vendor/assets/javascripts/formvalidation.js in formvalidation-rails-0.6.3 vs vendor/assets/javascripts/formvalidation.js in formvalidation-rails-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
* FormValidation (
* The best jQuery plugin to validate form fields. Support Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, SemanticUI, UIKit and custom frameworks
- * @version v0.6.2-dev, built on 2015-03-13 8:15:45 AM
- * @author
+ * @version v0.7.0, built on 2015-08-01 4:57:16 PM
+ * @author
* @copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Nguyen Huu Phuoc
* @license
// Register the namespace
window.FormValidation = {
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
throw new Error('FormValidation requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher');
(function($) {
- // TODO: Remove backward compatibility in v0.7.0
+ // TODO: Remove backward compatibility
* Constructor
* @param {jQuery|String} form The form element or selector
* @param {Object} options The options
@@ -51,23 +51,26 @@
+ // Default message
+ this.DEFAULT_MESSAGE = $.fn.formValidation.DEFAULT_MESSAGE;
// Determine the event that is fired when user change the field value
// Most modern browsers supports input event except IE 7, 8.
// IE 9 supports input event but the event is still not fired if I press the backspace key.
// Get IE version
- var ieVersion = (function() {
+ this._ieVersion = (function() {
var v = 3, div = document.createElement('div'), a = div.all || [];
while (div.innerHTML = '<!--[if gt IE '+(++v)+']><br><![endif]-->', a[0]) {}
- return v > 4 ? v : !v;
+ return v > 4 ? v : document.documentMode;
var el = document.createElement('div');
- this._changeEvent = (ieVersion === 9 || !('oninput' in el)) ? 'keyup' : 'input';
+ this._changeEvent = (this._ieVersion === 9 || !('oninput' in el)) ? 'keyup' : 'input';
// The flag to indicate that the form is ready to submit when a remote/callback validator returns
this._submitIfValid = null;
// Field elements
@@ -118,10 +121,11 @@
container: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-err-container') || this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-container'), // Support backward
parent: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-err-parent')
events: {
formInit: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-form-init'),
+ formPreValidate: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-form-prevalidate'),
formError: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-form-error'),
formSuccess: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-form-success'),
fieldAdded: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-field-added'),
fieldRemoved: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-field-removed'),
fieldInit: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-events-field-init'),
@@ -141,10 +145,11 @@
feedback: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-icon-feedback')
live: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-live'),
locale: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-locale'),
message: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-message'),
+ onPreValidate: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-onprevalidate'),
onError: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-onerror'),
onSuccess: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-onsuccess'),
row: {
selector: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-row-selector') || this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-group'), // Support backward
valid: this.$form.attr('data-' + ns + '-row-valid'),
@@ -174,11 +179,11 @@
if (this.options.declarative === true || this.options.declarative === 'true') {
// Find all fields which have either "name" or "data-{namespace}-field" attribute
.find('[name], [data-' + ns + '-field]')
- .each(function () {
+ .each(function() {
var $field = $(this),
field = $field.attr('name') || $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'),
opts = that._parseOptions($field);
if (opts) {
$field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field', field);
@@ -237,12 +242,12 @@
if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) {
var $target = $(,
// The button might contain HTML tag
$button = $'[type="submit"]') ? $target.eq(0) : $target.parent('[type="submit"]').eq(0);
- // Don't perform validation when clicking on the submit button/input
- // which aren't defined by the 'button.selector' option
+ // Don't perform validation when clicking on the submit button/input which
+ // aren't defined by the 'button.selector' option
if (that.options.button.selector && !$ && !$$hiddenButton)) {
that.$'submit.' + that._namespace).submit();
@@ -263,10 +268,15 @@
fv: this,
options: this.options
// Prepare the events
+ if (this.options.onPreValidate) {
+ this.$form.on(, function(e) {
+, [e]);
+ });
+ }
if (this.options.onSuccess) {
this.$form.on(, function(e) {, [e]);
@@ -305,13 +315,16 @@
if (this.options.fields[field] === null || this.options.fields[field].validators === null) {
- var validatorName;
- for (validatorName in this.options.fields[field].validators) {
- if (!FormValidation.Validator[validatorName]) {
+ var validators = this.options.fields[field].validators,
+ validatorName,
+ alias;
+ for (validatorName in validators) {
+ alias = validators[validatorName].alias || validatorName;
+ if (!FormValidation.Validator[alias]) {
delete this.options.fields[field].validators[validatorName];
if (this.options.fields[field].enabled === null) {
this.options.fields[field].enabled = true;
@@ -350,11 +363,11 @@
that.updateStatus($(this), that.STATUS_NOT_VALIDATED);
// Create help block elements for showing the error messages
$ + '.messages', $message);
- for (validatorName in this.options.fields[field].validators) {
+ for (validatorName in validators) {
$ + '.result.' + validatorName, this.STATUS_NOT_VALIDATED);
if (!updateAll || i === total - 1) {
.css('display', 'none')
@@ -365,12 +378,13 @@
.html(this._getMessage(field, validatorName))
// Init the validator
- if ('function' === typeof FormValidation.Validator[validatorName].init) {
- FormValidation.Validator[validatorName].init(this, $field, this.options.fields[field].validators[validatorName]);
+ alias = validators[validatorName].alias || validatorName;
+ if ('function' === typeof FormValidation.Validator[alias].init) {
+ FormValidation.Validator[alias].init(this, $field, this.options.fields[field].validators[validatorName], validatorName);
// Prepare the feedback icons
if (this.options.fields[field].icon !== false && this.options.fields[field].icon !== 'false'
@@ -401,16 +415,16 @@
// Show tooltip/popover message when field gets focus
.off('focus.container.' + ns)
.on('focus.container.' + ns, function() {
- that._showTooltip($field, container);
+ that._showTooltip($(this), container);
// and hide them when losing focus
.off('blur.container.' + ns)
.on('blur.container.' + ns, function() {
- that._hideTooltip($field, container);
+ that._hideTooltip($(this), container);
if ('string' === typeof this.options.fields[field].icon && this.options.fields[field].icon !== 'true') {
@@ -444,10 +458,16 @@
var onError = that.getOptions(data.field, data.validator, 'onError');
if (onError) {, [e, data]);
+ .on(, function(e, data) {
+ var onIgnored = that.getOptions(data.field, data.validator, 'onIgnored');
+ if (onIgnored) {
+, [e, data]);
+ }
+ })
.on(, function(e, data) {
var onSuccess = that.getOptions(data.field, data.validator, 'onSuccess');
if (onSuccess) {, [e, data]);
@@ -532,13 +552,17 @@
trigger = $ + '.trigger');
if (trigger) {
return trigger;
+ // IE10/11 auto fires input event of elements using the placeholder attribute
+ //
var type = $field.attr('type'),
name = $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'),
- event = ('radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type || 'file' === type || 'SELECT' === $field.get(0).tagName) ? 'change' : this._changeEvent;
+ event = ('radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type || 'file' === type || 'SELECT' === $field.get(0).tagName)
+ ? 'change'
+ : (this._ieVersion >= 10 && $field.attr('placeholder') ? 'keyup' : this._changeEvent);
trigger = ((this.options.fields[name] ? this.options.fields[name].trigger : null) || this.options.trigger || event).split(' ');
// Since the trigger data is used many times, I need to cache it to use later
$ + '.trigger', trigger);
@@ -551,25 +575,30 @@
* @param {String} field The field name
* @param {String} validatorName The validator name
* @returns {String}
_getMessage: function(field, validatorName) {
- if (!this.options.fields[field] || !FormValidation.Validator[validatorName]
- || !this.options.fields[field].validators || !this.options.fields[field].validators[validatorName])
- {
+ if (!this.options.fields[field] || !this.options.fields[field].validators) {
return '';
+ var validators = this.options.fields[field].validators,
+ alias = (validators[validatorName] && validators[validatorName].alias) ? validators[validatorName].alias : validatorName;
+ if (!FormValidation.Validator[alias]) {
+ return '';
+ }
switch (true) {
- case !!this.options.fields[field].validators[validatorName].message:
- return this.options.fields[field].validators[validatorName].message;
+ case !!validators[validatorName].message:
+ return validators[validatorName].message;
case !!this.options.fields[field].message:
return this.options.fields[field].message;
- case (!!FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale] && !!FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale][validatorName] && !!FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale][validatorName]['default']):
- return FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale][validatorName]['default'];
- default:
+ case !!this.options.message:
return this.options.message;
+ case (!!FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale] && !!FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale][alias] && !!FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale][alias]['default']):
+ return FormValidation.I18n[this.options.locale][alias]['default'];
+ default:
+ return this.DEFAULT_MESSAGE;
* Get the element to place the error messages
@@ -647,25 +676,38 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field The field element
* @returns {Object}
_parseOptions: function($field) {
- var ns = this._namespace,
- field = $field.attr('name') || $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'),
- validators = {},
+ var ns = this._namespace,
+ field = $field.attr('name') || $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'),
+ validators = {},
+ aliasAttr = new RegExp('^data-' + ns + '-([a-z]+)-alias$'),
+ validatorSet = $.extend({}, FormValidation.Validator),
v, // Validator name
- for (v in FormValidation.Validator) {
- validator = FormValidation.Validator[v];
+ // Determine whether the alias validator is used by checking the data-fv-validator-alias attribute
+ $.each($field.get(0).attributes, function(i, attribute) {
