vendor/assets/javascripts/fotorama.js in fotoramajs-4.2.3 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/fotorama.js in fotoramajs-4.3.0

- old
+ new

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"+Zb:"")).prependTo(j),E(s,d||Yd,e||||,c.Fotorama.cache[v]="loaded",l.state="loaded",setTimeout(function(){j.trigger("f:load").removeClass(Tb+" "+Sb).addClass(Ub+" "+(q?Vb:Wb)),"stage"===b&&m("load")},5)}function p(){C(function(){return!rd},function(){o()})}if(j){var q=td.fullScreen&&i.full&&!l.$full&&"stage"===b;if(!l.$img||g||q){var r=new Image,s=c(r),;l[q?"$full":"$img"]=s;var u="stage"===b?q?"full":"img":"thumb",v=i[u],w=q?null:i["stage"===b?"thumb":"img"];if("navThumb"===b&&(j=l.$wrap),!v)return n(),void 0;c.Fotorama.cache[v]?function x(){"error"===c.Fotorama.cache[v]?n():"loaded"===c.Fotorama.cache[v]?setTimeout(p,0):setTimeout(x,100)}():(c.Fotorama.cache[v]="*",s.on("load",p).on("error",n)),r.src=v}}})}function ab(){var a=td.activeFrame[uc];a&&!,a.on("f:load f:error",function(){"f:load f:error"),R()}))}function bb(a,b){X(a,b,function(a,d,e,g,h,i){g||(g=e[h]=Cd[h].clone(),,,"stage"===b?(e.html&&c('<div 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"+Eb,J($b))),_d[uc]=[],_d[wc]=[],_d[vc]=[],ae[uc]=[],lc&&Cd.addClass(hb),zd.fotorama=this,td.options=f,Ac++,td.startAutoplay=function(a){return td.autoplay?this:(od=pd=!1,t(a||f.autoplay),Hc(),this)},td.stopAutoplay=function(){return td.autoplay&&(od=pd=!0,Hc()),this},{function b(){ab(),_(Wc,"stage"),Bc(),Dc("showend",,Mc(),Gc(),Hc()}var c,d,e=jd;if("object"!=typeof a?(c=a,a={}):(c=a.index,e="number"==typeof a.time?a.time:e,d=a.overPos),a.slow&&(e*=10),c=">"===c?Yc+1:"<"===c?Yc-1:"<<"===c?0:">>"===c?Sc-1:c,c=isNaN(c)?H(c,Rc,!0):c,c="undefined"==typeof c?Wd||0:c,td.activeIndex=Wd=O(c),$c=S(Wd),_c=T(Wd),Wc=[Wd,$c,_c],Yc=bd?c:Wd,td.activeFrame=Vc=Rc[Wd],Kc(!1,Vc.i!==Rc[A(Xc)].i),bb([Wd,$c,_c],"stage"),db([Yc]),Dc("show",,gd){var h=Vc[uc],i=Wd!==Zc?Rc[Zc][uc]:null;M(h,i,Fd,{time:e,method:f.transition,onEnd:b})}else L(Ed,{pos:-o(Yc,Yd.w,qc,Xc),overPos:d,time:e,onEnd:b});if(Xb(),cd){xc();var j=N(Wd+g(Yc-Zc,-1,1)),k="undefined"==typeof a.coo;(k||j!==Wd)&&kc({time:e,coo:k?Yd.w/2:a.coo,guessIndex:k?Wd:j}),"thumbs"===cd&&gc(e)}return nd="undefined"!=typeof Zc&&Zc!==Wd,Zc=Wd,f.hash&&nd&&!td.eq&&D(||Wd+1),this},td.requestFullScreen=function(){return ed&&!td.fullScreen&&(ld=hc.scrollTop(),md=hc.scrollLeft(),hc.scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0),qd=c.extend({},Yd),e.addClass(Qb).appendTo(Z.addClass(fb)),Kc(Uc,!0,!0),td.fullScreen=!0,fd&&U.request(xd),td.resize(),_(Wc,"stage"),Dc("fullscreenenter")),this},td.cancelFullScreen=function(){return fd&&,this},b.addEventListener&&b.addEventListener(U.event,function(){||Uc||Ic()}),ic.on("keydown",function(a){Uc&&27===a.keyCode?(a.preventDefault(),Kc(Uc,!0,!0)):(td.fullScreen||f.keyboard&&!ud)&&(27===a.keyCode?(a.preventDefault(),td.cancelFullScreen()):39===a.keyCode||40===a.keyCode&&td.fullScreen?(a.preventDefault(),{index:">",slow:a.altKey,direct:!0})):(37===a.keyCode||38===a.keyCode&&td.fullScreen)&&(a.preventDefault(),{index:"<",slow:a.altKey,direct:!0})))}),ud||ic.on("keydown","textarea, input, select",function(a){td.fullScreen||a.stopPropagation()}),td.resize=function(b){if(!Rc)return this;Cc(td.fullScreen?{width:"100%",maxWidth:null,minWidth:null,height:"100%",maxHeight:null,minHeight:null}:b,td.fullScreen);var c=arguments[1]||0,d=arguments[2],e=Yd.width,f=Yd.height,h=Yd.ratio,i=a.innerHeight-(cd?Kd.height():0);return 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Kc(Uc,!0,!0),this},Cd.hover(function(){Lc(!1)},function(){Lc(!0)}),Dd.on("mousemove",Mc),Zd=P(Ed,{onStart:Ec,onMove:function(a,b){Jc(Dd,b.edge)},onEnd:function(a){if(Jc(Dd),Fc(),a.moved||a.touch&&a.pos!==a.newPos){var b=p(a.newPos,Yd.w,qc,Xc);{index:b,time:a.time,overPos:a.overPos,direct:!0})}else a.aborted||Nc(a.startEvent,a.touch)},getPos:function(){return-o(Yc,Yd.w,qc,Xc)},timeLow:1,timeHigh:1,friction:2,select:"."+Ob+", ."+Ob+" *",$wrap:Dd}),$d=P(Ld,{onStart:Ec,onMove:function(a,b){Jc(Kd,b.edge)},onEnd:function(a){function b(){Gc(),Hc(),Gb(a.newPos,!0)}if(Fc(),a.moved)a.pos!==a.newPos?(L(Ld,{time:a.time,pos:a.newPos,overPos:a.overPos,onEnd:b}),Gb(a.newPos),Jc(Kd,G(a.newPos,Pd.minPos,Pd.maxPos))):b();else{var c=a.$target.closest("."+Db,Ld)[0];c&&,a.startEvent)}},timeLow:.5,timeHigh:2,friction:5,$wrap:Kd}),I(Id,function(a){a.preventDefault(),Uc?Kc(Uc,!0,!0):(Fc(),{index:Id.index(this)?">":"<",slow:a.altKey,direct:!0}))},{onStart:function(){Ec(),Zd.control=!0},tail:Zd}),c.each("load push pop shift unshift reverse sort splice".split(" "),function(a,b){td[b]=function(){return Rc=Rc||[],"load"!==b?Array.prototype[b].apply(Rc,arguments):arguments[0]&&"object"==typeof arguments[0]&&arguments[0].length&&(Rc=arguments[0]),Pc(),td}}),hc.on("resize",td.resize),Pc()},c.fn.fotorama=function(a){return this.each(function(){var b=this,d=c(this),,f=e.fotorama;f?f.setOptions(a):C(function(){return!A(b)},function(){e.urtext=d.html(),new c.Fotorama(d,c.extend({},{width:null,minWidth:null,maxWidth:null,height:null,minHeight:null,maxHeight:null,ratio:null,nav:"dots",navPosition:"bottom",thumbWidth:rc,thumbHeight:rc,arrows:!0,click:!0,swipe:!0,allowFullScreen:!1,fit:"contain",transition:"slide",transitionDuration:oc,captions:!0,hash:!1,autoplay:!1,stopAutoplayOnTouch:!0,keyboard:!1,loop:!1,shuffle:!1},a,e))})})},c.Fotorama.cache={};var Ac=0;c.Fotorama.size=0,c(function(){c("."+eb+':not([data-auto="false"])').fotorama()}),c=c||{},c.Fotorama=c.Fotorama||{},c.Fotorama.jst=c.Fotorama.jst||{},{var b,c="";return S.escape,c+=".fotorama"+(null==(b=a.s)?"":b)+" .fotorama__nav--thumbs .fotorama__nav__frame{\npadding:"+(null==(b=a.m)?"":b)+"px;\npadding-left:0;\nheight:"+(null==(b=a.h)?"":b)+"px}\n.fotorama"+(null==(b=a.s)?"":b)+" .fotorama__nav--thumbs .fotorama__nav__frame:last-child{\npadding-right:0}\n.fotorama"+(null==(b=a.s)?"":b)+" .fotorama__thumb-border{\nheight:"+(null==(b=a.h-a.m*(a.q?0:2))?"":b)+"px;\nborder-width:"+(null==(b=a.m)?"":b)+"px;\nmargin-top:"+(null==(b=a.m)?"":b)+"px}"},{function b(){,"")}var c="",d=(S.escape,Array.prototype.join);return c+='<div class="fotorama__video"><iframe src="',b("youtube"==a.type?"""?autoplay=1":"vimeo"==a.type?"""?autoplay=1&amp;badge=0",c+='" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>'}}(window,document,jQuery); \ No newline at end of file +(function (window, document, $, 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(transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#modernizr{left:9px;position:absolute;height:3px;}}', function (node, rule) { +// ret = node.offsetLeft === 9 && node.offsetHeight === 3; +// }); +// } + return ret; + }; + + for (var feature in tests) { + if (hasOwnProp(tests, feature)) { + featureName = feature.toLowerCase(); + Modernizr[featureName] = tests[feature](); + + classes.push((Modernizr[featureName] ? '' : 'no-') + featureName); + } + } + + Modernizr.addTest = function (feature, test) { + if (typeof feature == 'object') { + for (var key in feature) { + if (hasOwnProp(feature, key)) { + Modernizr.addTest(key, feature[ key ]); + } + } + } else { + + feature = feature.toLowerCase(); + + if (Modernizr[feature] !== undefined) { + return Modernizr; + } + + test = typeof test == 'function' ? test() : test; + + if (typeof enableClasses !== "undefined" && enableClasses) { + docElement.className += ' ' + (test ? '' : 'no-') + feature; + } + Modernizr[feature] = test; + + } + + return Modernizr; + }; + + + setCss(''); + modElem = inputElem = null; + + + Modernizr._version = version; + + Modernizr._prefixes = prefixes; + Modernizr._domPrefixes = domPrefixes; + Modernizr._cssomPrefixes = cssomPrefixes; + + Modernizr.testProp = function (prop) { + return testProps([prop]); + }; + + Modernizr.testAllProps = testPropsAll; + + Modernizr.testStyles = injectElementWithStyles; + Modernizr.prefixed = function (prop, obj, elem) { + if (!obj) { + return testPropsAll(prop, 'pfx'); + } else { + return testPropsAll(prop, obj, elem); + } + }; + + return Modernizr; +})(window, document); +var + fullScreenApi = { + ok: false, + is: function () { + return false; + }, + request: function () { + }, + cancel: function () { + }, + event: '', + prefix: '' + }, + browserPrefixes = 'webkit moz o ms khtml'.split(' '); + +// check for native support +if (typeof document.cancelFullScreen != 'undefined') { + fullScreenApi.ok = true; +} else { + // check for fullscreen support by vendor prefix + for (var i = 0, il = browserPrefixes.length; i < il; i++) { + fullScreenApi.prefix = browserPrefixes[i]; + if (typeof document[fullScreenApi.