.rubocop_todo.yml in foreman-tasks-0.10.9 vs .rubocop_todo.yml in foreman-tasks-0.11.0

- old
+ new

@@ -1,117 +1,136 @@ # This configuration was generated by -# `rubocop --auto-gen-config --exclude-limit 0` -# on 2017-12-20 11:41:34 +0100 using RuboCop version 0.49.1. +# `rubocop --auto-gen-config` +# on 2016-12-21 14:29:23 +0200 using RuboCop version 0.46.0. # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. -# Offense count: 1 -# Cop supports --auto-correct. -# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. -# SupportedStyles: final_newline, final_blank_line -Layout/TrailingBlankLines: - Enabled: false - -# Offense count: 1 Lint/EmptyWhen: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'app/lib/actions/proxy_action.rb' -# Offense count: 2 +Lint/ShadowingOuterLocalVariable: + Exclude: + - 'bin/dynflow-executor' + Lint/UselessAssignment: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/tasks/export_tasks.rake' -# Offense count: 32 Metrics/AbcSize: Max: 41 -# Offense count: 15 -# Configuration parameters: CountComments, ExcludedMethods. +# Configuration parameters: CountComments. Metrics/BlockLength: Max: 105 -# Offense count: 12 # Configuration parameters: CountComments. Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 230 -# Offense count: 9 Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity: - Max: 9 + Max: 10 -# Offense count: 453 # Configuration parameters: AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes, IgnoreCopDirectives, IgnoredPatterns. # URISchemes: http, https Metrics/LineLength: - Max: 211 + Max: 244 -# Offense count: 51 # Configuration parameters: CountComments. Metrics/MethodLength: - Max: 29 + Max: 37 -# Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: CountComments. Metrics/ModuleLength: - Max: 168 + Max: 170 -# Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: CountKeywordArgs. Metrics/ParameterLists: Max: 6 -# Offense count: 4 Metrics/PerceivedComplexity: - Max: 9 + Max: 10 -# Offense count: 4 -# Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: Include. -# Include: spec/**/*, test/**/* +# Include: app/**/*.rb, config/**/*.rb, lib/**/*.rb +Rails/Exit: + Exclude: + - 'lib/**/*.rake' + Rails/HttpPositionalArguments: Enabled: false -# Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: Include. # Include: app/**/*.rb, config/**/*.rb, db/**/*.rb, lib/**/*.rb Rails/Output: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/cleaner.rb' -# Offense count: 5 Rails/OutputSafety: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'app/helpers/foreman_tasks/foreman_tasks_helper.rb' -# Offense count: 11 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. # SupportedStyles: nested, compact Style/ClassAndModuleChildren: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'app/lib/actions/action_with_sub_plans.rb' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/task/dynflow_task.rb' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/task/status_explicator.rb' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/task/summarizer.rb' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/task/task_cancelled_exception.rb' + - 'app/models/setting/foreman_tasks.rb' + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/dynflow/configuration.rb' + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/dynflow/console_authorizer.rb' + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/dynflow/persistence.rb' + - 'test/controllers/api/recurring_logics_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/controllers/api/tasks_controller_test.rb' + - 'test/unit/actions/action_with_sub_plans_test.rb' -# Offense count: 2 Style/DoubleNegation: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/lock.rb' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/recurring_logic.rb' -# Offense count: 31 +# Configuration parameters: ExpectMatchingDefinition, Regex, IgnoreExecutableScripts. +Naming/FileName: + Exclude: + - 'db/seeds.d/20-foreman_tasks_permissions.rb' + - 'db/seeds.d/60-dynflow_proxy_feature.rb' + - 'db/seeds.d/61-foreman_tasks_bookmarks.rb' + - 'lib/foreman-tasks.rb' + +# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles. +# SupportedStyles: format, sprintf, percent +Style/FormatString: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/task/dynflow_task.rb' + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/tasks/export_tasks.rake' + # Configuration parameters: MinBodyLength. Style/GuardClause: Enabled: false -# Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: NamePrefix, NamePrefixBlacklist, NameWhitelist. # NamePrefix: is_, has_, have_ # NamePrefixBlacklist: is_, has_, have_ # NameWhitelist: is_a? -Style/PredicateName: - Enabled: false +Naming/PredicateName: + Exclude: + - 'spec/**/*' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/task/status_explicator.rb' -# Offense count: 1 # Cop supports --auto-correct. -Style/RedundantSelf: - Enabled: false - -# Offense count: 1 -# Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, SupportedStyles, AllowInnerSlashes. # SupportedStyles: slashes, percent_r, mixed Style/RegexpLiteral: - Enabled: false + Exclude: + - 'lib/foreman_tasks/dynflow/console_authorizer.rb' + +# Configuration parameters: Methods. +# Methods: {"reduce"=>["acc", "elem"]}, {"inject"=>["acc", "elem"]} +Style/SingleLineBlockParams: + Exclude: + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/concerns/action_subject.rb' + - 'app/models/foreman_tasks/lock.rb'