+ if (attribute.value && aliasAttr.test( {
+ v ='-')[2];
+ if (validatorSet[attribute.value]) {
+ validatorSet[v] = validatorSet[attribute.value];
+ validatorSet[v].alias = attribute.value;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ for (v in validatorSet) {
+ validator = validatorSet[v];
attrName = 'data-' + ns + '-' + v.toLowerCase(),
enabled = $field.attr(attrName) + '';
html5AttrMap = ('function' === typeof validator.enableByHtml5) ? validator.enableByHtml5($field) : null;
if ((html5AttrMap && enabled !== 'false')
@@ -677,15 +719,18 @@
onerror: 'onError',
onsuccess: 'onSuccess',
transformer: 'transformer'
}, validator.html5Attributes);
validators[v] = $.extend({}, html5AttrMap === true ? {} : html5AttrMap, validators[v]);
+ if (validator.alias) {
+ validators[v].alias = validator.alias;
+ }
for (html5AttrName in validator.html5Attributes) {
- optionName = validator.html5Attributes[html5AttrName];
- optionAttrName = 'data-' + ns + '-' + v.toLowerCase() + '-' + html5AttrName,
- optionValue = $field.attr(optionAttrName);
+ optionName = validator.html5Attributes[html5AttrName];
+ optionAttrName = 'data-' + ns + '-' + v.toLowerCase() + '-' + html5AttrName;
+ optionValue = $field.attr(optionAttrName);
if (optionValue) {
if ('true' === optionValue || optionAttrName === optionValue.toLowerCase()) {
optionValue = true;
} else if ('false' === optionValue) {
optionValue = false;
@@ -697,10 +742,11 @@
var opts = {
autoFocus: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-autofocus'),
err: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-err-container') || $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-container'), // Support backward
+ enabled: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-enabled'),
excluded: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-excluded'),
icon: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-icon') || $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-feedbackicons') || (this.options.fields && this.options.fields[field] ? this.options.fields[field].feedbackIcons : null), // Support backward
message: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-message'),
onError: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-onerror'),
onStatus: $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-onstatus'),
@@ -715,11 +761,11 @@
emptyOptions = $.isEmptyObject(opts), // Check if the field options are set using HTML attributes
emptyValidators = $.isEmptyObject(validators); // Check if the field validators are set using HTML attributes
if (!emptyValidators || (!emptyOptions && this.options.fields && this.options.fields[field])) {
- opts.validators = validators;
+ //opts.validators = validators;
return opts;
} else {
return null;
@@ -1159,10 +1205,16 @@
var $f = fields[i],
field = $f.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'),
$errors = $ + '.messages')
.find('.' + this.options.err.clazz.split(' ').join('.') + '[data-' + ns + '-validator][data-' + ns + '-for="' + field + '"]');
+ if (this.options.fields && this.options.fields[field]
+ && (this.options.fields[field].enabled === 'false' || this.options.fields[field].enabled === false))
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
if ($errors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_INVALID + '"]').length > 0) {
return false;
// If the field is not validated
@@ -1197,11 +1249,13 @@
fields = this.getFieldElements(field);
- if (fields.length === 0 || !this.options.fields[field] || this.options.fields[field].enabled === false) {
+ if (fields.length === 0 || !this.options.fields[field]
+ || this.options.fields[field].enabled === 'false' || this.options.fields[field].enabled === false)
+ {
return true;
var type = fields.attr('type'),
total = ('radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type) ? 1 : fields.length,
@@ -1409,20 +1463,22 @@
if ($icon) {
- case this.STATUS_VALID:
case this.STATUS_IGNORED: // Treat ignored fields like they are valid with some specialties
+ case this.STATUS_VALID:
isValidating = ($allErrors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_VALIDATING +'"]').length > 0);
isNotValidated = ($allErrors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_NOT_VALIDATED +'"]').length > 0);
+ var numIgnored = $allErrors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_IGNORED +'"]').length;
// If the field is valid (passes all validators)
isValidField = (isValidating || isNotValidated) // There are some validators that have not done
- ? null
- : ($allErrors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_VALID +'"]').length
- + $allErrors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_IGNORED +'"]').length === $allErrors.length); // All validators are completed
+ ? null
+ // All validators are completed
+ : ($allErrors.filter('[data-' + ns + '-result="' + this.STATUS_VALID +'"]').length + numIgnored === $allErrors.length);
if (isValidField === true) {
this.disableSubmitButtons(this.isValid() === false);
@@ -1436,22 +1492,22 @@
if ($icon) {
- if (status === this.STATUS_VALID) {
- $icon.addClass(isValidField === null
- ? '' : (isValidField ? this.options.icon.valid : (isValidating ? this.options.icon.validating : this.options.icon.invalid)))
+ if (status === this.STATUS_VALID || numIgnored !== $allErrors.length) {
+ $icon.addClass(isValidating
+ ? this.options.icon.validating
+ : (isValidField === null ? '' : (isValidField ? this.options.icon.valid : this.options.icon.invalid)))
var isValidContainer = this.isValidContainer($parent);
if (isValidContainer !== null) {
- if (status === this.STATUS_VALID || $allErrors.length > 1) {
+ if (status === this.STATUS_VALID || numIgnored !== $allErrors.length) {
$parent.addClass(isValidContainer ? this.options.row.valid : this.options.row.invalid);
@@ -1499,12 +1555,13 @@
validate: function() {
if ($.isEmptyObject(this.options.fields)) {
return this;
- this.disableSubmitButtons(true);
+ this.$form.trigger($.Event(;
+ this.disableSubmitButtons(true);
this._submitIfValid = false;
for (var field in this.options.fields) {
@@ -1533,21 +1590,24 @@
- if (fields.length === 0 || !this.options.fields[field] || this.options.fields[field].enabled === false) {
+ if (fields.length === 0 || !this.options.fields[field]
+ || this.options.fields[field].enabled === 'false' || this.options.fields[field].enabled === false)
+ {
return this;
var that = this,
type = fields.attr('type'),
total = ('radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type) ? 1 : fields.length,
updateAll = ('radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type),
validators = this.options.fields[field].validators,
verbose = this.isOptionEnabled(field, 'verbose'),
+ alias,
for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {
var $field = fields.eq(i);
if (this._isExcluded($field)) {
@@ -1567,17 +1627,23 @@
var result = $ + '.result.' + validatorName);
if (result === this.STATUS_VALID || result === this.STATUS_INVALID) {
this._onFieldValidated($field, validatorName);
} else if (validators[validatorName].enabled === false) {
- this.updateStatus(updateAll ? field : $field, this.STATUS_VALID, validatorName);
+ // Changed in v0.6.2:
+ // When the field validator is disabled, it should be treated as STATUS_IGNORED instead of STATUS_VALID
+ // By doing that, the field with only disabled and ignored validators will not have success/error class
+ this.updateStatus(updateAll ? field : $field, this.STATUS_IGNORED, validatorName);
$ + '.result.' + validatorName, this.STATUS_VALIDATING);
- validateResult = FormValidation.Validator[validatorName].validate(this, $field, validators[validatorName]);
+ // Check whether or not the validator is just an alias of another
+ alias = validators[validatorName].alias || validatorName;
+ validateResult = FormValidation.Validator[alias].validate(this, $field, validators[validatorName], validatorName);
// validateResult can be a $.Deferred object ...
if ('object' === typeof validateResult && validateResult.resolve) {
this.updateStatus(updateAll ? field : $field, this.STATUS_VALIDATING, validatorName);
$ + '.dfs.' + validatorName, validateResult);
@@ -1619,13 +1685,13 @@
this.updateStatus(updateAll ? field : $field, validateResult ? this.STATUS_VALID : this.STATUS_INVALID, validatorName);
if (!validateResult && !verbose) {
- // ... or null/undefined
- // to indicate that the field should be ignored for current validation
- else if (null === validateResult || undefined === validateResult) {
+ // ... or null
+ // to indicate that the field should be ignored for current validator
+ else if (null === validateResult) {
$ + '.response.' + validatorName, validateResult);
this.updateStatus(updateAll ? field : $field, this.STATUS_IGNORED, validatorName);
@@ -1695,11 +1761,11 @@
* Destroy the plugin
* It will remove all error messages, feedback icons and turn off the events
destroy: function() {
- var ns = this._namespace, i, field, fields, $field, validator, $icon, row;
+ var ns = this._namespace, i, field, fields, $field, validator, $icon, row, alias;
// Destroy the validators first
for (field in this.options.fields) {
fields = this.getFieldElements(field);
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
@@ -1711,12 +1777,13 @@
$field.removeData(ns + '.result.' + validator)
.removeData(ns + '.response.' + validator)
.removeData(ns + '.dfs.' + validator);
// Destroy the validator
- if ('function' === typeof FormValidation.Validator[validator].destroy) {
- FormValidation.Validator[validator].destroy(this, $field, this.options.fields[field].validators[validator]);
+ alias = this.options.fields[field].validators[validator].alias || validator;
+ if ('function' === typeof FormValidation.Validator[alias].destroy) {
+ FormValidation.Validator[alias].destroy(this, $field, this.options.fields[field].validators[validator], validator);
@@ -2171,12 +2238,14 @@
$.fn.formValidation.Constructor = FormValidation.Base;
- // The default options
- // Sorted in alphabetical order
+ // Default message
+ $.fn.formValidation.DEFAULT_MESSAGE = 'This value is not valid';
+ // The default options sorted in alphabetical order
$.fn.formValidation.DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {
// The first invalid field will be focused automatically
autoFocus: true,
// Support declarative usage (setting options via HTML 5 attributes)
@@ -2189,10 +2258,11 @@
// Use custom event name to avoid window.onerror being invoked by jQuery
// See #630
events: {
// Support backward
formInit: 'init.form.fv',
+ formPreValidate: 'prevalidate.form.fv',
formError: 'err.form.fv',
formSuccess: 'success.form.fv',
fieldAdded: 'added.field.fv',
fieldRemoved: 'removed.field.fv',
fieldInit: 'init.field.fv',
@@ -2242,11 +2312,11 @@
// Locale in the format of languagecode_COUNTRYCODE
locale: 'en_US',
// Default invalid message
- message: 'This value is not valid',
+ message: null,
// The field will not be live validated if its length is less than this number of characters
threshold: null,
// Whether to be verbose when validating a field or not.