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen' ] != 'undefined') { + fullScreenApi.ok = true; + break; + } + } +} + +// update methods to do something useful +if (fullScreenApi.ok) { + fullScreenApi.event = fullScreenApi.prefix + 'fullscreenchange'; + = function () { + switch (this.prefix) { + case '': + return document.fullScreen; + case 'webkit': + return document.webkitIsFullScreen; + default: + return document[this.prefix + 'FullScreen']; + } + }; + fullScreenApi.request = function (el) { + return (this.prefix === '') ? el.requestFullScreen() : el[this.prefix + 'RequestFullScreen'](); + }; + fullScreenApi.cancel = function (el) { + return (this.prefix === '') ? document.cancelFullScreen() : document[this.prefix + 'CancelFullScreen'](); + }; +} +/* Bez v1.0.10-g5ae0136 + * + * + * A plugin to convert CSS3 cubic-bezier co-ordinates to jQuery-compatible easing functions + * + * With thanks to Nikolay Nemshilov for clarification on the cubic-bezier maths + * See + * + * Copyright 2011 Robert Dallas Gray. All rights reserved. + * Provided under the FreeBSD license: + */ +function bez (coOrdArray) { + var encodedFuncName = "bez_" + $.makeArray(arguments).join("_").replace(".", "p"); + if (typeof $['easing'][encodedFuncName] !== "function") { + var polyBez = function (p1, p2) { + var A = [null, null], + B = [null, null], + C = [null, null], + bezCoOrd = function (t, ax) { + C[ax] = 3 * p1[ax]; + B[ax] = 3 * (p2[ax] - p1[ax]) - C[ax]; + A[ax] = 1 - C[ax] - B[ax]; + return t * (C[ax] + t * (B[ax] + t * A[ax])); + }, + xDeriv = function (t) { + return C[0] + t * (2 * B[0] + 3 * A[0] * t); + }, + xForT = function (t) { + var x = t, i = 0, z; + while (++i < 14) { + z = bezCoOrd(x, 0) - t; + if (Math.abs(z) < 1e-3) break; + x -= z / xDeriv(x); + } + return x; + }; + return function (t) { + return bezCoOrd(xForT(t), 1); + } + }; + $['easing'][encodedFuncName] = function (x, t, b, c, d) { + return c * polyBez([coOrdArray[0], coOrdArray[1]], [coOrdArray[2], coOrdArray[3]])(t / d) + b; + } + } + return encodedFuncName; +} +var _fotoramaClass = 'fotorama', + _fullscreenClass = 'fullscreen', + + wrapClass = _fotoramaClass + '__wrap', + wrapCss3Class = wrapClass + '--css3', + wrapVideoClass = wrapClass + '--video', + wrapFadeClass = wrapClass + '--fade', + wrapSlideClass = wrapClass + '--slide', + wrapNoControlsClass = wrapClass + '--no-controls', + wrapNoShadowsClass = wrapClass + '--no-shadows', + wrapPanYClass = wrapClass + '--pan-y', + + stageClass = _fotoramaClass + '__stage', + stageFrameClass = stageClass + '__frame', + stageFrameVideoClass = stageFrameClass + '--video', + stageShaftClass = stageClass + '__shaft', + stageOnlyActiveClass = stageClass + '--only-active', + + grabClass = _fotoramaClass + '__grab', + pointerClass = _fotoramaClass + '__pointer', + + arrClass = _fotoramaClass + '__arr', + arrDisabledClass = arrClass + '--disabled', + arrPrevClass = arrClass + '--prev', + arrNextClass = arrClass + '--next', + arrArrClass = arrClass + '__arr', + + navClass = _fotoramaClass + '__nav', + navWrapClass = navClass + '-wrap', + navShaftClass = navClass + '__shaft', + navDotsClass = navClass + '--dots', + navThumbsClass = navClass + '--thumbs', + navFrameClass = navClass + '__frame', + navFrameDotClass = navFrameClass + '--dot', + navFrameThumbClass = navFrameClass + '--thumb', + + fadeClass = _fotoramaClass + '__fade', + fadeFrontClass = fadeClass + '-front', + fadeRearClass = fadeClass + '-rear', + + shadowClass = _fotoramaClass + '__shadow', + shadowsClass = shadowClass + 's', + shadowsLeftClass = shadowsClass + '--left', + shadowsRightClass = shadowsClass + '--right', + + activeClass = _fotoramaClass + '__active', + selectClass = _fotoramaClass + '__select', + + hiddenClass = _fotoramaClass + '--hidden', + + fullscreenClass = _fotoramaClass + '--fullscreen', + fullscreenIconClass = _fotoramaClass + '__fullscreen-icon', + + errorClass = _fotoramaClass + '__error', + loadingClass = _fotoramaClass + '__loading', + loadedClass = _fotoramaClass + '__loaded', + loadedFullClass = loadedClass + '--full', + loadedImgClass = loadedClass + '--img', + + grabbingClass = _fotoramaClass + '__grabbing', + + imgClass = _fotoramaClass + '__img', + imgFullClass = imgClass + '--full', + + dotClass = _fotoramaClass + '__dot', + thumbClass = _fotoramaClass + '__thumb', + thumbBorderClass = thumbClass + '-border', + + htmlClass = _fotoramaClass + '__html', + + videoClass = _fotoramaClass + '__video', + videoPlayClass = videoClass + '-play', + videoCloseClass = videoClass + '-close', + + captionClass = _fotoramaClass + '__caption', + + ooooClass = _fotoramaClass + '__oooo'; +var $WINDOW = $(window), + $DOCUMENT = $(document), + $HTML, + $BODY, + + COMPAT = document.compatMode === 'CSS1Compat', + QUIRKS_FORCE = location.hash.replace('#', '') === 'quirks', + CSS3 = Modernizr.csstransforms3d && !QUIRKS_FORCE, + FULLSCREEN = fullScreenApi.ok, + + MOBILE = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone/i), + SLOW = !CSS3 || MOBILE, + + MS_POINTER = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled, + + TOUCH_TIMEOUT = 250, + TRANSITION_DURATION = 300, + AUTOPLAY_INTERVAL = 5000, + MARGIN = 2, + THUMB_SIZE = 64, + + WIDTH = 500, + HEIGHT = 333, + + + STAGE_FRAME_KEY = '$stageFrame', + NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY = '$navDotFrame', + NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY = '$navThumbFrame', + + BEZIER = bez([.1, 0, .25, 1]); +function noop () {} + +function minMaxLimit (value, min, max) { + return Math.max(isNaN(min) ? -Infinity : min, Math.min(isNaN(max) ? Infinity : max, value)); +} + +function readTransform (css) { + return css.match(/ma/) && css.match(/-?\d+(?!d)/g)[css.match(/3d/) ? 12 : 4]; +} + +function readPosition ($el) { + if (CSS3) { + return +readTransform($el.css('transform')); + } else { + return +$el.css('left').replace('px', ''); + } +} + +function getTranslate (pos) { + var obj = {}; + if (CSS3) { + obj.transform = 'translate3d(' + pos + 'px,0,0)'; + } else { + obj.left = pos; + } + return obj; +} + +function getDuration (time) { + return {'transition-duration': time + 'ms'}; +} + +function numberFromMeasure (value, measure) { + return +String(value).replace(measure || 'px', ''); +} + +function numberFromPercent (value) { + return /%$/.test(value) && numberFromMeasure(value, '%'); +} + +function measureIsValid (value) { + return (!!numberFromMeasure(value) || !!numberFromMeasure(value, '%')) && value; +} + +function getPosByIndex (index, side, margin, baseIndex) { + return (index - (baseIndex || 0)) * (side + (margin || 0)); +} + +function getIndexByPos (pos, side, margin, baseIndex) { + return -Math.round(pos / (side + (margin || 0)) - (baseIndex || 0)); +} + +function bindTransitionEnd ($el) { + var elData = $; + + if (elData.tEnd) return; + + var el = $el[0], + transitionEndEvent = { + WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', + MozTransition: 'transitionend', + OTransition: 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend', + msTransition: 'MSTransitionEnd', + transition: 'transitionend' + }; + el.addEventListener(transitionEndEvent[Modernizr.prefixed('transition')], function (e) { + elData.tProp && e.propertyName.match(elData.tProp) && elData.onEndFn(); + }); + elData.tEnd = true; +} + +function afterTransition ($el, property, fn, time) { + var ok, + elData = $; + + if (elData) { + elData.onEndFn = function () { + if (ok) return; + ok = true; + clearTimeout(elData.tT); + fn(); + }; + elData.tProp = property; + + // Passive call, just in case of fail of native transition-end event + clearTimeout(elData.tT); + elData.tT = setTimeout(function () { + elData.onEndFn(); + }, time * 1.5); + + bindTransitionEnd($el); + } +} + + +function stop ($el, left) { + if ($el.length) { + var elData = $; + if (CSS3) { + $el.css(getDuration(0)); + elData.onEndFn = noop; + clearTimeout(elData.tT); + } else { + $el.stop(); + } + var lockedLeft = getNumber(left, function () { + return readPosition($el); + }); + + $el.css(getTranslate(lockedLeft));//.width(); // `.width()` for reflow + return lockedLeft; + } +} + +function getNumber () { + var number; + for (var _i = 0, _l = arguments.length; _i < _l; _i++) { + number = _i ? arguments[_i]() : arguments[_i]; + if (typeof number === 'number') { + break; + } + } + + return number; +} + +function edgeResistance (pos, edge) { + return Math.round(pos + ((edge - pos) / 1.5)); +} + +function getProtocol () { + getProtocol.p = getProtocol.p || (location.protocol === 'https://' ? 'https://' : 'http://'); + return getProtocol.p; +} + +function parseHref (href) { + var a = document.createElement('a'); + a.href = href; + return a; +} + +function findVideoId (href, forceVideo) { + if (typeof href !== 'string') return href; + href = parseHref(href); + + var id, + type; + + if (\.com/) && { + //.log(); + id ='v=')[1]; + if (id) { + var ampersandPosition = id.indexOf('&'); + if (ampersandPosition !