in formulaic-0.0.5 vs in formulaic-0.0.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
# Formulaic
Remove the tedium of formulaic form filling with Capybara.
Formulaic allows you to specify a hash of attributes to be input rather than
procedurally calling Capybara’s DSL methods.
@@ -10,11 +13,11 @@
feature 'New user registration' do
scenario 'successfull sign up' do
visit sign_in_path
- fill_form(:user, { name: 'Caleb', email: '', 'Terms of Service': true })
+ fill_form(:user, { name: 'Caleb', email: '', 'Terms of Service' => true })
click_on submit(:user)
expect(page).to have_content t('user.create.success')
@@ -74,10 +77,21 @@
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Formulaic::Dsl
+### Integration with Minitest or Test::Unit:
+# test/test_helper.rb
+class ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ include Capybara::DSL
+ include Formulaic::Dsl
### Integration with [FactoryGirl](
fill_form(:user, attributes_for(:user))
@@ -92,20 +106,32 @@
def sign_up_attributes
[:name, :email, :terms_of_service]
+## Assumptions
+Formulaic relies pretty heavily on the assumption that your application is using
+translations for SimpleForm and input helpers, using the
+`simple_form.labels.<model>.<attribute>` and `helpers.submit.<model>.<action>`
+You can still use Formulaic by using strings as keys instead of symbols, which
+it knows to pass directly to `fill_in` rather than trying to find a translation.
+You’ll need to find submit buttons yourself since `submit` is a thin wrapper
+around `I18n.t`.
## Known Limitations
* Formulaic currently supports the following mappings from the `#class` of the
attribute values to Capybara method calls:
- | Classes | Formulaic’s action |
- | --------------------------------------|-------------------------------|
- | `String` | `fill_in` |
- | `Date`, `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` | `select` year, month, and day |
- | `TrueClass` | `check` |
- | `FalseClass` | `uncheck` |
+ | Classes | Formulaic’s action |
+ | --------------------------------------|----------------------------------|
+ | `String` | `fill_in`, `choose`, or `select` |
+ | `Date`, `ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone` | `select` year, month, and day |
+ | `TrueClass` | `check` |
+ | `FalseClass` | `uncheck` |
| `Array` | `check` each array member, which should all be strings |
* Formulaic is currently tied to `simple_form` translations and field structure.
If you pass a string for the attribute, we’ll try to fill the input that
relates to that label. We would be happy to work with you to add support for