@@ -2262,11 +2332,12 @@
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
button: {
// The submit buttons selector
// These buttons will be disabled to prevent the valid form from multiple submissions
- selector: '[type="submit"]',
+ // Don't perform validation when clicking on the submit button/input which have formnovalidate attribute
+ selector: '[type="submit"]:not([formnovalidate])',
// The disabled class
disabled: ''
@@ -2487,12 +2558,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'base64');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})$/.test(value);
@@ -2545,35 +2616,31 @@
* - inclusive [optional]: Can be true or false. Default is true
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'between');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = this._format(value);
- if (!$.isNumeric(value)) {
- return false;
- }
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
min = $.isNumeric(options.min) ? options.min : validator.getDynamicOption($field, options.min),
max = $.isNumeric(options.max) ? options.max : validator.getDynamicOption($field, options.max),
minValue = this._format(min),
maxValue = this._format(max);
- value = parseFloat(value);
return (options.inclusive === true || options.inclusive === undefined)
? {
- valid: value >= minValue && value <= maxValue,
+ valid: $.isNumeric(value) && parseFloat(value) >= minValue && parseFloat(value) <= maxValue,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].between['default'], [min, max])
: {
- valid: value > minValue && value < maxValue,
+ valid: $.isNumeric(value) && parseFloat(value) > minValue && parseFloat(value) < maxValue,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].between.notInclusive, [min, max])
_format: function(value) {
@@ -2601,12 +2668,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'bic');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
return /^[a-zA-Z]{6}[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}([a-zA-Z0-9]{3})?$/.test(value);
@@ -2623,22 +2690,20 @@
* (2) data is entered via the UI that is unable to be validated client-side.
* (3) server returns a 400 with JSON data that contains the field that failed
* validation and an associated message.
* (4) ajax 400 call handler does the following:
- * bv.updateMessage(field, 'blank', errorMessage);
- * bv.updateStatus(field, 'INVALID');
+ * fv.updateMessage(field, 'blank', errorMessage);
+ * fv.updateStatus(field, 'INVALID', 'blank');
- * @see
- * @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
return true;
;(function($) {
@@ -2660,30 +2725,30 @@
* Return result from the callback method
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
- * - callback: The callback method that passes 2 parameters:
+ * - callback: The callback method that passes parameters:
* callback: function(fieldValue, validator, $field) {
* // fieldValue is the value of field
- * // validator is instance of BootstrapValidator
+ * // validator is instance of FormValidation.Base
* // $field is the field element
* }
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Deferred}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'callback'),
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName),
dfd = new $.Deferred(),
result = { valid: true };
if (options.callback) {
var response =, [value, validator, $field]);
result = ('boolean' === typeof response || null === response) ? { valid: response } : response;
- dfd.resolve($field, 'callback', result);
+ dfd.resolve($field, validatorName, result);
return dfd;
;(function($) {
@@ -2722,11 +2787,11 @@
* - A callback function that returns the number
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
ns = validator.getNamespace(),
numChoices = $'select')
? validator.getFieldElements($field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field')).find('option').filter(':selected').length
: validator.getFieldElements($field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field')).filter(':checked').length,
@@ -2844,12 +2909,12 @@
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* - type: The array of valid color types
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'color');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Only accept 6 hex character values due to the HTML 5 spec
@@ -2926,12 +2991,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} [options] Can consist of the following key:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'creditCard');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Accept only digits, dashes or spaces
@@ -3028,23 +3093,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.cusip = {
* Validate a CUSIP number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 037833100, 931142103, 14149YAR8, 126650BG6
- * - Invalid: 31430F200, 022615AC2
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} [options] Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'cusip');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = value.toUpperCase();
@@ -3098,15 +3160,15 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - creditCardField: The credit card number field
- init: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ init: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
if (options.creditCardField) {
var creditCardField = validator.getFieldElements(options.creditCardField);
- validator.onLiveChange(creditCardField, 'live_cvv', function() {
- var status = validator.getStatus($field, 'cvv');
+ validator.onLiveChange(creditCardField, 'live_' + validatorName, function() {
+ var status = validator.getStatus($field, validatorName);
if (status !== validator.STATUS_NOT_VALIDATED) {
@@ -3118,14 +3180,14 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - creditCardField: The credit card number field
- destroy: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ destroy: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
if (options.creditCardField) {
var creditCardField = validator.getFieldElements(options.creditCardField);
- validator.offLiveChange(creditCardField, 'live_cvv');
+ validator.offLiveChange(creditCardField, 'live_' + validatorName);
* Return true if the input value is a valid CVV number.
@@ -3135,12 +3197,12 @@
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - creditCardField: The credit card number field. It can be null
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'cvv');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
if (!/^[0-9]{3,4}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -3154,11 +3216,11 @@
// Get the credit card number
var creditCard = validator.getFieldElements(options.creditCardField).val();
if (creditCard === '') {
return true;
creditCard = creditCard.replace(/\D/g, '');
// Supported credit card types
var cards = {
@@ -3271,12 +3333,12 @@
* ii) date and time:
* The time can consist of h, m, s parts which are separated by :
* ii) date, time and A (indicating AM or PM)
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'date');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
options.format = options.format || 'MM/DD/YYYY';
@@ -3464,10 +3526,11 @@
return {
valid: valid,
+ date: date,
message: message
@@ -3612,16 +3675,16 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - field: The name of field that will be used to compare with current one
- init: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ init: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var fields = options.field.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var compareWith = validator.getFieldElements(fields[i]);
- validator.onLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_different', function() {
- var status = validator.getStatus($field, 'different');
+ validator.onLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_' + validatorName, function() {
+ var status = validator.getStatus($field, validatorName);
if (status !== validator.STATUS_NOT_VALIDATED) {
@@ -3633,15 +3696,15 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - field: The name of field that will be used to compare with current one
- destroy: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ destroy: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var fields = options.field.split(',');
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
var compareWith = validator.getFieldElements(fields[i]);
- validator.offLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_different');
+ validator.offLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_' + validatorName);
* Return true if the input value is different with given field's value
@@ -3651,12 +3714,12 @@
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - field: The name of field that will be used to compare with current one
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'different');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var fields = options.field.split(','),
@@ -3666,15 +3729,15 @@
var compareWith = validator.getFieldElements(fields[i]);
if (compareWith == null || compareWith.length === 0) {
- var compareValue = validator.getFieldValue(compareWith, 'different');
+ var compareValue = validator.getFieldValue(compareWith, validatorName);
if (value === compareValue) {
isValid = false;
} else if (compareValue !== '') {
- validator.updateStatus(compareWith, validator.STATUS_VALID, 'different');
+ validator.updateStatus(compareWith, validator.STATUS_VALID, validatorName);
return isValid;
@@ -3696,12 +3759,12 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator Validate plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} [options]
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'digits');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
return /^\d+$/.test(value);
@@ -3718,23 +3781,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.ean = {
* Validate EAN (International Article Number)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 73513537, 9780471117094, 4006381333931
- * - Invalid: 73513536
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'ean');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
if (!/^(\d{8}|\d{12}|\d{13})$/.test(value)) {
@@ -3788,12 +3848,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Object|Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'ein');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
if (!/^[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{7}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -3842,12 +3902,12 @@
* @param {Object} [options]
* - multiple: Allow multiple email addresses, separated by a comma or semicolon; default is false.
* - separator: Regex for character or characters expected as separator between addresses; default is comma /[,;]/, i.e. comma or semicolon.