== -1) { + id = id.substring(0, ampersandPosition); + } + type = 'youtube'; + } + } else if (\.com|youtu\.be/)) { + id = href.pathname.replace(/^\/(embed\/|v\/)?/, '').replace(/\/.*/, ''); + type = 'youtube'; + } else if (\.com/)) { + type = 'vimeo'; + id = href.pathname.replace(/^\/(video\/)?/, '').replace(/\/.*/, ''); + } + + if ((!id || !type) && forceVideo) { + id = href.href; + type = 'custom'; + } + + return id ? {id: id, type: type} : false; +} + +function getVideoThumbs (dataFrame, data, api) { + var img, thumb, video =; + if (video.type === 'youtube') { + thumb = getProtocol() + '' + + '/default.jpg'; + img = thumb.replace(/\/default.jpg$/, '/hqdefault.jpg'); + dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; + } else if (video.type === 'vimeo') { + $.ajax({ + url: getProtocol() + '' + + '.json', + dataType: 'jsonp', + success: function (json) { + dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; + updateData(data, {img: json[0].thumbnail_large, thumb: json[0].thumbnail_small}, dataFrame.i, api); + } + }); + } else { + dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; + } + + return { + img: img, + thumb: thumb + } +} + +function updateData (data, _dataFrame, i, api) { + for (var _i = 0, _l = data.length; _i < _l; _i++) { + var dataFrame = data[_i]; + + if (dataFrame.i === i && dataFrame.thumbsReady) { + var clear = {videoReady: true}; + clear[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = clear[NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY] = clear[NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY] = false; + + api.splice(_i, 1, $.extend( + {}, + dataFrame, + clear, + _dataFrame + )); + + break; + } + } +} + +function getDataFromHtml ($el) { + var data = []; + + function getDataFromImg ($img, checkVideo) { + var imgData = $, + $child = $img.children('img').eq(0), + _imgHref = $img.attr('href'), + _imgSrc = $img.attr('src'), + _thumbSrc = $child.attr('src'), + _video =, + video = checkVideo ? findVideoId(_imgHref, _video === true) : false; + + if (video) { + _imgHref = false; + } else { + video = findVideoId(_video, _video); + } + + var img = imgData.img || _imgHref || _imgSrc || _thumbSrc, + thumb = imgData.thumb || _thumbSrc || _imgSrc || _imgHref, + separateThumbFLAG = img !== thumb, + width = numberFromMeasure(imgData.width || $img.attr('width')), + height = numberFromMeasure(imgData.height || $img.attr('height')), + thumbWidth = numberFromMeasure(imgData.thumbWidth || $child.attr('width') || separateThumbFLAG || width), + thumbHeight = numberFromMeasure(imgData.thumbHeight || $child.attr('height') || separateThumbFLAG || height); + + return { + video: video, + img: img, + width: width || undefined, + height: height || undefined, + thumb: thumb, + thumbRatio: thumbWidth / thumbHeight || undefined + } + } + + $el.children().each(function (i) { + var $this = $(this), + dataFrame = $.extend($, {id: $this.attr('id')}); + if ($'a, img')) { + $.extend(dataFrame, getDataFromImg($this, true)); + } else if (!$':empty')) { + $.extend(dataFrame, { + html: this, + _html: $this.html() // Because of IE + }); + } else return; + + data.push(dataFrame); + }); + + return data; +} + +function isHidden (el) { + return el.offsetWidth === 0 && el.offsetHeight === 0; +} + +function isDetached (el) { + return !$.contains(document.documentElement, el); +} + +function waitFor (test, fn, timeout) { + if (test()) { + fn(); + } else { + setTimeout(function () { + waitFor(test, fn); + }, timeout || 100); + } +} + +function setHash (hash) { + location.replace(location.protocol + + '//' + + + + location.pathname.replace(/^\/?/, '/') + + + + '#' + hash); +} + +function fit ($el, measuresToFit, method) { + var elData = $, + measures = elData.measures; + + if (measures && (!elData.l || + elData.l.W !== measures.width || + elData.l.H !== measures.height || + elData.l.r !== measures.ratio || + elData.l.w !== measuresToFit.w || + elData.l.h !== measuresToFit.h || + elData.l.m !== method)) { + var width = measures.width, + height = measures.height, + ratio = measuresToFit.w / measuresToFit.h, + biggerRatioFLAG = measures.ratio >= ratio, + fitFLAG = method === 'scale-down', + containFLAG = method === 'contain', + coverFLAG = method === 'cover'; + + if (biggerRatioFLAG && (fitFLAG || containFLAG) || !biggerRatioFLAG && coverFLAG) { + width = minMaxLimit(measuresToFit.w, 0, fitFLAG ? width : Infinity); + height = width / measures.ratio; + } else if (biggerRatioFLAG && coverFLAG || !biggerRatioFLAG && (fitFLAG || containFLAG)) { + height = minMaxLimit(measuresToFit.h, 0, fitFLAG ? height : Infinity); + width = height * measures.ratio; + } + + $el.css({ + width: Math.ceil(width), + height: Math.ceil(height), + marginLeft: Math.floor(-width / 2), + marginTop: Math.floor(-height / 2) + }); + + elData.l = { + W: measures.width, + H: measures.height, + r: measures.ratio, + w: measuresToFit.w, + h: measuresToFit.h, + m: method + } + } + + return true; +} + +function setStyle ($el, style) { + var el = $el[0]; + if (el.styleSheet) { + el.styleSheet.cssText = style; + } else { + $el.html(style); + } +} + +function findShadowEdge (pos, min, max) { + return min === max ? false : pos <= min ? 'left' : pos >= max ? 'right' : 'left right'; +} + +function getIndexFromHash (hash, data, ok) { + if (!ok) return false; + if (!isNaN(hash)) return hash - 1; + + var index; + + for (var _i = 0, _l = data.length; _i < _l; _i++) { + var dataFrame = data[_i]; + + if ( === hash) { + index = _i; + break; + } + } + + return index; +} + +function smartClick ($el, fn, _options) { + _options = _options || {}; + + $el.each(function () { + var $this = $(this), + thisData = $, + startEvent; + + if (thisData.clickOn) return; + + thisData.clickOn = true; + + $.extend(touch($this, { + onStart: function (e) { + startEvent = e; + (_options.onStart || noop).call(this, e); + }, + onMove: _options.onMove || noop, + onEnd: function (result) { + if (result.moved || _options.tail.checked) return; +, startEvent); + } + }), _options.tail); + + }); +} + +function div (classes, child) { + return '<div class="' + classes + '">' + (child || '') + '</div>'; +} + +// Fisher–Yates Shuffle +// +function shuffle (array) { + // While there remain elements to shuffle + var l = array.length; + while (l) { + // Pick a remaining element + var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * l--); + + // And swap it with the current element + var t = array[l]; + array[l] = array[i]; + array[i] = t; + } + + return array; +} + +function clone (array) { + return == '[object Array]' + && $.map(array, function (frame) { + return $.extend({}, frame); + }); +} + +function lockScroll (left, top) { + $WINDOW + .scrollLeft(left) + .scrollTop(top); +} +function slide ($el, options) { + var elPos = Math.round(options.pos), + onEndFn = options.onEnd || noop; + + if (typeof options.overPos !== 'undefined' && options.overPos !== options.pos) { + elPos = options.overPos; + onEndFn = function () { + slide($el, $.extend({}, options, {overPos: options.pos, time: Math.max(TRANSITION_DURATION, options.time / 2)})) + }; + } + + var translate = $.extend(getTranslate(elPos), {width: options.width}); + + if (CSS3) { + $el.css($.extend(getDuration(options.time), translate)); + if (options.time > 10) { + afterTransition($el, 'transform', onEndFn, options.time); + } else { + onEndFn(); + } + } else { + $el.stop().animate(translate, options.time, BEZIER, onEndFn); + } +} + +function fade ($el1, $el2, $frames, options) { + $el1 = $el1 || $($el1); + $el2 = $el2 || $($el2); + var _$el1 = $el1[0], + _$el2 = $el2[0], + crossfadeFLAG = options.method === 'crossfade', + onEndFn = function () { + if (!onEndFn.done) { + (options.onEnd || noop)(); + onEndFn.done = true; + } + }, + duration = getDuration(options.time), + duration0 = getDuration(0), + opacity0 = {opacity: 0}, + opacity1 = {opacity: 1}; + + $frames.removeClass(fadeRearClass + ' ' + fadeFrontClass); + + $el1.addClass(fadeRearClass); + $el2.addClass(fadeFrontClass); + + if (CSS3) { + stop($el1); + stop($el2); + + crossfadeFLAG && _$el2 && $el1.css($.extend(duration0, opacity0)).width(); // .width() for immediate reflow + + $el1.css($.extend(crossfadeFLAG ? duration : duration0, opacity1)); + $el2.css($.extend(duration, opacity0)); + + if (options.time > 10 && (_$el1 || _$el2)) { + afterTransition($el1, 'opacity', onEndFn, options.time); + afterTransition($el2, 'opacity', onEndFn, options.time); + } else { + onEndFn(); + } + + } else { + $el1.stop(); + $el2.stop(); + + crossfadeFLAG && _$el2 && $el1.fadeTo(0, 0); + + $el1.fadeTo(crossfadeFLAG ? options.time : 1, 1, crossfadeFLAG && onEndFn); + $el2.fadeTo(options.time, 0, onEndFn); + + (_$el1 && crossfadeFLAG) || _$el2 || onEndFn(); + } +} +var lastEvent, + moveEventType, + preventEvent, + preventEventTimeout, + addEventListener = 'addEventListener'; + +function extendEvent (e) { + var touch = (e.touches || [])[0] || e; + e._x = touch.pageX; + e._y = touch.clientY; +} + +function touch ($el, options) { + var el = $el[0], + docTouchTimeout, + tail = {}, + touchEnabledFLAG, + startEvent, + $target, + controlTouch, + touchFLAG, + targetIsSelectFLAG, + targetIsLinkFlag; + + function onStart (e) { + $target = $(; + tail.checked = targetIsSelectFLAG = targetIsLinkFlag = false; + + if (touchEnabledFLAG + || tail.flow + || (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) + || e.which > 1 + || (lastEvent && lastEvent.type !