lib/fog/oraclecloud/requests/database/create_instance.rb in fog-oraclecloud-0.1.12 vs lib/fog/oraclecloud/requests/database/create_instance.rb in fog-oraclecloud-0.1.13
- old
+ new
@@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
-module Fog
- module OracleCloud
- class Database
- class Real
- def create_instance(config, options)
- parameters ={|key, value| [:admin_password, :backup_destination, :charset, :cloud_storage_container, :cloud_storage_pwd, :cloud_storage_user, :cloud_storage_if_missing, :disaster_recovery, :failover_database, :golden_gate, :is_rac, :ncharset, :pdb_name, :sid, :timezone, :usable_storage, :create_storage_container_if_missing].include?(key)}
- params = {
- 'type' => 'db'
- }
- parameters.each { |key, value|
- if !value.nil? then
- if key == :cloud_storage_container then
- if !value.start_with?("Storage-") then
- value = "Storage-#{@identity_domain}/#{value}"
- end
- end
- new_key = key.to_s.split('_').collect(&:capitalize).join
- new_key = new_key[0,1].downcase + new_key[1..-1]
- params[new_key] = value
- end
- }
- body_data = {
- 'serviceName' => config[:service_name],
- 'version' => config[:version],
- 'level' => config[:level],
- 'edition' => config[:edition],
- 'subscriptionType' => config[:subscription_type],
- 'description' => config[:description],
- 'shape' => config[:shape],
- 'vmPublicKeyText' => config[:ssh_key],
- 'parameters' => [params]
- }
- body_data = body_data.reject {|key, value| value.nil?}
- request(
- :method => 'POST',
- :expects => 202,
- :path => "/paas/service/dbcs/api/v1.1/instances/#{@identity_domain}",
- :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body_data),
- #:headers => {
- # 'Content-Type'=>'application/'
- #}
- )
- end
- end
- class Mock
- def create_instance(config, options)
- response =
- job_id = rand(10000).to_s
- data = {
- 'serviceName' => config[:service_name],
- 'shape' => config[:shape],
- 'edition' => config[:edition],
- 'version' => config[:version],
- 'status' => 'Starting Provisioning', # Not a valid status, but we use it to simulate the time that the Oracle Cloud takes to add this to the list of instances
- 'charset' => 'AL32UTF8',
- 'ncharset' => 'AL16UTF16',
- 'pdbName' => 'pdb1', # Note this is only valid for 12c instances. Too hard to fix for mocking
- 'timezone' => 'UTC',
- 'creation_job_id' => job_id,
- 'totalSharedStorage' => options[:usable_storage],
- 'domainName' => @identity_domain,
- 'creation_date'=>'%Y-%b-%dT%H:%M:%S'),
- 'serviceType'=>'DBaaS',
- 'creator'=>@username
- }
- .merge( {|key, value| [:description, :level, :subscription_type].include?(key) })
- .merge( {|key, value| [:backup_destination, :failover_database, :cloud_storage_container, :is_rac, :ncharset, :pdb_name, :sid, :timezone].include?(key) })
-[:instances][config[:service_name]] = data
-[:created_at][config[:service_name]] =
- # Also create some compute nodes
- node = {
- "status"=>"Running",
- "creation_job_id"=>"5495118",
- "creation_time"=>"Tue Jun 28 23:52:45 UTC 2016",
- "created_by"=>"dbaasadmin",
- "shape"=>"oc4",
- "sid"=>"ORCL1",
- "pdbName"=>"PDB1",
- "listenerPort"=> 1521,
- "connect_descriptor"=>"(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db12c-xp-rac2)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db12c-xp-rac1)(PORT=1521))(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(FAILOVER=ON))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=PDB1.usexample.oraclecloud.internal)))",
- "connect_descriptor_with_public_ip"=>"(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=",
- "initialPrimary"=> true,
- "storageAllocated"=> 97280,
- "reservedIP"=>"",
- "hostname"=>"db12c-xp-rac1"
- }
-[:servers][config[:service_name]] = [node]
- response.headers['Location'] = "{@identity_domain}/status/create/job/#{job_id}"