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'emailAddress');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Email address regular expression
@@ -3942,12 +4002,12 @@
* - minTotalSize: The minimum size in bytes for all files
* - message: The invalid message
* - type: The allowed MIME type, separated by a comma
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'file');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var ext,
@@ -4040,33 +4100,29 @@
* - inclusive [optional]: Can be true or false. Default is true
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'greaterThan');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = this._format(value);
- if (!$.isNumeric(value)) {
- return false;
- }
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
compareTo = $.isNumeric(options.value) ? options.value : validator.getDynamicOption($field, options.value),
compareToValue = this._format(compareTo);
- value = parseFloat(value);
return (options.inclusive === true || options.inclusive === undefined)
? {
- valid: value >= compareToValue,
+ valid: $.isNumeric(value) && parseFloat(value) >= compareToValue,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].greaterThan['default'], compareTo)
: {
- valid: value > compareToValue,
+ valid: $.isNumeric(value) && parseFloat(value) > compareToValue,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].greaterThan.notInclusive, compareTo)
_format: function(value) {
@@ -4084,23 +4140,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.grid = {
* Validate GRId (Global Release Identifier)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: A12425GABC1234002M, A1-2425G-ABC1234002-M, A1 2425G ABC1234002 M, Grid:A1-2425G-ABC1234002-M
- * - Invalid: A1-2425G-ABC1234002-Q
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'grid');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = value.toUpperCase();
@@ -4132,12 +4185,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'hex');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
return /^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(value);
@@ -4225,22 +4278,25 @@
SE: 'Sweden',
SI: 'Slovenia',
SK: 'Slovakia',
SM: 'San Marino',
SN: 'Senegal',
+ TL: 'East Timor',
TN: 'Tunisia',
TR: 'Turkey',
- VG: 'Virgin Islands, British'
+ VG: 'Virgin Islands, British',
+ XK: 'Republic of Kosovo'
FormValidation.Validator.iban = {
html5Attributes: {
message: 'message',
- country: 'country'
+ country: 'country',
+ sepa: 'sepa'
@@ -4318,15 +4374,25 @@
SE: 'SE[0-9]{2}[0-9]{3}[0-9]{16}[0-9]{1}', // Sweden
SI: 'SI[0-9]{2}[0-9]{5}[0-9]{8}[0-9]{2}', // Slovenia
SK: 'SK[0-9]{2}[0-9]{4}[0-9]{6}[0-9]{10}', // Slovakia
SM: 'SM[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{5}[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{12}', // San Marino
SN: 'SN[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{23}', // Senegal
+ TL: 'TL38[0-9]{3}[0-9]{14}[0-9]{2}', // East Timor
TN: 'TN59[0-9]{2}[0-9]{3}[0-9]{13}[0-9]{2}', // Tunisia
TR: 'TR[0-9]{2}[0-9]{5}[A-Z0-9]{1}[A-Z0-9]{16}', // Turkey
- VG: 'VG[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{16}' // Virgin Islands, British
+ VG: 'VG[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{16}', // Virgin Islands, British
+ XK: 'XK[0-9]{2}[0-9]{4}[0-9]{10}[0-9]{2}' // Republic of Kosovo
+ // List of SEPA country codes
+ 'AT', 'BE', 'BG', 'CH', 'CY', 'CZ', 'DE', 'DK', 'EE', 'ES',
+ 'FI', 'FR', 'GB', 'GI', 'GR', 'HR', 'HU', 'IE', 'IS', 'IT',
+ 'LI', 'LT', 'LU', 'LV', 'MC', 'MT', 'NL', 'NO', 'PL', 'PT',
+ 'RO', 'SE', 'SI', 'SK', 'SM'
+ ],
* Validate an International Bank Account Number (IBAN)
* To test it, take the sample IBAN from
@@ -4337,14 +4403,16 @@
* - country: The ISO 3166-1 country code. It can be
* - A country code
* - Name of field which its value defines the country code
* - Name of callback function that returns the country code
* - A callback function that returns the country code
+ * - sepa: Set it to true (false) to indicate that the IBAN number must be (not be) from SEPA countries
+ * By default, this option is not defined
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'iban');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, '').toUpperCase();
@@ -4356,13 +4424,23 @@
country = validator.getDynamicOption($field, country);
var locale = validator.getLocale();
if (!this.REGEX[country]) {
- return true;
+ return false;
+ // Check whether or not the sepa option is enabled
+ if (typeof options.sepa !== undefined) {
+ var isSepaCountry = $.inArray(country, this.SEPA_COUNTRIES) !== -1;
+ if (((options.sepa === 'true' || options.sepa === true) && !isSepaCountry)
+ || ((options.sepa === 'false' || options.sepa === false) && isSepaCountry))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
if (!(new RegExp('^' + this.REGEX[country] + '$')).test(value)) {
return {
valid: false,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale], FormValidation.I18n[locale].iban.countries[country])
@@ -4454,14 +4532,14 @@
* - country: The ISO 3166-1 country code. It can be
* - One of country code defined in COUNTRY_CODES
* - Name of field which its value defines the country code
* - Name of callback function that returns the country code
* - A callback function that returns the country code
- * @returns {Boolean|Object}
+ * @returns {Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'id');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
@@ -4475,17 +4553,16 @@
if ($.inArray(country, this.COUNTRY_CODES) === -1) {
return true;
- var method = ['_', country.toLowerCase()].join('');
- return this[method](value)
- ? true
- : {
- valid: false,
- message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale], FormValidation.I18n[locale].id.countries[country.toUpperCase()])
- };
+ var method = ['_', country.toLowerCase()].join(''),
+ result = this[method](value);
+ result = (result === true || result === false) ? { valid: result } : result;
+ result.message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale], FormValidation.I18n[locale].id.countries[country.toUpperCase()]);
+ return result;
* Validate Unique Master Citizen Number which uses in
* - Bosnia and Herzegovina (country code: BA)
@@ -4574,13 +4651,10 @@
return this._validateJMBG(value, 'SI');
* Validate Bulgarian national identification number (EGN)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 7523169263, 8032056031, 803205 603 1, 8001010008, 7501020018, 7552010005, 7542011030
- * - Invalid: 8019010008
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -4614,13 +4688,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(9, 1));
* Validate Brazilian national identification number (CPF)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 39053344705, 390.533.447-05, 111.444.777-35
- * - Invalid: 231.002.999-00
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -4655,12 +4726,10 @@
return (d2 + '' === value.charAt(10));
* Validate Swiss Social Security Number (AHV-Nr/No AVS)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 756.1234.5678.95, 7561234567895
* @see
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -4680,12 +4749,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(length - 1));
* Validate Chilean national identification number (RUN/RUT)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 76086428-5, 22060449-7, 12531909-2
* @see
* @see for samples
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -4740,11 +4807,11 @@
// Basic format check (18 or 15 digits, considering X in checksum)
value = value.trim();
if (!/^\d{15}$/.test(value) && !/^\d{17}[\dXx]{1}$/.test(value)) {
return false;
// Check China PR Administrative division code
var adminDivisionCodes = {
11: {
0: [0],
1: [[0, 9], [11, 17]],
@@ -5194,15 +5261,15 @@
71: { 0: [0] },
81: { 0: [0] },
82: { 0: [0] }
var provincial = parseInt(value.substr(0, 2), 10),
prefectural = parseInt(value.substr(2, 2), 10),
county = parseInt(value.substr(4, 2), 10);
if (!adminDivisionCodes[provincial] || !adminDivisionCodes[provincial][prefectural]) {
return false;
var inRange = false,
rangeDef = adminDivisionCodes[provincial][prefectural];
@@ -5216,25 +5283,25 @@
if (!inRange) {
return false;
// Check date of birth
var dob;
if (value.length === 18) {
dob = value.substr(6, 8);
- } else /* length == 15 */ {
+ } else /* length == 15 */ {
dob = '19' + value.substr(6, 6);
var year = parseInt(dob.substr(0, 4), 10),
month = parseInt(dob.substr(4, 2), 10),
day = parseInt(dob.substr(6, 2), 10);
if (!, month, day)) {
return false;
// Check checksum (18-digit system only)
if (value.length === 18) {
var sum = 0,
weight = [7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2];
for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) {
@@ -5242,19 +5309,16 @@
sum = (12 - (sum % 11)) % 11;
var checksum = (value.charAt(17).toUpperCase() !== 'X') ? parseInt(value.charAt(17), 10) : 10;
return checksum === sum;
return true;
* Validate Czech national identification number (RC)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 7103192745, 991231123
- * - Invalid: 1103492745, 590312123
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
_cz: function(value) {
@@ -5291,13 +5355,10 @@
return true;
* Validate Danish Personal Identification number (CPR)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 2110625629, 211062-5629
- * - Invalid: 511062-5629
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5326,12 +5387,10 @@
return, month, day);
* Validate Estonian Personal Identification Code (isikukood)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 37605030299
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5340,49 +5399,44 @@
return this._lt(value);
* Validate Spanish personal identity code (DNI)
- * Support i) DNI (for Spanish citizens), ii) NIE (for foreign people)
- * and iii) CIF (for legal entities)
+ * Support DNI (for Spanish citizens), NIE (for foreign people) and CIF (for legal entities)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid:
- * i) 54362315K, 54362315-K
- * ii) X2482300W, X-2482300W, X-2482300-W
- * iii) A58818501, A-58818501
- * - Invalid:
- * i) 54362315Z
- * ii) X-2482300A
- * iii) K58818501, G58818507
- *
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
- * @returns {Boolean}
+ * @returns {Boolean|Object}
_es: function(value) {
var isDNI = /^[0-9]{8}[-]{0,1}[A-HJ-NP-TV-Z]$/.test(value),
isNIE = /^[XYZ][-]{0,1}[0-9]{7}[-]{0,1}[A-HJ-NP-TV-Z]$/.test(value),
isCIF = /^[A-HNPQS][-]{0,1}[0-9]{7}[-]{0,1}[0-9A-J]$/.test(value);
if (!isDNI && !isNIE && !isCIF) {
return false;
value = value.replace(/-/g, '');
- var check;
+ var check, type, isValid = true;
if (isDNI || isNIE) {
+ type = 'DNI';
var index = 'XYZ'.indexOf(value.charAt(0));
if (index !== -1) {
// It is NIE number
value = index + value.substr(1) + '';
+ type = 'NIE';
check = parseInt(value.substr(0, 8), 10);
check = 'TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE'[check % 23];
- return (check === value.substr(8, 1));
+ return {
+ valid: (check === value.substr(8, 1)),
+ type: type
+ };
} else {
check = value.substr(1, 7);
+ type = 'CIF';
var letter = value[0],
control = value.substr(-1),
sum = 0;
// The digits in the even positions are added to the sum directly.
