in form_api-0.1.5 vs in form_api-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,105 +1,121 @@
-# FormAPI Ruby Client
+# form_api
+FormAPI - the Ruby gem for the API V1
-The `form_api` gem is an API client library for [FormAPI](
-You can use FormAPI to generate PDFs. Configure your PDF template in our online editor,
-then post data to fill out the PDF.
+No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
-## Supported Ruby Versions
+This SDK is automatically generated by the [Swagger Codegen]( project:
-The `form_api` gem supports Ruby >= `1.9.3`. We run our tests with the following Ruby versions:
+- API version: v1
+- Package version: 0.2.0
+- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
-* `1.9.3`
-* `2.1.10`
-* `2.4.2`
## Installation
-gem install form_api
+### Build a gem
-Or add the following to your `Gemfile`.
+To build the Ruby code into a gem:
-gem "form_api"
+gem build form_api.gemspec
-Then run:
+Then either install the gem locally:
-bundle install
+gem install ./form_api-0.2.0.gem
+(for development, run `gem install --dev ./form_api-0.2.0.gem` to install the development dependencies)
+or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. [RubyGems](
-## Usage
+Finally add this to the Gemfile:
-See [examples](examples/) for some runnable examples.
+ gem 'form_api', '~> 0.2.0'
+### Install from Git
+If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
+ gem 'form_api', :git => ''
+### Include the Ruby code directly
+Include the Ruby code directly using `-I` as follows:
+ruby -Ilib script.rb
+## Getting Started
+Please follow the [installation](#installation) procedure and then run the following code:
+# Load the gem
+require 'form_api'
+# Setup authorization
FormAPI.configure do |config|
- config.username = "YOUR_API_TOKEN_ID"
- config.password = "YOUR_API_TOKEN_SECRET"
+ # Configure HTTP basic authorization: api_token_basic
+ config.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
+ config.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
-formapi =
+api_instance =
-response = formapi.generate_pdf(
- template_id: 'YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID', # ID of a template that you have configured
- test: true, # Test documents are free but watermarked
- wait: true, # Wait for the PDF to be processed (default: true)
- data: { # Data to render in the template
- name: "foo",
- number: 42
- },
- metadata: { # Custom data to include in the request, for your own purposes
- user_id: 123
- }
+template_id = "template_id_example" # String |
-# {
-# status: "success",
-# submission: {
-# id: "bymRSZYTKDnd6jfY",
-# test: true,
-# state: "processed",
-# download_url: "https://..."
-# }
-# }
+opts = {
+ create_submission_batch_body: [] # Array<CreateSubmissionBatchBody> |
-This submits a PDF request and waits for the job to finish.
+ #Generates multiple PDFs
+ result = api_instance.batch_generate_pdf(template_id, opts)
+ p result
+rescue FormAPI::ApiError => e
+ puts "Exception when calling PDFApi->batch_generate_pdf: #{e}"
-## More Help
+## Documentation for API Endpoints
-See the [FormAPI documentation]( for more information.
+All URIs are relative to **
-Please [email us]( if you need any help.
+Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**batch_generate_pdf**](docs/ | **POST** /templates/{template_id}/submissions/batch | Generates multiple PDFs
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**combine_submissions**](docs/ | **POST** /combined_submissions | Merge generated PDFs together
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**expire_combined_submission**](docs/ | **DELETE** /combined_submissions/{combined_submission_id} | Expire a combined submission
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**expire_submission**](docs/ | **DELETE** /submissions/{submission_id} | Expire a PDF submission
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**generate_pdf**](docs/ | **POST** /templates/{template_id}/submissions | Generates a new PDF
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**get_combined_submission**](docs/ | **GET** /combined_submissions/{combined_submission_id} | Check the status of a combined submission (merged PDFs)
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**get_submission**](docs/ | **GET** /submissions/{submission_id} | Check the status of a PDF
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**get_templates**](docs/ | **GET** /templates | Get a list of all templates
+*FormAPI::PDFApi* | [**test_authentication**](docs/ | **GET** /authentication | Test Authentication
-## Development
+## Documentation for Models
-The majority of the code in this repo is generated using swagger-codegen.
-You can modify this file and regenerate the client using `scripts/generate`.
+ - [FormAPI::CreateCombinedSubmissionBody](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::CreateSubmissionBatchBody](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::CreateSubmissionBody](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse200](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse2001](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse201](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse2011](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse201CombinedSubmission](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse400](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse401](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::InlineResponse422](docs/
+ - [FormAPI::TemplatestemplateIdsubmissionsbatchSubmission](docs/
-## Release Process
+## Documentation for Authorization
-1. Pull latest master
-2. Merge feature branch(es) into master
-3. `script/test`
-4. Increment version in code:
- - `swagger-config.json`
- - `lib/formapi/version.rb`
-5. Update [](
-6. Commit "Release version vX.Y.Z"
-7. `rake release`
-8. Verify package release at
-9. Refresh documentation on
+### api_token_basic
-## Version Policy
+- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
-This library follows [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0](