== e.type && preventEvent) + || (targetIsSelectFLAG = && $, el))) return targetIsSelectFLAG; + + touchFLAG = e.type.match(/^t/); + targetIsLinkFlag = $'a, a *', el); + + extendEvent(e); + + startEvent = lastEvent = e; + moveEventType = e.type.replace(/down|start/, 'move').replace(/Down/, 'Move'); + controlTouch = tail.control; + + (options.onStart || noop).call(el, e, {control: controlTouch, $target: $target}); + + touchEnabledFLAG = tail.flow = true; + + if (!touchFLAG || tail.go) { + e.preventDefault(); + } + } + + function onMove (e) { + if ((e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) + || (MS_POINTER && !e.isPrimary) + || moveEventType !== e.type + || !touchEnabledFLAG) { + touchEnabledFLAG && onEnd(); + return; + } + + extendEvent(e); + + var xDiff = Math.abs(e._x - startEvent._x), // opt _x → _pageX + yDiff = Math.abs(e._y - startEvent._y), + xyDiff = xDiff - yDiff, + xWin = (tail.go || tail.x || xyDiff >= 0) && !tail.noSwipe, + yWin = xyDiff < 0; + + if (touchFLAG && !tail.checked) { + touchEnabledFLAG = xWin; + touchEnabledFLAG && e.preventDefault(); + } else { + e.preventDefault(); + (options.onMove || noop).call(el, e, {touch: touchFLAG}); + } + + tail.checked = tail.checked || xWin || yWin; + } + + function onEnd (e) { + var _touchEnabledFLAG = touchEnabledFLAG; + tail.control = touchEnabledFLAG = false; + + if (_touchEnabledFLAG) { + tail.flow = false; + } + + if (!_touchEnabledFLAG || (targetIsLinkFlag && !tail.checked)) return; + + e && e.preventDefault(); + + preventEvent = true; + clearTimeout(preventEventTimeout); + preventEventTimeout = setTimeout(function () { + preventEvent = false; + }, 1000); + (options.onEnd || noop).call(el, {moved: tail.checked, $target: $target, control: controlTouch, touch: touchFLAG, startEvent: startEvent, aborted: !e}); + } + + function onOtherStart () { + clearTimeout(docTouchTimeout); + docTouchTimeout = setTimeout(function () { + tail.flow = true; + }, 10); + } + + function onOtherEnd () { + clearTimeout(docTouchTimeout); + docTouchTimeout = setTimeout(function () { + tail.flow = false; + }, TOUCH_TIMEOUT); + } + + if (MS_POINTER) { + el[addEventListener]('MSPointerDown', onStart); + document[addEventListener]('MSPointerMove', onMove); + document[addEventListener]('MSPointerCancel', onEnd); + document[addEventListener]('MSPointerUp', onEnd); + } else { + if (el[addEventListener]) { + el[addEventListener]('touchstart', onStart); + el[addEventListener]('touchmove', onMove); + el[addEventListener]('touchend', onEnd); + + document[addEventListener]('touchstart', onOtherStart); + document[addEventListener]('touchend', onOtherEnd); + window[addEventListener]('scroll', onOtherEnd); + } + + $el.on('mousedown', onStart); + $DOCUMENT + .on('mousemove', onMove) + .on('mouseup', onEnd); + } + + $el.on('click', 'a', function (e) { + tail.checked && e.preventDefault(); + }); + + return tail; +} + +function moveOnTouch ($el, options) { + var el = $el[0], + elData = $, + tail = {}, + startCoo, + coo, + startElPos, + moveElPos, + edge, + moveTrack, + startTime, + endTime, + min, + max, + snap, + slowFLAG, + controlFLAG, + movedFLAG; + + function startTracking (e) { + startCoo = coo = e._x; + startTime = $.now(); + + moveTrack = [ + [startTime, startCoo] + ]; + + startElPos = moveElPos = stop($el, options.getPos && options.getPos()); + + // startTime - endTime < TOUCH_TIMEOUT * 3 && e.preventDefault(); // double tap + + (options.onStart || noop).call(el, e); + } + + function onStart (e, result) { + min = elData.min; + max = elData.max; + snap = elData.snap; + + slowFLAG = e.altKey; + movedFLAG = false; + + controlFLAG = result.control; + + if (!controlFLAG) { + startTracking(e); + } + } + + function onMove (e, result) { + if (controlFLAG) { + controlFLAG = false; + startTracking(e); + } + + if (!tail.noSwipe) { + coo = e._x; + + moveTrack.push([$.now(), coo]); + + moveElPos = startElPos - (startCoo - coo); + + edge = findShadowEdge(moveElPos, min, max); + + if (moveElPos <= min) { + moveElPos = edgeResistance(moveElPos, min); + } else if (moveElPos >= max) { + moveElPos = edgeResistance(moveElPos, max); + } + + if (!tail.noMove) { + $el.css(getTranslate(moveElPos)); + if (!movedFLAG) { + movedFLAG = true; + // only for mouse + result.touch || MS_POINTER || $el.addClass(grabbingClass); + } + + (options.onMove || noop).call(el, e, {pos: moveElPos, edge: edge}); + } + } + } + + function onEnd (result) { + if (controlFLAG) return; + + result.touch || MS_POINTER || $el.removeClass(grabbingClass); + + endTime = new Date().getTime(); + + var _backTimeIdeal = endTime - TOUCH_TIMEOUT, + _backTime, + _timeDiff, + _timeDiffLast, + backTime = null, + backCoo, + virtualPos, + limitPos, + newPos, + overPos, + time = TRANSITION_DURATION, + speed, + friction = options.friction; + + for (var _i = moveTrack.length - 1; _i >= 0; _i--) { + _backTime = moveTrack[_i][0]; + _timeDiff = Math.abs(_backTime - _backTimeIdeal); + if (backTime === null || _timeDiff < _timeDiffLast) { + backTime = _backTime; + backCoo = moveTrack[_i][1]; + } else if (backTime === _backTimeIdeal || _timeDiff > _timeDiffLast) { + break; + } + _timeDiffLast = _timeDiff; + } + + newPos = minMaxLimit(moveElPos, min, max); + + var cooDiff = backCoo - coo, + forwardFLAG = cooDiff >= 0, + timeDiff = endTime - backTime, + longTouchFLAG = timeDiff > TOUCH_TIMEOUT, + swipeFLAG = !longTouchFLAG && moveElPos !== startElPos && newPos === moveElPos; + + if (snap) { + newPos = minMaxLimit(Math[swipeFLAG ? (forwardFLAG ? 'floor' : 'ceil') : 'round'](moveElPos / snap) * snap, min, max); + min = max = newPos; + } + + if (swipeFLAG && (snap || newPos === moveElPos)) { + speed = -(cooDiff / timeDiff); + time *= minMaxLimit(Math.abs(speed), options.timeLow, options.timeHigh); + virtualPos = Math.round(moveElPos + speed * time / friction); + + if (!snap) { + newPos = virtualPos; + } + + if (!forwardFLAG && virtualPos > max || forwardFLAG && virtualPos < min) { + limitPos = forwardFLAG ? min : max; + overPos = virtualPos - limitPos; + if (!snap) { + newPos = limitPos; + } + overPos = minMaxLimit(newPos + overPos * .03, limitPos - 50, limitPos + 50); + time = Math.abs((moveElPos - overPos) / (speed / friction)); + } + } + + time *= slowFLAG ? 10 : 1; + + (options.onEnd || noop).call(el, $.extend(result, {pos: moveElPos, newPos: newPos, overPos: overPos, time: time, moved: (longTouchFLAG && snap) || result.moved})); + } + + tail = $.extend(touch(options.$wrap, { + onStart: onStart, + onMove: onMove, + onEnd: onEnd, + select:, + control: options.control + }), tail); + + return tail; +} +var $oooo = $(div('', div(ooooClass))), + ooooInterval, + ooooStep = function () { + $oooo.attr('class', ooooClass + ' ' + ooooClass + '--' + ooooI); + ooooI++; + if (ooooI > 4) ooooI = 0; + }, + ooooI; + +function ooooStart ($el) { + ooooStop(true); + $oooo.appendTo($el); + ooooI = 0; + ooooStep(); + ooooInterval = setInterval(ooooStep, 200); +} + +function ooooStop (leave) { + leave || $oooo.detach(); + clearInterval(ooooInterval); +} + +jQuery.Fotorama = function ($fotorama, opts) { + $HTML = $HTML || $('html'); + $BODY = $BODY || $('body'); + + var that = this, + index = _size, + stamp = $.now(), + stampClass = _fotoramaClass + stamp, + fotorama = $fotorama[0], + data, + dataFrameCount = 1, + fotoramaData = $, + size, + + $style = $('<style></style>'), + + $anchor = $(div(hiddenClass)), + $wrap = $(div(wrapClass)), + $stage = $(div(stageClass)).appendTo($wrap), + stage = $stage[0], + $stageShaft = $(div(stageShaftClass)).appendTo($stage), + $stageFrame = $(), + $arrPrev = $(div(arrClass + ' ' + arrPrevClass, div(arrArrClass))), + $arrNext = $(div(arrClass + ' ' + arrNextClass, div(arrArrClass))), + $arrs = $arrPrev.add($arrNext).appendTo($stage), + $navWrap = $(div(navWrapClass)), + $nav = $(div(navClass)).appendTo($navWrap), + $navShaft = $(div(navShaftClass)).appendTo($nav), + $navFrame, + $navDotFrame = $(), + $navThumbFrame = $(), + + stageShaftData = $, + navShaftData = $, + + $thumbBorder = $(div(thumbBorderClass)).appendTo($navShaft), + + $fullscreenIcon = $(div(fullscreenIconClass)), + fullscreenIcon = $fullscreenIcon[0], + $videoPlay = $(div(videoPlayClass)), + $videoClose = $(div(videoCloseClass)).appendTo($stage), + videoClose = $videoClose[0], + + $videoPlaying, + + activeIndex = false, + activeFrame, + activeIndexes, + repositionIndex, + dirtyIndex, + lastActiveIndex, + prevIndex, + nextIndex, + startIndex, + + o_loop, + o_nav, + o_navThumbs, + o_navTop, + o_allowFullScreen, + o_nativeFullScreen, + o_fade, + o_thumbSide, + o_thumbSide2, + o_transitionDuration, + o_shadows, + lastOptions = {}, + + measures = {}, + measuresSetFLAG, + + stageShaftTouchTail = {}, + navShaftTouchTail = {}, + + scrollTop, + scrollLeft, + + showedFLAG, + pausedAutoplayFLAG, + stoppedAutoplayFLAG, + + toDeactivate = {}, + toDetach = {}, + + measuresStash, + + touchedFLAG, + + hoverFLAG, + + navFrameKey, + stageLeft = 0; + + $wrap[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = $(div(stageFrameClass)); + $wrap[NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY] = $(div(navFrameClass + ' ' + navFrameThumbClass, div(thumbClass))); + $wrap[NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY] = $(div(navFrameClass + ' ' + navFrameDotClass, div(dotClass))); + + toDeactivate[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = []; + toDeactivate[NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY] = []; + toDeactivate[NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY] = []; + toDetach[STAGE_FRAME_KEY] = {}; + + if (CSS3) { + $wrap.addClass(wrapCss3Class); + } + + fotoramaData.fotorama = this; + that.options = opts; + _size++; + + function checkForVideo () { + $.each(data, function (i, dataFrame) { + if (!dataFrame.i) { + dataFrame.i = dataFrameCount++; + var video = findVideoId(, true); + if (video) { + var thumbs = {}; + = video; + if (!dataFrame.img && !dataFrame.thumb) { + thumbs = getVideoThumbs(dataFrame, data, that); + } else { + dataFrame.thumbsReady = true; + } + updateData(data, {img: thumbs.img, thumb: thumbs.thumb}, dataFrame.i, that); + } + } + }); + } + + function appendElements (FLAG) { + if (FLAG === appendElements.f) return; + + if (FLAG) { + $fotorama + .html('') + .addClass(stampClass) + .append($wrap) + .before($style) + .before($anchor); + + $.Fotorama.size++; + } else { + $wrap.detach(); + $style.detach(); + $anchor.detach(); + $fotorama + .html(fotoramaData.urtext) + .removeClass(stampClass); + + $.Fotorama.size--; + } + + appendElements.f = FLAG; + } + + function setData () { + data = = data || clone( || getDataFromHtml($fotorama); + size = that.size = data.length; + + !ready.ok && opts.shuffle && shuffle(data); + + checkForVideo(); + + activeIndex = limitIndex(activeIndex); + + size && appendElements(true); + } + + function stageNoMove () { + var _noMove = size < 2 || $videoPlaying; + stageShaftTouchTail.noMove = _noMove || o_fade; + stageShaftTouchTail.noSwipe = _noMove || !opts.swipe; + + $stageShaft.toggleClass(grabClass, !stageShaftTouchTail.noMove && !stageShaftTouchTail.noSwipe); + MS_POINTER && $wrap.toggleClass(wrapPanYClass, !stageShaftTouchTail.noSwipe); + } + + function setAutoplayInterval (interval) { + if (interval === true) interval = ''; + opts.autoplay = Math.max(+interval || AUTOPLAY_INTERVAL, o_transitionDuration * 1.5); + } + + function addOrRemove (FLAG) { + return FLAG ? 'add' : 'remove'; + } + + /** + * Options on the fly + * */ + function setOptions () { + o_fade = opts.transition === 'crossfade' || opts.transition === 'dissolve'; + + o_loop = opts.loop && (size > 2 || o_fade); + + o_transitionDuration = +opts.transitionDuration || TRANSITION_DURATION; + + var classes = {add: [], remove: []}; + + if (size > 1) { + o_nav = opts.nav; + o_navTop = opts.navPosition === 'top'; + classes.remove.push(selectClass); + + $arrs.toggle(opts.arrows); + + arrsUpdate(); + } else { + o_nav = false; + $arrs.hide(); + } + + if (opts.autoplay) setAutoplayInterval(opts.autoplay); + + o_thumbSide = numberFromMeasure(opts.thumbWidth) || THUMB_SIZE; + o_thumbSide2 = numberFromMeasure(opts.thumbHeight) || THUMB_SIZE; + + stageNoMove(); + + extendMeasures(opts, true); + + o_navThumbs = o_nav === 'thumbs' + + if (o_navThumbs) { + frameDraw(size, 'navThumb'); + + $navFrame = $navThumbFrame; + navFrameKey = NAV_THUMB_FRAME_KEY; + + setStyle($style, ${w: o_thumbSide, h: o_thumbSide2, m: MARGIN, s: stamp, q: !COMPAT})); + + $nav + .addClass(navThumbsClass) + .removeClass(navDotsClass); + } else if (o_nav === 'dots') { + frameDraw(size, 'navDot'); + + $navFrame = $navDotFrame; + navFrameKey = NAV_DOT_FRAME_KEY; + + $nav + .addClass(navDotsClass) + .removeClass(navThumbsClass); + } else { + o_nav = false; + $nav.removeClass(navThumbsClass + ' ' + navDotsClass); + } + + if (o_nav) { + if (o_navTop) { + $navWrap.insertBefore($stage); + } else { + $navWrap.insertAfter($stage); + } + frameAppend.nav = false; + frameAppend($navFrame, $navShaft, 'nav'); + } + + o_allowFullScreen = opts.allowFullScreen; + + if (o_allowFullScreen) { + $fullscreenIcon.appendTo($stage); + o_nativeFullScreen = FULLSCREEN && o_allowFullScreen === 'native'; + } else { + $fullscreenIcon.detach(); + o_nativeFullScreen = false; + } + + classes[addOrRemove(o_fade)].push(wrapFadeClass); + classes[addOrRemove(!o_fade)].push(wrapSlideClass); + + o_shadows = opts.shadows && !SLOW; + classes[addOrRemove(!o_shadows)].push(wrapNoShadowsClass); + + ooooStop(); + + $wrap + .addClass(classes.add.join(' ')) + .removeClass(classes.remove.join(' ')); + + lastOptions = $.extend({}, opts); + } + + function normalizeIndex (index) { + return index < 0 ? (size + (index % size)) % size : index >= size ? index % size : index; + } + + function limitIndex (index) { + return minMaxLimit(index, 0, size - 1); + } + + function edgeIndex (index) { + return o_loop ? normalizeIndex(index) : limitIndex(index); + } + + function getPrevIndex (index) { + return index > 0 || o_loop ? index - 1 : false; + } + + function getNextIndex (index) { + return index < size - 1 || o_loop ? index + 1 : false; + } + + function setStageShaftMinmaxAndSnap () { + stageShaftData.min = o_loop ? -Infinity : -getPosByIndex(size - 1, measures.w, MARGIN, repositionIndex); + stageShaftData.max = o_loop ? Infinity : -getPosByIndex(0, measures.w, MARGIN, repositionIndex); + stageShaftData.snap = measures.w + MARGIN; + } + + function setNavShaftMinmax () { + navShaftData.min = Math.min(0, measures.w - $navShaft.width()); + navShaftData.max = 0; + + navShaftTouchTail.noMove = navShaftData.min === navShaftData.max; + + $navShaft.toggleClass(grabClass, !navShaftTouchTail.noMove); + } + + function eachIndex (indexes, type, fn) { + if (typeof indexes === 'number') { + indexes = new Array(indexes); + var rangeFLAG = true; + } + return $.each(indexes, function (i, index) { + if (rangeFLAG) index = i; + if (typeof(index) === 'number') { + var dataFrame = data[normalizeIndex(index)], + key = '$' + type + 'Frame', + $frame = dataFrame[key]; + +, i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, $frame && $; + } + }); + } + + function setMeasures (width, height, ratio, index) { + if (!measuresSetFLAG || (measuresSetFLAG === '*' && index === startIndex)) { + width = measureIsValid(opts.width) || measureIsValid(width) || WIDTH; + height = measureIsValid(opts.height) || measureIsValid(height) || HEIGHT; + that.resize({ + width: width, + ratio: opts.ratio || ratio || width / height + }, 0, index === startIndex ? true : '*'); + } + } + + function loadImg (indexes, type, specialMeasures, specialFit, again) { + eachIndex(indexes, type, function (i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, frameData) { + + if (!$frame) return; + + var fullFLAG = that.fullScreen && dataFrame.full && !frameData.$full && type === 'stage'; + + if (frameData.$img && !again && !fullFLAG) return; + + var img = new Image(), + $img = $(img), + imgData = $; + + frameData[fullFLAG ? '$full' : '$img'] = $img; + + var srcKey = type === 'stage' ? (fullFLAG ? 'full' : 'img') : 'thumb', + src = dataFrame[srcKey], + dummy = fullFLAG ? null : dataFrame[type === 'stage' ? 'thumb' : 'img']; + + if (type === 'navThumb') $frame = frameData.$wrap; + + function triggerTriggerEvent (event) { + var _index = normalizeIndex(index); + triggerEvent(event, { + index: _index, + src: src, + frame: data[_index] + }); + } + + function error () { + $img.remove(); + + $.Fotorama.cache[src] = 'error'; + + if ((!dataFrame.html || type !== 'stage') && dummy && dummy !