@@ -5405,29 +5459,31 @@
// If that last digit is not 0, subtract it from 10
var lastDigit = sum - (Math.floor(sum / 10) * 10);
if (lastDigit !== 0) {
lastDigit = 10 - lastDigit;
if ('KQS'.indexOf(letter) !== -1) {
// If the CIF starts with a K, Q or S, the control digit must be a letter
- return (control === 'JABCDEFGHI'[lastDigit]);
+ isValid = (control === 'JABCDEFGHI'[lastDigit]);
} else if ('ABEH'.indexOf(letter) !== -1) {
// If it starts with A, B, E or H, it has to be a number
- return (control === ('' + lastDigit));
+ isValid = (control === ('' + lastDigit));
} else {
// In any other case, it doesn't matter
- return (control === ('' + lastDigit) || control === 'JABCDEFGHI'[lastDigit]);
+ isValid = (control === ('' + lastDigit) || control === 'JABCDEFGHI'[lastDigit]);
+ return {
+ valid: isValid,
+ type: type
+ };
* Validate Finnish Personal Identity Code (HETU)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 311280-888Y, 131052-308T
- * - Invalid: 131052-308U, 310252-308Y
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
_fi: function(value) {
@@ -5457,13 +5513,10 @@
return '0123456789ABCDEFHJKLMNPRSTUVWXY'.charAt(n % 31) === value.charAt(10);
* Validate Croatian personal identification number (OIB)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 33392005961
- * - Invalid: 33392005962
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
_hr: function(value) {
@@ -5473,13 +5526,10 @@
return FormValidation.Helper.mod11And10(value);
* Validate Irish Personal Public Service Number (PPS)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 6433435F, 6433435FT, 6433435FW, 6433435OA, 6433435IH, 1234567TW, 1234567FA
- * - Invalid: 6433435E, 6433435VH
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5511,14 +5561,12 @@
* Validate Iceland national identification number (Kennitala)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 120174-3399, 1201743399, 0902862349
- * @see
+ * @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
_is: function(value) {
if (!/^[0-9]{6}[-]{0,1}[0-9]{4}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -5544,13 +5592,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(8));
* Validate Lithuanian Personal Code (Asmens kodas)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 38703181745
- * - Invalid: 38703181746, 78703181745, 38703421745
* @see
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5593,13 +5638,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(10));
* Validate Latvian Personal Code (Personas kods)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 161175-19997, 16117519997
- * - Invalid: 161375-19997
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5628,20 +5670,21 @@
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(10));
* Validate Dutch national identification number (BSN)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 111222333, 941331490, 9413.31.490
- * - Invalid: 111252333
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
_nl: function(value) {
- while (value.length < 9) {
+ if (value.length < 8) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (value.length === 8) {
value = '0' + value;
if (!/^[0-9]{4}[.]{0,1}[0-9]{2}[.]{0,1}[0-9]{3}$/.test(value)) {
return false;
@@ -5658,14 +5701,14 @@
if (sum === 10) {
sum = 0;
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(length - 1));
* Validate Poland citizen number (PESEL)
- *
+ *
* @see
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5690,13 +5733,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(length - 1));
* Validate Romanian numerical personal code (CNP)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 1630615123457, 1800101221144
- * - Invalid: 8800101221144, 1632215123457, 1630615123458
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5746,13 +5786,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.charAt(length - 1));
* Validate Swedish personal identity number (personnummer)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 8112289874, 811228-9874, 811228+9874
- * - Invalid: 811228-9873
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5773,13 +5810,10 @@
return FormValidation.Helper.luhn(value);
* Validate Slovak national identifier number (RC)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 7103192745, 991231123
- * - Invalid: 7103192746, 1103492745
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
_sk: function(value) {
@@ -5798,13 +5832,10 @@
return /^\d{5}$/.test(value);
* Validate Thailand citizen number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 7145620509547, 3688699975685, 2368719339716
- * - Invalid: 1100800092310
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5821,13 +5852,10 @@
return (11 - sum % 11) % 10 === parseInt(value.charAt(12), 10);
* Validate South African ID
- * Example:
- * - Valid: 8001015009087
- * - Invalid: 8001015009287, 8001015009086
* @see
* @param {String} value The ID
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -5871,14 +5899,14 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - field: The name of field that will be used to compare with current one
- init: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ init: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var compareWith = validator.getFieldElements(options.field);
- validator.onLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_identical', function() {
- var status = validator.getStatus($field, 'identical');
+ validator.onLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_' + validatorName, function() {
+ var status = validator.getStatus($field, validatorName);
if (status !== validator.STATUS_NOT_VALIDATED) {
@@ -5889,13 +5917,13 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - field: The name of field that will be used to compare with current one
- destroy: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ destroy: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var compareWith = validator.getFieldElements(options.field);
- validator.offLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_identical');
+ validator.offLiveChange(compareWith, 'live_' + validatorName);
* Check if input value equals to value of particular one
@@ -5903,20 +5931,20 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - field: The name of field that will be used to compare with current one
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'identical'),
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName),
compareWith = validator.getFieldElements(options.field);
if (compareWith === null || compareWith.length === 0) {
return true;
- var compareValue = validator.getFieldValue(compareWith, 'identical');
+ var compareValue = validator.getFieldValue(compareWith, validatorName);
if (value === compareValue) {
- validator.updateStatus(compareWith, validator.STATUS_VALID, 'identical');
+ validator.updateStatus(compareWith, validator.STATUS_VALID, validatorName);
return true;
return false;
@@ -5932,23 +5960,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.imei = {
* Validate IMEI (International Mobile Station Equipment Identity)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 35-209900-176148-1, 35-209900-176148-23, 3568680000414120, 490154203237518
- * - Invalid: 490154203237517
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'imei');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
switch (true) {
@@ -5980,39 +6005,31 @@
FormValidation.Validator.imo = {
* Validate IMO (International Maritime Organization)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: IMO 8814275, IMO 9176187
- * - Invalid: IMO 8814274
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'imo');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
if (!/^IMO \d{7}$/i.test(value)) {
return false;
// Grab just the digits
var sum = 0,
digits = value.replace(/^.*(\d{7})$/, '$1');
- // Go over each char, multiplying by the inverse of it's position
- // IMO 9176187
- // (9 * 7) + (1 * 6) + (7 * 5) + (6 * 4) + (1 * 3) + (8 * 2) = 147
- // Take the last digit of that, that's the check digit (7)
for (var i = 6; i >= 1; i--) {
sum += (digits.slice((6 - i), -i) * (i + 1));
return sum % 10 === parseInt(digits.charAt(6), 10);
@@ -6027,10 +6044,16 @@
FormValidation.Validator.integer = {
+ html5Attributes: {
+ message: 'message',
+ thousandsseparator: 'thousandsSeparator',
+ decimalseparator: 'decimalSeparator'
+ },
enableByHtml5: function($field) {
return ('number' === $field.attr('type')) && ($field.attr('step') === undefined || $field.attr('step') % 1 === 0);
@@ -6038,22 +6061,51 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following key:
* - message: The invalid message
+ * - thousandsSeparator: The thousands separator. It's empty by default
+ * - decimalSeparator: The decimal separator. It's '.' by default
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
if (this.enableByHtml5($field) && $field.get(0).validity && $field.get(0).validity.badInput === true) {
return false;
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'integer');
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
- return /^(?:-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/.test(value);
+ var decimalSeparator = options.decimalSeparator || '.',
+ thousandsSeparator = options.thousandsSeparator || '';
+ decimalSeparator = (decimalSeparator === '.') ? '\\.' : decimalSeparator;
+ thousandsSeparator = (thousandsSeparator === '.') ? '\\.' : thousandsSeparator;
+ var testRegexp = new RegExp('^-?[0-9]{1,3}(' + thousandsSeparator + '[0-9]{3})*(' + decimalSeparator + '[0-9]+)?$'),
+ thousandsReplacer = new RegExp(thousandsSeparator, 'g');
+ if (!testRegexp.test(value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Replace thousands separator with blank
+ if (thousandsSeparator) {
+ value = value.replace(thousandsReplacer, '');
+ }
+ // Replace decimal separator with a dot
+ if (decimalSeparator) {
+ value = value.replace(decimalSeparator, '.');
+ }
+ if (isNaN(value) || !isFinite(value)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO: Use Number.isInteger() if available
+ value = parseFloat(value);
+ return Math.floor(value) === value;
;(function($) {
FormValidation.I18n = $.extend(true, FormValidation.I18n || {}, {
@@ -6082,12 +6134,12 @@
* - ipv4: Enable IPv4 validator, default to true
* - ipv6: Enable IPv6 validator, default to true
