lib/models/trip_leg.rb in fossil-0.5.9 vs lib/models/trip_leg.rb in fossil-0.5.10
- old
+ new
@@ -67,12 +67,13 @@
many_to_one :departure_transport_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>41) }
many_to_one :arrival_transport_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>36) }
many_to_one :departure_general_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>183) }
many_to_one :arrival_general_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>185) }
- many_to_one :limo_comment_value, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>self[:"limo comment"]) }
- many_to_one :crew_fbo_comment_value, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>self[:"mics serv 2 comment"]) }
+ many_to_one :limo_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>self[:"limo comment"]) }
+ many_to_one :crew_transport_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>self[:"crewlimo comment"]) }
+ many_to_one :crew_fbo_comment, :class=>:Comment, :key=>nil, :dataset=>proc { Comment.filter( :"kid - date"=>self[:"kid - date"], :"kid - time"=>self[:"kid - time"], :"kid - user"=>self[:"kid - user"], :"kid - mult"=>self[:"kid - mult"], :"kid - comm"=>self[:"mics serv 2 comment"]) }
# One to many associations with composite primary keys
o_to_n :crew_legs, :class=>:CrewLeg, :prefix=>'trip leg'
o_to_n :audit_trails, :class=>:AuditTrail, :prefix=>'owner'
o_to_n :flight_log_expenses, :class=>:FlightLogExpense, :prefix=>'trip leg'
@@ -798,12 +799,17 @@
return "VERI" if verify_date > 0
return "FLOG" if status != 1 and flight_time_actual > 0
case status
when 0 then "SCHED"
when 1 then "VERI"
- when 10 then "CANC"
- when 23 then "CANC"
- when 21 then "MAINT"
+ when 10,23 then "CANC"
+ when 21 then
+ case leg_type_code
+ when 7 then "UMAINT"
+ when 103 then "SMAINT"
+# when 113 then "RMAINT"
+ else "MAINT"
+ end
when 20 then "SCHED" #really is "RESVD"
else "[#{status}]";
\ No newline at end of file