examples/create_instance.rb in fog-google-1.6.0 vs examples/create_instance.rb in fog-google-1.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,58 +1,73 @@
# All examples presume that you have a ~/.fog credentials file set up.
# More info on it can be found here: http://fog.io/about/getting_started.html
require "bundler"
Bundler.require(:default, :development)
-# Uncomment this if you want to make real requests to GCE (you _will_ be billed!)
-# WebMock.disable!
-def test
+def example
+ p "Connecting to Google API"
connection = Fog::Compute.new(:provider => "Google")
+ p "Creating disk"
disk = connection.disks.create(
:name => "fog-smoke-test-#{Time.now.to_i}",
:size_gb => 10,
:zone => "us-central1-f",
- :source_image => "debian-8-jessie-v20180329"
+ :source_image => "debian-9-stretch-v20180611"
+ p "Waiting for disk to be ready"
disk.wait_for { disk.ready? }
+ p "Creating a server"
server = connection.servers.create(
:name => "fog-smoke-test-#{Time.now.to_i}",
:disks => [disk],
:machine_type => "n1-standard-1",
:private_key_path => File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa"),
:public_key_path => File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"),
:zone => "us-central1-f",
+ # Will be simplified, see https://github.com/fog/fog-google/issues/360
+ :network_interfaces => [{ :network => "global/networks/default",
+ :access_configs => [{
+ :name => "External NAT",
+ :type => "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
+ }] }],
:username => ENV["USER"],
+ :metadata => { :items => [{ :key => "foo", :value => "bar" }] },
:tags => ["fog"],
:service_accounts => { :scopes => %w(sql-admin bigquery https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute) }
- # Wait_for routine copied here to show errors, if necessary.
- duration = 0
- interval = 5
- timeout = 600
- start = Time.now
- until server.sshable? || duration > timeout
- # puts duration
- # puts " ----- "
+ p "Waiting for server to be ready"
+ # .sshable? requires 'net-ssh' gem to be added to the gemfile
+ begin
+ duration = 0
+ interval = 5
+ timeout = 600
+ start = Time.now
+ until server.sshable? || duration > timeout
+ puts duration
+ puts " ----- "
- server.reload
+ server.reload
- # p "ready?: #{server.ready?}"
- # p "public_ip_address: #{server.public_ip_address.inspect}"
- # p "public_key: #{server.public_key.inspect}"
- # p "metadata: #{server.metadata.inspect}"
- # p "sshable?: #{server.sshable?}"
+ p "ready?: #{server.ready?}"
+ p "public_ip_address: #{server.public_ip_address.inspect}"
+ p "public_key: #{server.public_key.inspect}"
+ p "metadata: #{server.metadata.inspect}"
+ p "sshable?: #{server.sshable?}"
- sleep(interval.to_f)
- duration = Time.now - start
+ sleep(interval.to_f)
+ duration = Time.now - start
+ end
+ raise "Could not bootstrap sshable server." unless server.ssh("whoami")
+ rescue NameError
+ server.wait_for { ready? }
- raise "Could not bootstrap sshable server." unless server.ssh("whoami")
+ p "Deleting server"
raise "Could not delete server." unless server.destroy