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'ip');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
options = $.extend({}, { ipv4: true, ipv6: true }, options);
@@ -6133,27 +6185,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.isbn = {
* Return true if the input value is a valid ISBN 10 or ISBN 13 number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid:
- * ISBN 10: 99921-58-10-7, 9971-5-0210-0, 960-425-059-0, 80-902734-1-6, 85-359-0277-5, 1-84356-028-3, 0-684-84328-5, 0-8044-2957-X, 0-85131-041-9, 0-943396-04-2, 0-9752298-0-X
- * ISBN 13: 978-0-306-40615-7
- * - Invalid:
- * ISBN 10: 99921-58-10-6
- * ISBN 13: 978-0-306-40615-6
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} [options] Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
- * @returns {Boolean}
+ * @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'isbn');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
@@ -6192,22 +6237,28 @@
if (checksum === 11) {
checksum = 0;
} else if (checksum === 10) {
checksum = 'X';
- return (checksum + '' === chars[length - 1]);
+ return {
+ type: type,
+ valid: (checksum + '' === chars[length - 1])
+ };
case 'ISBN13':
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
sum += ((i % 2 === 0) ? parseInt(chars[i], 10) : (parseInt(chars[i], 10) * 3));
checksum = 10 - (sum % 10);
if (checksum === 10) {
checksum = '0';
- return (checksum + '' === chars[length - 1]);
+ return {
+ type: type,
+ valid: (checksum + '' === chars[length - 1])
+ };
return false;
@@ -6227,23 +6278,20 @@
// See
* Validate an ISIN (International Securities Identification Number)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: US0378331005, AU0000XVGZA3, GB0002634946
- * - Invalid: US0378331004, AA0000XVGZA3
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'isin');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = value.toUpperCase();
@@ -6286,23 +6334,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.ismn = {
* Validate ISMN (International Standard Music Number)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: M230671187, 979-0-0601-1561-5, 979 0 3452 4680 5, 9790060115615
- * - Invalid: 9790060115614
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
- * @returns {Boolean}
+ * @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'ismn');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Groups are separated by a hyphen or a space
@@ -6333,11 +6378,14 @@
weight = [1, 3];
for (var i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
sum += parseInt(value.charAt(i), 10) * weight[i % 2];
sum = 10 - sum % 10;
- return (sum + '' === value.charAt(length - 1));
+ return {
+ type: type,
+ valid: (sum + '' === value.charAt(length - 1))
+ };
;(function($) {
FormValidation.I18n = $.extend(true, FormValidation.I18n || {}, {
@@ -6349,23 +6397,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.issn = {
* Validate ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 0378-5955, 0024-9319, 0032-1478
- * - Invalid: 0032-147X
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'issn');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Groups are separated by a hyphen or a space
@@ -6432,33 +6477,29 @@
* - inclusive [optional]: Can be true or false. Default is true
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'lessThan');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = this._format(value);
- if (!$.isNumeric(value)) {
- return false;
- }
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
compareTo = $.isNumeric(options.value) ? options.value : validator.getDynamicOption($field, options.value),
compareToValue = this._format(compareTo);
- value = parseFloat(value);
return (options.inclusive === true || options.inclusive === undefined)
? {
- valid: value <= compareToValue,
+ valid: $.isNumeric(value) && parseFloat(value) <= compareToValue,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].lessThan['default'], compareTo)
: {
- valid: value < compareToValue,
+ valid: $.isNumeric(value) && parseFloat(value) < compareToValue,
message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].lessThan.notInclusive, compareTo)
_format: function(value) {
@@ -6483,12 +6524,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'mac');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
return /^([0-9A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9A-F]{2})$/.test(value);
@@ -6505,23 +6546,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.meid = {
* Validate MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 293608736500703710, 29360-87365-0070-3710, AF0123450ABCDE, AF-012345-0ABCDE
- * - Invalid: 2936087365007037101
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'meid');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
switch (true) {
@@ -6603,11 +6641,11 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var type = $field.attr('type');
if ('radio' === type || 'checkbox' === type) {
var ns = validator.getNamespace();
return validator
.getFieldElements($field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'))
@@ -6617,11 +6655,11 @@
if ('number' === type && $field.get(0).validity && $field.get(0).validity.badInput === true) {
return true;
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'notEmpty');
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
return $.trim(value) !== '';
;(function($) {
@@ -6634,11 +6672,13 @@
FormValidation.Validator.numeric = {
html5Attributes: {
message: 'message',
- separator: 'separator'
+ separator: 'separator', // deprecated
+ thousandsseparator: 'thousandsSeparator',
+ decimalseparator: 'decimalSeparator'
enableByHtml5: function($field) {
return ('number' === $field.attr('type')) && ($field.attr('step') !== undefined) && ($field.attr('step') % 1 !== 0);
@@ -6648,27 +6688,45 @@
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
- * - separator: The decimal separator. Can be "." (default), ","
+ * - thousandsSeparator: The thousands separator. It's empty by default
+ * - separator, decimalSeparator: The decimal separator. It's '.' by default
+ * The separator option is deprecated and should be replaced with decimalSeparator
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
if (this.enableByHtml5($field) && $field.get(0).validity && $field.get(0).validity.badInput === true) {
return false;
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'numeric');
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
- var separator = options.separator || '.';
- if (separator !== '.') {
- value = value.replace(separator, '.');
+ var decimalSeparator = options.separator || options.decimalSeparator || '.',
+ thousandsSeparator = options.thousandsSeparator || '';
+ decimalSeparator = (decimalSeparator === '.') ? '\\.' : decimalSeparator;
+ thousandsSeparator = (thousandsSeparator === '.') ? '\\.' : thousandsSeparator;
+ var testRegexp = new RegExp('^-?[0-9]{1,3}(' + thousandsSeparator + '[0-9]{3})*(' + decimalSeparator + '[0-9]+)?$'),
+ thousandsReplacer = new RegExp(thousandsSeparator, 'g');
+ if (!testRegexp.test(value)) {
+ return false;
+ // Replace thousands separator with blank
+ if (thousandsSeparator) {
+ value = value.replace(thousandsReplacer, '');
+ }
+ // Replace decimal separator with a dot
+ if (decimalSeparator) {
+ value = value.replace(decimalSeparator, '.');
+ }
return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value);
;(function($) {
@@ -6726,12 +6784,12 @@
* - Name of callback function that returns the country code
* - A callback function that returns the country code
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'phone');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
@@ -6750,11 +6808,11 @@
case 'AE':
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/^(((\+|00)?971[\s\.-]?(\(0\)[\s\.-]?)?|0)(\(5(0|2|5|6)\)|5(0|2|5|6)|2|3|4|6|7|9)|60)([\s\.-]?[0-9]){7}$/).test(value);
case 'BG':
// See
value = value.replace(/\+|\s|-|\/|\(|\)/gi,'');
isValid = (/^(0|359|00)(((700|900)[0-9]{5}|((800)[0-9]{5}|(800)[0-9]{4}))|(87|88|89)([0-9]{7})|((2[0-9]{7})|(([3-9][0-9])(([0-9]{6})|([0-9]{5})))))$/).test(value);
@@ -6815,33 +6873,33 @@
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/^\(?(?:(?:0(?:0|11)\)?[\s-]?\(?|\+)44\)?[\s-]?\(?(?:0\)?[\s-]?\(?)?|0)(?:\d{2}\)?[\s-]?\d{4}[\s-]?\d{4}|\d{3}\)?[\s-]?\d{3}[\s-]?\d{3,4}|\d{4}\)?[\s-]?(?:\d{5}|\d{3}[\s-]?\d{3})|\d{5}\)?[\s-]?\d{4,5}|8(?:00[\s-]?11[\s-]?11|45[\s-]?46[\s-]?4\d))(?:(?:[\s-]?(?:x|ext\.?\s?|\#)\d+)?)$/).test(value);
case 'IN':
// May begin with +91. Supports mobile and land line numbers
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/((\+?)((0[ -]+)*|(91 )*)(\d{12}|\d{10}))|\d{5}([- ]*)\d{6}/).test(value);
case 'MA':
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/^(?:(?:(?:\+|00)212[\s]?(?:[\s]?\(0\)[\s]?)?)|0){1}(?:5[\s.-]?[2-3]|6[\s.-]?[13-9]){1}[0-9]{1}(?:[\s.-]?\d{2}){3}$/).test(value);
case 'NL':
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/^((\+|00(\s|\s?\-\s?)?)31(\s|\s?\-\s?)?(\(0\)[\-\s]?)?|0)[1-9]((\s|\s?\-\s?)?[0-9])((\s|\s?-\s?)?[0-9])((\s|\s?-\s?)?[0-9])\s?[0-9]\s?[0-9]\s?[0-9]\s?[0-9]\s?[0-9]$/gm).test(value);
case 'PK':
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/^0?3[0-9]{2}[0-9]{7}$/).test(value);
@@ -6870,11 +6928,11 @@
case 'VE':
value = $.trim(value);
isValid = (/^0(?:2(?:12|4[0-9]|5[1-9]|6[0-9]|7[0-8]|8[1-35-8]|9[1-5]|3[45789])|4(?:1[246]|2[46]))\d{7}$/).test(value);
case 'US':
/* falls through */
// Make sure US phone numbers have 10 digits
// May start with 1, +1, or 1-; should discard
@@ -6892,10 +6950,78 @@
;(function($) {
FormValidation.I18n = $.extend(true, FormValidation.I18n || {}, {
'en_US': {
+ promise: {
+ 'default': 'Please enter a valid value'
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ FormValidation.Validator.promise = {
+ html5Attributes: {
+ message: 'message',
+ promise: 'promise'
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return result from a jQuery's Deferred object
+ *
+ * @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
+ * @param {jQuery} $field Field element
+ * @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
+ * - promise: The method that passes parameters:
+ * promise: function(fieldValue, validator, $field) {
+ * // fieldValue is the value of field
+ * // validator is instance of FormValidation.Base
+ * // $field is the field element
+ *
+ * var dfd = new $.Deferred();
+ *
+ * // Do something ...