== src) { + dataFrame[srcKey] = src = dummy; + loadImg([index], type, specialMeasures, specialFit, true); + } else { + if (src && !dataFrame.html) { + $frame + .trigger('f:error') + .removeClass(loadingClass) + .addClass(errorClass); + + triggerTriggerEvent('error'); + } else if (type === 'stage') { + $frame + .trigger('f:load') + .removeClass(loadingClass + ' ' + errorClass) + .addClass(loadedClass); + + triggerTriggerEvent('load'); + setMeasures(); + } + + frameData.state = 'error'; + + if (size > 1 && !dataFrame.html && !dataFrame.deleted && ! && !fullFLAG) { + dataFrame.deleted = true; + that.splice(index, 1); + } + } + } + + function loaded () { + ////console.log('loaded: ' + src); + + var width = img.width, + height = img.height, + ratio = width / height; + + imgData.measures = { + width: width, + height: height, + ratio: ratio + }; + + setMeasures(width, height, ratio, index); + + $img + .off('load error') + .addClass(imgClass + (fullFLAG ? ' ' + imgFullClass : '')) + .prependTo($frame); + + fit($img, specialMeasures || measures, specialFit || ||; + + $.Fotorama.cache[src] = 'loaded'; + frameData.state = 'loaded'; + + setTimeout(function () { + $frame + .trigger('f:load') + .removeClass(loadingClass + ' ' + errorClass) + .addClass(loadedClass + ' ' + (fullFLAG ? loadedFullClass : loadedImgClass)); + + if (type === 'stage') { + triggerTriggerEvent('load'); + } + }, 5); + } + + if (!src) { + error(); + return; + } + + function waitAndLoad () { + var _i = 10; + waitFor(function () { + return !touchedFLAG || !_i-- && !SLOW; + }, function () { + loaded(); + }); + } + + if (!$.Fotorama.cache[src]) { + $.Fotorama.cache[src] = '*'; + + $img + .on('load', waitAndLoad) + .on('error', error); + } else { + (function justWait () { + if ($.Fotorama.cache[src] === 'error') { + error(); + } else if ($.Fotorama.cache[src] === 'loaded') { + ////console.log('take from cache: ' + src); + setTimeout(waitAndLoad, 0); + } else { + setTimeout(justWait, 100); + } + })(); + } + + img.src = src; + }); + } + + function updateFotoramaState () { + var $frame = that.activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY]; + + if ($frame && !$ { + ooooStart($frame); + $frame.on('f:load f:error', function () { + $'f:load f:error'); + ooooStop(); + }); + } + } + + function frameDraw (indexes, type) { + eachIndex(indexes, type, function (i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, frameData) { + if ($frame) return; + + $frame = dataFrame[key] = $wrap[key].clone(); + frameData = $; + = dataFrame; + + if (type === 'stage') { + + if (dataFrame.html) { + $('<div class="' + htmlClass + '"></div>') + .append( + dataFrame._html ? $(dataFrame.html) + .removeAttr('id') + .html(dataFrame._html) // Because of IE + : dataFrame.html + ) + .appendTo($frame); + } + + if (opts.captions && dataFrame.caption) { + $('<div class="' + captionClass + '"></div>').append(dataFrame.caption).appendTo($frame); + } + + && $frame + .addClass(stageFrameVideoClass) + .append($videoPlay.clone()); + + $stageFrame = $stageFrame.add($frame); + } else if (type === 'navDot') { + $navDotFrame = $navDotFrame.add($frame); + } else if (type === 'navThumb') { + frameData.$wrap = $frame.children(':first'); + $navThumbFrame = $navThumbFrame.add($frame); + if ( { + $frame.append($videoPlay.clone()); + } + } + }); + } + + function callFit ($img, measuresToFit, method) { + return $img && $img.length && fit($img, measuresToFit, method); + } + + function stageFramePosition (indexes) { + eachIndex(indexes, 'stage', function (i, index, dataFrame, $frame, key, frameData) { + if (!$frame) return; + + toDetach[STAGE_FRAME_KEY][normalizeIndex(index)] = $frame.css($.extend({left: o_fade ? 0 : getPosByIndex(index, measures.w, MARGIN, repositionIndex)}, o_fade && getDuration(0))); + + if (isDetached($frame[0])) { + $frame.appendTo($stageShaft); + unloadVideo(dataFrame.$video); + } + + var method = ||; + + callFit(frameData.$img, measures, method); + callFit(frameData.$full, measures, method); + }); + } + + function thumbsDraw (pos, loadFLAG) { + if (o_nav !== 'thumbs' || isNaN(pos)) return; + + var leftLimit = -pos, + rightLimit = -pos + measures.w; + + $navThumbFrame.each(function () { + var $this = $(this), + thisData = $, + eq = thisData.eq, + specialMeasures = {h: o_thumbSide2}, + specialFit = 'cover'; + + specialMeasures.w = thisData.w; + + if (thisData.l + thisData.w < leftLimit + || thisData.l > rightLimit + || callFit(thisData.$img, specialMeasures, specialFit)) return; + + loadFLAG && loadImg([eq], 'navThumb', specialMeasures, specialFit); + }); + } + + function frameAppend ($frames, $shaft, type) { + if (!frameAppend[type]) { + + var thumbsFLAG = type === 'nav' && o_navThumbs, + left = 0; + + $shaft.append( + $frames + .filter(function () { + var actual, + $this = $(this), + frameData = $; + for (var _i = 0, _l = data.length; _i < _l; _i++) { + if ( === data[_i]) { + actual = true; + frameData.eq = _i; + break; + } + } + return actual || $this.remove() && false; + }) + .sort(function (a, b) { + return $(a).data().eq - $(b).data().eq; + }) + .each(function () { + + if (!thumbsFLAG) return; + + + + var $this = $(this), + frameData = $, + thumbWidth = Math.round(o_thumbSide2 * || o_thumbSide; + + frameData.l = left; + frameData.w = thumbWidth; + + $this.css({width: thumbWidth}); + + left += thumbWidth + MARGIN; + }) + ); + + frameAppend[type] = true; + } + } + + function getDirection (x) { + return x - stageLeft > measures.w / 3; + } + + function disableDirrection (i) { + return !o_loop && (!(activeIndex + i) || !(activeIndex - size + i)) && !$videoPlaying; + } + + function arrsUpdate () { + $arrs.each(function (i) { + $(this).toggleClass( + arrDisabledClass, + disableDirrection(i) + ); + }); + } + + function getNavFrameBounds ($navFrame) { + var navFrameData = $, + left, + width; + + if (o_navThumbs) { + left = navFrameData.l; + width = navFrameData.w; + } else { + left = $navFrame.position().left; + width = $navFrame.width(); + } + + return { + c: left + width / 2, + min: -left + MARGIN * 10, + max: -left + measures.w - width - MARGIN * 10 + }; + } + + function slideThumbBorder (time) { + var navFrameData = that.activeFrame[navFrameKey].data(); + slide($thumbBorder, { + time: time * .9, + pos: navFrameData.l, + width: navFrameData.w - MARGIN * 2 + }); + } + + function slideNavShaft (options) { + var $guessNavFrame = data[options.guessIndex][navFrameKey]; + if ($guessNavFrame) { + var overflowFLAG = navShaftData.min !== navShaftData.max, + activeNavFrameBounds = overflowFLAG && getNavFrameBounds(that.activeFrame[navFrameKey]), + l = overflowFLAG && (options.keep && slideNavShaft.l ? slideNavShaft.l : minMaxLimit((options.coo || measures.w / 2) - getNavFrameBounds($guessNavFrame).c, activeNavFrameBounds.min, activeNavFrameBounds.max)), + pos = overflowFLAG && minMaxLimit(l, navShaftData.min, navShaftData.max), + time = options.time * .9; + + slide($navShaft, { + time: time, + pos: pos || 0, + onEnd: function () { + thumbsDraw(pos, true); + } + }); + + if (time) thumbsDraw(pos); + setShadow($nav, findShadowEdge(pos, navShaftData.min, navShaftData.max)); + + slideNavShaft.l = l; + } + } + + function navUpdate () { + deactivateFrames(navFrameKey); + toDeactivate[navFrameKey].push(that.activeFrame[navFrameKey].addClass(activeClass)); + } + + function deactivateFrames (key) { + var _toDeactivate = toDeactivate[key]; + + while (_toDeactivate.length) { + _toDeactivate.shift().removeClass(activeClass); + } + } + + + function detachFrames (key) { + var _toDetach = toDetach[key]; + + $.each(activeIndexes, function (i, index) { + delete _toDetach[index]; + }); + + $.each(_toDetach, function (index, $frame) { + delete _toDetach[index]; + $frame.detach(); + }); + } + + function stageShaftReposition (skipOnEnd) { + + repositionIndex = dirtyIndex = activeIndex; + + var dataFrame = that.activeFrame, + $frame = dataFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY]; + + if ($frame) { + deactivateFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); + toDeactivate[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].push($frame.addClass(activeClass)); + + skipOnEnd ||; + stop($stageShaft, 0); + + detachFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); + stageFramePosition(activeIndexes); + setStageShaftMinmaxAndSnap(); + setNavShaftMinmax(); + } + } + + function extendMeasures (options, optsLeave) { + options && $.extend(measures, { + width: options.width || measures.width, + height: options.height, + minWidth: options.minWidth, + maxWidth: options.maxWidth, + minHeight: options.minHeight, + maxHeight: options.maxHeight, + ratio: (function (_ratio) { + if (!