lib/fog/aws.rb in fog-aws-0.1.1 vs lib/fog/aws.rb in fog-aws-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,209 @@
-require 'fog/aws/version'
+require 'fog/core'
+require 'fog/xml'
+require 'fog/json'
+require File.expand_path('../aws/version', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../aws/credential_fetcher', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../aws/region_methods', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../aws/signaturev4', __FILE__)
module Fog
- module AWS
+ module CDN
+ autoload :AWS, File.expand_path('../aws/cdn', __FILE__)
-require 'fog/aws/core'
+ module Compute
+ autoload :AWS, File.expand_path('../aws/compute', __FILE__)
+ end
-require 'fog/aws/auto_scaling'
-require 'fog/aws/beanstalk'
-require 'fog/aws/cdn'
-require 'fog/aws/cloud_formation'
-require 'fog/aws/cloud_watch'
-require 'fog/aws/compute'
-require 'fog/aws/data_pipeline'
-require 'fog/aws/dns'
-require 'fog/aws/dynamodb'
-require 'fog/aws/elasticache'
-require 'fog/aws/elb'
-require 'fog/aws/emr'
-require 'fog/aws/federation'
-require 'fog/aws/glacier'
-require 'fog/aws/iam'
-require 'fog/aws/rds'
-require 'fog/aws/redshift'
-require 'fog/aws/ses'
-require 'fog/aws/simpledb'
-require 'fog/aws/sns'
-require 'fog/aws/sqs'
-require 'fog/aws/storage'
-require 'fog/aws/sts'
+ module DNS
+ autoload :AWS, File.expand_path('../aws/dns', __FILE__)
+ end
+ module Storage
+ autoload :AWS, File.expand_path('../aws/storage', __FILE__)
+ end
+ module AWS
+ extend Fog::Provider
+ autoload :Mock, File.expand_path('../aws/mock', __FILE__)
+ autoload :Errors, File.expand_path('../aws/errors', __FILE__)
+ # Services
+ autoload :AutoScaling, File.expand_path('../aws/auto_scaling', __FILE__)
+ autoload :ElasticBeanstalk, File.expand_path('../aws/beanstalk', __FILE__)
+ autoload :CloudFormation, File.expand_path('../aws/cloud_formation', __FILE__)
+ autoload :CloudWatch, File.expand_path('../aws/cloud_watch', __FILE__)
+ autoload :DataPipeline, File.expand_path('../aws/data_pipeline', __FILE__)
+ autoload :DynamoDB, File.expand_path('../aws/dynamodb', __FILE__)
+ autoload :Elasticache, File.expand_path('../aws/elasticache', __FILE__)
+ autoload :ELB, File.expand_path('../aws/elb', __FILE__)
+ autoload :EMR, File.expand_path('../aws/emr', __FILE__)
+ autoload :Federation, File.expand_path('../aws/federation', __FILE__)
+ autoload :Glacier, File.expand_path('../aws/glacier', __FILE__)
+ autoload :IAM, File.expand_path('../aws/iam', __FILE__)
+ autoload :RDS, File.expand_path('../aws/rds', __FILE__)
+ autoload :Redshift, File.expand_path('../aws/redshift', __FILE__)
+ autoload :SES, File.expand_path('../aws/ses', __FILE__)
+ autoload :SimpleDB, File.expand_path('../aws/simpledb', __FILE__)
+ autoload :SNS, File.expand_path('../aws/sns', __FILE__)
+ autoload :SQS, File.expand_path('../aws/sqs', __FILE__)
+ autoload :STS, File.expand_path('../aws/sts', __FILE__)
+ service(:auto_scaling, 'AutoScaling')
+ service(:beanstalk, 'ElasticBeanstalk')
+ service(:cdn, 'CDN')
+ service(:compute, 'Compute')
+ service(:cloud_formation, 'CloudFormation')
+ service(:cloud_watch, 'CloudWatch')
+ service(:data_pipeline, 'DataPipeline')
+ service(:dynamodb, 'DynamoDB')
+ service(:dns, 'DNS')
+ service(:elasticache, 'Elasticache')
+ service(:elb, 'ELB')
+ service(:emr, 'EMR')
+ service(:federation, 'Federation')
+ service(:glacier, 'Glacier')
+ service(:iam, 'IAM')
+ service(:rds, 'RDS')
+ service(:redshift, 'Redshift')
+ service(:ses, 'SES')
+ service(:simpledb, 'SimpleDB')
+ service(:sns, 'SNS')
+ service(:sqs, 'SQS')
+ service(:sts, 'STS')
+ service(:storage, 'Storage')