+ *
+ * // Resolve when particular task is done
+ * dfd.resolve({
+ * valid: true or false, // Required
+ * message: 'Other message', // Optional
+ * key: value // You can attach more data to reuse later
+ * });
+ *
+ * // You can reject if there's error
+ * dfd.reject({
+ * message: 'Other message', // Optional
+ * key: value // You can attach more data to reuse later
+ * });
+ *
+ * return dfd.promise();
+ * }
+ * - message: The invalid message
+ * @returns {Deferred}
+ */
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName),
+ dfd = new $.Deferred(),
+ promise =, [value, validator, $field]);
+ promise
+ .done(function(result) {
+ dfd.resolve($field, validatorName, result);
+ })
+ .fail(function(result) {
+ result = result || {};
+ result.valid = false;
+ dfd.resolve($field, validatorName, result);
+ });
+ return dfd;
+ }
+ };
+;(function($) {
+ FormValidation.I18n = $.extend(true, FormValidation.I18n || {}, {
+ 'en_US': {
regexp: {
'default': 'Please enter a value matching the pattern'
@@ -6924,12 +7050,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consists of the following key:
* - regexp: The regular expression you need to check
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'regexp');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var regexp = ('string' === typeof options.regexp) ? new RegExp(options.regexp) : options.regexp;
@@ -6960,16 +7086,16 @@
* Destroy the timer when destroying the FormValidation (using validator.destroy() method)
- destroy: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ destroy: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var ns = validator.getNamespace(),
- timer = $ + '.remote.timer');
+ timer = $ + '.' + validatorName + '.timer');
if (timer) {
- $field.removeData(ns + '.remote.timer');
+ $field.removeData(ns + '.' + validatorName + '.timer');
* Request a remote server to check the input value
@@ -6992,36 +7118,36 @@
* - url {String|Function}
* - validKey {String} [optional]: The valid key. It's "valid" by default
* This is useful when connecting to external remote server or APIs provided by 3rd parties
* @returns {Deferred}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
var ns = validator.getNamespace(),
- value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'remote'),
+ value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName),
dfd = new $.Deferred();
if (value === '') {
- dfd.resolve($field, 'remote', { valid: true });
+ dfd.resolve($field, validatorName, { valid: true });
return dfd;
var name = $field.attr('data-' + ns + '-field'),
data = || {},
url = options.url,
validKey = options.validKey || 'valid';
// Support dynamic data
if ('function' === typeof data) {
- data =, validator);
+ data =, validator, $field, value);
// Parse string data from HTML5 attribute
if ('string' === typeof data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
// Support dynamic url
if ('function' === typeof url) {
- url =, validator);
+ url =, validator, $field, value);
data[ || name] = value;
var ajaxOptions = {
@@ -7041,33 +7167,33 @@
.success(function(response) {
response.valid = (response[validKey] === true || response[validKey] === 'true')
? true
: (response[validKey] === false || response[validKey] === 'false' ? false : null);
- dfd.resolve($field, 'remote', response);
+ dfd.resolve($field, validatorName, response);
.error(function(response) {
- dfd.resolve($field, 'remote', {
+ dfd.resolve($field, validatorName, {
valid: false
}); {
return dfd;
if (options.delay) {
// Since the form might have multiple fields with the same name
// I have to attach the timer to the field element
- if ($ + '.remote.timer')) {
- clearTimeout($ + '.remote.timer'));
+ if ($ + '.' + validatorName + '.timer')) {
+ clearTimeout($ + '.' + validatorName + '.timer'));
- $ + '.remote.timer', setTimeout(runCallback, options.delay));
+ $ + '.' + validatorName + '.timer', setTimeout(runCallback, options.delay));
return dfd;
} else {
return runCallback();
@@ -7083,22 +7209,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.rtn = {
* Validate a RTN (Routing transit number)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 021200025, 789456124
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'rtn');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
if (!/^\d{9}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -7125,22 +7249,20 @@
FormValidation.Validator.sedol = {
* Validate a SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 0263494, B0WNLY7
* @see
* @param {FormValidation.Base} validator The validator plugin instance
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Can consist of the following keys:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'sedol');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
value = value.toUpperCase();
@@ -7176,12 +7298,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'siren');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
if (!/^\d{9}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -7208,12 +7330,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'siret');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var sum = 0,
@@ -7258,12 +7380,12 @@
* - baseValue: The base value
* - step: The step
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'step');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
options = $.extend({}, { baseValue: 0, step: 1 }, options);
@@ -7326,12 +7448,12 @@
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
* - case: Can be 'lower' (default) or 'upper'
* @returns {Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'stringCase');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
@@ -7396,12 +7518,12 @@
* - message: The invalid message
* - trim: Indicate the length will be calculated after trimming the value or not. It is false, by default
* - utf8bytes: Evaluate string length in UTF-8 bytes, default to false
* @returns {Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'stringLength');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (options.trim === true || options.trim === 'true') {
value = $.trim(value);
if (value === '') {
@@ -7439,15 +7561,15 @@
case (!!min && !!max):
message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].stringLength.between, [parseInt(min, 10), parseInt(max, 10)]);
case (!!min):
- message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].stringLength.more, parseInt(min, 10));
+ message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].stringLength.more, parseInt(min, 10) - 1);
case (!!max):
- message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].stringLength.less, parseInt(max, 10));
+ message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale].stringLength.less, parseInt(max, 10) + 1);
@@ -7490,12 +7612,12 @@
* - allowLocal: Allow the private and local network IP. Default to false
* - allowEmptyProtocol: Allow the URI without protocol. Default to false
* - protocol: The protocols, separated by a comma. Default to "http, https, ftp"
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'uri');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Credit to
@@ -7604,12 +7726,12 @@
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
* - version: Can be 3, 4, 5, null
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'uuid');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// See the format at
@@ -7702,14 +7824,14 @@
* - country: The ISO 3166-1 country code. It can be
* - One of country code defined in COUNTRY_CODES
* - Name of field which its value defines the country code
* - Name of callback function that returns the country code
* - A callback function that returns the country code
- * @returns {Boolean|Object}
+ * @returns {Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'vat');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
@@ -7723,26 +7845,22 @@
if ($.inArray(country, this.COUNTRY_CODES) === -1) {
return true;
- var method = ['_', country.toLowerCase()].join('');
- return this[method](value)
- ? true
- : {
- valid: false,
- message: FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale], FormValidation.I18n[locale].vat.countries[country.toUpperCase()])
- };
+ var method = ['_', country.toLowerCase()].join(''),
+ result = this[method](value);
+ result = (result === true || result === false) ? { valid: result } : result;
+ result.message = FormValidation.Helper.format(options.message || FormValidation.I18n[locale], FormValidation.I18n[locale].vat.countries[country.toUpperCase()]);
+ return result;
// VAT validators
* Validate Austrian VAT number
- * Example:
- * - Valid: ATU13585627
- * - Invalid: ATU13585626
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_at: function(value) {
@@ -7773,13 +7891,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(7, 1));
* Validate Belgian VAT number
- * Example:
- * - Valid: BE0428759497
- * - Invalid: BE431150351
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_be: function(value) {
@@ -7801,16 +7916,10 @@
return (sum % 97 === 0);
* Validate Bulgarian VAT number
- * Example:
- * - Valid: BG175074752,
- * BG7523169263, BG8032056031,
- * BG7542011030,
- * BG7111042925
- * - Invalid: BG175074753, BG7552A10004, BG7111042922
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_bg: function(value) {
@@ -7895,11 +8004,11 @@
return (egn(value) || pnf(value) || vat(value));
return false;
* Validate Brazilian VAT number (CNPJ)
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
@@ -7988,13 +8097,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(8, 1));
* Validate Cypriot VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: CY10259033P
- * - Invalid: CY10259033Z
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_cy: function(value) {
@@ -8028,19 +8134,11 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(8, 1));
* Validate Czech Republic VAT number
- * Can be:
