lib/frappuccino.rb in frappuccino-0.0.1 vs lib/frappuccino.rb in frappuccino-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,140 +1,3 @@
-require "erb"
-require "fileutils"
-class Frappuccino
- attr_writer :files, :documentations, :doctree, :title
- def initialize title, files
- if files
- docfiles = []
- Dir.glob("#{files}/*").each do |file|
- docfiles.push(file) unless file
- end
- files = docfiles
- end
- @files = files
- @documentations = []
- @doctree = {:namespaces => {}}
- @title = title
- iterate_files
- documentations_to_doctree
- # sort alphabetically
- @doctree[:namespaces] = @doctree[:namespaces].sort_by {|k,v| k}
- generate_html
- end
- def iterate_files
- for file in @files
- do |opened_file|
- puts "* Parsing documentation from #{file}"
- collect_documentation opened_file
- end
- end
- end
- # parses documentation bodies
- def collect_documentation opened_file
- doc_start = false
- current_documentation = []
- opened_file.each_line do |line|
- # documentation starts here
- if line.include?("###") and !doc_start
- doc_start = true
- # documentation ends here
- elsif line.include?("###") and doc_start
- @documentations.push current_documentation
- current_documentation = []
- doc_start = false
- # in the middle of documentation
- elsif doc_start
- current_documentation.push line
- end
- end
- end
- def documentations_to_doctree
- @documentations.each do |docbody|
- doctree_format docbody
- end
- end
- # transforms array of strings to doctree hash
- def doctree_format docbody
- doctree = {}
- value_regexp = /^.*:\s(.*)/
- namespace_arr = []
- namespace_tree = {}
- function_name = nil
- object_name = nil
- description = ""
- rest_is_description = false
- docbody.each do |line|
- if line.match(/^\s*function/)
- function_name = line.match(value_regexp)[1]
- elsif line.match(/^\s*object/)
- object_name = line.match(value_regexp)[1]
- elsif line.match(/^\s*description/)
- rest_is_description = true
- elsif line.match(/^\s*namespace/)
- namespace_arr = line.match(value_regexp)[1].split(".")
- elsif rest_is_description
- description += line
- end
- end
- full_namespace = namespace_arr.join(".")
- if !function_name.nil?
- docdata = {:full_namespace => full_namespace, :functions => [{:function_name => function_name, :description => description}]}
- elsif !object_name.nil?
- docdata = {:full_namespace => full_namespace, :objects => [{:object_name => object_name, :description => description}]}
- else
- if rest_is_description
- docdata = {:full_namespace => full_namespace, :description => description}
- else
- docdata = {:full_namespace => full_namespace}
- end
- end
- namespace_is_added = false
- @doctree[:namespaces].each do |key, value|
- namespace_is_added = true if key == full_namespace
- end
- if namespace_is_added
- @doctree[:namespaces][full_namespace] = deep_safe_merge(@doctree[:namespaces][full_namespace], docdata)
- else
- @doctree[:namespaces][full_namespace] = docdata
- end
- end
- def generate_html
- template ="#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../template/index.erb").read
- rendered_template = template.result(binding)
- FileUtils.mkdir "docs" unless "docs"
-"docs/index.html", "w") do |f|
- f.write rendered_template
- end
- FileUtils.cp("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../template/bg.png", "docs/bg.png")
- puts "* Documentation file generated (docs/index.html)"
- end
- # helpers:
- def deep_safe_merge(source_hash, new_hash)
- source_hash.merge(new_hash) do |key, old, new|
- if new.respond_to?(:blank) && new.blank?
- old
- elsif (old.kind_of?(Hash) and new.kind_of?(Hash))
- deep_merge(old, new)
- elsif (old.kind_of?(Array) and new.kind_of?(Array))
- old.concat(new).uniq
- else
- new
- end
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+require "frappuccino/version"
+require "frappuccino/stream"
+require "frappuccino/property"