_ratio) return; + var ratio = Number(_ratio); + if (!isNaN(ratio)) { + return ratio; + } else { + ratio = _ratio.split('/'); + return Number(ratio[0] / ratio[1]) || undefined; + } + })(options.ratio) + }) + && !optsLeave && $.extend(opts, { + width: measures.width, + height: measures.height, + minWidth: measures.minWidth, + maxWidth: measures.maxWidth, + minHeight: measures.minHeight, + maxHeight: measures.maxHeight, + ratio: measures.ratio + }); + } + + function triggerEvent (event, extra) { + $fotorama.trigger(_fotoramaClass + ':' + event, [that, extra]); + } + + function onTouchStart () { + clearTimeout(onTouchEnd.t); + touchedFLAG = 1; + + if (opts.stopAutoplayOnTouch) { + that.stopAutoplay(); + } else { + pausedAutoplayFLAG = true; + } + } + + function onTouchEnd () { + onTouchEnd.t = setTimeout(function () { + touchedFLAG = 0; + }, TRANSITION_DURATION + TOUCH_TIMEOUT); + } + + function releaseAutoplay () { + pausedAutoplayFLAG = !!($videoPlaying || stoppedAutoplayFLAG); + } + + function changeAutoplay () { + clearTimeout(changeAutoplay.t); + if (!opts.autoplay || pausedAutoplayFLAG) { + if (that.autoplay) { + that.autoplay = false; + triggerEvent('stopautoplay'); + } + + return; + } + + if (!that.autoplay) { + that.autoplay = true; + triggerEvent('startautoplay'); + } + + var _activeIndex = activeIndex; + + changeAutoplay.t = setTimeout(function () { + var frameData = that.activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY].data(); + waitFor(function () { + return frameData.state || _activeIndex !== activeIndex; + }, function () { + if (pausedAutoplayFLAG || _activeIndex !== activeIndex) return; + ? '>' : normalizeIndex(activeIndex + 1)); + }); + }, opts.autoplay); + } + + + that.startAutoplay = function (interval) { + if (that.autoplay) return this; + pausedAutoplayFLAG = stoppedAutoplayFLAG = false; + setAutoplayInterval(interval || opts.autoplay); + changeAutoplay(); + + return this; + }; + + that.stopAutoplay = function () { + if (that.autoplay) { + pausedAutoplayFLAG = stoppedAutoplayFLAG = true; + changeAutoplay(); + } + return this; + }; + + = function (options) { + var index; + + if (typeof options !== 'object') { + index = options; + options = {}; + } else { + index = options.index; + } + + index = index === '>' ? dirtyIndex + 1 : index === '<' ? dirtyIndex - 1 : index === '<<' ? 0 : index === '>>' ? size - 1 : index; + index = isNaN(index) ? getIndexFromHash(index, data, true) : index; + index = typeof index === 'undefined' ? activeIndex || 0 : index; + + that.activeIndex = activeIndex = edgeIndex(index); + prevIndex = getPrevIndex(activeIndex); + nextIndex = getNextIndex(activeIndex); + activeIndexes = [activeIndex, prevIndex, nextIndex]; + + dirtyIndex = o_loop ? index : activeIndex; + + var diffIndex = Math.abs(lastActiveIndex - dirtyIndex), + time = getNumber(options.time, function () { + return Math.min(o_transitionDuration * (1 + (diffIndex - 1) / 12), o_transitionDuration * 2); + }), + overPos = options.overPos; + + if (options.slow) time *= 10; + + that.activeFrame = activeFrame = data[activeIndex]; + + unloadVideo(false, activeFrame.i !== data[normalizeIndex(repositionIndex)].i); + + frameDraw(activeIndexes, 'stage'); + stageFramePosition([dirtyIndex, getPrevIndex(dirtyIndex), getNextIndex(dirtyIndex)]); + + triggerEvent('show',; + + updateTouchTails('go', true); + + var onEnd = = function (skipReposition) { + if (onEnd.ok) return; + onEnd.ok = true; + updateFotoramaState(); + loadImg(activeIndexes, 'stage'); + + skipReposition || stageShaftReposition(true); + + triggerEvent('showend',; + + updateTouchTails('go', false); + + stageCursor(); + releaseAutoplay(); + changeAutoplay(); + }; + + if (!o_fade) { + slide($stageShaft, { + pos: -getPosByIndex(dirtyIndex, measures.w, MARGIN, repositionIndex), + overPos: overPos, + time: time, + onEnd: onEnd + }); + } else { + var $activeFrame = activeFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY], + $prevActiveFrame = activeIndex !== lastActiveIndex ? data[lastActiveIndex][STAGE_FRAME_KEY] : null; + + fade($activeFrame, $prevActiveFrame, $stageFrame, { + time: time, + method: opts.transition, + onEnd: onEnd + }); + } + + arrsUpdate(); + + if (o_nav) { + navUpdate(); + + var guessIndex = limitIndex(activeIndex + minMaxLimit(dirtyIndex - lastActiveIndex, -1, 1)); + + slideNavShaft({time: time, coo: guessIndex !== activeIndex && options.coo, guessIndex: typeof options.coo !== 'undefined' ? guessIndex : activeIndex}); + + if (o_navThumbs) slideThumbBorder(time); + } + + showedFLAG = typeof lastActiveIndex !== 'undefined' && lastActiveIndex !== activeIndex; + lastActiveIndex = activeIndex; + opts.hash && showedFLAG && !that.eq && setHash( || activeIndex + 1); + + return this; + }; + + that.requestFullScreen = function () { + if (o_allowFullScreen && !that.fullScreen) { + scrollTop = $WINDOW.scrollTop(); + scrollLeft = $WINDOW.scrollLeft(); + + lockScroll(0, 0); + + updateTouchTails('x', true); + + measuresStash = $.extend({}, measures); + + $fotorama + .addClass(fullscreenClass) + .appendTo($BODY.addClass(_fullscreenClass)); + + $HTML.addClass(_fullscreenClass); + + unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); + + that.fullScreen = true; + + if (o_nativeFullScreen) { + fullScreenApi.request(fotorama); + } + + that.resize(); + loadImg(activeIndexes, 'stage'); + + triggerEvent('fullscreenenter'); + } + + return this; + }; + + function cancelFullScreen () { + if (that.fullScreen) { + that.fullScreen = false; + + if (FULLSCREEN) { + fullScreenApi.cancel(fotorama); + } + + $BODY.removeClass(_fullscreenClass); + $HTML.removeClass(_fullscreenClass); + + $fotorama + .removeClass(fullscreenClass) + .insertAfter($anchor); + + measures = $.extend({}, measuresStash); + + unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); + + updateTouchTails('x', false); + + that.resize(); + loadImg(activeIndexes, 'stage'); + + lockScroll(scrollLeft, scrollTop); + + triggerEvent('fullscreenexit'); + } + } + + that.cancelFullScreen = function () { + if (o_nativeFullScreen && { + fullScreenApi.cancel(document); + } else { + cancelFullScreen(); + } + + return this; + }; + + if (document.addEventListener) { + document.addEventListener(fullScreenApi.event, function () { + if (! && !$videoPlaying) { + cancelFullScreen(); + } + }); + } + + $DOCUMENT.on('keydown', function (e) { + if ($videoPlaying && e.keyCode === 27) { + e.preventDefault(); + unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); + } else if (that.fullScreen || (opts.keyboard && !index)) { + if (e.keyCode === 27) { + e.preventDefault(); + that.cancelFullScreen(); + } else if (e.keyCode === 39 || (e.keyCode === 40 && that.fullScreen)) { + e.preventDefault(); +{index: '>', slow: e.altKey, direct: true}); + } else if (e.keyCode === 37 || (e.keyCode === 38 && that.fullScreen)) { + e.preventDefault(); +{index: '<', slow: e.altKey, direct: true}); + } + } + }); + + if (!index) { + $DOCUMENT.on('keydown', 'textarea, input, select', function (e) { + if (!that.fullScreen) { + e.stopPropagation(); + } + }); + } + + that.resize = function (options) { + if (!data) return this; + + extendMeasures(!that.fullScreen ? options : {width: '100%', maxWidth: null, minWidth: null, height: '100%', maxHeight: null, minHeight: null}, that.fullScreen); + + var time = arguments[1] || 0, + setFLAG = arguments[2], + width = measures.width, + height = measures.height, + ratio = measures.ratio, + windowHeight = $WINDOW.height() - (o_nav ? $nav.height() : 0); + + if (measureIsValid(width)) { + $wrap.css({width: width, minWidth: measures.minWidth, maxWidth: measures.maxWidth}); + + width = measures.w = $wrap.width(); + height = numberFromPercent(height) / 100 * windowHeight || numberFromMeasure(height); + + height = height || (ratio && width / ratio); + + if (height) { + width = Math.round(width); + height = measures.h = Math.round(minMaxLimit(height, numberFromPercent(measures.minHeight) / 100 * windowHeight || numberFromMeasure(measures.minHeight), numberFromPercent(measures.maxHeight) / 100 * windowHeight || numberFromMeasure(measures.maxHeight))); + + stageShaftReposition(); + + $stage + .addClass(stageOnlyActiveClass) + .stop() + .animate({width: width, height: height}, time, function () { + $stage.removeClass(stageOnlyActiveClass); + }); + + if (o_nav) { + $nav + .stop() + .animate({width: width}, time); + + slideNavShaft({guessIndex: activeIndex, time: time, keep: true}); + if (o_navThumbs && frameAppend.nav) slideThumbBorder(time); + } + measuresSetFLAG = setFLAG || true; + ready(); + } + } + + stageLeft = $stage.offset().left; + + return this; + }; + + that.setOptions = function (options) { + $.extend(opts, options); + reset(); + return this; + }; + + that.shuffle = function () { + data && shuffle(data) && reset(); + return this; + }; + + + function setShadow ($el, edge) { + if (o_shadows) { + $el.removeClass(shadowsLeftClass + ' ' + shadowsRightClass); + edge && !