- * i) Legal entities (8 digit numbers)
- * ii) Individuals with a RC (the 9 or 10 digit Czech birth number)
- * iii) Individuals without a RC (9 digit numbers beginning with 6)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: i) CZ25123891; ii) CZ7103192745, CZ991231123; iii) CZ640903926
- * - Invalid: i) CZ25123890; ii) CZ1103492745, CZ590312123
- *
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_cz: function(value) {
if (/^CZ[0-9]{8,10}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -8121,13 +8219,10 @@
return false;
* Validate German VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: DE136695976
- * - Invalid: DE136695978
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_de: function(value) {
@@ -8141,13 +8236,10 @@
return FormValidation.Helper.mod11And10(value);
* Validate Danish VAT number
- * Example:
- * - Valid: DK13585628
- * - Invalid: DK13585627
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_dk: function(value) {
@@ -8167,13 +8259,10 @@
return (sum % 11 === 0);
* Validate Estonian VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: EE100931558, EE100594102
- * - Invalid: EE100594103
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_ee: function(value) {
@@ -8198,16 +8287,12 @@
* Can be:
* i) DNI (Documento nacional de identidad), for Spaniards
* ii) NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros), for foreigners
* iii) CIF (Certificado de Identificación Fiscal), for legal entities and others
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: i) ES54362315K; ii) ESX2482300W, ESX5253868R; iii) ESM1234567L, ESJ99216582, ESB58378431, ESB64717838
- * - Invalid: i) ES54362315Z; ii) ESX2482300A; iii) ESJ99216583
- *
* @param {String} value VAT number
- * @returns {Boolean}
+ * @returns {Boolean|Object}
_es: function(value) {
if (/^ES[0-9A-Z][0-9]{7}[0-9A-Z]$/.test(value)) {
value = value.substr(2);
@@ -8257,23 +8342,29 @@
return false;
var first = value.charAt(0);
if (/^[0-9]$/.test(first)) {
- return dni(value);
+ return {
+ valid: dni(value),
+ type: 'DNI'
+ };
} else if (/^[XYZ]$/.test(first)) {
- return nie(value);
+ return {
+ valid: nie(value),
+ type: 'NIE'
+ };
} else {
- return cif(value);
+ return {
+ valid: cif(value),
+ type: 'CIF'
+ };
* Validate Finnish VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: FI20774740
- * - Invalid: FI20774741
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_fi: function(value) {
@@ -8295,14 +8386,10 @@
* Validate French VAT number (TVA - taxe sur la valeur ajoutée)
* It's constructed by a SIREN number, prefixed by two characters.
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: FR40303265045, FR23334175221, FRK7399859412, FR4Z123456782
- * - Invalid: FR84323140391
- *
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_fr: function(value) {
if (/^FR[0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9]{9}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -8333,13 +8420,10 @@
* Validate United Kingdom VAT number
- * Example:
- * - Valid: GB980780684
- * - Invalid: GB802311781
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_gb: function(value) {
@@ -8390,13 +8474,10 @@
return true;
* Validate Greek VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: GR023456780, EL094259216
- * - Invalid: EL123456781
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_gr: function(value) {
@@ -8426,13 +8507,10 @@
return this._gr(value);
* Validate Hungarian VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: HU12892312
- * - Invalid: HU12892313
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_hu: function(value) {
@@ -8453,13 +8531,10 @@
return (sum % 10 === 0);
* Validate Croatian VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: HR33392005961
- * - Invalid: HR33392005962
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_hr: function(value) {
@@ -8473,13 +8548,10 @@
return FormValidation.Helper.mod11And10(value);
* Validate Irish VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: IE6433435F, IE6433435OA, IE8D79739I
- * - Invalid: IE8D79738J
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_ie: function(value) {
@@ -8515,13 +8587,10 @@
return true;
* Validate Icelandic VAT (VSK) number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 12345, 123456
- * - Invalid: 1234567
* @params {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_is: function(value) {
@@ -8535,14 +8604,10 @@
* Validate Italian VAT number, which consists of 11 digits.
* - First 7 digits are a company identifier
* - Next 3 are the province of residence
* - The last one is a check digit
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: IT00743110157
- * - Invalid: IT00743110158
- *
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_it: function(value) {
if (/^IT[0-9]{11}$/.test(value)) {
@@ -8568,14 +8633,10 @@
* Validate Lithuanian VAT number
* It can be:
* - 9 digits, for legal entities
* - 12 digits, for temporarily registered taxpayers
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: LT119511515, LT100001919017, LT100004801610
- * - Invalid: LT100001919018
- *
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_lt: function(value) {
if (/^LT([0-9]{7}1[0-9]{1}|[0-9]{10}1[0-9]{1})$/.test(value)) {
@@ -8602,13 +8663,10 @@
return (check + '' === value.charAt(length - 1));
* Validate Luxembourg VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: LU15027442
- * - Invalid: LU15027443
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_lu: function(value) {
@@ -8622,13 +8680,10 @@
return ((parseInt(value.substr(0, 6), 10) % 89) + '' === value.substr(6, 2));
* Validate Latvian VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: LV40003521600, LV16117519997
- * - Invalid: LV40003521601, LV16137519997
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_lv: function(value) {
@@ -8675,13 +8730,10 @@
* Validate Maltese VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: MT11679112
- * - Invalid: MT11679113
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_mt: function(value) {
@@ -8702,13 +8754,10 @@
return (sum % 37 === 0);
* Validate Dutch VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: NL004495445B01
- * - Invalid: NL123456789B90
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_nl: function(value) {
@@ -8760,13 +8809,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(8, 1));
* Validate Polish VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: PL8567346215
- * - Invalid: PL8567346216
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_pl: function(value) {
@@ -8787,13 +8833,10 @@
return (sum % 11 === 0);
* Validate Portuguese VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: PT501964843
- * - Invalid: PT501964842
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_pt: function(value) {
@@ -8817,13 +8860,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(8, 1));
* Validate Romanian VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: RO18547290
- * - Invalid: RO18547291
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_ro: function(value) {
@@ -8924,13 +8964,10 @@
return ((sum + parseInt(value.substr(8, 1), 10)) % 10 === 1);
* Validate Swedish VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: SE123456789701
- * - Invalid: SE123456789101
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_se: function(value) {
@@ -8945,14 +8982,10 @@
return FormValidation.Helper.luhn(value);
* Validate Slovenian VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: SI50223054
- * - Invalid: SI50223055
- * - Invalid: SI09999990
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_si: function(value) {
@@ -8978,13 +9011,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(7, 1));
* Validate Slovak VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: SK2022749619
- * - Invalid: SK2022749618
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_sk: function(value) {
@@ -8998,13 +9028,10 @@
return (parseInt(value, 10) % 11 === 0);
* Validate Venezuelan VAT number (RIF)
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: VEJ309272292, VEV242818101, VEJ000126518, VEJ000458324, J309272292, V242818101, J000126518, J000458324
- * - Invalid: VEJ309272293, VEV242818100, J000126519, J000458323
* @param {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_ve: function(value) {
@@ -9036,13 +9063,10 @@
return (sum + '' === value.substr(9, 1));
* Validate South African VAT number
- * Examples:
- * - Valid: 4012345678
- * - Invalid: 40123456789, 3012345678
* @params {String} value VAT number
* @returns {Boolean}
_za: function(value) {
@@ -9071,12 +9095,12 @@
* @param {jQuery} $field Field element
* @param {Object} options Consist of key:
* - message: The invalid message
* @returns {Boolean}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'vin');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '') {
return true;
// Don't accept I, O, Q characters
@@ -9166,18 +9190,18 @@
* - Name of callback function that returns the country code
* - A callback function that returns the country code
* callback: function(value, validator, $field) {
* // value is the value of field
- * // validator is the BootstrapValidator instance
+ * // validator is the FormValidation.Base instance
* // $field is jQuery element representing the field
* }
* @returns {Boolean|Object}
- validate: function(validator, $field, options) {
- var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, 'zipCode');
+ validate: function(validator, $field, options, validatorName) {
+ var value = validator.getFieldValue($field, validatorName);
if (value === '' || ! {
return true;
var locale = validator.getLocale(),
@@ -9316,13 +9340,9 @@
* Validate United Kingdom postcode
- * Examples:
- * - Standard: EC1A 1BB, W1A 1HQ, M1 1AA, B33 8TH, CR2 6XH, DN55 1PT
- * - Special cases:
- * AI-2640, ASCN 1ZZ, GIR 0AA
* @see
* @param {String} value The postcode
* @returns {Boolean}