lib/care.rb in format_parser-0.7.0 vs lib/care.rb in format_parser-0.8.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,53 +2,83 @@
# possibly remote IO to parsers that tend to read (and skip)
# in very small increments. This way, with a remote source that
# is only available via HTTP, for example, we can have less
# fetches and have them return more data for one fetch
class Care
+ # Defines the size of a page in bytes that the Care will prefetch
DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 128 * 1024
+ # Wraps any given IO with Care caching superpowers. Supports the subset
+ # of IO declared in IOConstraint.
class IOWrapper
+ # Creates a new IOWrapper around the given source IO
+ #
+ # @param io[#seek, #pos, #size] the IO to wrap
+ # @param page_size[Integer] the size of the cache page to use for this wrapper
def initialize(io, page_size: DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
@cache =
@io = io
@pos = 0
+ # Returns the size of the resource contained in the IO
+ #
+ # @return Integer
def size
+ # Seeks the IO to the given absolute offset from the start of the file/resource
+ #
+ # @param to[Integer] offset in the IO
+ # @return Integer
def seek(to)
@pos = to
+ # Returns the current position/offset within the IO
+ #
+ # @return Integer
def pos
+ # Returns at most `n_bytes` of data from the IO or less if less data was available
+ # before the EOF was hit
+ #
+ # @param n_bytes[Integer]
+ # @return [String, nil] the content read from the IO or `nil` if no data was available
def read(n_bytes)
return '' if n_bytes == 0 # As hardcoded for all Ruby IO objects
raise ArgumentError, "negative length #{n_bytes} given" if n_bytes < 0 # also as per Ruby IO objects
read = @cache.byteslice(@io, @pos, n_bytes)
return unless read && !read.empty?
@pos += read.bytesize
+ # Clears all the cached pages explicitly to help GC
+ #
+ # @return void
def clear
+ # Clears all the cached pages explicitly to help GC, and
+ # calls `#close` on the source IO if the IO responds to `#close`
+ #
+ # @return void
def close
@io.close if @io.respond_to?(:close)
# Stores cached pages of data from the given IO as strings.
# Pages are sized to be `page_size` or less (for the last page).
class Cache
+ # Initializes a new cache pages container with pages of given size
def initialize(page_size = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
@page_size = page_size.to_i
raise ArgumentError, 'The page size must be a positive Integer' unless @page_size > 0
@pages = {}
@lowest_known_empty_page = nil
@@ -57,10 +87,16 @@
# Returns the maximum possible byte string that can be
# recovered from the given `io` at the given offset.
# If the IO has been exhausted, `nil` will be returned
# instead. Will use the cached pages where available,
# or fetch pages where necessary
+ #
+ # @param io[#seek, #read] the IO to read data from
+ # @param at[Integer] at which offset we have to read
+ # @param n_bytes[Integer] how many bytes we want to read/cache
+ # @return [String, nil] the content read from the IO or `nil` if no data was available
+ # @raise ArgumentError
def byteslice(io, at, n_bytes)
if n_bytes < 1
raise ArgumentError, "The number of bytes to fetch must be a positive Integer, but was #{n_bytes}"
if at < 0
@@ -95,25 +131,33 @@
# Returning an empty string from read() is very confusing for the caller,
# and no builtins do this - if we are at EOF we should return nil
slice if slice && !slice.empty?
+ # Clears the page cache of all strings with data
+ #
+ # @return void
def clear
+ # Hydrates a page at the certain index or returns the contents of
+ # that page if it is already in the cache
+ #
+ # @param io[IO] the IO to read from
+ # @param page_i[Integer] which page (zero-based) to hydrate and return
def hydrate_page(io, page_i)
# Avoid trying to read the page if we know there is no content to fill it
# in the underlying IO
return if @lowest_known_empty_page && page_i >= @lowest_known_empty_page
@pages[page_i] ||= read_page(io, page_i)
+ # We provide an overridden implementation of #inspect to avoid
+ # printing the actual contents of the cached pages
def inspect
- # To avoid page _contents_ in the inspect outputs we need to implement our own inspect.
# Simulate the builtin object ID output
oid_str = (object_id << 1).to_s(16).rjust(16, '0')
ivars = instance_variables
@@ -122,13 +166,18 @@
end.join(' ')
synthetic_vars = 'num_hydrated_pages=%d' % @pages.length
'#<%s:%s %s %s>' % [self.class, oid_str, synthetic_vars, ivars_str]
+ # Reads the requested page from the given IO
+ #
+ # @param io[IO] the IO to read from
+ # @param page_i[Integer] which page (zero-based) to read
def read_page(io, page_i)
+ FormatParser::Measurometer.increment_counter('format_parser.parser.Care.page_reads_from_upsteam', 1)
+ * @page_size)
read_result =
if read_result.nil?
# If the read went past the end of the IO the read result will be nil,
# so we know our IO is exhausted here
if @lowest_known_empty_page.nil? || @lowest_known_empty_page > page_i
@lowest_known_empty_page = page_i