in friendly_id-5.4.2 vs in friendly_id-5.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -102,9 +102,30 @@
+## Options
+### `:allow_nil`
+You can pass `allow_nil: true` to the `friendly.find()` method if you're want to
+avoid raising `ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound` and accept a `nil`.
+#### Example
+MyModel.friendly.find("bad-slug") # where bad-slug is not a valid slug
+MyModel.friendly.find(123) # where 123 is not a valid primary key ID
+MyModel.friendly.find(nil) # maybe you have a variable/param that's potentially nil
+#=> raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+MyModel.friendly.find("bad-slug", allow_nil: true)
+MyModel.friendly.find(123, allow_nil: true)
+MyModel.friendly.find(nil, allow_nil: true)
+#=> nil
## Bugs
Please report them on the [Github issue
tracker]( for this project.