app/views/containers/steps/configuration.html.erb in foreman_docker-0.1.0 vs app/views/containers/steps/configuration.html.erb in foreman_docker-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,18 @@
<%= render :layout => 'title', :locals => { :step => 3 } do %>
<%= form_for @container, :url => wizard_path, :method => :put do |f| %>
<h3><%= _("Basic options") %></h3>
<%= text_f f, :name, :size => 'col-md-4' %>
<%= text_f f, :command, :size => 'col-md-4' %>
- <%= text_f f, :entrypoint, :size => 'col-md-4' %>
+ <%= text_f f, :entrypoint, :size => 'col-md-4', :placeholder => '/bin/sh -c by default' %>
<h3><%= _("Compute options") %></h3>
- <%= selectable_f f, :cpu_set, 1..f.object.compute_resource.max_cpu_count, { }, :class => "col-md-2", :label => _('Cores') %>
- <%= text_f f, :cpu_shares, :class => "col-md-2", :label => _('CPU shares') %>
- <%= selectable_f f, :memory, memory_options(f.object.compute_resource.max_memory), { }, :class => "col-md-2", :label => _('Memory') %>
+ <%= text_f f, :cpu_set, :class => "col-md-2", :label => _('CPU sets'),
+ :placeholder => '0-2,16 represents CPUs 0, 1, 2, and 16.',
+ :help_block => link_to(_("learn more about CPU sets"), '') %>
+ <%= text_f f, :cpu_shares, :class => "col-md-2", :label => _('CPU shares'),
+ :placeholder => 'relative share of CPU time in cgroup',
+ :help_block => link_to(_("learn more about CPU shares"), '') %>
+ <%= text_f f, :memory, :class => "col-md-2", :label => _('Memory'), :placeholder => '512m limits container memory usage to 512 MB' %>
<%= render :partial => 'form_buttons' %>
<% end %>
<% end %>