$videoPlaying && $el.addClass(edge.replace(/^|\s/g, ' ' + shadowsClass + '--')); + } + } + + that.destroy = function () { + that.cancelFullScreen(); + that.stopAutoplay(); + + data = = null; + + appendElements(); + + activeIndexes = []; + detachFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); + + return this; + }; + + that.playVideo = function () { + var dataFrame = that.activeFrame, + video =, + _activeIndex = activeIndex; + + if (typeof video === 'object' && dataFrame.videoReady) { + o_nativeFullScreen && that.fullScreen && that.cancelFullScreen(); + + waitFor(function () { + return ! || _activeIndex !== activeIndex; + }, function () { + if (_activeIndex === activeIndex) { + dataFrame.$video = dataFrame.$video || $($; + dataFrame.$video.appendTo(dataFrame[STAGE_FRAME_KEY]); + + $wrap.addClass(wrapVideoClass); + $videoPlaying = dataFrame.$video; + + stageNoMove(); + + triggerEvent('loadvideo'); + } + }); + } + + return this; + }; + + that.stopVideo = function () { + unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); + return this; + }; + + + function unloadVideo ($video, unloadActiveFLAG, releaseAutoplayFLAG) { + if (unloadActiveFLAG) { + $wrap.removeClass(wrapVideoClass); + $videoPlaying = false; + + stageNoMove(); + } + + if ($video && $video !== $videoPlaying) { + $video.remove(); + triggerEvent('unloadvideo'); + } + + if (releaseAutoplayFLAG) { + releaseAutoplay(); + changeAutoplay(); + } + } + + function toggleControlsClass (FLAG) { + $wrap.toggleClass(wrapNoControlsClass, FLAG); + } + + function stageCursor (e) { + if (stageShaftTouchTail.flow) return; + + var x = e ? e.pageX : stageCursor.x, + pointerFLAG = !disableDirrection(getDirection(x)) &&; + + if (stageCursor.p !== pointerFLAG + && (o_fade || !opts.swipe) + && $stage.toggleClass(pointerClass, pointerFLAG)) { + stageCursor.p = pointerFLAG; + stageCursor.x = x; + } + } + + $stage.on('mousemove', stageCursor); + + function onStageTap (e, toggleControlsFLAG) { + var target =, + $target = $(target); + + if ($target.hasClass(videoPlayClass)) { + that.playVideo(); + } else if (target === fullscreenIcon) { + that[(that.fullScreen ? 'cancel' : 'request') +'FullScreen'](); + } else if ($videoPlaying) { + target === videoClose && unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); + } else { + if (toggleControlsFLAG) { + toggleControlsClass(); + } else if ( { +{index: e.shiftKey || !getDirection(e._x) ? '<' : '>', slow: e.altKey, direct: true}); + } + } + } + + function updateTouchTails (key, value) { + stageShaftTouchTail[key] = navShaftTouchTail[key] = value; + } + + stageShaftTouchTail = moveOnTouch($stageShaft, { + onStart: onTouchStart, + onMove: function (e, result) { + setShadow($stage, result.edge); + }, + onEnd: function (result) { + setShadow($stage); + + onTouchEnd(); + + var toggleControlsFLAG = (MS_POINTER && !hoverFLAG || result.touch) && opts.arrows; + + if (result.moved || (toggleControlsFLAG && result.pos !== result.newPos)) { + var index = getIndexByPos(result.newPos, measures.w, MARGIN, repositionIndex); +{ + index: index, + time: o_fade ? o_transitionDuration : result.time, + overPos: result.overPos, + direct: true + }); + } else if (!result.aborted) { + onStageTap(result.startEvent, toggleControlsFLAG); + } + }, + getPos: function () { + return - getPosByIndex(dirtyIndex, measures.w, MARGIN, repositionIndex); + }, + timeLow: 1, + timeHigh: 1, + friction: 2, + select: '.' + selectClass + ', .' + selectClass + ' *', + $wrap: $stage + }); + + navShaftTouchTail = moveOnTouch($navShaft, { + onStart: onTouchStart, + onMove: function (e, result) { + setShadow($nav, result.edge); + }, + onEnd: function (result) { + onTouchEnd(); + + function onEnd () { + slideNavShaft.l = result.newPos; + releaseAutoplay(); + changeAutoplay(); + thumbsDraw(result.newPos, true); + } + + if (!result.moved) { + var target = result.$target.closest('.' + navFrameClass, $navShaft)[0]; + target &&, result.startEvent); + } else if (result.pos !== result.newPos) { + slide($navShaft, { + time: result.time, + pos: result.newPos, + overPos: result.overPos, + onEnd: onEnd + }); + thumbsDraw(result.newPos); + setShadow($nav, findShadowEdge(result.newPos, navShaftData.min, navShaftData.max)); + } else { + onEnd(); + } + }, + timeLow: .5, + timeHigh: 2, + friction: 5, + $wrap: $nav + }); + + $wrap.hover( + function () { + setTimeout(function () { + if (touchedFLAG) return; + hoverFLAG = true; + toggleControlsClass(!hoverFLAG); + }, 0); + }, function () { + if (!hoverFLAG) return; + hoverFLAG = false; + toggleControlsClass(!hoverFLAG); + } + ); + + function onNavFrameClick (e, time) { + var index = $(this).data().eq; +{index: index, slow: e.altKey, direct: true, coo: e._x - $nav.offset().left, time: time}); + } + + smartClick($arrs, function (e) { + e.preventDefault(); + if ($videoPlaying) { + unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true, true); + } else { + onTouchEnd(); +{index: $arrs.index(this) ? '>' : '<', slow: e.altKey, direct: true}); + } + }, { + onStart: function () { + onTouchStart(); + stageShaftTouchTail.control = true; + }, + tail: stageShaftTouchTail + }); + + function reset () { + setData(); + setOptions(); + + if (!ready.ok) { + // Only first time + if (opts.hash && location.hash) { + startIndex = getIndexFromHash(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), data, index === 0); + } + activeIndex = repositionIndex = dirtyIndex = lastActiveIndex = startIndex = edgeIndex(startIndex) || 0; + } + + if (size) { + if ($videoPlaying) { + unloadVideo($videoPlaying, true); + } + + activeIndexes = []; + detachFrames(STAGE_FRAME_KEY); + +{index: activeIndex, time: 0}); + that.resize(); + } else { + that.destroy(); + } + } + + $.each('load push pop shift unshift reverse sort splice'.split(' '), function (i, method) { + that[method] = function () { + data = data || []; + if (method !== 'load') { + Array.prototype[method].apply(data, arguments); + } else if (arguments[0] && typeof arguments[0] === 'object' && arguments[0].length) { + data = arguments[0]; + } + reset(); + return that; + } + }); + + function ready () { + if (!ready.ok) { + ready.ok = true; + triggerEvent('ready'); + } + } + + + + $WINDOW + .on('resize', that.resize); + + reset(); +}; + +$.fn.fotorama = function (opts) { + return this.each(function () { + var that = this, + $fotorama = $(this), + fotoramaData = $, + fotorama = fotoramaData.fotorama; + + if (!fotorama) { + waitFor(function () { + return !isHidden(that); + }, function () { + fotoramaData.urtext = $fotorama.html(); + new $.Fotorama($fotorama, + /* Priority for options: + * 1. <div data-loop="true"></div> + * 2. $('div').fotorama({loop: false}) + * 3. Defaults */ + $.extend( + {}, + { + // dimensions + width: null, // 500 || '100%' + minWidth: null, + maxWidth: null, // '100%' + height: null, + minHeight: null, + maxHeight: null, + ratio: null, // '16/9' || 500/333 || 1.5 + + // navigation, thumbs + nav: 'dots', // 'thumbs' || false + navPosition: 'bottom', // 'top' + thumbWidth: THUMB_SIZE, + thumbHeight: THUMB_SIZE, + + arrows: true, + click: true, + swipe: true, + + allowFullScreen: false, // true || 'native' + + fit: 'contain', // 'cover' || 'scale-down' || 'none' + + transition: 'slide', // 'crossfade' || 'dissolve' + transitionDuration: TRANSITION_DURATION, + + captions: true, + + hash: false, + + autoplay: false, + stopAutoplayOnTouch: true, + + keyboard: false, + + loop: false, + + shuffle: false, + + shadows: true + }, + opts, + fotoramaData + ) + ); + }); + } else { + fotorama.setOptions(opts); + } + }); +}; + +$.Fotorama.cache = {}; + +var _size = 0; +$.Fotorama.size = 0; + +$(function () { + $('.' + _fotoramaClass + ':not([data-auto="false"])').fotorama(); +}); + +$ = $ || {}; +$.Fotorama = $.Fotorama || {}; +$.Fotorama.jst = $.Fotorama.jst || {}; + +$ = function(v) { +var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape; +__p += '.fotorama' + +((__t = ( v.s )) == null ? '' : __t) + +' .fotorama__nav--thumbs .fotorama__nav__frame{\npadding:' + +((__t = ( v.m )) == null ? '' : __t) + +'px;\nheight:' + +((__t = ( v.h )) == null ? '' : __t) + +'px}\n.fotorama' + +((__t = ( v.s )) == null ? '' : __t) + +' .fotorama__thumb-border{\nheight:' + +((__t = ( v.h - v.m * (v.q ? 0 : 2) )) == null ? '' : __t) + +'px;\nborder-width:' + +((__t = ( v.m )) == null ? '' : __t) + +'px;\nmargin-top:' + +((__t = ( v.m )) == null ? '' : __t) + +'px}'; +return __p +}; + +$ = function(v) { +var __t, __p = '', __e = _.escape, __j = Array.prototype.join; +function print() { __p +=, '') } +__p += '<div class="fotorama__video"><iframe src="'; + print(v.type == 'youtube' ? '' + +'?autoplay=1' : v.type == 'vimeo' ? '' + + '?autoplay=1&amp;badge=0' : ; +__p += '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>'; +return __p +}; +}) +(window, document, jQuery);