README.rdoc in frameworks-capybara-0.1.2 vs README.rdoc in frameworks-capybara-0.1.3

- old
+ new

@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@ REMOTE_BROWSER_VERSION - used when specifying remote test on a grid the provides a choice of browser versions for a given browser REMOTE_URL - URL of remote Selenium-Webdriver server e.g. http://yourremotehost:4444/wd/hub FIREFOX_PROFILE - specify a firefox profile to use when running in-browser tests (local or remote) CELERITY_JS_ENABLED (string - 'true', 'false') - determines whether Celerity (HTMLUnit) attempts to execute javascript XVFB - (string - 'true', 'false') - determines whether XVFB is used to run browser (i.e. headless Firefox on *nix platform) + FW_CERT_LOCATION - path to client certificate (combined pem) Here is a sample cucumber.yml: <%intenv='ENVIRONMENT=int'%> <%testenv='ENVIRONMENT=test'%> @@ -67,9 +68,15 @@ @base_url @base_static_url @base_open_url Finally this gem contains some useful monkey-patches to core libraries e.g. Capybara, Selenium-Webdriver and Cucumber. + +== Release instructions + +* Run tests - 'rake' +* Bump version - e.g. 'rake version:bump:patch' +* Release - 'rake release' == Contributing to frameworks-capybara * Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet * Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it