- response.status = 202
- response
- end
- end
- end
- end
+module Fog
+ module OracleCloud
+ class Database
+ class Real
+ def create_instance(config, options)
+ parameters ={|key, value| [:admin_password, :backup_destination, :charset, :cloud_storage_container, :cloud_storage_pwd, :cloud_storage_user, :cloud_storage_if_missing, :disaster_recovery, :failover_database, :golden_gate, :is_rac, :ncharset, :pdb_name, :sid, :timezone, :usable_storage, :create_storage_container_if_missing].include?(key)}
+ params = {
+ 'type' => 'db'
+ }
+ parameters.each { |key, value|
+ if !value.nil? then
+ if key == :cloud_storage_container then
+ if !value.start_with?("Storage-") then
+ value = "Storage-#{@identity_domain}/#{value}"
+ end
+ end
+ new_key = key.to_s.split('_').collect(&:capitalize).join
+ new_key = new_key[0,1].downcase + new_key[1..-1]
+ params[new_key] = value
+ end
+ }
+ body_data = {
+ 'serviceName' => config[:service_name],
+ 'version' => config[:version],
+ 'level' => config[:level],
+ 'edition' => config[:edition],
+ 'subscriptionType' => config[:subscription_type],
+ 'description' => config[:description],
+ 'shape' => config[:shape],
+ 'vmPublicKeyText' => config[:ssh_key],
+ 'parameters' => [params]
+ }
+ body_data = body_data.reject {|key, value| value.nil?}
+ request(
+ :method => 'POST',
+ :expects => 202,
+ :path => "/paas/service/dbcs/api/v1.1/instances/#{@identity_domain}",
+ :body => Fog::JSON.encode(body_data),
+ #:headers => {
+ # 'Content-Type'=>'application/'
+ #}
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ class Mock
+ def create_instance(config, options)
+ response =
+ job_id = rand(10000).to_s
+ data = {
+ 'serviceName' => config[:service_name],
+ 'shape' => config[:shape],
+ 'edition' => config[:edition],
+ 'version' => config[:version],
+ 'status' => 'Starting Provisioning', # Not a valid status, but we use it to simulate the time that the Oracle Cloud takes to add this to the list of instances
+ 'charset' => 'AL32UTF8',
+ 'ncharset' => 'AL16UTF16',
+ 'pdbName' => 'pdb1', # Note this is only valid for 12c instances. Too hard to fix for mocking
+ 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+ 'creation_job_id' => job_id,
+ 'totalSharedStorage' => options[:usable_storage],
+ 'domainName' => @identity_domain,
+ 'creation_date'=>'%Y-%b-%dT%H:%M:%S'),
+ 'serviceType'=>'DBaaS',
+ 'creator'=>@username
+ }
+ .merge( {|key, value| [:description, :level, :subscription_type].include?(key) })
+ .merge( {|key, value| [:backup_destination, :failover_database, :cloud_storage_container, :is_rac, :ncharset, :pdb_name, :sid, :timezone].include?(key) })
+[:instances][config[:service_name]] = data
+[:created_at][config[:service_name]] =
+ # Also create some compute nodes
+ node = {
+ "status"=>"Running",
+ "creation_job_id"=>"5495118",
+ "creation_time"=>"Tue Jun 28 23:52:45 UTC 2016",
+ "created_by"=>"dbaasadmin",
+ "shape"=>"oc4",
+ "sid"=>"ORCL1",
+ "pdbName"=>"PDB1",
+ "listenerPort"=> 1521,
+ "connect_descriptor"=>"(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db12c-xp-rac2)(PORT=1521))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=db12c-xp-rac1)(PORT=1521))(LOAD_BALANCE=ON)(FAILOVER=ON))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=PDB1.usexample.oraclecloud.internal)))",
+ "connect_descriptor_with_public_ip"=>"(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=",
+ "initialPrimary"=> true,
+ "storageAllocated"=> 97280,
+ "reservedIP"=>"",
+ "hostname"=>"db12c-xp-rac1"
+ }
+[:servers][config[:service_name]] = [node]
+ response.headers['Location'] = "{@identity_domain}/status/create/job/#{job_id}"
+ response.status = 202
+ response
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end