lib/ftw/agent.rb in ftw-0.0.16 vs lib/ftw/agent.rb in ftw-0.0.17
- old
+ new
@@ -62,18 +62,110 @@
@logger = Cabin::Channel.get
configuration[REDIRECTION_LIMIT] = 20
@certificate_store =
- @certificate_store.add_file("/etc/ssl/certs/")
- @certificate_store.verify_callback = proc do |*args|
- p :verify_callback => args
- true
+ if File.readable?(OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE)
+ @logger.debug("Adding default certificate file",
+ :path => OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE)
+ @certificate_store.add_file(OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE)
+ # Handle the local user/app trust store as well.
+ # This is a directory, so use add_path
+ @logger.debug("Adding SSL_TRUST_STORE",
+ :path => configuration[SSL_TRUST_STORE])
+ @certificate_store.add_path(configuration[SSL_TRUST_STORE])
+ end
+ # TODO(sissel): Add custom paths for ssl certs
end # def initialize
+ # Verify a certificate.
+ #
+ # host => the host (string)
+ # port => the port (number)
+ # verified => true/false, was this cert verified by our certificate store?
+ # context => an OpenSSL::SSL::StoreContext
+ def certificate_verify(host, port, verified, context)
+ # Now verify the entire chain.
+ begin
+ @logger.debug("Verify peer via OpenSSL::X509::Store",
+ :verified => verified, :chain => context.chain.collect { |c| c.subject },
+ :context => context, :depth => context.error_depth,
+ :error => context.error, :string => context.error_string)
+ # Untrusted certificate; prompt to accept if possible.
+ if !verified and STDOUT.tty?
+ # TODO(sissel): Factor this out into a verify callback where this
+ # happens to be the default.
+ puts "Untrusted certificate found; here's what I know:"
+ puts " Why it's untrusted: (#{context.error}) #{context.error_string}"
+ puts " What you think it's for: #{host} (port #{port})"
+ cn = context.chain[0].subject.to_s.split("/").grep(/^CN=/).first.split("=",2).last rescue "<unknown, no CN?>"
+ puts " What it's actually for: #{cn}"
+ puts " Full chain:"
+ context.chain.each_with_index do |cert, i|
+ puts " Subject(#{i}): #{cert.subject}"
+ end
+ print "Trust? [(N)o/(Y)es/(P)ersistent] "
+ system("stty raw")
+ answer = $stdin.getc.downcase
+ system("stty sane")
+ puts
+ if ["y", "p"].include?(answer)
+ # TODO(sissel): Factor this out into Agent::Trust or somesuch
+ context.chain.each do |cert|
+ # For each certificate, add it to the in-process certificate store.
+ begin
+ @certificate_store.add_cert(cert)
+ rescue OpenSSL::X509::StoreError => e
+ # If the cert is already trusted, move along.
+ if e.to_s != "cert already in hash table"
+ raise # this is a real error, reraise.
+ end
+ end
+ # TODO(sissel): Factor this out into Agent::Trust or somesuch
+ # For each certificate, if persistence is requested, write the cert to
+ # the configured ssl trust store (usually ~/.ftw/ssl-trust.db/)
+ if answer == "p" # persist this trusted cert
+ require "fileutils"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(configuration[SSL_TRUST_STORE])
+ end
+ # openssl verify recommends the 'ca path' have files named by the
+ # hashed subject name. Turns out openssl really expects the
+ # hexadecimal version of this.
+ name = File.join(configuration[SSL_TRUST_STORE], cert.subject.hash.to_s(16))
+ # Find a filename that doesn't exist.
+ num = 0
+ num += 1 while File.exists?("#{name}.#{num}")
+ # Write it out
+ path = "#{name}.#{num}"
+"Persisting certificate", :subject => cert.subject, :path => path)
+ File.write(path, cert.to_pem)
+ end # if answer == "p"
+ end # context.chain.each
+ return true
+ end # if answer was "y" or "p"
+ end # if !verified and stdout is a tty
+ return verified
+ rescue => e
+ # We have to rescue all and emit because openssl verify_callback ignores
+ # exceptions silently
+ @logger.error(e)
+ return verified
+ end
+ end # def certificate_verify
# Define all the standard HTTP methods (Per RFC2616)
# As an example, for "get" method, this will define these methods:
# * FTW::Agent#get(uri, options={})
# * FTW::Agent#get!(uri, options={})
@@ -178,19 +270,15 @@
# @param [FTW::Request]
# @return [FTW::Response] the response for this request.
def execute(request)
# TODO(sissel): Make redirection-following optional, but default.
- connection, error = connect(request.headers["Host"], request.port)
+ connection, error = connect(request.headers["Host"], request.port, request.protocol == "https")
if !error.nil?
p :error => error
raise error
- if request.protocol == "https"
- => @certificate_store)
- end
response = request.execute(connection)
redirects = 0
# Follow redirects
while response.redirect? and response.headers.include?("Location")
@@ -220,19 +308,16 @@
# should return (object, error), and if there's an error
@logger.debug("Redirecting", :location => response.headers["Location"])
- connection, error = connect(request.headers["Host"], request.port)
+ connection, error = connect(request.headers["Host"], request.port, request.protocol == "https")
# TODO(sissel): Do better error handling than raising.
if !error.nil?
p :error => error
raise error
- if request.protocol == "https"
- => @certificate_store)
- end
response = request.execute(connection)
end # while being redirected
# RFC 2616 section 9.4, HEAD requests MUST NOT have a message body.
if request.method != "HEAD"
@@ -256,14 +341,15 @@
end # def shutdown
# Returns a FTW::Connection connected to this host:port.
- def connect(host, port)
+ def connect(host, port, secure=false)
address = "#{host}:#{port}"
@logger.debug("Fetching from pool", :address => address)
error = nil
connection = @pool.fetch(address) do"New connection to #{address}")
connection =
error = connection.connect
if !error.nil?
@@ -280,9 +366,23 @@
return nil, error
@logger.debug("Pool fetched a connection", :connection => connection)
+ if secure
+ # Curry a certificate_verify callback for this connection.
+ verify_callback = proc do |verified, context|
+ begin
+ certificate_verify(host, port, verified, context)
+ rescue => e
+ @logger.error("Error in certificate_verify call", :exception => e)
+ end
+ end
+ => @certificate_store,
+ :verify_callback => verify_callback)
+ end # if secure
return connection, nil
end # def connect
# TODO(sissel): Implement methods for managing the certificate store
# TODO(sissel): Implement methods for managing the cookie store