+ def self.indexed_param(key, values)
+ params = {}
+ unless key.include?('%d')
+ key << '.%d'
+ end
+ [*values].each_with_index do |value, index|
+ if value.respond_to?('keys')
+ k = format(key, index + 1)
+ value.each do | vkey, vvalue |
+ params["#{k}.#{vkey}"] = vvalue
+ end
+ else
+ params[format(key, index + 1)] = value
+ end
+ end
+ params
+ end
+ def self.serialize_keys(key, value, options = {})
+ case value
+ when Hash
+ value.each do | k, v |
+ options.merge!(serialize_keys("#{key}.#{k}", v))
+ end
+ return options
+ when Array
+ value.each_with_index do | it, idx |
+ options.merge!(serialize_keys("#{key}.member.#{(idx + 1)}", it))
+ end
+ return options
+ else
+ return {key => value}
+ end
+ end
+ def self.indexed_request_param(name, values)
+ idx = -1
+ Array(values).reduce({}) do |params, value|
+ params["#{name}.#{idx += 1}"] = value
+ params
+ end
+ end
+ def self.indexed_filters(filters)
+ params = {}
+ filters.keys.each_with_index do |key, key_index|
+ key_index += 1
+ params[format('Filter.%d.Name', key_index)] = key
+ [*filters[key]].each_with_index do |value, value_index|
+ value_index += 1
+ params[format('Filter.%d.Value.%d', key_index, value_index)] = value
+ end
+ end
+ params
+ end
+ def self.escape(string)
+ string.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_.\-~]+)/) {
+ "%" + $1.unpack("H2" * $1.bytesize).join("%").upcase
+ }
+ end
+ def self.signed_params_v4(params, headers, options={})
+ date =
+ params = params.merge('Version' => options[:version])
+ headers = headers.merge('Host' => options[:host], 'x-amz-date' => date.to_iso8601_basic)
+ headers['x-amz-security-token'] = options[:aws_session_token] if options[:aws_session_token]
+ body = ''
+ for key in params.keys.sort
+ unless (value = params[key]).nil?
+ body << "#{key}=#{escape(value.to_s)}&"
+ end
+ end
+ body.chop!
+ headers['Authorization'] = options[:signer].sign({:method => options[:method], :headers => headers, :body => body, :query => {}, :path => options[:path]}, date)
+ return body, headers
+ end
+ def self.signed_params(params, options = {})
+ params.merge!({
+ 'AWSAccessKeyId' => options[:aws_access_key_id],
+ 'SignatureMethod' => 'HmacSHA256',
+ 'SignatureVersion' => '2',
+ 'Timestamp' =>"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
+ 'Version' => options[:version]
+ })
+ params.merge!({
+ 'SecurityToken' => options[:aws_session_token]
+ }) if options[:aws_session_token]
+ body = ''
+ for key in params.keys.sort
+ unless (value = params[key]).nil?
+ body << "#{key}=#{escape(value.to_s)}&"
+ end
+ end
+ string_to_sign = "POST\n#{options[:host]}:#{options[:port]}\n#{options[:path]}\n" << body.chop
+ signed_string = options[:hmac].sign(string_to_sign)
+ body << "Signature=#{escape(Base64.encode64(signed_string).chomp!)}"
+ body
+ end
+ def self.parse_security_group_options(group_name, options)
+ options ||=
+ if group_name.is_a?(Hash)
+ options = group_name
+ elsif group_name
+ if options.key?('GroupName')
+ raise Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, 'Arguments specified both group_name and GroupName in options'
+ end
+ options = options.clone
+ options['GroupName'] = group_name
+ end
+ name_specified = options.key?('GroupName') && !options['GroupName'].nil?
+ group_id_specified = options.key?('GroupId') && !options['GroupId'].nil?
+ unless name_specified || group_id_specified
+ raise Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, 'Neither GroupName nor GroupId specified'
+ end
+ if name_specified && group_id_specified
+ options.delete('GroupName')
+ end
+ options
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file