=q?r?ACEGIKMOQQSSUUWWYY[]_aceggikmmooqssuuwwy{}}     FGHIJKLMNObcde  !")*+,-.239:Y}~   !#%')+-/1133579;=?AACCEEGIKMOQSSUWY[]]_ _/a5c6c;e<eCgDgKiLiMkNk`maobqcsdueugwhys{v}wxz{|   "#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP Q R S ] ^ `de!!##%%''))++--//113357799;;=?ACCEEGGI K K M M OOQQSSUUWWYY[]]__a,c-e.g/i0k1m2o7q8s9s:uHwyy{{}}!")*0456789:^_opqrstuvxyz|}~   !#%%'5)6)7+8+9-:/<1=3>5@7A9B9K;L=d?eAfCgCjEkGlInKoMpMOQSSUUWWYY[]&&l:G GG G!(/7?FRdp} \%1?IPW^el}\'6>FR_ks{\\\ );GO[q}\\ !(08CKS`r}\ \!)09@HQZclu|\\\\\ \"*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]\]\\]*]\\!]\)]1];]E]\M]\U]\]]e]\"TX\\ !l"#d$ܺ%T&Ȼ'@()*+,-. / m]#m],m]ÿm]:+;3;_;  "&')06EGGGGGIJLLNNNNNNPTUVVVXYY[[[^`ejzz  -        2 G   q {       /Z7 =jIwM gi7M/M 7 ,=9Ms xxx7x=//Ze I#M0070g0=5Mg)xEUo7zuMM0Zl0= 0/0 2 6 /x,_CorDllMainmscoree.dll%,H0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO?DVarFileInfo$Translation<StringFileInfo000004b0, -Comments1.1.0.499,FileDescription 4 -FileVersion1.1.0.4998 InternalNameBottles.dll`LegalCopyrightCopyright 2008-2013 Jeremy D. Miller, Dru Sellers, Joshua Flanagan, et al. All rights reserved.|)LegalTrademarkse0e24afed63115eec0bd4500bde9f94ec5b981df@ OriginalFilenameBottles.dll0ProductNameBottles4ProductVersion1.1.0.08Assembly Version1.1.0.0 6 +        2 G   q {       /Z7 =jIwM gi7M/M 7 ,=9Ms xxx7x=//Ze I#M0070g0=5Mg)xEUo7zuMM0Zl0= 0/0 2 6 /x,_CorDllMainmscoree.dll%,H0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO?DVarFileInfo$Translation<StringFileInfo000004b0, +Comments1.1.0.501,FileDescription 4 +FileVersion1.1.0.5018 InternalNameBottles.dll`LegalCopyrightCopyright 2008-2013 Jeremy D. Miller, Dru Sellers, Joshua Flanagan, et al. All rights reserved.|)LegalTrademarkse0e24afed63115eec0bd4500bde9f94ec5b981df@ OriginalFilenameBottles.dll0ProductNameBottles4ProductVersion1.1.0.08Assembly Version1.1.0.0 6 \ No newline at end of file