README.rdoc in foursquare-0.2.1 vs README.rdoc in foursquare-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,52 +1,94 @@
== foursquare
-A simple Ruby Gem wrapper for the Foursquare API.
+A simple Ruby Gem wrapper for the Foursquare API. With OAuth authentication.
== install
- gem install foursquare
+ gem install foursquare
== example
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'foursquare'
- # foursquare's site uses email as the user name
- fq ='username_or_phone','password')
- fq.test
- fq.venues(geolat, geolong, {:limit=>10,:q=>'pizza'})
- fq.checkins({:geolat=>'',:geolong=>''})
- fq.checkin(vid,venue,shout,{:private=>0,:twitter=>0,:facebook=>1,:geolat=>'12.03',:geolong=>'-123.33'})
- fq.history({:limit=>10})
- fq.user_details(user_id,{:badges=>0,:mayor=>0})
- fq.friends({:uid=>99999})
- fq.venue_details(venue_id)
- fq.add_venue(name,address,cross_street,city,state,options)
- fq.propose_edit(venue_id,name,address,cross_street,city,state,options)
- fq.flag_venue_as_closed(venue_id)
- fq.add_tip(venue_id,text,{:type=type})
- fq.mark_tip_as_todo(tid)
- fq.mark_tip_as_done(tid)
- fq.friend_requests
- fq.friend_approve(uid)
- fq.friend_deny(uid)
- fq.request_friend(uid)
- fq.find_friends_by_name('Bugs Bunny')
- fq.find_friends_by_phone('8675309')
- fq.find_friends_by_twitter('github')
- fq.set_pings('self','goodnight')
- # Foursquare is moving the API to geolat/geolong and removing the concept of cities
- fq.cities
- fq.check_city(geolat, geolong)
- fq.switch_city(city_id)
- fq.friend_checkins({:geolat=>'',:geolong=>''})
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'foursquare'
+ oauth_key 'your_key'
+ oauth_secret = 'your_secret'
+ oauth =, oauth_secret)
+ request_token = oauth.request_token.token
+ request_secret = oauth.request_token.secret
+ # redirecting user to foursquare to authorize
+ oauth.request_token.authorize_url
+ # foursquare redirects back to your callback url, passing the verifier in the url params
+ access_token, access_secret = oauth.authorize_from_request(request_token, request_secret, verifier)
+ # save the user's access token and secret
+ oauth =, oauth_secret)
+ oauth.authorize_from_access(access_token, access_secret)
+ foursquare =
+ foursquare.test
+ foursquare.venues :geolat => geolat, :geolong => geolong, :limit => 10, :q => 'pizza'
+ :geolat => geolat, :geolong => geolong, :limit => 10
+ foursquare.checkins :geolat => geolat, :geolong => geolong
+ checkin = {
+ :vid => vid,
+ :shout => "this is what i'm up to",
+ :venue => "Cohabitat",
+ :private => 0,
+ :twitter => 0,
+ :geolat => geolat,
+ :geolong => geolong
+ }
+ # these all do the same thing
+ # the response is a hashie object built from the checkin json. so you can do new_checkin.shout
+ new_checkin = foursquare.checkin(checkin)
+ new_checkin.class
+ => Hashie::Mash
+ new_checkin
+ => {...checkin hashie...}
+ new_checkin = foursquare.send('checkin=', checkin)
+ new_checkin.class
+ => Hash
+ new_checkin
+ => {'checkin' => {...}}
+ new_checkin = foursquare.api(:checkin=, checkin)
+ new_checkin.class
+ => Hashie::Mash
+ new_checkin
+ => {:checkin => {...}}
+ foursquare.history :limit => 10
+ foursquare.api(:history, :limit => 10).checkins
+ foursquare.user :uid => user_id :badges => 0
+ foursquare.user # currently authenticated user
+ foursquare.friends :uid => 99999
+ foursquare.venue :vid => venue_id
+ foursquare.addvenue :name => name, :address => address, :city => city, ...
+ foursquare.venue_proposeedit :venue_id => venue_id, :name => name, :address => address, :city => ...
+ foursquare.venue_flagclosed :vid => venue_id
+ foursquare.addtip :vid => 12345, :tip => 'here is a tip'
+ foursquare.tip_marktodo :tid => tip_id
+ foursquare.tip_markdone :tid => tip_id
+ foursquare.friend_requests
+ foursquare.friend_approve :uid => friend_id
+ foursquare.friend_deny :uid => friend_id
+ foursquare.friend_sendrequest :uid => friend_id
+ foursquare.findfriends_byname :q => search_string
+ foursquare.findfriends_byphone :q => '555 123'
+ foursquare.findfriends_bytwitter :q => twitter_name
+ foursquare.settings_setping :uid => user_id, :self => global_ping_status
== license
(the MIT license)
Copyright (c) 2009 Workperch Inc
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